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Things To Mitigate Dissatisfaction In Thailand For Gf


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dude, vegas was 96 degrees yesterday...there are no real seasons in Vegas...it's hot all the time.

once again, you are off point.

No real seasons? That's not how I remember it, nor is it how weather.com recorded it.


Dude, you are nothing if not entertaining.

Man, what do you keep squealing about? Is your latest revelation that Vegas is not a desert? Come on..what's next....that Ghost Bar closed on New Years so i cant possibly live in Vegas because...okey dokey.

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Conflict zones are unaccompanied posts.

So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

Boy, you are the raw model of a selfish and arrogant moron... and cheap charly at the same time...

So you know she does not like it here, you only keep her for the blond good looks and the big boobs and you need to spend money to send her off and back every month and you can't afford her actually in a place where she would be happy to wait for you...

So send her back with a one-way ticket and use the money you safe to hire a big blond boosted eastern-european stripper... she will also keep your bed warm and has no problem to leave you alone once you spent your money on her as she has a constant inflow of other such morons...

Best about above option is that your current model GF has the chance to find some decent guy to date with...

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As I find it very difficult to believe that her being "hot" would be the cause of her problem.

Rather I think it'd be the immense boredom she would feel, and lack of friends etc. Since I assume while you're in conflict zones, she is in Thailand, and probably bored out of her mind because she doesn't speak Thai, doesn't have many friends (or even aquaintances) and is probably disgusted/scared of some of the things in the country, as she'd be feeling very out of her depth with the differences in culture etc. Especially, as she's not even single, so she might feel weird going to a nightclub or similar by herself, or scared to go out at night in a big strange city without you there.

When it comes to making friends, I can understand how she'd find it difficult to be friends with Thai girls. They'd probably take her out with their friends, everyone would talk about how beautiful she is and then they'd all lapse into Thai and not speak another word to her until they eventually say bub bye. This isn't because she's beautiful, this is because they prefer to speak Thai (Even if everyone could speak fluent English, they'd still speak Thai lol), and because they all want to comment on beautiful features that people have. But bear in mind, that it's not because she's soo hot that they are saying that, but rather because all westerners are beautiful to them (white skin, a nose which isn't flat, eyes which aren't brown, hair which isn't black, all of these are very beautiful to Thai people.)

When she tries to make friends with farang girls, there aren't many, so she probably can't be very picky on them. And it's unlikely that they have similar interests/personalities, as the farang girls would have come to Thailand by choice, because they want to have this lifestyle. However as she came because of you, she likely wouldn't have the same qualities which are necessary to live here, as I think you do need to be very down to earth, accepting of others, relaxed and adaptable, perhaps her personality differs from this.

To find good friends, I would suggest the following for her:

- Learn Thai if she wants Thai friends. Or at the very least, ensure that she speaks slowly and clearly with Thai people so that they can understand her.

- Find Thai girls who speak English. Then try to spend time with them 1 on 1, rather than in groups, as in groups they'll usually just speak Thai.

- Don't let gender be a barrier. She shouldn't just restrict herself to female friends, as there's little choice and the chance of finding someone who she can talk to will be slim. At least with farang guys, they'll talk to her at the very minimum because she's hot lol. If she's followed you this far, I doubt she'll stray lol, and she could get some good true friends out of it.

- Don't let age be a barrier. If I only looked for friends who were a similar age to me, I'd unfortunately have very few western friends here, as most people are in their 40s/50s/60s. She won't have too many things in common with them, but they will have English and the fact that they live in a foreign country.

Anywho, that's my 2c. If she can't find friends, then she'll need to leave Thailand. After which, you'll have to work out what you are going to do (Maybe she could move to Singapore instead? Or Australia?, both aren't that much further than Thailand for when you come home to visit).

Thanks. I appreciate your post,. It had some good info in it.

This may be off-putting, but all of your very helpful points assume one thing: that she wants to engage with people here. Unfortunately, she has made her mind up and does not not care for the locals because, I think, she does not understand them, and despises the farangs here as "loosers" and deviants. Is she a snob? yea, but it is what it is.

Thanks for your post. It's well thought out and hard to argue with.

Say, if you are in Bangkok and like Sushi i can buy you lunch and maybe you can drop some knowledge on her. I think she is on her period but I am sure i can get her out...we can also do Vietnemese at Emporium.

