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Ladies Tied To The Bar By Contract?


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Talking to a friend last night and I cannot remember how the topic came about but he said the ladies who work in a bar are tied to that bar by a contract that they have to pay to be able to leave the bar. Apparently one bar charges them 7000 Baht to leave and another 5000 Baht.

Is this correct and if so, is it enforced?

Presuming they are bound by a contract I cannot see why they cannot simply walk away from the bar if they so wish and go home. Or are these contracts to stop them going off to work in a nearby bar, or even walking off with a new (b/f).?

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Bargirl talk is for stickman's email and pattay forums

who sez.....you!

OP. most bars it is kind of a work contract.. basically the daily bar fine.. most girls do get a small salary and its to compensate the bar for that if they have days of etc. But i have never heard of a cancellation fee.

Edited by thaicbr
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I think this would only happen in the larger bars/go-gos, I certainly have never heard of the girls signing contracts of employment in the smaller bars. Seems to me like compensation for the bar if the girls get "poached" or run off with a new boyfriend as stated by posters earlier.

This should obviously not be confused with bar fines as it is the next level up from that,

As for the legal aspects of a clause such as this in a work contract, I will leave that to the people who know, a few of which are members of this forum.

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As for the legal aspects of a clause such as this in a work contract, I will leave that to the people who know, a few of which are members of this forum.

The legal aspects probably involve a few Thai guys willing to break arms.

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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

dodgy school your GF works at.

Then most schools are dodgy here. The only part my gf says is different than most is the buy out clause. Most schools only charge 30,000 baht. But most schools pay less for starting wages than her school.

The school is owned by a woman judge and her husband is a lawyer would you care to let them now your feelings.

Edited by lovelomsak
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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

dodgy school your GF works at.

Then most schools are dodgy here. The only part my gf says is different than most is the buy out clause. Most schools only charge 30,000 baht. But most schools pay less for starting wages than her school.

The school is owned by a woman judge and her husband is a lawyer would you care to let them now your feelings.

All the more reason the school may be dodgy. 555

" The school is owned by a woman judge and her husband is a lawyer would you care to let them now your feelings. "

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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

dodgy school your GF works at.

Then most schools are dodgy here. The only part my gf says is different than most is the buy out clause. Most schools only charge 30,000 baht. But most schools pay less for starting wages than her school.

The school is owned by a woman judge and her husband is a lawyer would you care to let them now your feelings.

Your Gf works there not me. I really dont care.

Most schools DO NOT charge to break a contract. They may deduct a months salary which is relatively normal contract clause.

And the fact its owned by a judge and lawyer means nothing. Other than they know they will get away with it.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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I'd like to say this is not a topic about bar fines here. That is a different matter entirely. This is about contracts, so can we stay on the contract topic please?

So these 'contracts' do exist. Legally or otherwise.

I have to admit I have no idea if they are written contract or simply a verbal agreement. The bars near where we drink are quite small. No go-go bars within walking distance.

Considering these ladies get paid 3000 a month with accommodation and food thrown in, 5000 would be the equivalent of 6 weeks wages.

Obviously they are small amounts for us foreigners to pay but it is a lot to a Thai on low wages.

I can see that some small bars with lower wages might have difficulty getting new staff as opposed to large bars or go-go bars, so these small bars might feel the need to tie their ladies down and be compensated.

Yet as a lady working in a bar you would also expect some freedom of movement. It is not exactly a highly skilled job in many cases where they have had to train to do the work.

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I'd like to say this is not a topic about bar fines here. That is a different matter entirely. This is about contracts, so can we stay on the contract topic please?

So these 'contracts' do exist. Legally or otherwise.

I have to admit I have no idea if they are written contract or simply a verbal agreement. The bars near where we drink are quite small. No go-go bars within walking distance.

Considering these ladies get paid 3000 a month with accommodation and food thrown in, 5000 would be the equivalent of 6 weeks wages.

Obviously they are small amounts for us foreigners to pay but it is a lot to a Thai on low wages.

I can see that some small bars with lower wages might have difficulty getting new staff as opposed to large bars or go-go bars, so these small bars might feel the need to tie their ladies down and be compensated.

Yet as a lady working in a bar you would also expect some freedom of movement. It is not exactly a highly skilled job in many cases where they have had to train to do the work.

I would also guess that it would be hard to enforce any contract. If the girl meets a guy and wants to leave, what can be done? The bar owners aren't likely to scour the countryside for them.

