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American Suspected Of Conducting Lewd Acts With 13 Year Old Boy In Central Pattaya

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I've never visited Pattaya and in fact I am a newbie to Thailand but it seems every story I read on here is in some related to the place, lol blink.png

Just an observation.

Most of the posts on the Pattaya Forum are about Pattaya genius

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Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


What's a 13 year old boy doing prostituting himself??? This very much sounds like a set up to me! Nonetheless the man should've known better than that!

The man likes young boys, that is what he likes sexually and what he knows. It isn't a case of knowing better, it is a case of acting better.

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I've never visited Pattaya and in fact I am a newbie to Thailand but it seems every story I read on here is in some related to the place, lol blink.png

Just an observation.

Then you haven't read many stories here yet, un less you do all your reading on the Pattaya forum

So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

This is not 'little' bit of privacy. It is insane to allow cameras in toilet rooms. There has got to be better ways to protect kids than having cams in toilet rooms

Can you name anywhere in the world that has cameras in public toilets?


So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

This is not 'little' bit of privacy. It is insane to allow cameras in toilet rooms. There has got to be better ways to protect kids than having cams in toilet rooms

Can you name anywhere in the world that has cameras in public toilets?

Literally thousands. Google Japan public toilet cam.biggrin.png

Google images is ever better.cheesy.gif

Aren't you glad you looked at thaiclap2.gif


those old guys with their pensions.. whistling.gif

I am an old guy with a pension and I find this type of act revolting. I think he should have his nuts cut off and force fed to him.

I am a younger guy, but +1 to the comment


Is it not the case that there are certain toilet facilities which are known as paedophile meeting spots? That being the case I would say it was appropriate to have cameras to identify that old men were taking young boys into cubicles. That way there could be no argument about guilt or otherwise.

So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

I have no tolerance for the sick perverts preying on children, but your argument stinks as well. This is the same kind of logic that in short 8 years turned US from the land of the free into fortress America. The old wisdom that people who are willing to sacrifice their freedom for security deserve nither is as true today as when it was stated at dawn of the American republic.

Yours is the logic that the propagandised populace used to accept the warentless wiretaps, indefinite detentions without charges, rutine strip searches at the airports, suspension of habeas corpus, and many other Orwelian exesses of a totalitarian regime over its own people.

The fact that you're commenting on Thai Visa tells us that you chose to live in Thailand away from the overreaching authorities of the West and yet, here you are espousing the same stupid attitude towards unchecked surveliance. If you crave the militarized nanny state you're welcome to head on back home, the rest of us want to remain free men.

Well spoken! Totally agree! If everybody would fall for the "but that will make our world safer" trap, next step perhaps will be a pinhole camera with a direct video link to the CIA installed on mens' d!cks... Fact is that if anyone wants to commit a crime, he will - regardless whether there are one million or one billion cameras out there.

Outre99 could not be more spot on, and drew the correct line back to Orwell... For the ignorant, superficial and obedient "Yeah, but I have nothing to hide, so what?" guys out there here my tip: Read Orwell or watch movies like his 1984, or Soylent Green, or the rather new and modern flick (have forgotten the title) where the possession of art, music or books suddenly is illegal and people get killed for having a book at home...

Yeah, giggle and call me paranoid, but can't you see what is going on all around the globe today; every so-called "free" country is turned into a 24/7 surveillance police state. You might say "What's wrong with that, after all they go after the bad guys!" and here again I have to disagree: Crimes are up and not down in most countries when you read statistics, especially in Europe, the US and Britain (surveillance super-police-state with one camera per 14 citizens)... You think they would have less burglaries, violence, rapes, drugs, killings? Answer is NO!

So who can guarantee that painting a picture of an angel, or playing a blues song on your guitar might NOT be a crime in your country in a few years from now?

However, coming back to the topic. While I strongly condemn the American's deed, it is just a sad matter of fact that many teenagers in Thailand provide "services" like that for money willingly, just to make some extra cash. In this title story there is nobody "behind" and most certainly the boy has not pimp or anyone forcing him to do what he did.

The human trafficking of children for sex is well hidden from our "Farang" eyes and is in the hand of well-off Thai/Chinese people who keep all that stuff "in the family" so to say. I doubt that any foreigner (even if he wants to) will find his way into such a child slave "establishment" in today Thailand. It's hidden from public. One can say what he wants about Thailand, but in my opinion Thailand did a good job in getting rid of that Pedo-Land stigma it still had in the early 90s.

Of course child sex trafficking has not been rooted out by a 100%, but I doubt that any country in the world managed to do just that, since there are many influencial, rich and famous people into pedophilia, what actually is a sickening thought...