Let me know, sir.

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what are you disputing? that its unfathomable to have a 600 dollar utility bill in Vegas, that i cant afford to maintain three residences, that it's hot in vegas, that vegas is a desert...that it was 100 degrees yesterday in Vegas. That my condo there has crappy insulation?

Look, I am not saying that its Dubai hot 356 in Vegas. What i am saying is that I cant afford to maintain three residences. That's the salient point, not if it was 100 yesterday or 96.

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Conflict zones are unaccompanied posts.

So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

I am not seeking to impose a respite in our relationship. I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

As we both lack visas and are required to leave every 30 days, I previously sent her home every 30 days for a week or so but the cost of sending her to europe or running off to Vegas for a week adds up. I am not working now and cant spend like I am on a 200k a year contract anymore. The days where I would do a 90 day STTA in Afghanistan and come back with 50k are over.

Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

Why I opted to buy a condo here? Thailand, for better or for worse, is the best location for a person like myself to be domiciled at--six hours or so from the middle east and central asia, 2nd world place with first world amenities, smiley non intrusive population, cheap tennis, relatively inexpensive to live the good life, and lack of bureaucratic obstacles. I tried living in Germany for a year and it was a logistical nightmare (I spent days standing in lines when i had only a ten day RRB). I have never had a visa or any problems living in Thailand. I come and go as I wish with no hassle.

I lived in Dubai and loved it, but you cant save money there if you are going out. And real estate there is outrageous.

I considered Cape Town or the Canary Islands but you need a car in Cape Town...no 3 dollar taxis...and its dam_n dangerous. I don't wanna survive a year on a PRT in Buqubah in Iraq and get shot by someone over 30 bucks. No sir.

Another thing that the dude who could not add nor understand that Vegas is a desert failed to consider is that while I am not Ed Saverin, we get out and about here to a level that i could not afford to do in Vegas.

Bottle service at Bed Supperclub is 140 bucks and they save the bottle for two weeks (my cheap butt drinks a third at time which allows me free entrance for three separate times)..bottle service at Pure, Marqee, or Ghost Bar is 500 bucks if you are lucky. And you have to tip in Vegas...not ten percent but 17-20 percent or you get nasty looks.

it's just more expensive to eat out and party and play tennis in Vegas than it is here. I also love strip clubs..can't stay out of them and the clubs in Vegas will max out a credit card in night faster than cairo can put together a protest against the Great Satan.

So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

Dude, did you see the link I provided that showed the you were either misinformed (or flat out lying) when you said Las Vegas did not really have seasons?

Or dude, what about the link showing that utilities in Henderson Nevada are 8% lower than the US national average?

Hey, I have an idea dude, listen: being your girlfriend is really hot, why not have her get a job as a movie star? That would keep her busy, provide her with other hot women to hang around with, and you could use the extra “resources” to help pay your utility bills as well. Seems to me like that could be win-win for everyone.

Or maybe dude just needs to get a better job, that way you can afford to pay utilities in the US and keep your girlfriend happy.

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OK The answer is take the spoilt self obsessed brat to a Thai home for handicapped people for the day and tell her how lucky she is not to be born or end up like this, then slap her round the face and dump her if she keeps bleating.

Sounds to me like one of those vomit inducing "Orange country real housewives" type I had the misfortune to watch once on the tv.

You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

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dude, vegas was 96 degrees yesterday...there are no real seasons in Vegas...it's hot all the time.

once again, you are off point.

No real seasons? That's not how I remember it, nor is it how weather.com recorded it.


Dude, you are nothing if not entertaining.

Man, what do you keep squealing about? Is your latest revelation that Vegas is not a desert? Come on..what's next....that Ghost Bar closed on New Years so i cant possibly live in Vegas because...okey dokey.

I never said Las Vegas was a desert, I just said it was much cooler in the winter than the summer, which the link I provided clearly shows. So you are either lying, full of crap, or lying and full of crap.

Hey, what’s that smell….DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Your pants are on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

safe the money to fly her in and spend it on a big boob eastern european stripper... they are bitchy as well, look down on everybody including you as the customer... but never whine about where they are as long you as you pay them happy...

and your current girlfriend has the chance to find a decent new boyfriend...

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Conflict zones are unaccompanied posts.

