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The Thai Dream Falling Apart.


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Reading another thread about going back to the UK with nothing, made me think about, why some people make it here and others don't. Is it only a question about luck or being streetsmart and able to adjust? I know money is an important factor, but why move across the world, if you already know, that in x number of years, you are going to run out of money? Unless you are one of the very few lucky/smart ones, who actually manages to make a living here. I am not judging or gloating, as I honestly feel sorry for the guys, who don't make it, but who is responsibel for our lives?

Myself I have been very lucky here, meeting the right lady (and she is not even Chinese) and managed to create a life/income here. But I have to admit, it could as well had gone very wrong, with me heading home for council housing.

On a sidenote, what are your thoughts about the homecountries legal/moral obligation towards failed expats?

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Our lives are shaped by a mixture of right/wrong decisions and good/bad luck, and every person lives a life of personal circumstances that are unique to them.

Many people run out of money or fail in one way or another, for a multitude of reasons (some of which may be particular to Thailand, but most are not).

I think abstract generalisations about such people are difficult to make, but I will be reading this thread with interest for some words of wisdom from the wise old boys.

Edited by brit1984
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It's luck, skill, knowledge and money. Some make it others don't, i made it (so far). Many guys are just retirees does not take much to do that actually. Really finding a job here or building a living is much harder.

You always do need some luck, its often who you know not what you know. But that was back home also the case. A degree is nice (got that) but knowing the right people could help a lot more.

Edited by robblok
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I agree, luck is pretty much how life is, but you can maximize it.

Life can throw so many different hurdles your way, you just hope its not the bog ones......

Some guys just have no luck, some get robbed, some go through tragedies, some get shafted in business. Even some who do everything right, some might have some huge hurdles that will flatten them. I have seen it too.

Thats why you just got to enjoy life and stop moaning about stupid sheet and whatever happens, happens.

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I've met heaps of guys who came here with a load of money, spent it on a big house (5-10Mbht) in someone else's name.

(or a business in someone else's name)

Then either lived in misery with a woman who doesn't like them very much or returned to their home country.

What were they thinking?

I could live the rest of my life on 10Mbht.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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It's only about brains.

One who comes here should know that you don't have to be here to make money, unless you're an expat working for a multinational.

This is a low wage country,where you're not allowed to perform most of the jobs so forget about that.Use your brains.

Don't count about the 1% who started a successful bar or other business.

So one who has brains, should be able to make a financial planning and calculate how much he would need to survive for the time he want to stay here.

Someone with his braincells in the right place, that means not between his legs, should also be able to easily see through the real intentions of their Nana,Cowboy,walking street partners.

Again someone with half a brain should see it coming when things turn sour and make his return to his homecountry, or find another solution to improve his situation before he has to bite his last satang in 2 pieces.

You see it's only about brains

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Sometimes you have to read right to the end of the post to get to the question.

the answer to the question ,on the bottom line ,

there is no responsibilty from the home country , legal or moral ,and imo rightly so.

the farang, inmates @ bkk hilton , are living proof.

winners or losers , depends on the individual,s decisions .

luck or by chance ,same as the toss of a coin .

Edited by elliss
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It's only about brains.

One who comes here should know that you don't have to be here to make money, unless you're an expat working for a multinational.

This is a low wage country,where you're not allowed to perform most of the jobs so forget about that.Use your brains.

Don't count about the 1% who started a successful bar or other business.

So one who has brains, should be able to make a financial planning and calculate how much he would need to survive for the time he want to stay here.

Someone with his braincells in the right place, that means not between his legs, should also be able to easily see through the real intentions of their Nana,Cowboy,walking street partners.

Again someone with half a brain should see it coming when things turn sour and make his return to his homecountry, or find another solution to improve his situation before he has to bite his last satang in 2 pieces.

You see it's only about brains

EDIT: Oh, why bother?

What's the point of it all? Where will it end? What's to become of us?

Oh, woe is me! Oh, if only I'd had a Brain's


Edited by StreetCowboy
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The UK is up to it's eyes in keeping NON NATIVES that have paid sod all into the UK system, so why have a problem with a Brit going back and using the cash HE paid into the system during his working life. coffee1.gif

That's not the way it works, for most benefits. Most benefits are paid out of current income. Even SERPS isn't properly funded; if it was, then the pensions would have been falling like a stone, along with income returns on capital.


EDIT: Duplication deduplicated

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I would say that apart from the above you also need to consider where and why too. Where you intend to locate yourself and why you are doing it in the first place. Leaving everything behind and for all intent and purposes start a "new" life takes planning, confidence in your own ability and above all common sense.

The latter seems to be left in the departure lounge with many. Things some do here they would never contemplate in the home country, everything just seems bizarre ! with the decisions that are made by some and totally irrational.

As for the home countries responsibility, my own thoughts are that if nothing else they should at least assist you back to your own home ground. All be it a loan with guarantor or whatever, but if you really hit trouble and are between a rock and a hard place you should always know you can get back. It doesnt exists and maybe i'm dreaming but thats what I think should be in place. The Uk has a welfare state and as a citizen you are entitled to assistance as stated by 52 above. I would just extend that slightly further and to ensure " they bring you home" and you are not abandoned to rot in squaller.

