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Has Anyone Actually Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

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I used to live in an old wooden house/business premises in the north and had a very strange experience with something unseen. I later found out that these premises used to be used as a forerunner to a karaoke bar, live singing and rooms upstairs.

Anyway, my niece kept insisting that a woman in a red dress always came to the window and beckoned her during her sleep. Being a sceptic I put this down to missing her mum.

One day whilst taking an afternoon nap she woke up and just started sobbing her eyes out as she felt that she'd never be left alone by this woman so I said that I'd cover the window with a big piece of heavy cotton cloth to allay her fears.

I'd nailed one corner of the cloth and as I went to nail the other end what felt just like a hand grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back. And then what happened was a "grey" mist (I just can't describe it in words) came towards me and passed through me. Christ, I'd never felt so cold in my life.

The room was completely empty so there was nothing to explain what had just happened. Although I wasn't scared of what had just happened I had the chills and goosebumps for hours. A hot shower and a slug of whisky didn't make them go away.

The next day the monks were called in for a blessing by my wife. The niece never had these dreams again after that.

Still can't explain it but I think there was something there.

You may mock me but I can assure you that it was something I never thought could happen myself.

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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

Exactly. Many don't recognize that there are still many animalistic beliefs going on here. Mention thailand though, and many link ghosts with Buddhism.

Animalistic traditions and Buddhism. There is a VERY big difference. But it seems the area is getting more gray by the day.

Can't say it hasn't helped me when I need some peace and quiet. Mention there's a 'phi dum' in the vicinity and you're sure to have a nice, quiet area to get some work done.

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72 hours of video footage are uploaded to youtube every minute yet nobody has managed to capture convincing footage of such a phenomenon.

While I do not claim one does or does not exist. I cannot say arguments such as this

change anything.

That something cannot be captured on a video is not a good argument in support or denial especially of a non physical object.

Remember for the most part we humans are yet as babies & know little of what surrounds us or why.

How big is the universe?

What is a black hole & what happens in them?

How many galaxies exist?

I think it is fine to wonder about these things ghosts included & not need to have an absolute answer

just to calm the fact that I do not know.

Or is it better for folks to claim they know for sure this or that does not exist because none

have proven it to them?

Edited by mania
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i experienced sleep paralysis once in a motel and saw some stuff clinging down from the ceiling. there is some scientific explanation to it but its really really creepy. one of the few experiences that get my balls shrink to raisin size

Mine do that with nothing creepy on the walls. sad.png .............................smile.png

Is that when your missus asks you to shut down your computer and come to bed? (no malice intended, just joking!)

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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

Exactly. Many don't recognize that there are still many animalistic beliefs going on here. Mention thailand though, and many link ghosts with Buddhism.

Animalistic traditions and Buddhism. There is a VERY big difference. But it seems the area is getting more gray by the day.

Can't say it hasn't helped me when I need some peace and quiet. Mention there's a 'phi dum' in the vicinity and you're sure to have a nice, quiet area to get some work done.

I have seen some "anlmalistic" behavior but didn't realize it was a tradition, I am more familiar with animism. ermm.gif
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72 hours of video footage are uploaded to youtube every minute yet nobody has managed to capture convincing footage of such a phenomenon.

While I do not claim one does or does not exist. I cannot say arguments such as this

change anything.

That something cannot be captured on a video is not a good argument in support or denial especially of a non physical object.

Remember for the most part we humans are yet as babies & know little of what surrounds us or why.

How big is the universe?

What is a black hole & what happens in them?

How many galaxies exist?

I think it is fine to wonder about these things ghosts included & not need to have an absolute answer

just to calm the fact that I do not know.

Or is it better for folks to claim they know for sure this or that does not exist because none

have proven it to them?

How do you know ghosts cannot be filmed? The fact that there is zero proof or evidence of ghosts should be used to argue that they do not exist not, as you are doing, arguing that this is the reason they may exist.

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How do you know ghosts cannot be filmed? The fact that there is zero proof or evidence of ghosts should be used to argue that they do not exist not, as you are doing, arguing that this is the reason they may exist.

No I am instead saying I am not closed to anything just because I cannot prove it.

