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What Do You Do When The Poo Hits The Fan?


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Hey man, what is wrong with you?

You live in a buddhist country, you know, non materialist, love one another, taking care of others, and all that stuff.

Thank you for pointing that out, on the basis of personal observation its a conclusion I might not have been able to come to without your help.

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Must be nice to be from a country that will pick you up, wipe you nose, put you on the dole and give you free medical care if you stub your toe and come up broke somewhere in the world. Some might say that this is part of the problem with the UK. Me, I ain't a Brit, so I have to fend for myself. Always have, always will.

I find the precept for the OP to be a bit idiotic. Not the OP himself, but the bloke that has come up short and is borrowing money to get by. Who lets themselves get down to their last baht before realizing they are in deep shit?

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[Doesnt seem to apply to the africans ,somalies and iranians ect who seem to live there in big houses with lots of benifitsermm.gif

It applies (will be applied once enacted) to all people wishing to bring a spouse/dependent into the UK.

I can certainly see it happening for Brits who want to marry a Thai ect ,but to be honest the PC brigade will not allow it to stop immegrants from other countrys ,they will just jump off the back of a lorry in Dover and claim political asylum

Then there in is your plan B - If it is indeed that simple.

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Why is the best solution to go home and stop life by becoming a sole parent. Leave the wife and kid in Thailand, get back to where he can earn some money, rebuild and go back to LOS.

Just because his business went bust doesn't mean his life has to as well. Fighting on will only make him stronger and next time round he might do better.

OP lacks a bit of info, how old is the poor bugger? what are his skills?

Waste of a life to cling onto a fortnightly payment and a government house.

actually he is not that old only early 50s but i think his chances of starting over are slim as he has worked abroad for many years and with the way things are in the UK now he would be classed as over the hill so to speak , I feel sorry for the guy but i started this thread just to see how any of us would cope ,luckily myself although far from being "rich" we are comfortable

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[Doesnt seem to apply to the africans ,somalies and iranians ect who seem to live there in big houses with lots of benifitsermm.gif

It applies (will be applied once enacted) to all people wishing to bring a spouse/dependent into the UK.

I can certainly see it happening for Brits who want to marry a Thai ect ,but to be honest the PC brigade will not allow it to stop immegrants from other countrys ,they will just jump off the back of a lorry in Dover and claim political asylum

Then there in is your plan B - If it is indeed that simple.

seems to be for the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in Britain.

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Really, some people! The state benefits systems in the uk is an excellent idea that is unfortunately abused. When I've been in the uk I've worked and paid into the system and very rarely taken any out. However, I fully appreciated the knowledge that if my world came crashing down I would not be left homeless, penniless and hungry with a family to look after. The guy in the op's statement deserves some respect until we know he does not otherwise.

As for the whole foreigners get preferential treatment, most of this is complete garbage perpetuated by tabloid newspapers.

As the guy had a business here I doubt his new life plan is to sponge of the state, is it? To start a business you have to have a bit about yourself with goals and desires, so he sounds to me like the perfect candidate for someone to get state benefits. He tried, he run out luck and needs help until he can try again.

Why is he "the perfect candidate for someone to get state benefits"?

He started a business abroad - so presumably was not paying UK tax. Yet should be paid UK benefits so that he can try again, abroad?

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Hey man, what is wrong with you?

You live in a buddhist country, you know, non materialist, love one another, taking care of others, and all that stuff.

Thank you for pointing that out, on the basis of personal observation its a conclusion I might not have been able to come to without your help.

you're welcome.

any more advise needed?

other than "google sarcasm"?

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Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

Off topic, but i am insulted by your disdain for the profession of teacher.

I read nothing insulting or disdainful in the lovelomsak's post. Perhaps you are just a bit sensitive to your given profession.

There is a saying in that goes, "Those that can't do, teach". Then consider the history of farang teachers in Thailand and it sums it up nicely for me.

So I guess you are now doubly insulted and disdainful.

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A reminder.

Income requirements to support a spouse/dependent's visa to the UK - dam_n shame if that regulation caught out anyone who cheered its introduction.

So what would happen to a pensioner who wanted to return with his wife ,he could never qualify could he?

If he doesn't have sufficient income, no he would not qualify.

His wife, his responsibility, not the State's.

Hey man, what is wrong with you?

You live in a buddhist country, you know, non materialist, love one another, taking care of others, and all that stuff.

If you do not want to adopt to those ideas, why don't you go home?

I might be confusing 2 threads.

I might be confused by your posts.

And i don't find the sarcasm button.

Google "sarcasm" before you answer me?

