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This Will Make You Laugh


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my dad came over to Thailand and we went eating.....we are both long nosed pinkis, not Thais.

The waiter in the shop thought that we are a gay couple (old man with his young boyfriend) and wanted to join crazy.gif

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I had a similar experience in Cambodia. My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas' that Khmer women are fond of and wore them to the beach in Snooky. She's a bit short, even by Thai standards (4' 9" on a good day) and was mistaken for a child by the majority of middle-aged westerners (mostly the women) at nearly every establishment.

The looks of disgust I got from them were memorable. Pure ignorance on a stick.

My girl clocked what was happening and played up to them, demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'. The onlookers were apoplectic!

Great fun winding-up the narrow-minded.biggrin.png

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A couple of times in the past we have had looks from i assume them to be tourists ,especially now that he is as tall as me ,but no one has ever said anything out loud,

still why should i care ,they are the ones here for two weeks holiday , we get to stay here.smile.png

funnily enough although when my wife was a lot younger and we lived in England ,no one said a thing.

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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When a Thai points out that there's a farang close by, surprisingly by just saying 'farang', I usually start looking around surprised and ask them in Thai where the farang is, as I cannot see them but want to ask them the time.

Their brain usually starts to melt having so many mentally taxing thoughts hit them at once.


There have been plenty of threads about being called "Farang". but this isn't one of them rolleyes.gif

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I used to get it whenever "Mrs Silver Wedding/been here 2 days" clocked me & the wife together. A decade or so later it no longer happens but I now get the "Glitter Glare" if i'm seen alone with one of my sons.

I ran this through Google translate, but it didn't help.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I used to get it whenever "Mrs Silver Wedding/been here 2 days" clocked me & the wife together. A decade or so later it no longer happens but I now get the "Glitter Glare" if i'm seen alone with one of my sons.

I ran this through Google translate, but it didn't help.

Gary Glitter was a pop star in the 1960s and is a convicted pedophile; Western holiday makers may stare at a Western guy with his half-Thai sons as if he's a paedophile - calling it a 'Glitter Glare' is hilarious, very original, made me laugh, I've never heard that saying before so I'll credit it to evadgib.

Edited by aussiebebe
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I had a similar experience in Cambodia. My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas' that Khmer women are fond of and wore them to the beach in Snooky. She's a bit short, even by Thai standards (4' 9" on a good day) and was mistaken for a child by the majority of middle-aged westerners (mostly the women) at nearly every establishment.

The looks of disgust I got from them were memorable. Pure ignorance on a stick.

My girl clocked what was happening and played up to them, demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'. The onlookers were apoplectic!

Great fun winding-up the narrow-minded.biggrin.png

Ignorant and narrowminded doesn't really sound appropriate.

Given that she looked like (and was the size) of an underage child in pyjamas in a notorious center of Child sex tourism in a country that's known as a hub of Child sex tourism.

Glad we have you on board to keep an eye on things eh. rolleyes.gif .............coffee1.gif
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I had a similar experience in Cambodia. My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas' that Khmer women are fond of and wore them to the beach in Snooky. She's a bit short, even by Thai standards (4' 9" on a good day) and was mistaken for a child by the majority of middle-aged westerners (mostly the women) at nearly every establishment.

The looks of disgust I got from them were memorable. Pure ignorance on a stick.

My girl clocked what was happening and played up to them, demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'. The onlookers were apoplectic!

Great fun winding-up the narrow-minded.biggrin.png

Ignorant and narrowminded doesn't really sound appropriate.

Given that she looked like (and was the size) of an underage child in pyjamas in a notorious center of Child sex tourism in a country that's known as a hub of Child sex tourism.

You weren't there and yet you decide to judge purely upon my abridged decription of what happened?

She was 32 years old at the time and, although small in stature, was obviously an adult by her manner and behaviour. Her age was mis-interpreted by shallow types who rushed to form opinions based on ignorance and appearances, because they didn't have the wit or intelligence to look and correctly assess a situation for themselves.

'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread' springs to mind.

You have just illustrated my, and the OP's, point...rolleyes.gif

Edited by SimonD
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When a Thai points out that there's a farang close by, surprisingly by just saying 'farang', I usually start looking around surprised and ask them in Thai where the farang is, as I cannot see them but want to ask them the time.

Their brain usually starts to melt having so many mentally taxing thoughts hit them at once.


There have been plenty of threads about being called "Farang". but this isn't one of them rolleyes.gif

I thought it was a thread about talking back to/and having fun with people who make stupid comments about you in public.


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I had a similar experience in Cambodia. My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas' that Khmer women are fond of and wore them to the beach in Snooky. She's a bit short, even by Thai standards (4' 9" on a good day) and was mistaken for a child by the majority of middle-aged westerners (mostly the women) at nearly every establishment.

The looks of disgust I got from them were memorable. Pure ignorance on a stick.

My girl clocked what was happening and played up to them, demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'. The onlookers were apoplectic!

Great fun winding-up the narrow-minded.biggrin.png

Ignorant and narrowminded doesn't really sound appropriate.

