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I Think I Will Go Back To Thailand.... Again


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So, for the 5th time, I think I will go back to Thailand.

I truely love it there, but for some reason after a couple of months I always get kind of down and panic feelings, bored and isolated...

I always take off early, its like clockwork, I feel like I might have some sort of illness, some taxi guy in bangkok almost kills me and I go buy a freaking ticket back to Canada, only to have about 2 days of bliss, then wonder what the heck I was thinking...

I wonder if this would wear off after a few months if I stayed put in one spot in thailand and started maybe feeling a little more of a community there I belong in or a purpose....

Or am I just destined to live a sheltered little life in Canada huddled away in a house ?

How do you guys find peace in Thailand without family or friends, and any encouragment how to handle that culture shock or whatever it is called ?

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Well, I enjoy myself, I work online so that good, I meet a million people that are coming and going, thats not the problem.

I am an over cautious driver and (after being in 3 head on collisons) i think just trying to get around sometimes makes me feel drained.

Its like for some reason all of a sudden I have this overwhelming feeling of what am I even doing here and can't wait to get home.

I am just thinking of this before I buy another ticket, another thing is I only ever go with minimal amount of gear, I don't even bring a laptop, this time I was thinking bring all my stuff I need, computers, guitar.. and get a regular apartment and try to find some sort of purpose behond my making a living...

I just kind of feel like a lost puppy when travelling all over the place, it's kind of a hastle... I love Chiang Mai, but then that nasty smog comes, I just can't handle that for long..

I don't know.

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I have kind of moved here at least a dozen times and felt the same way on each occasion.

This time it's more permanent and yes the home comforts make it easier.

It's hard to stay in one place unless you have some kind of affiliation.

I would say continue to enjoy youself and things will work themselves out if it is meant to be :)

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The max I can take it here is 5 months, of Thailand I mean.

I have a ticket back home? whatever that means, end of the month, glad to get out of everything (do you need a list?)

Three weeks later I get bored of eating decent food and the bad weather.

Last day of October I will be back home here, whatever it means giggle.gif

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Well, I enjoy myself, I work online so that good, I meet a million people that are coming and going, thats not the problem.

I am an over cautious driver and (after being in 3 head on collisons) i think just trying to get around sometimes makes me feel drained.

Its like for some reason all of a sudden I have this overwhelming feeling of what am I even doing here and can't wait to get home.

I am just thinking of this before I buy another ticket, another thing is I only ever go with minimal amount of gear, I don't even bring a laptop, this time I was thinking bring all my stuff I need, computers, guitar.. and get a regular apartment and try to find some sort of purpose behond my making a living...

I just kind of feel like a lost puppy when travelling all over the place, it's kind of a hastle... I love Chiang Mai, but then that nasty smog comes, I just can't handle that for long..

I don't know.

I had "panic attacks" in Japan, I understand you in a way.

I felt claustrophobic in Tokyo, I left my job and went back to Europe.

but I must say I feel very good in Pattaya.

Maybe try another place than CM?

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Donot let the number of times you come and go matter unless it affects you. I came 20 times before I committed to Thailand. I remember many times looking out the taxi window going to the airport, thinking how good my life is in Thailand, and how I will miss it.. Every time I left I felt I was leaving apart of me behind. Lots of confused feelings.

Find a place you like that has what you want in Thailand and settle for a couple of years. Then go back home,if you like and see how you feel.

Everyone is different. What works for one person maynot work for another. But going back and forth will in the long term perhaps just keep you confused.I did it because I was still working back home. Make a commitment and live with it.

Edited by lovelomsak
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You can be in a crowded room and still be lonely, seems you just need to find the right place at the right time. Once you have found the right place, the rest usually falls into place.

If you feel the need to move on dpnt immediately run back to what is familiar and then regret it, move to another place/area, somewhere new, There are plenty of wonderful and totally different places to Chiang Mai, explore a little , stay awhile, get a real feel for the place, if not, try the next and enjoy the experience and freedom you have.