My, you really are a rocket scientist, aren't you?

English is not your first language, is it?

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Aside from the flippent and useless comments of prevention is better than the cure which no doubt will come, from a personal level for yourself, use the story as a message to get your own shit sorted out. What can you do? Well, you struggle on, pick yourself up, do what ever you can to survive. It's a major concern when there are kids involved though. no simple answers except to prevent it happening in the first place. Oh, and sell everything you own.

I think the main thing is to keep a ultra careful eye on your finances,and try and estimate how long you can last,before putting an emergency plan into play,even if that plan means going back home. I can't think of a worse place to be destitute than Thailand.

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Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

Off topic, but i am insulted by your disdain for the profession of teacher.

I read nothing insulting or disdainful in the lovelomsak's post. Perhaps you are just a bit sensitive to your given profession.

There is a saying in that goes, "Those that can't do, teach". Then consider the history of farang teachers in Thailand and it sums it up nicely for me.

So I guess you are now doubly insulted and disdainful.

the saying continues: those who cannot teach, winge about teachers.

by the way, i am not a teacher

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I think people are putting too much thought into setting up in the UK under state funding. The truth is that if this man were to take this option he is likely to end up in a high rise flat living hand to mouth.

Far better to find work and provide for his family until he is on his feet again.

I agree the UK welfare system is soft however it might be a better option for an asylum seeker but not a UK national who is able and willing to work.

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Really, some people! The state benefits systems in the uk is an excellent idea that is unfortunately abused. When I've been in the uk I've worked and paid into the system and very rarely taken any out. However, I fully appreciated the knowledge that if my world came crashing down I would not be left homeless, penniless and hungry with a family to look after. The guy in the op's statement deserves some respect until we know he does not otherwise.

As for the whole foreigners get preferential treatment, most of this is complete garbage perpetuated by tabloid newspapers.

As the guy had a business here I doubt his new life plan is to sponge of the state, is it? To start a business you have to have a bit about yourself with goals and desires, so he sounds to me like the perfect candidate for someone to get state benefits. He tried, he run out luck and needs help until he can try again.

Why is he "the perfect candidate for someone to get state benefits"?

He started a business abroad - so presumably was not paying UK tax. Yet should be paid UK benefits so that he can try again, abroad?

If I have to explain it you would never understand.

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Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

Off topic, but i am insulted by your disdain for the profession of teacher.

I read nothing insulting or disdainful in the lovelomsak's post. Perhaps you are just a bit sensitive to your given profession.

There is a saying in that goes, "Those that can't do, teach". Then consider the history of farang teachers in Thailand and it sums it up nicely for me.

So I guess you are now doubly insulted and disdainful.

If it wasn't for a teacher, you would not be able to enter verbal fisticuffs here in TV..... Maybe we could start a new saying, based on that hoary old cliche..."Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. ....and (the new addition.. cue drum-roll)...............Those who can't teach make smartass comments about teachers in TV" whistling.gif

OK... I'll out myself now... I'm a teacher. Started in '73 and retiring in December. Say what you like about the job, I'll miss it....(and the long holidays and short hours, of course..)

Second saying, courtesy of thebletherer "Just sayin' " wai.gif

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Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

Off topic, but i am insulted by your disdain for the profession of teacher.

I read nothing insulting or disdainful in the lovelomsak's post. Perhaps you are just a bit sensitive to your given profession.

There is a saying in that goes, "Those that can't do, teach". Then consider the history of farang teachers in Thailand and it sums it up nicely for me.

So I guess you are now doubly insulted and disdainful.

If it wasn't for a teacher, you would not be able to enter verbal fisticuffs here in TV..... Maybe we could start a new saying, based on that hoary old cliche..."Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. ....and (the new addition.. cue drum-roll)...............Those who can't teach make smartass comments about teachers in TV" whistling.gif

OK... I'll out myself now... I'm a teacher. Started in '73 and retiring in December. Say what you like about the job, I'll miss it....(and the long holidays and short hours, of course..)

Second saying, courtesy of thebletherer "Just sayin' " wai.gif

Hey don't shoot the messenger. That is an old, old saying, but one that I believe in. You'll have to track down George Bernard Shaw and berate him for that little diddy which he penned in 1903.

The exact quote is: "He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."

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Why is the best solution to go home and stop life by becoming a sole parent. Leave the wife and kid in Thailand, get back to where he can earn some money, rebuild and go back to LOS.

Just because his business went bust doesn't mean his life has to as well. Fighting on will only make him stronger and next time round he might do better.

OP lacks a bit of info, how old is the poor bugger? what are his skills?