So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

I am not seeking to impose a respite in our relationship. I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

As we both lack visas and are required to leave every 30 days, I previously sent her home every 30 days for a week or so but the cost of sending her to europe or running off to Vegas for a week adds up. I am not working now and cant spend like I am on a 200k a year contract anymore. The days where I would do a 90 day STTA in Afghanistan and come back with 50k are over.

Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

Why I opted to buy a condo here? Thailand, for better or for worse, is the best location for a person like myself to be domiciled at--six hours or so from the middle east and central asia, 2nd world place with first world amenities, smiley non intrusive population, cheap tennis, relatively inexpensive to live the good life, and lack of bureaucratic obstacles. I tried living in Germany for a year and it was a logistical nightmare (I spent days standing in lines when i had only a ten day RRB). I have never had a visa or any problems living in Thailand. I come and go as I wish with no hassle.

I lived in Dubai and loved it, but you cant save money there if you are going out. And real estate there is outrageous.

I considered Cape Town or the Canary Islands but you need a car in Cape Town...no 3 dollar taxis...and its dam_n dangerous. I don't wanna survive a year on a PRT in Buqubah in Iraq and get shot by someone over 30 bucks. No sir.

Another thing that the dude who could not add nor understand that Vegas is a desert failed to consider is that while I am not Ed Saverin, we get out and about here to a level that i could not afford to do in Vegas.

Bottle service at Bed Supperclub is 140 bucks and they save the bottle for two weeks (my cheap butt drinks a third at time which allows me free entrance for three separate times)..bottle service at Pure, Marqee, or Ghost Bar is 500 bucks if you are lucky. And you have to tip in Vegas...not ten percent but 17-20 percent or you get nasty looks.

it's just more expensive to eat out and party and play tennis in Vegas than it is here. I also love strip clubs..can't stay out of them and the clubs in Vegas will max out a credit card in night faster than cairo can put together a protest against the Great Satan.

So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

Dude, did you see the link I provided that showed the you were either misinformed (or flat out lying) when you said Las Vegas did not really have seasons?

Or dude, what about the link showing that utilities in Henderson Nevada are 8% lower than the US national average?

Hey, I have an idea dude, listen: being your girlfriend is really hot, why not have her get a job as a movie star? That would keep her busy, provide her with other hot women to hang around with, and you could use the extra “resources” to help pay your utility bills as well. Seems to me like that could be win-win for everyone.

Or maybe dude just needs to get a better job, that way you can afford to pay utilities in the US and keep your girlfriend happy.

Lying about the seasons in vegas?what are you cyber sillying about?

are we arguing that its hot in vegas. seriously?

lets make this simpler. hot or cold..warm...tropical.... I cant afford to maintain three different residences.

Does this calm you down?

Don't construct irrelevant straw-man to avoid admitting to be intellectually TKO'd.

Stop this. You know better.

Now, you make some good points:

She does the whole Koi model scene and has gotten a few jobs here but does not really fancy the work. And, they don't really pay that much. That being said, no model aside from top 50 or so make any real money...it's kinda like tennis..if you are not in top 100 players in the world you are lucky to break even.

About my job, yes, I am actually at a crossroads in my life. From 23 to 30 I spent my life in conflict zones earning a good salary with no real expenses. I no longer want to work in conflict zones and, with the draw-down of ops in iraq and Afghanistan, the good ol days are gone.

But my lifestyle--and this includes dating high caliber tier one model women--needs at least a top 5% income to be maintained. Now at 31 i am used to business class on Cathay and Mariott Platinum. i was not rich by any means, but if I woke up and saw the olympics on tv I could be there 48 hours later...no kids, no large expenses... financial freedom.

Any cubicle that go I to in DC for some defense contractor will yield a signifacnt change in lifestyle.

I am 31 and now realize that quitting law school and running off to Baghdad was great at the time...the stories and the pictures...but instead of being a grounded Ivy league educated attorney making a good sustainable income, i am now caught up in fiscal and lifestyle vice.

You are right. I do need to get a better job.

But that's for another day. I need to placate my girl until I can do so. That's the immediate dilemma.

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OK The answer is take the spoilt self obsessed brat to a Thai home for handicapped people for the day and tell her how lucky she is not to be born or end up like this, then slap her round the face and dump her if she keeps bleating.

Sounds to me like one of those vomit inducing "Orange country real housewives" type I had the misfortune to watch once on the tv.

You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

You have actually watched, "Real Housewives?"