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in the real world , most of my fellow countrymen ,

have been raised by parents , who have accepted the responsibilty of bringing their children up, the right way

and as such , more often than not make the right decisions , regarding their financial future .

unfortunately the welfare states , have encouraged people to rely on the hand outs from the state ,financied by the tax payer


in summary , i admire any person , whatever creed class or colour , who can survive and succeed by their own efforts ,

be it in their home country , or abroad , especially in the LAND OF SMILES .

Edited by elliss
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The UK is up to it's eyes in keeping NON NATIVES that have paid sod all into the UK system, so why have a problem with a Brit going back and using the cash HE paid into the system during his working life. coffee1.gif

That's not the way it works, for most benefits. Most benefits are paid out of current income. Even SERPS isn't properly funded; if it was, then the pensions would have been falling like a stone, along with income returns on capital.


EDIT: Duplication deduplicated

My point was that NON Natives are being looked after and paid nothing into the system. A guy who worked and paid his stuff took care of those in need at that time of his paid taxes. .
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Those fortunate to have a final salary pension, usually some form of ex 'Government' employee

Those that had the financial means/assets thus no requirement to be further employed in their own country

Those on an expat package

Those that can continue employment in Thailand with good salary

All the above stand an excellent chance of making it in Thailand - one common theme, reliable adequate income source

As for those going back, give them their dues.....check out the first line in the list above, they have been, and continue to be looked after by the government already

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After 7 years I'm going back to the uk next year had a bussiness here that only runs for 3-4 months a year and makes around 1m bht profit while it's easy enough for me to live on that here it's not giving me enough to save much money,and it gets pretty boring for the eight months the bussiness isn't running.

I could carry on living like this for the next 20 years here however then when I hit 60 there ain't gonna be much savings left except for the flat in the uk ,so it makes sense to go uk where I can earn 3 times what I earn here.

So not everyone goes back because they can't make it or are losers many go back simply for the better opportunities in the western world

Edited by taninthai
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the answer to the question ,on the bottom line, there is no responsibilty from the home country , legal or moral ,and imo rightly so.

I have no idea why anyone would write this sort of nasty stuff, you must really hate your fellow countrymen.

In reality,

If your home country has a welfare system, you are entitled to return and use that welfare system.

Same as any other citizen of that country, and quite rightly so IMHO.


Absolutely agree, that answer is from one hell of a twisted person!

I know two people over 65 who have returned to the UK. Within six weeks of returning each were settled in a house and flat, got their pension slightly increased, received housing benefit, winter allowance, pay no council tax, free bus pass and prescriptions etc. If you are a British citizen over 65 with limited means, the government will take care of you. It might not be luxury but you won't be on the streets and there's the safety net of the NHS with all its faults.

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My point was that NON Natives are being looked after and paid nothing into the system. A guy who worked and paid his stuff took care of those in need at that time of his paid taxes. .

I've personally recruited 4 non natives who moved to the UK bringing with them their education (That the UK never paid for) and who are now working for an international corporation, earning extremely good salaries, paying a lot of taxes and doing their bit to bring business to the UK.

Now before you go off on Daily Mail fuelled rant telling us these are the exceptions that prove the rule - Take a look at the UK's top 100 rich list - Those good old native Brits are a bit thin in the list and most those that are there inherited wealth that has been passed down for generations http://www.richest-people.co.uk/the-top-100

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OP's post as far as I can tell is just another lame victory dance. We gets these every single day on Thai Visa in the form of:

"I don't know why other farang don't love Thailand as much as me?"

"I dont know why other farang don't speak Thai fluently like I do"

"I don't know why other farang married a bg instead of a Big C employee, aka "Good Girl" like I did"

"I don't know why other farang retired early instead of waiting to be as old as I am"

I don't know why (insert bad/negative/detrimental action/trait/characteristic) and juxtapose it with the noble trait of the person patting himself on the back for his amazing achievement of moving to a third world country and not losing the plot. huge life achievement.

Partly wrong, because that would be gloating and showing no emphaty. And that is not the case with me, as I wrote in my OP, I honestly feel sorry for the guys, who for different reasons don't make it here. Yes it makes me feel privilliged, that I have a good life here, and not because someone else have failed, Just like when watching TV from Sudan, Iraq or Somalia, makes me appriciate my own small life.

As for the homecountrys obligation, I agree with the posters saying that there is morally no such thing, legally might be another matter. I would rather beg in the streets here, than go "home" and ask for help.

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I have noticed that expatriates , after a life of cumfy , forget how to walk their dogs or take their children to the park , and rforget how to barkf at the servants . And so , are unable to return to driving a lorry or getting on a bus that whistles down Union St . Hell mend them I say .

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expats in thailand have trouble controlling themselves. once again, the makority are here for partying and women. this type lack self discipline.

the money goes there. if the income stream is controlled, like with a pension, it lasts. if not it usually does not.

frankly, many are not here for the temples.

go someplace like europe and and its a another ball game. people who have relocated for other reasons and tend to have much better control of their lives and relationships are more or less stable.

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Anyone who fails in Thailand would probably have failed at home anyway. whistling.gif

and would have had less fun along the way probably

I think that is part of the problem, that people are getting getting so fed up with their "lives" back home, that they are willing to take the chance of failure here, just to make a change ?
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Anyone who fails in Thailand would probably have failed at home anyway. whistling.gif

and would have had less fun along the way probably

I think that is part of the problem, that people are getting getting so fed up with their "lives" back home, that they are willing to take the chance of failure here, just to make a change ?

Greener grass and all that.......

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