Waste of a life to cling onto a fortnightly payment and a government house.

actually he is not that old only early 50s but i think his chances of starting over are slim as he has worked abroad for many years and with the way things are in the UK now he would be classed as over the hill so to speak , I feel sorry for the guy but i started this thread just to see how any of us would cope ,luckily myself although far from being "rich" we are comfortable

I reckon in his 50's with a young child and a wife...no assets...no back up...I feel sorry for them sure but he is totally irresponsible to allow the situation to happen.

Borrowing money he can't repay....hmmm....I wouldn't lend him a satang I'm afraid.

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Hey don't shoot the messenger. That is an old, old saying, but one that I believe in. You'll have to track down George Bernard Shaw and berate him for that little diddy which he penned in 1903.

The exact quote is: "He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."

I bet you're glad a teacher helped you to learn to read...... lol.....

No danger of me shooting the messenger. After 40ish years of teaching, I'm like the constipated owl....couldn't give a sh hoot.

PS.... Spelling------- ditty, not diddy!! (Sorry.... old habits die hard!!) tongue.png

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Anyway.... to get back to the thread, whatever the cause of his predicament, I feel very sorry for the guy. I agree it seems a dangerous path to start borrowing to get out of the pit...it shows how desperate he is. There does not seem to be an easy way out for him, poor b*gger. Hope I never end up in his position.

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i still think reading through the thred that you have to get to a point, and say right ive got to get a job, weather it be back home or in thailand, i cant just sit here watching my money go,

in my opinion he should of packed up and gone and got a job in the uk long before it got to this state,

some are saying he must be clever to start a business, well it should of been cleverer to see that it was going tits up and got out, sorry if you think im being harsh,, just my thoughts,

and rob, some of the other talk about teachers,, yes , you was a teacher in england, good on yeh mate,

but others come here never had an interest in teaching, buy, i mean do the tefla or whatever its called or buy it in a bar, and are sudenly teachers,, that cant be right!!!!!

jake,,, working hard for a few weeks in england to pay for his and his familys future

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I hate debt, credit cards etc. I don't do them and no intention of starting now.

The number one thing, this guy has to do is call each of the people he owes money to and write down that until his financial cirmcumstances improve he cannot afford to meet his obligations. He then priorities his expenses.

1. Food

2. Rent/Mortgage

3. Bills

etc etc

Cut down food to essentials and shop around. If the rent does get paid, then he will be living in a cardboard box, so that is a priority. Bills can cut, save energy, dont use air conditioning etc.

Good luck to the man. If he is careful, he will bounce back, but the hard thing is stopping people repeating the same mistakes again and again.

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Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

Off topic, but i am insulted by your disdain for the profession of teacher.

I read nothing insulting or disdainful in the lovelomsak's post. Perhaps you are just a bit sensitive to your given profession.

There is a saying in that goes, "Those that can't do, teach". Then consider the history of farang teachers in Thailand and it sums it up nicely for me.

So I guess you are now doubly insulted and disdainful.

If it wasn't for a teacher, you would not be able to enter verbal fisticuffs here in TV..... Maybe we could start a new saying, based on that hoary old cliche..."Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. ....and (the new addition.. cue drum-roll)...............Those who can't teach make smartass comments about teachers in TV" whistling.gif

OK... I'll out myself now... I'm a teacher. Started in '73 and retiring in December. Say what you like about the job, I'll miss it....(and the long holidays and short hours, of course..)

Second saying, courtesy of thebletherer "Just sayin' " wai.gif

Hi sorry had to say something here. I cannot let Keysersoze01 take the flake for an attack at me. I cannot for the life of me see how nidieunmaitre saw anything in my post that was remotely close to making him or any teacher feel insulted or feel disdain .If people can read so much into so little perhaps this isnot a good place to expect intelligent talk. Appears to be more emotion than reason.

Edited by lovelomsak
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So I'm reading this thread and I find it amazing about the council houses. Like how if you are homeless and with a child, the State gives you a house to live in. It's kind of a different philosopy in the United States. If you are homeless and have a child, the State (actually child protective services) takes away your child because you are not responsible enough to properly care for it.

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So I'm reading this thread and I find it amazing about the council houses. Like how if you are homeless and with a child, the State gives you a house to live in. It's kind of a different philosopy in the United States. If you are homeless and have a child, the State (actually child protective services) takes away your child because you are not responsible enough to properly care for it.

They don't get a house, but they would be found somewhere to stay with a roof and some money in their pocket. Is there any safety net such as this in Thailand for Thai's?

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