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So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

I am not seeking to impose a respite in our relationship. I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

As we both lack visas and are required to leave every 30 days, I previously sent her home every 30 days for a week or so but the cost of sending her to europe or running off to Vegas for a week adds up. I am not working now and cant spend like I am on a 200k a year contract anymore. The days where I would do a 90 day STTA in Afghanistan and come back with 50k are over.

Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

Why I opted to buy a condo here? Thailand, for better or for worse, is the best location for a person like myself to be domiciled at--six hours or so from the middle east and central asia, 2nd world place with first world amenities, smiley non intrusive population, cheap tennis, relatively inexpensive to live the good life, and lack of bureaucratic obstacles. I tried living in Germany for a year and it was a logistical nightmare (I spent days standing in lines when i had only a ten day RRB). I have never had a visa or any problems living in Thailand. I come and go as I wish with no hassle.

I lived in Dubai and loved it, but you cant save money there if you are going out. And real estate there is outrageous.

I considered Cape Town or the Canary Islands but you need a car in Cape Town...no 3 dollar taxis...and its dam_n dangerous. I don't wanna survive a year on a PRT in Buqubah in Iraq and get shot by someone over 30 bucks. No sir.

Another thing that the dude who could not add nor understand that Vegas is a desert failed to consider is that while I am not Ed Saverin, we get out and about here to a level that i could not afford to do in Vegas.

Bottle service at Bed Supperclub is 140 bucks and they save the bottle for two weeks (my cheap butt drinks a third at time which allows me free entrance for three separate times)..bottle service at Pure, Marqee, or Ghost Bar is 500 bucks if you are lucky. And you have to tip in Vegas...not ten percent but 17-20 percent or you get nasty looks.

it's just more expensive to eat out and party and play tennis in Vegas than it is here. I also love strip clubs..can't stay out of them and the clubs in Vegas will max out a credit card in night faster than cairo can put together a protest against the Great Satan.

So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

Dude, did you see the link I provided that showed the you were either misinformed (or flat out lying) when you said Las Vegas did not really have seasons?

Or dude, what about the link showing that utilities in Henderson Nevada are 8% lower than the US national average?

Hey, I have an idea dude, listen: being your girlfriend is really hot, why not have her get a job as a movie star? That would keep her busy, provide her with other hot women to hang around with, and you could use the extra “resources” to help pay your utility bills as well. Seems to me like that could be win-win for everyone.

Or maybe dude just needs to get a better job, that way you can afford to pay utilities in the US and keep your girlfriend happy.

Lying about the seasons in vegas?what are you cyber sillying about?

are we arguing that its hot in vegas. seriously?

lets make this simpler. hot or cold..warm...tropical.... I cant afford to maintain three different residences.

Does this calm you down?

Don't construct irrelevant straw-man to avoid admitting to be intellectually TKO'd.

Stop this. You know better.

Now, you make some good points:

She does the whole Koi model scene and has gotten a few jobs here but does not really fancy the work. And, they don't really pay that much. That being said, no model aside from top 50 or so make any real money...it's kinda like tennis..if you are not in top 100 players in the world you are lucky to break even.

About my job, yes, I am actually at a crossroads in my life. From 23 to 30 I spent my life in conflict zones earning a good salary with no real expenses. I no longer want to work in conflict zones and, with the draw-down of ops in iraq and Afghanistan, the good ol days are gone.

But my lifestyle--and this includes dating high caliber tier one model women--needs at least a top 5% income to be maintained. Now at 31 i am used to business class on Cathay and Mariott Platinum. i was not rich by any means, but if I woke up and saw the olympics on tv I could be there 48 hours later...no kids, no large expenses... financial freedom.

Any cubicle that go I to in DC for some defense contractor will yield a signifacnt change in lifestyle.

I am 31 and now realize that quitting law school and running off to Baghdad was great at the time...the stories and the pictures...but instead of being a grounded Ivy league educated attorney making a good sustainable income, i am now caught up in fiscal and lifestyle vice.

You are right. I do need to get a better job.

But that's for another day. I need to placate my girl until I can do so. That's the immediate dilemma.

Have you tried elevator shoes?

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dude, vegas was 96 degrees yesterday...there are no real seasons in Vegas...it's hot all the time.

once again, you are off point.

No real seasons? That's not how I remember it, nor is it how weather.com recorded it.