Especially with such a tiny example as using capture on film as proof.

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How do you know ghosts cannot be filmed? The fact that there is zero proof or evidence of ghosts should be used to argue that they do not exist not, as you are doing, arguing that this is the reason they may exist.

No I am instead saying I am not closed to anything just because I cannot prove it.

Especially with such a tiny example as using capture on film as proof.

So you are a grown man who believes in fairies, Father Christmas and that God is actually a flying spaghetti monster too?

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I used to live in an old wooden house/business premises in the north and had a very strange experience with something unseen. I later found out that these premises used to be used as a forerunner to a karaoke bar, live singing and rooms upstairs.

Anyway, my niece kept insisting that a woman in a red dress always came to the window and beckoned her during her sleep. Being a sceptic I put this down to missing her mum.

One day whilst taking an afternoon nap she woke up and just started sobbing her eyes out as she felt that she'd never be left alone by this woman so I said that I'd cover the window with a big piece of heavy cotton cloth to allay her fears.

I'd nailed one corner of the cloth and as I went to nail the other end what felt just like a hand grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back. And then what happened was a "grey" mist (I just can't describe it in words) came towards me and passed through me. Christ, I'd never felt so cold in my life.

The room was completely empty so there was nothing to explain what had just happened. Although I wasn't scared of what had just happened I had the chills and goosebumps for hours. A hot shower and a slug of whisky didn't make them go away.

The next day the monks were called in for a blessing by my wife. The niece never had these dreams again after that.

Still can't explain it but I think there was something there.

You may mock me but I can assure you that it was something I never thought could happen myself.

The most amazing part of your story is that so called "buddhist" monks agreed to do the ghost busting.

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So you are a grown man who believes in fairies, Father Christmas and that God is actually a flying spaghetti monster too?

I know yours is definitely not the response of a grown man wink.png

I think you missed the point of my post. You are saying you will believe in anything as long as there is no proof that it doesn't exist not proof that it does exist, hence the flying spaghetti monster reference which is based on exactly that theory.

Please prove that God isn't actually a flying noodley mass of meatballs and pasta...

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So you are a grown man who believes in fairies, Father Christmas and that God is actually a flying spaghetti monster too?

I know yours is definitely not the response of a grown man wink.png

I think you missed the point of my post. You are saying you will believe in anything as long as there is no proof that it doesn't exist not proof that it does exist, hence the flying spaghetti monster reference which is based on exactly that theory.

Please prove that God isn't actually a flying noodley mass of meatballs and pasta...

Meatballs? That would make god an american. And since god has no nationality, this is the proof that there is no pasta god.

Oh wait.

A Pasta Carbonara god, now that woud be possible.

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I think you missed the point of my post. You are saying you will believe in anything as long as there is no proof that it doesn't exist not proof that it does exist, hence the flying spaghetti monster reference which is based on exactly that theory.

Please prove that God isn't actually a flying noodley mass of meatballs and pasta...

Not at all,

I did not miss any point nor did I emphatically claim one in the form of believing or not believing in ghosts.

Basically I said I do not presume to know everything just because it does not fit inside the quart sized jar of my present intellect.

At one time folks did not even realize our sun was a star.

They could not observe it it detail.

Yet today things are different. Did the sun change or did the perception,understanding of man change?

At one time the world was thought to be flat as none in one place had seen past the horizon.

Did the world change or man's understanding of it?

Do the hundred billion other stars in our galaxy have planets circling them?

By your reasoning the answer is no. Because you cannot see them.

Do they support life? Again by your reasoning no.

Now consider ours is just one galaxy. How many exist in the universe we have no idea.

The Hubble space telescope estimates hundreds of billions.

Again I am not trying to prove or disprove anything other than I cannot emphatically say anything does not

exist just because it does not fit in the quart jar of present intellect.

Nor can I prove or disprove what your god is made of

Edited by mania
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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

I don't know so much about this I am learning, but the ghost tradition in thailand is oldest than Buddhism, Thai people or the people that lived in the zone of Thailand belief in a shamanism ghost tradition, shaman sound like "konsong" and as in all the rest of the world post capitalism shaman make money reading the hands for luck, clean people or homes and many other things.