Given that she looked like (and was the size) of an underage child in pyjamas in a notorious center of Child sex tourism in a country that's known as a hub of Child sex tourism.

You weren't there and yet you decide to judge purely upon my abridged decription of what happened.

She was 32 years old at the time and, although small in stature, was obviously an adult by her manner and behaviour.

"My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas'"

"demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'."

Yes, pyjamas, demanding ice-cream and calling you 'papa'. Obviously the manner and behaviour of an adult in one of the Child Sex Tourist Capitals of the World. rolleyes.gif

Edited by siampreggers
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It may be funny in hindsight, but is oh so annoying.

I was doing budgets with one of my friends. He is 32, but afar can look 20 ish, especially since he is fond of "thai" fashion which trend towards effiminate clothing styles. We are sitting in a resto on beach road crunching numbers and the looks we are getting, especially when bits of the conversation are overheard, as we were setting cost of living allowances and detailing expenses. I am certain the folks next table over thought I was negotiating for sex services.

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I had a similar experience in Cambodia. My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas' that Khmer women are fond of and wore them to the beach in Snooky. She's a bit short, even by Thai standards (4' 9" on a good day) and was mistaken for a child by the majority of middle-aged westerners (mostly the women) at nearly every establishment.

The looks of disgust I got from them were memorable. Pure ignorance on a stick.

My girl clocked what was happening and played up to them, demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'. The onlookers were apoplectic!

Great fun winding-up the narrow-minded.biggrin.png

Ignorant and narrowminded doesn't really sound appropriate.

Given that she looked like (and was the size) of an underage child in pyjamas in a notorious center of Child sex tourism in a country that's known as a hub of Child sex tourism.

You weren't there and yet you decide to judge purely upon my abridged decription of what happened.

She was 32 years old at the time and, although small in stature, was obviously an adult by her manner and behaviour.

"My girl bought some of those garish 'pyjamas'"

"demanding an ice-cream and calling me 'papa'."

Yes, pyjamas, demanding ice-cream and calling you 'papa'. Obviously the manner and behaviour of an adult in one of the Child Sex Tourist Capitals of the World. rolleyes.gif

Good God! Are you really this dim?

She put on that 'act' after the hostile looks started!

To give us both a laugh at the morons who pre-judged the situation and got it so wrong.

Carry on, please. You're giving me a good laugh again.biggrin.png

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@ siampreggers

You have obviously (hem hem) never been to Cambodia. The women there frequently wear pyjama-type outfits as day wear.

Confusing for the uninitiated but there you go.

Edited by SimonD
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Excellent TNS, would love to have been there to see that.

About 16-17 years ago in Pattaya, I suppose I could have been classed as one with their attitude. I will never forget walking down Beach Road in Pattaya quite early in the morning and seeing a white male walking hand in hand with a young Thai kid, maybe 12-13 years old.

If I had done what I was thinking at the time, I would likely still be in prison and him still in hospital. I felt so strongly about what I saw at the time.

Later that day, I called into my (at the time) 'local' for a cup of coffee. And there is the guy sitting there. With his Thai wife and 12-13 year old son that he had been out with earlier for a walk along Beach Road! I honestly felt so ashamed at what I had been thinking of him earlier; that was the last time I have judged the proverbial book by its cover, a real lesson learnt.

Years later, when my son (Thai) and I would walk down to the shops, as was his want, I often thought what the locals who didn't know me thought seeing the white guy and the young Thai kid.

To be honest i think the locals realize that you are with your son or daughter as it is so common these days (unlike 20 odd years ago when i was first here) its just the tourists who read all about Thailand in the press and assume that its common for a westerner to be with youngsters.

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Carry on, please. You're giving me a good laugh again.

Really, looking at post 20 it it seems to me that you're getting a bit worked up.

@ siampreggers

You have obviously (hem hem) never been to Cambodia. The women there frequently wear pyjama-type outfits as day wear.

Only been there about 10 times for visas over the years. I find it quite cute.

Though having a female partner who's the height of a child sport them in one of the major child-sex destinations... and then go onto poke fun at it by 'demanding ice-cream' and calling their older looking Western partner 'papa' does not incite ignorance and stupidity, it incites people believing that you are a child molester with a young child who's wearing bedwear.

I'm sure that would be hilarious to some.

I'm not sure what type of person, but some none the less.

Edited by siampreggers
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I used to get it whenever "Mrs Silver Wedding/been here 2 days" clocked me & the wife together. A decade or so later it no longer happens but I now get the "Glitter Glare" if i'm seen alone with one of my sons.

I ran this through Google translate, but it didn't help.

Gary Glitter was a pop star in the 1960s and is a convicted pedophile; Western holiday makers may stare at a Western guy with his half-Thai sons as if he's a paedophile - calling it a 'Glitter Glare' is hilarious, very original, made me laugh, I've never heard that saying before so I'll credit it to evadgib.

You forgot to mention that Gary Glitter also had a thing for SE Asian kids and was deported from Cambodia as well as being jailed in Vietnam. Edited by Scottish Gary
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