Edited by CharlieH
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Well, I enjoy myself, I work online so that good, I meet a million people that are coming and going, thats not the problem.

I am an over cautious driver and (after being in 3 head on collisons) i think just trying to get around sometimes makes me feel drained.

Its like for some reason all of a sudden I have this overwhelming feeling of what am I even doing here and can't wait to get home.

I am just thinking of this before I buy another ticket, another thing is I only ever go with minimal amount of gear, I don't even bring a laptop, this time I was thinking bring all my stuff I need, computers, guitar.. and get a regular apartment and try to find some sort of purpose behond my making a living...

I just kind of feel like a lost puppy when travelling all over the place, it's kind of a hastle... I love Chiang Mai, but then that nasty smog comes, I just can't handle that for long..

I don't know.

I think a good start would be to either give up driving or learn to drive properly; three head-ons is not normal.

How did you survive before if your work is online and you didn't even bring a laptop with you previously? If your earlier times were just holidays then I can understand that, are you just planning for another holiday or moving to live here (again)?

Thailand is not a place where you want to feel like a lost puppy when you are travelling! This will be picked up on very quickly; get some confidence and enjoy yourself!!

Just Sayin'

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Keep busy, keep good routines, exercise regularily, and learn the language.

Having some sort of work i think is preferable as it adds to personal disciplines.

Above all, you are a guest here and try to adapt to things rather than change them

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What is it that attracts you to Thailand? Be honest. It can't be just the weather, you can find warm weather in a lot of places. Because you sound like someone who requires a sterile, familiar, predictable (read boring) environment, and would complain to no end if you don't have it. We have enough of those types of expats in Thailand already.

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Thailand can be either wonderful or terrible, depending on your perception. If the same exact situation can be viewed as good or bad, depending on the person. As has been said, stay busy. Unless your rich, you may need to work to keep the worry at bay. Find something you enjoy and can make some money. Avoid the barstool warriors who critisize everything and think they are experts on Thailand. Learn the language, even a little, as it will help you get behind the scenes that a tourist never sees. Remember, adventures are supposed to be unknown and a little scary. If you wanted everything comfortable and familuar you would stay in Canada.

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settle down, get married.

I often felt un-rooted and tense until i found Ling, and now I am blissfully happy.

I pass the time gardening on the land and around the house we built, chatting with our in-laws who live just down stairs and driving around or washing one of the pick-ups or Fortuners we have.

I have also become an integral part of the community. The neighbors love fishing in our pond, and have become so used to having me around, they are comfortable borrowing my tools or even taking a quick jaunt to the store on one of the motorbikes. They often throw large parties next door comfortable in the knowledge that they are not disturbing me. Sometimes i buy a few bottles of whiskey and pop by for an hour or two to join the festivities.

Thai Visa has been an invaluable resource as well. It has helped me bridge the cultural gap by providing plenty of friendly advice an support.

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Hum to answer a few questions.

1. I wasn't driving in any of the car crashes I was in, so I just have a bit of tendency to feel unsettled in cars that I am not driving.

2. I can work from internet cafes and a smart phone, no big deal.

3. Why Thailand - Food, Weather, Culture, Temples, Music, Cheap Cheap, Nice people, I just like it. - Its not like haven't been anywhere else in the world - it is just hard to find somewhere comparable for me.

4. I am not used to a sterile eviroment bty, I live in a little cabin at the end of the road, without TV or indoor tolite, on the Pacific in an Amazingly beautiful place in British Columbia, I get on the water all time, hiking, I am a local known DJ that gets regular gigs.. Thailand is way more cushy than my life here - I can't say I like the winters.

5. I have no desire to change Thailand to suit me.

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3. Why Thailand - Food, Weather, Culture, Temples, Music, Cheap Cheap, Nice people, I just like it. - Its not like haven't been anywhere else in the world - it is just hard to find somewhere comparable for me.