Dude, you are nothing if not entertaining.

Man, what do you keep squealing about? Is your latest revelation that Vegas is not a desert? Come on..what's next....that Ghost Bar closed on New Years so i cant possibly live in Vegas because...okey dokey.

I never said Las Vegas was a desert, I just said it was much cooler in the winter than the summer, which the link I provided clearly shows. So you are either lying, full of crap, or lying and full of crap.

Hey, what’s that smell….DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Your pants are on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend, i concede your point that Vegas has variations in temperature. You got me..caught me red handed.

Your point is proven.

Dude, do you live around Thong Lo? if so, we can grab some chow...my treat...I would be interested to hear your opinions on a wide variety if issues.

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OK The answer is take the spoilt self obsessed brat to a Thai home for handicapped people for the day and tell her how lucky she is not to be born or end up like this, then slap her round the face and dump her if she keeps bleating.

Sounds to me like one of those vomit inducing "Orange country real housewives" type I had the misfortune to watch once on the tv.

You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

You have actually watched, "Real Housewives?"

Ashamed to say, but yea, and the Italain lady version too...the ones where they fight all the time....

off to tennis now..have a nice day.

Edited by Aurelllian
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Regardless whether Aurelllian is real, somewhat exaggerating or a complete fabrication...I like his swagger.

Your choice to make allowances for this woman is a little confusing, especially given your job in "conflict zones" where you put your life on the line every day...and now you pander to her moods and whims of being seen in all the right places. I think your priorities are a little out of whack. We've all had trophy girlfriends at some point in our lives, but after a while you start wondering what contest you actually won.

I also have a condo in Vegas which I use maybe 3 months a year. Ghost Bar for $500? Possible, but from what you have described, your girlfriend won't be happy with what bottle that gets you or the table way down the back. My tip at The Bank was more than your bottle service a few weeks ago.

But I understand why she cries at the mere thought of coming to Bangkok after being in Vegas. The 2 do not even compare on any level, except cheap tennis and the sky train, if that's what matters to you. The clubs, bars and restaurants do not even compare to Vegas. Q Bar and Bed? Really? What can you possible like about the pretentious crowd of wannabe's? Wait...I just answered that.

Dump the girl before she dumps you or she drives you nuts from her depression and sulking. Enjoy what money you earned by putting yourself in harms way and not just on being seen in all the right places with some arm candy. Get a better job.

...and most importantly play more XBOX.

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I have met expat wives who are unhappy with their location, and if they are unhappy, it makes the whole situation unlivable. And that seems to be happening here. Especially since you appear to travel quite a bit, which can only make matters more worse.

As much as you may love Thailand, it is not going to work for you as a couple. If that is true, and you think that there is a future with this girl, then you should give some thought about why keep your condo here. If you say you are keeping for future rent, but being a long distance landlord is not a good idea (in my opinion, especially if you are rarely going to be here).

I would look at selling the condo, using the money from the sale to pay off the remaining mortgage, and use the extra to allow you to short term rent in the US while you evict the tenant in your other condo. It sounds as though your girlfriend would be happier in more familiar surroundings (e.g. the US) than Thailand.

No, he hates it here too, he just can't afford to move back to the US because the utilities are too expensive.

Ah, those utilities bills . . .

I was going to buy a BMW M5 last week but then the water bill arrived and destroyed that . . . electricity bill is due in October - dam_n . . .

Bummer me too!!!! always happens as well..................cheques in the postwink.png

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what are you disputing? that its unfathomable to have a 600 dollar utility bill in Vegas, that i cant afford to maintain three residences, that it's hot in vegas, that vegas is a desert...that it was 100 degrees yesterday in Vegas. That my condo there has crappy insulation?

Look, I am not saying that its Dubai hot 356 in Vegas. What i am saying is that I cant afford to maintain three residences. That's the salient point, not if it was 100 yesterday or 96.

U said its always hot in Vegas I attach website of temps year round in Vegas...........its not always hot.................is what Im discussing, you seem to be discussing something else, good luck with the bimbo,sounds like a lost and useless waste of time to me though.

This is what "always hot" looks like,


Edited by travelmann
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OK The answer is take the spoilt self obsessed brat to a Thai home for handicapped people for the day and tell her how lucky she is not to be born or end up like this, then slap her round the face and dump her if she keeps bleating.