I know that shaman tradition was very popular in the zone for example another interesting shaman tradition was in tibet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6n around 1500 years ago before the king adopt Buddhism more for a political reason.

In the thai movie "the art of devil" the shaman traditions are the center of the history (horror movie)

Exactly. Many don't recognize that there are still many animalistic beliefs going on here. Mention thailand though, and many link ghosts with Buddhism.

Animalistic traditions and Buddhism. There is a VERY big difference. But it seems the area is getting more gray by the day.

Can't say it hasn't helped me when I need some peace and quiet. Mention there's a 'phi dum' in the vicinity and you're sure to have a nice, quiet area to get some work done.

This is an interesting article on ghosts,


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So you are a grown man who believes in fairies, Father Christmas and that God is actually a flying spaghetti monster too?

I know yours is definitely not the response of a grown man wink.png

I think you missed the point of my post. You are saying you will believe in anything as long as there is no proof that it doesn't exist not proof that it does exist, hence the flying spaghetti monster reference which is based on exactly that theory.

Please prove that God isn't actually a flying noodley mass of meatballs and pasta...

So you don't believe in extra-terrestrial life? Dimensions additional to the 4 we can observe? Particles smaller than those we currently call fundamental? Multiverses?

There's plenty of unexplainable phenomenon in the observable universe.

History teaches us that having closed minds is counter-productive.

Regards ghosts, the problem is all the mainstream "scientific" ghost hunter programmes which are anything but scientific.

Edited by bangkockney
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reply to #141

Amazing article.

How much more wishy washy does it get?

Incredible combination of buddhism, marketing style empty talk and Monty Pythonesque nonsense.

"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." - St. Thomas Aquinas

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A professor at the Auburn University was giving a lecture on Paranormal Studies.

To get a feel for his audience, he asks, 'How many people here believe in ghosts?'

About 90 students raise their hands.

Well, that's a good start. Out of those who believe in ghosts, do any of you think you have seen a ghost?'

About 40 students raise their hands.

That's really good. I'm really glad you take this seriously. Has anyone here ever talked to a ghost?'

About 15 students raise their hand.

Has anyone here ever touched a ghost?'

Three students raise their hands.

That's fantastic. Now let me ask you one question further...Have any of you ever made love to a ghost?'

Way in the back, a youngish man of dubious appearance raises his hand.

The professor takes off his glasses and says 'Son, all the years I've been giving this lecture, no one has ever claimed to have made love to a ghost.

You've got to come up here and tell us about your experience.'

The student replied with a nod and a grin, and began to make his way up to the podium.

When he reached the front of the room, the professor asks, 'So, young man, tell us what it's like to have sex with a ghost?'

The young man replied, "Shit, from back there I thought you said "Goats."

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reply to #141

Amazing article.

How much more wishy washy does it get?

Incredible combination of buddhism, marketing style empty talk and Monty Pythonesque nonsense.

"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." - St. Thomas Aquinas

That quote sums it up nicely.

By the way, you realise that Thommy is a saint, a ghost? That could make him slightly biased.

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I lived near York in the UK and every other pub or hotel claimed to have a ghost. The difference is people wouldn't mind staying there out of curiosity or non belief.

If a bar or hotel in Thailand did this it would be financial suicide, there is a definite fear of ghosts here that is not seen or as widespread as the West.

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I know that there are many things that I dont know and things that all the human race doesnt know, while strange and unusual experience plus in the field of subjective psyque perception, a bit of smoke in the night can be many things, ghost, angels, gods, demons, gnomes, aliens, animals or wherever that your imagination can construct based in your experience or culture.

it's very similar about reincarnation or resurrection no body know what will happens next or if the next really exist.

Hinduism and Buddhism belief in reincarnation, so thats means while the "soul" left the body is a kind of ghost so as the monks need to eat too, it's very easy to take the shamanism belief as a method to get the people follow the 8 percepts of Theravada Buddhism and give tribute to the monks to help with the karma.

this album is a perfect example

one picture represent the karma when the Buddhist fail to follow one of the 8 rules, all pictures full of ghost.
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