To round it up: It's a sick world we live in and and sick people will always get their way, even if ten CCTV cameras per citizen are installed. You have to change the mindset, the heart and the spirit of people if you want to change the world! Changes to the better need to come from within, but not from outside - implemented by high tech. It's bound to fail.

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your paranoid, may I humbly suggest you put down the spliff before posting in future, the NWO is coming my dear chap and there is nothing you can do about it and dont forget about the illuminati and the "reptiles" who are in power

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Id like to hear the 13yr olds story of how he got in there, after all im sure 99.9999999% of 13 yr olds wouldnt do this. Who or what is behind it?

I'm with you here. If this is not some put up job by the police or his mother to extract some money from this farang, then bad on him. At 65 he should have enough sense not to go into a toilet with a underage kid. On another note, I have noticed that a lot of men who pose with their arms in the position I see him in the photo, have tendecies to be other than heterosexual. Just my take of observation over the years. Again, if this is not some con to get a farangs money, put him in jail or deport him.


The kid agreed to the encounter and most likely got paid. He might have even solicited. Why is he not in trouble with the law?

Kid prostitutes exist all over the world all the time.

Kids also get raped and molested all over the world all the time.

Not saying these facts should be grounds for allowing it to continue, but

I think if you have a strong knee-jerk reaction to this story, it probably says a lot more about you than Mr. Shapiro.

By the way, today...

a very nice old lady died a violent death by the hands of a "bad" person

a very cute dog was brutal killed and eaten by a family

an adorable 14 y.o. virgin girl was deflowered because the rapist thought it would cure his AIDS

but these stories weren't covered in the news

There were some "good" "happy" things that happened in the world today, but they didn't show up in the news either.

Nor would it, I suspect, get the TVers all worked up and judgmental in the forums.

P.S. I should know better not to scroll down to read the comments when I want to read the news story as that sometimes gets me worked up too. wai.gif


The kid agreed to the encounter and most likely got paid. He might have even solicited. Why is he not in trouble with the law?

Kid prostitutes exist all over the world all the time.

Kids also get raped and molested all over the world all the time.

Not saying these facts should be grounds for allowing it to continue, but

I think if you have a strong knee-jerk reaction to this story, it probably says a lot more about you than Mr. Shapiro.

By the way, today...

a very nice old lady died a violent death by the hands of a "bad" person

a very cute dog was brutal killed and eaten by a family

an adorable 14 y.o. virgin girl was deflowered because the rapist thought it would cure his AIDS

but these stories weren't covered in the news

There were some "good" "happy" things that happened in the world today, but they didn't show up in the news either.

Nor would it, I suspect, get the TVers all worked up and judgmental in the forums.

P.S. I should know better not to scroll down to read the comments when I want to read the news story as that sometimes gets me worked up too. wai.gif

WHAT??? You're sticking up for a PEDOPHILE ? JESUS CHRIST!

Erm...apart from the disgusting act mentioned here, is anyone else bothered by the presence of a toilet cubicle camera? Or was the photo inside the cubicle taken from a mobile phone reach over?

I mentioned this on a previous thread.

This practice of placing spy cameras in toilets, elevators, and changing and fitting rooms of department stores, sports centres, hospitals and so on, has been going on for years.

We never know whose watching or where these videos end up when you`re out and about.

I think as well as the child rapist, the store owners should also be in the dock to do some explaining.

I would also like to know, who first approached who, outside the store? Was the said boy a child prostitute? How bad is child prostitution in Pattaya?


It is already one of the requirements. Not generally required, but still, on the books for the retirement visa.

Since when was it not required?


those old guys with their pensions.. whistling.gif

Let me guess...you are a "young guy" with no "pension". You must be jealous.

Two things that greatly bother me about this story. 1.) a young boy of 13 who accepted money for "whatever" they did in a toilet. That tells me he's pimping himself out and who encouraged it. How did this kid get to that point in life. 2.) And worse yet is this perverted man, regardless of his age, who has the need to do "whatever" with a child in a toilet. He's as sick as they come and needs to be banished from the face of the earth.

When money is exchanged it takes "two or more" people, so put the blame on both or all involved. And a camera in a toilet? Sounds like a setup to me.


Is it not the case that there are certain toilet facilities which are known as paedophile meeting spots? That being the case I would say it was appropriate to have cameras to identify that old men were taking young boys into cubicles. That way there could be no argument about guilt or otherwise.

So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

I suppose by your comment it would be inappropriate to have cameras to identify young men taking young boys into cubicles right? What is it with you guys with the one paint brush fits all pedos as being "old guys". I know this guys is 65 and is a piece of pond scum and in my opinion should be castrated if guilty.