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But does the school (or the bar) need to pay compensation to the employee if it fires him or her ?

But does the school (or the bar) need to pay compensation to the employee if it fires him or her ?

I enquired about that to because i saw getting yourself fired was an easier way out. My gf explained if the school could show good cause e.g." missing a lot of work", " not doing all the duties" the school could still insist on the compensation payable.

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The rule in Paradise (the playground for elderly gay foreigners) in Patong is that to take a barboy it requires a payment of 30,000 baht to the bar operator. it is not compensation for the loss of the prostitute as impoverished boys/men are easily found. Rather, it is a finder's fee for providing the money boy that will fulfill the foreigner's desires for coupled bliss. This money is not refundable after the relationship ends within the next 2 years. In respect to some of the girlie bars, it is more difficult to enforce but it is not uncommon for bars to demand 10-40,000 baht depending upon the girl. Note that many of the bar operators lend money to the sex workers so that the workers become indebted and the payment is a way of breaking the servitude. All illegal, but carried on in the open under the watchful and accepting eyes of the local police and civic officials.

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Another Thai urban BG myth, usually instigated by a greedy mamasan and the girl herself as a way of extracting even more money from gullible farang.

And yes I have known people pay it, MUGS, the last one was a figure of 100k.

Not a myth. It has been enforced in patong with some nasty consequences.

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This topic is impossible to discuss without discussing the specifics of prostitution. Because there is no written contract. The amount is not determined by length or service or any other legal action. Anyone who knows anything about it would have learned by being involved in prostitution. Sorry guys but anyone who really knows can't say.

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This topic is impossible to discuss without discussing the specifics of prostitution. Because there is no written contract. The amount is not determined by length or service or any other legal action. Anyone who knows anything about it would have learned by being involved in prostitution. Sorry guys but anyone who really knows can't say.

In terms of the actual law (The Thai Labor Law) I have my doubts (but i'm not a lawyer) that a contract of employment can be issued which states that the employee cannot leave for a specific period of time.

Surely this would be seen as tantamount to enslaving people - which goes against all modern thinking and is strictly prohibited by various international treaties / human rights treaties, etc. And Thailand is a signatory to some, maybe all, of these international items.

What can be legal in some countries is a contract which says that an employee must reimburse the employer for costs of training, but usually with a time limit, and usually the employee must sign a declaration that they understand this matter before the specific training starts.

I just looked at the on-line version of the Thai labor law (i'm not a lawyer) but I can't find any sections which are close to this subject.

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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

but to add that no one honors the contracts and the possibility to sue someone is very theoretical.

If the contract would state: "if you run away a big dragon will come and bite you in the back" it would have the same legal consequences (non)

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It happens every where in Thailand not only bars. Contracts usually in other industries have a time clause in them. Most are for one year. At the end of the year the worker can either leave or sign a contract again.

My gf is a teacher. She gets an annual contract. If she wants to leave the school before the contract expires she must pay them 50,000 baht. Her monthly wage is 7,900 baht. So her cost to leave is over 6 months pay. The bar girls are getting off cheap. Also my gf has to pay 2% of her salary towards a lump sum she will get when she retires or leaves. But if she leaves before 5 years she gets nothing back. Bar girls donot have this problem. In addition each teacher must pay 2,000 baht anually to the school under the pretense of creating a credit rating for them, this is supposedly invested by the school to assist workers credit. I donot see how that works.

but to add that no one honors the contracts and the possibility to sue someone is very theoretical.

If the contract would state: "if you run away a big dragon will come and bite you in the back" it would have the same legal consequences (non)

I feel the same way as you. To get real results would be difficult.My understanding is in most cases they with hold income if any is owing and keep all the 2% invested plus as many of the 2000 as the teacher has paid into.

What is nasty is when a teacher still has time left on their contract, but gives notice to quit at end of contract. The director gives extra work to that teacher,more than they can do, before contract runs out. Things completely out of the teaching area of work. When the teacher cannot finish all these duties they refuse to pay her because she didnot complete her work. I saw one young woman, go 2 months without pay before the end of the year when her contract ran out. She never did get her money. All the other teachers were even helping her to complete the duties but it was impossible.

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A contact that includes illegal labor rules in unenforceable

You are absolutely right. But what does that have to do with clause referring to breaking the a legal contract?

How can a contract to employ prostitutes be legal?. I thought discussion of such was not allowed on here, who cares if these lowlifes have a contract or not.

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