Are you sure you don't mean GIRLs, most of the Canadians I meet are here for the girls. Actually most of everyone I meet (including foreign girls) are here for the girls. Don't be ashamed, come on out with the rest of us.

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I think its these things..

1. A bit of the guilt you feel from family like the just can't stand you being in somewhere having fun like that

2. This feeling like I have been on this exact train, with this exact little paper coffee cup, and it was SO fun the 1st time

3. Its too freaking hot to go to the gym, or i am to hungover

4. Everyone back home hints that you are there for the girls, that they say they hear you pick out with numbers on their butts

5. I wonder if I am going to get dunge feaver, bad food poisning

6. The shady people that always seem to be around everywhere that you think might be trying to get you throw in jail for life just for sitting near you

5. I forget what this one was for.

7. Lack of Libraries

8. just an overall feeling of aniexty that perhaps would be solved by staying put and maybe learning to chill sure...

I don't know, I love thailand, its a great country but the last time I thought, this is my last time here, I did this stuff inside out, but here I am again, thinking of packing my stuff..

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All good advice so far....

...try one of the many islands, you might find your own piece of paradise.

3 head-ons where you were the passenger......that is freaky.

Forget what your friends and family say......they have preconceived ideas and more than likely have not been here.

There is so much here, you are only limited by your imagination, buy that ticket and come-on-over.


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umm... the thing is all my friends go to mexico or they have kids and are too busy, my family lives far away anyways and I aint moving back there..

maybe Europe sounds good, I like the buzz on the USA, but my time there was always frustrating, to say the least.

Thailand at least I can afford to hang out. I make around $500 - $1000 threw a website I own, I feel like I could do really well in Thailand if I was allowed to stay and starting making the products I sell ( i retail them now) I would like to maybe work on an album, its been a dream anyways...

It just feels like I don't know where to start, I really love the north the most, the islands are nice but I like some action ( i have been living in a rural area for 10 years in Canada) I get sick of living in dumpy guesthouses, I never really found these nice places to live others talk about (at least in my budget range)

I am not complaining about Thailand at all, its a great place, I really can't think of Anywhere else...

Europe - can't afford it, but i should consider

Mexico - Nice country but it can be a little macho man for me

Central and South America - I don't know, haven't been there but people say most places are expensive or too Chrisitan for my taste or whatever (poverty violence)

China/Japan/Korea - um, I think I will pass at this point

India - I think I would like it, I would like to visit

Camboida and Laos - Nice little trips if your living in Thailand


Thailand offers so much to someone with my means and I really enjoy many things there, as imperfect as anywhere in the world could be.. its got that charm that I am sure lead many of you to move there.

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Instead of staying in a "dumpy guesthouse", why not rent a small furnished house, plenty of cheap ones around. That way you will get to know your neighbours, the staff in your local shop and the people in the nearby waterhole.

That way you will have a "normal" life here, so when you get tired of roaming the streets, you can go home, make yourself a meal/coffee, like most people do. Instead of going back to a room, you don't like/hate. So create a home here, so you get the feeling of belonging.

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sounds like culture shock, the bread and butter of rental girlfriends in thailand.

you can live like a king in chiang mai in a house close to the city on that budget. get a real estate agent to drive you around.

my advice would be to get a nicer place to live where you can retreat if you need to, but you will need a one year lease to keep the rent down.

coming home to a wafer this mattress and a light bulb hanging down off the ceiling wears you down after awhile if you realize its permanent.

jumping around from cheap guesthouse on a continual pilgramage is very tiring. knowing you have a home base to return to is heaven after a trip.

dont advertise your income source when here btw, you are either a tourist or student.

another option could be argentina, south america, cheap, the paris of the west. women rival or surpass thailand as well, not a big bar scene though. flight cost about the same from canada. visa stuff easier.

Edited by jacktrip
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