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There's a foreign company here that exports capsules of mangosteen, noni (Indian Mulberry), amalaki, jiaogulan and moringa. They use a high tech freeze drying process that preserves the enzymes better than grinding methods.

That's stuff's great! The people who eat it never die! Ever!

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That's stuff's great! The people who eat it never die! Ever!

Thanks for the exclamation marks. I might have missed the heavy sarcasm and straw man

without them. I do not want to live forever, at least not in this incarnation, but I do want a deep, restful

sleep without waking up having to reach for my inhaler, and the mangosteen and noni capsules seem to

help with that. Please ask Mr. Google about mangosteen rinds' anti-inflammatory properties, and the calming

effect of mangosteen and noni.

Or don't, but just realize that some of us need a little more help than you do.

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Broccoli is almost at the top of the list for having the greatest amounts of anti-oxidants. Broccoli. Broccoli? Yeah, broccoli.

Garlic comes right after broccoli for anti-oxidants. How come I never see anybody selling Broccoli juice? Or Broccoli/Garlic cocktails? I mean, come on! If we're going to be healthy though the ingestion of anti-oxidants, let's eat the ones that top the list. Broccoli!

We need some marketing whiz to come up with an exotic name so it will sell. Look what the name 'Hagen Daz' did for an ordinary American ice cream. Folks thought it was some European wonder desert and were willing to spend 5x the price for an ice cream bar because the name was Hagan Daz... Plain ol' American ice cream. Good quality, true, but no higher than several other quality ice creams with ordinary names...

Let's give broccoli the accolades it deserves! I wonder if Hawaiian broccoli is better for you than Peruvian broccoli? Hmmmmm.....

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Where does broccoli in Thailand come from? I love it, but worry about pesticides in Thailand, washing in white vinegar is supposed to help get rid of it

The top five broccoli-producing countries are, in order, China, India, Spain, Italy, and France. China produces over 8,000,000 metric tons of the stuff, up over 1,000,000 metric tons from the year before. Probably because of the demand for anti-oxidants. Being closer to Thailand, I'd guess (and it IS just a guess) that this is where most of it is shipped in from.

I wash mine in Hollandaise Sauce. It doesn't remove the pesticides as well as vinegar, but tastes a lot better. Vinegar is an excellent solvent for cleaning epoxy resin and hardener, and great for cleaning glass, and 'may' help remove "topical" pesticides, but nothing is going to remove chemicals that have been absorbed into the plant's florets themselves. I can't find any 'factual' (rather than 'anecdotal' ) information about the use of vinegar as a solvent for pesticides, but it was popular in Grandma's day for such use.

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