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Xenophobia - Getting Worse?

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I have lived in Thailand for over 12 years with my Thai girlfriend and recently she has said a few things that have really surprised me.

First, let me say that she has been over most of the world and gets on really well with Westerners and Thais alike. She is educated in finance and works in an International company. Sometimes I think she is more western than Thai..... she hates Thai music, never watches Thai TV, loves western food and so on.

So, a few weeks ago she said to me that some of our neighbours, who are American, hadn't been home for two or three days and that maybe we should inform the police! I was quite surprised and asked her why on earth she said that. Her reply was that the Thai newspapers (and police) have asked people to keep their eyes on foreigners who rent houses or apartments as they could be terrorists or drug dealers. I was really surprised to hear that from her.

Today, I was sitting alone at a food court and having lunch when a young foreigner and a Thai girl asked if they could sit at my table. I said that there was no problem and after a few minutes he started talking to me. Just general small talk. He told me that he was Spanish and studied at a Spanish university but was studying by distance learning. Otherwise he didn't say much.

I came home and told the girlfriend. "Did you get his number?'. "We need to inform the police", "maybe he is a terrorist". I mean I was really surprised to hear this from her.

Have others experienced anything like this?

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@ OP,

I think your GF has been seeing too much of her friend Paranoia at work recently. Time for a holiday perhaps?

@ 7x7

Really? Xenophobes here, on TV? In these august halls? Surely not...


Are you saying she was a xenophobe before , but that her xenophobia is now getting worse , to the point where she thinks there are whites under the ........


I'm curios though. Are the people already xenophobes before the move or after staying here for a while? rolleyes.gif

No. It's baggage they bring with them. One can bring in unlimited amounts through customs these days.


Judging from the comments so far, it is clear that few members have no idea about what xenophobia means.

Of course we do. I'm buying one for my son for christmas. I want him to be a musical child.


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Somebody else been watching too much Thai soaps - they are TV shows!!!! They are not real!!! OP, keep your girl away from Thai TV, i know you say she does not watch TV but i think shes telling fibs!

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I'm curios though. Are the people already xenophobes before the move or after staying here for a while? rolleyes.gif

No. It's baggage they bring with them. One can bring in unlimited amounts through customs these days.

Or enhance the probability of becoming one by living here. Society and media tend to influence many in this matter.


You better be careful OP, she might be reporting you soon! wink.png

She might even be here on TV.

Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)


I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


Somebody else been watching too much Thai soaps - they are TV shows!!!! They are not real!!! OP, keep your girl away from Thai TV, i know you say she does not watch TV but i think shes telling fibs!

No way. She's hooked on Glee, two and a Half Men , English Premier League and God knows what else. Oh, she watches Thai news from 6.30 to 7.00 am.


I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

No, the Americans are back. They live there.

Yeah the Spanish guy was wearing t-shirt and tight jeans. I think a saw a "bomb" tucked down his jeans. Anyone know the number to call?


I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

No, the Americans are back. They live there.

Yeah the Spanish guy was wearing t-shirt and tight jeans. I think a saw a "bomb" tucked down his jeans. Anyone know the number to call?

Ask your GF.

Try this for size:


OP, something a friend at work has said to her has most likely caused this sea-change in her tolerance. You need to find out where it came from to be able to deal with it.

Unchecked, it could will cause to problems further on. Bigotry feeds on disinformation and prejudice, even amongst the educated.


You better be careful OP, she might be reporting you soon! wink.png

She might even be here on TV.

Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)

Tell your GF that according to our old friend Chalerm, the drugproblem in Thailand are to be blamed (surprise, surprise) on the Cambodians and the Burmese. Not the Spanish, unless ETA has a sleepercell in Thailand ? whistling.gif

I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

No, the Americans are back. They live there.

Yeah the Spanish guy was wearing t-shirt and tight jeans. I think a saw a "bomb" tucked down his jeans. Anyone know the number to call?

Awwww, now you've spoiled a good wind-up....


I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Put him on the list.

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I'm not sure about the Americans, maybe they were on holiday, but that Spanish guy doing a "distance learning" degree sounds very dodgy, probably a terrorist.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

No, the Americans are back. They live there.

Yeah the Spanish guy was wearing t-shirt and tight jeans. I think a saw a "bomb" tucked down his jeans. Anyone know the number to call?

OK , if this is not a hoax and that's a big IF, then I would say that she is under influence. Not by alcohol and drugs but by her friends, relatives or close family.


You better be careful OP, she might be reporting you soon! wink.png

She might even be here on TV.

Yes, she reads this. I have also discussed this with her.

Her remarks were something along the line of "The police say that foreigners are destroying Thailand with drugs and terrorism".

Normally she wouldn't even think along these lines. It's only happened recently (started two or three months ago)

I would have grave doubts about anyone that took at face value what the police said; the Thai police particularly so.


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