Sounds to me like one of those vomit inducing "Orange country real housewives" type I had the misfortune to watch once on the tv.

You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

You have actually watched, "Real Housewives?"

They'd be better off renaming it "self obsessed moronic <deleted> of Orange County" but I do have to admit to once vomittingly having watched it whislt being strapped down to a bed eyes taped open as punishment. plsssss can u forgive me??laugh.png

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Regardless whether Aurelllian is real, somewhat exaggerating or a complete fabrication...I like his swagger.

Your choice to make allowances for this woman is a little confusing, especially given your job in "conflict zones" where you put your life on the line every day...and now you pander to her moods and whims of being seen in all the right places. I think your priorities are a little out of whack. We've all had trophy girlfriends at some point in our lives, but after a while you start wondering what contest you actually won.

I also have a condo in Vegas which I use maybe 3 months a year. Ghost Bar for $500? Possible, but from what you have described, your girlfriend won't be happy with what bottle that gets you or the table way down the back. My tip at The Bank was more than your bottle service a few weeks ago.

But I understand why she cries at the mere thought of coming to Bangkok after being in Vegas. The 2 do not even compare on any level, except cheap tennis and the sky train, if that's what matters to you. The clubs, bars and restaurants do not even compare to Vegas. Q Bar and Bed? Really? What can you possible like about the pretentious crowd of wannabe's? Wait...I just answered that.

Dump the girl before she dumps you or she drives you nuts from her depression and sulking. Enjoy what money you earned by putting yourself in harms way and not just on being seen in all the right places with some arm candy. Get a better job.

...and most importantly play more XBOX.

Regardless whether Aurelllian is real, somewhat exaggerating or a complete fabrication...I like his swagger.

Your choice to make allowances for this woman is a little confusing, especially given your job in "conflict zones" where you put your life on the line every day...and now you pander to her moods and whims of being seen in all the right places. I think your priorities are a little out of whack. We've all had trophy girlfriends at some point in our lives, but after a while you start wondering what contest you actually won.

I also have a condo in Vegas which I use maybe 3 months a year. Ghost Bar for $500? Possible, but from what you have described, your girlfriend won't be happy with what bottle that gets you or the table way down the back. My tip at The Bank was more than your bottle service a few weeks ago.

But I understand why she cries at the mere thought of coming to Bangkok after being in Vegas. The 2 do not even compare on any level, except cheap tennis and the sky train, if that's what matters to you. The clubs, bars and restaurants do not even compare to Vegas. Q Bar and Bed? Really? What can you possible like about the pretentious crowd of wannabe's? Wait...I just answered that.

Dump the girl before she dumps you or she drives you nuts from her depression and sulking. Enjoy what money you earned by putting yourself in harms way and not just on being seen in all the right places with some arm candy. Get a better job.

...and most importantly play more XBOX.

Nice post. Your post indicates that you are a high roller; I am not.

Re Vegas: I don't tip 500 bucks. Never have. That being said, I bet our experiences are comparable...perhaps mine even a bit superior...unless you are of the ilk that spends five figures in the club, then all bets are off.

I have a local id (don't get charged the cover on industry nights and sometimes even on regular nights), I have a military bearing (folks just assume I am an 0-3 at Nellis) which results in the clubs often waving the cover and treating you a bit better, I am polite with a little bit of money and tip well..not 500 bucks but I am not stingy (this cant be underrated, as people are absolute neanderthals in vegas), and my hot girl has other hot girls who always get comped. In Vegas we will normally get comped a bottle and buy one; the staff at Marqee and Pure take care of us. Not always...the time that Snooki made a guest appearance we received comp entry but no bottle..but all and all i dont pay menu rates in Vegas.

I punch above my weight, but if you are true high-roller then I am sure you ball harder than I do.

I can suspect that you are a connoisseur of the libertine as i am. True friendship is only between peers after college. There are very few women of my lady's quality (looks) here and that is the genesis of the problem. She's also late 20s and not early 20s so she has difficulty connecting with the E.European Koi models who have similar looks. My girl is actually cool, she's not as pretentious as she could be. She works, has her own money, and is well traveled. She cooks and understands the value of a dollar.