Lay off the old guys crap!

Same as with the guys who paint all young guys as criminals in an other topic in this section

yeah,...i mean there are too many pensioners that are crackheads involved in muggings, knife crime , killing police with hand granades , dealing drugs etc etc , ...and the kids as white as snow with wonderful 20 something mothers/parents that arent fit to train a dog let alone be responsible parents and pedos are all over 60 as we all know ....right ? ermm.gif


I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

Of course, all the privacy we have lost over the years is always to help catch criminals, at least that's the way it's told to us.

I'm sure there are ways to catch these sick people without having cameras looking into toilets (if indeed they were).

However much I want them caught and punished, and however much I want the world to be rid of crime and terrorism, I DONT want to give up my rights to privacy.. WHY SHOULD I.

The reason it happens is because so many people turn a blind eye in the events leading up to them entering the toilet. The police know where the pedophile pick up places are, they know how to identify the boys involved and they are perfectly capable to preventing it... without my need to give up my privacy.

and do you know or care who is watching you ? have they been screened ? ,... don't forget this TIT , a perve could easily pay for a position in survailance here same goes for nearly every job here .


Maybe as an appropriate step for all retirees coming to live in Thailand is that they provide an upto date police report from their own countries, know this is place for for an O-A visa, but there is a loop hole in the "retirement visa" process and this should be closed...any sniff of criminal conviction, visa declined.

Each time I have applied for my non-immigrant type "O" visa (retirement) I have had to provide a notarized affidavit from my local police authority pertaining to criminal record if any. One of the problems in the case of pedophiles is that they might never have been arrested before, or previous to the 5 year window of the report requested.

I have also been under the assumption (it appears mistakenly so) that big brother would alert the authorities of the destination countries when a previously convicted sex offender was leaving the country. In the USA, once convicted of a sex offense, it follows the convicted and he must register with the local authorities whenever he moves to a new location, and the neighbors are alerted to his presence.


obtaining a police report i.e., from America would not necessarily close any loop hole. In reality it only provides a local account of any criminal activity. America is a big place and when you go to the local police department, the report only applies to that city. This report when presented is accepted but I think without understanding that it is not all inclusive applying to the Federal government and all cities of America.

I believe the required report for an O-A visa in the US is a report from the FBI ?...understand its a national thing...not sure on this as nit a US citizen

The requirement is not for an FBI report. For 3 years I have went to the sheriff's office in the county where I live since I'm not in an incorporated city. I don't know whether it would apply to sex offences, but there are a lot of felonies that can be expunged after a period of time and then a person can state that they have never been arrested.


those old guys with their pensions.. whistling.gif

I am an "old guy" and I have a "pension".

Quite a normal situation for a senior farang, isn't it ?

You, Mister, are truly a horrible person for saying that I must thus have such disgusting "penchants".

It's you, Mister, who has a disgusting penchant for posting such an insulting post on this thread.

Yes a sweeping generalisation if i ever saw one, a bit like some who think just because you are male and travel to a Thailand for a holiday means you must be a paedophile.

Comments like those from Yoslim i find infuriating to say the least!!

Yes, Yoslim obviously has a problem. To quote Shakespeare, " maybe he doth protest too much"! Know what i mean!

I've never visited Pattaya and in fact I am a newbie to Thailand but it seems every story I read on here is in some related to the place, lol blink.png

Just an observation.

Most of the posts on the Pattaya Forum are about Pattaya genius

Eh! Most of the posts on Pattaya forum are about Pattaya genius! <deleted> does that mean? Are you sober? Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt! Good advice.

1. Can't he even afford a hotel? he needs to 'do it' in a Shopping Mall toilet?

2. Why does the "Pattaya ONE" logo look so much like the Colgate Toothpaste Logo?

3. A man with a child is a pedafile. Why is the Article "downplayed"? he is called Leud. - I think Pedafile is more fitting.


Sick f7894ck,

Thats all that needs to be said.

The sadder thing is the number of posters on here making excuses for the guy and some how trying to suggest he was set up, it nor his fault etc etc, so it appears there are quite a few TV who actually condone what paedophile,s


Russian guy throws some furniture off a balcony and TV finest wrinkles are baying for blood calling him scum, should be kicked out the country, he is drug dealer etc...US guy is a wrinkly paedophile and some of TV finest are making excuses for the guy...

Makes you think doesnt it

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I'm just not going to use the bathrooms in the Pattaya department stores any more. Pedophilia. Toilet cubicle cameras. Reach overs. Screw it. I'm just going to poop outside behind a dumpster or something.

Why not a lot of others do judging from the smell of the Soi alongside Central.

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