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True Blocking Me?


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We have True DSL and cable TV here. Since yesterday evening websites have been erratic and not opening including thaivisa.com! I am able to post here ONLY because I am using the Tor browser which annonymizes my IP or something like that.

To check and see if sites are down I use downforeveryoneorjustme.com.

I have cleared my caches, run every utility I have, restarted, safe booted, turned off or uninstalled all browser extensions, turned Java on and off and STILL it am getting nothing for certain sites. I even ran a virus scan just to be thorough (on Mac OS 10.6.8) and came up with nothing.

As I type here, Safari is still trying to load thaivisa.com.

Sites that are working are Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo mail, (but not Yahoo Groups) Google and so on. I can't find any logic to the sites that are not loading.

Is anyone else in BKK having this issue? This issue is also on our other Mac laptop.


PS after typing here for 15 mins or so thaivisa.com opened in Safari. wth?

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No sh_t!!!! Been dealing with this since last night and now all of a sudden....!!!clap2.gif

As a last resort, I had just now gone through my fonts to see if there were any issues there, and found one newly added font that had an issue. Deleted that and was looking for one more utility and saw you had posted.

I am posting here now with Safari and other sites are working normally as well when they just crawled before or never opened. This despite speedtest.net and pingtest.net showing me to have a good ping as well as speed.

Forgot to mention that Firefox had the same problem and only Tor browser (which I believe is based on Mozilla) worked. Makes ya wonder, was it some BS at True's end or that one little font?

Problem seems to have sorted itself out now...strange.

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With all the censorsh_t that goes on here plus content blocked just because we're overseas (I'm talking to you NBC, ABC, CBS, Hulu) plus the fact that the ONLY browser that worked during this time was Tor (which can get around Thai censors), it wouldn't surprise me to find out the problem was outside of my computer.

Same on my desktop. Still no access to many sites. sad.png

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Exactly same problem two weeks ago with TOT.

Could not access any websites appart from google co th

No problems on my neighbours WiFi whistling.gif who uses TOT aswell.

No problems what so ever using my proxi server which is

located in europe.

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One of these days I should have someone come and set something like that up for me. thumbsup.gif

I knew it was too good too be true (accidental pun) as things are still wonky but not as bad as this morning or last night. (knocks on wood)

Exactly same problem two weeks ago with TOT.

No problems what so ever using my proxi server which is

located in europe.

Edited by emanphoto
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One of these days I should have someone come and set something like that up for me. thumbsup.gif

I knew it was too good too be true (accidental pun) as things are still wonky but not as bad as this morning or last night. (knocks on wood)

Exactly same problem two weeks ago with TOT.

No problems what so ever using my proxi server which is

located in europe.

It's easy to set up a proxi servers or VPN

There are plenty of free ones around although I was never too satiesfied with the download speeds they have.

I use one based in Switzerland (SwissVPN) as it seams to be petty reliable at a fair price.Although it doesn't

allow me to watch british tv on line but there are several VPN in most countries you could use if watching

online tv is impotant to you

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I had these issues many moons ago when i still was lucky to have True high speed adsl, now I'm on horrible Dtac 3G, and the way to work around it was to enter the true proxy in your browser settings.So one day everything would work only throught the True proxy, while another day you would need to disable the proxy to connect to anything.

Proxy Server = proxy.trueintenret.co.th Port = 8080

You can also enter : proxy.asianet.co.th

Edited by jbrain
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I may as well chime in, too. I haven't been able to get on Thaivisa for the last two days. I use Chrome and Spotflux. The odd thing, though, is that I've lost all reply options and toolbars when replying to a topic. Which sucks as I'd like to link to some photos in another topic but have no way of doing it.

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I had that problem earlier today with the Yahoo mail website and the buttons there which fortunately works fine now. Which is more than I can say for thaivisa.com, and numerous other links I happen to click.

I tried adding to my "Web Proxy (HTTP)" in my network system prefs both proxy.asianet.co.th and proxy.trueinternet.co.th with no luck. I have the feeling I may be doing it wrong though.

Open to suggestions! smile.png


I may as well chime in, too. I haven't been able to get on Thaivisa for the last two days. I use Chrome and Spotflux. The odd thing, though, is that I've lost all reply options and toolbars when replying to a topic. Which sucks as I'd like to link to some photos in another topic but have no way of doing it.
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I will definitely give that a whirl today! Seems quite easy to set up too. http://use.opendns.com/

I won't pretend I know anything about what causes this, but I find it interesting that the Tor browser can get around this issue, albeit slowly. Also one has to change the settings as flash won't work in Tor otherwise.

Also I find that our DSL goes offline daily. I have a chat app open whenever the machine is on as this app tells me when I have new emails in some accts. I see people on my list start to disappear and I know I'm not online at that moment.

True has regular problems with its DNS servers. Use OpenDNS or Google public DNS instead, and these problems will go away.

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I will definitely give that a whirl today! Seems quite easy to set up too. http://use.opendns.com/

I won't pretend I know anything about what causes this, but I find it interesting that the Tor browser can get around this issue, albeit slowly. Also one has to change the settings as flash won't work in Tor otherwise.

Also I find that our DSL goes offline daily. I have a chat app open whenever the machine is on as this app tells me when I have new emails in some accts. I see people on my list start to disappear and I know I'm not online at that moment.

True has regular problems with its DNS servers. Use OpenDNS or Google public DNS instead, and these problems will go away.

I'm sure the cause of the problem is beyond their responsibility.

You should not forget that after all Thaialnd is the internet hub of Asia whistling.gif

Edited by jbrain
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