It's hard for me here too but i can live anywhere as long as I have my xbox, my kindle, and my racket. The problem is that I cant find peers. If i get a bottle at Bed Supperclub I dont want the dude I am with to scurry to the head as I am reaching for my wallet. if I say lets grab a porterhouse at the JW I dont want my message not be returned because he cant afford it. If I want to send the ladies for a spa or maybe pop over to HK for the weekend I don't want money to be an obstacle to the bonding.

I think we would have nice conversation over a good single malt.

In defense of Bangkok, the food here is actually pretty decent. And perhaps my palette is not as sophisticated as yours is,but, i did the 16 course meal and my girl the 6 (only six or 16 avail) at Joel Robuchon this summer and although it was tasty (although some of the stuff was just plain weird) I did not think it was worth 25% of what i paid.

Edited by Aurelllian
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OK The answer is take the spoilt self obsessed brat to a Thai home for handicapped people for the day and tell her how lucky she is not to be born or end up like this, then slap her round the face and dump her if she keeps bleating.

Sounds to me like one of those vomit inducing "Orange country real housewives" type I had the misfortune to watch once on the tv.

You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

You have actually watched, "Real Housewives?"

They'd be better off renaming it "self obsessed moronic <deleted> of Orange County" but I do have to admit to once vomittingly having watched it whislt being strapped down to a bed eyes taped open as punishment. plsssss can u forgive me??laugh.png

Real Housewives is whack. Mobwives is a little better. My girls is not this bad.

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what are you disputing? that its unfathomable to have a 600 dollar utility bill in Vegas, that i cant afford to maintain three residences, that it's hot in vegas, that vegas is a desert...that it was 100 degrees yesterday in Vegas. That my condo there has crappy insulation?

Look, I am not saying that its Dubai hot 356 in Vegas. What i am saying is that I cant afford to maintain three residences. That's the salient point, not if it was 100 yesterday or 96.

U said its always hot in Vegas I attach website of temps year round in Vegas...........its not always hot.................is what Im discussing, you seem to be discussing something else, good luck with the bimbo,sounds like a lost and useless waste of time to me though.

This is what "always hot" looks like,


You are correct, it is not always hot in Vegas.

have a blessed day.

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You know what. yes. yes yes.

This is a wonderful idea..sans the slapping of course.

i sent her to the Thai National History Museum to inquire about the volunteer program and she met a nice German lady there but seeing the people who are a little less fortunate than her may give her her some perspective.

That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... likewise, nauseous is the word that comes to mind....but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

You have actually watched, "Real Housewives?"

They'd be better off renaming it "self obsessed moronic <deleted> of Orange County" but I do have to admit to once vomittingly having watched it whislt being strapped down to a bed eyes taped open as punishment. plsssss can u forgive me??laugh.png

Real Housewives is whack. Mobwives is a little better. My girls is not this bad.

"Real Housewives is whack. Mobwives is a little better. My girls is not this bad." You don't really expect us to believe that you went to college in the US do you?

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I bet our experiences are comparable...perhaps mine even a bit superior..

I have a local id, I have a military bearing , I ... tip well.., my hot girl has other hot girls . In Vegas we will normally get comped. I punch above my weight. I can suspect that you are a connoisseur of the libertine as i am. True friendship is only between peers after college. There are very few women of my lady's quality (looks). The problem is that I cant find peers.

The problem seems to be... that you are such a showoff and arrogant as hell, that any peer you might ever meet will find out in the first 30 seconds of your conversation... he would neither finish his single malt (and I am sure you have no idea what a good single malt means and probably will mix it with ice...) nor eat the sushi you so kindly offer in your desperate try to find somebody you can impress with all your shit...

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OP sounds like a complete douche... not really surprising he's not connecting well with other expats whistling.gif

You make 200k a year and are currently jobless but seem to act like the CEO of Citi cheesy.gif

Edited by yoslim
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Conflict zones are unaccompanied posts.

So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

Boy, you are the raw model of a selfish and arrogant moron... and cheap charly at the same time...

So you know she does not like it here, you only keep her for the blond good looks and the big boobs and you need to spend money to send her off and back every month and you can't afford her actually in a place where she would be happy to wait for you...

So send her back with a one-way ticket and use the money you safe to hire a big blond boosted eastern-european stripper... she will also keep your bed warm and has no problem to leave you alone once you spent your money on her as she has a constant inflow of other such morons...

Best about above option is that your current model GF has the chance to find some decent guy to date with...

I reckon i'd much rather have a beer with him than you.

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