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Choice Of Woman?


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Mrs mjj left school at 12.

Probably doesn't know what algebra or zoology is .

But she probably could spell them better than you. :-)

Bit harsh, he has two letters round the wrong way, commonly known as a typo, on one word and the other is just fine, please attack the post if you feel fit, not the spelling or grammar, particularly when only a typo is the focus of your post.

It's OK, he has the need to criticise something, not smart enough to debate the context of my comment.

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not many people will honestly admit the truth about young thai girls dating old thai men,

It's one thing to BS, but it's another to BS yourself.

there's no honesty here at all,

You can't resist putting the boot into the old guys every opportunity you get. What's the matter, can't find a girlfriend in Thailand?

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I am left to ponder the ambivalence of the women you associate with Tommo.

I'm a farmer, I live on a small farm and I associate with other farmers in a rural Thai village, what would you expect such people to talk about? Not everyone is a tourist associating with hookers in the big cities.

It seems the bulk of guys commenting here have women who are university educated, well travelled, well read, and who can converse on any subject from Alegbra to Zoology.

Of course i got a woman with an university education, not that it says much here in Thailand. But i would not want a real dumb woman. I tried that once back in the Netherlands, it did not work out. Maybe some guys like them not that smart so they look smarter themselves.

I love looking at girls bodies but i think a good brain is a must in a relation for me. Eye candy is ok and nice for between the sheets but gets boring in a longer relation.

Of course its just a matter of preference, and i won't attack anyone for liking woman that aren't that smart.

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not many people will honestly admit the truth about young thai girls dating old thai men,

It's one thing to BS, but it's another to BS yourself.

there's no honesty here at all,

You can't resist putting the boot into the old guys every opportunity you get. What's the matter, can't find a girlfriend in Thailand?

There was a guy earlier in this thread who was older and dating young woman. He was smart enough to admit it was money for a big part that attracts them. As long as you know that no problems and keeps you safe too.

Its more those guys that BS others and themselves that its not a money thing. If i ever break up with my gf and im older i would go for young too. But i would not BS myself or others she would love me for me alone. Money would be a large part of it.

I was in Ikea yesterday and looked at the Thai couples id say 99% percent of those are in similar age groups. So in general even here girls like guys to be in the same age / social group unless money is available.

I won't say that there are no age gap relations where its not about the money. I have seen a few, but they are not the majority that is for sure.

Thing is different age gaps also means different state in life, different interests ect. Its just harder to find a relation there that is real.

Yes also non age gap relations can be fake or fail, just less.

I am a realist, and have seen a few age gap relations work so its not impossible just more improbable.

And i repeat myself if i ever get old and am without a gf id probably do the same but just not kid myself and knowing the score i can make sure i dont fall of a balcony or commit suicide (what the thai police calls suicide).

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not many people will honestly admit the truth about young thai girls dating old thai men,

It's one thing to BS, but it's another to BS yourself.

there's no honesty here at all,

You can't resist putting the boot into the old guys every opportunity you get. What's the matter, can't find a girlfriend in Thailand?

There was a guy earlier in this thread who was older and dating young woman. He was smart enough to admit it was money for a big part that attracts them. As long as you know that no problems and keeps you safe too.

Its more those guys that BS others and themselves that its not a money thing. If i ever break up with my gf and im older i would go for young too. But i would not BS myself or others she would love me for me alone. Money would be a large part of it.

I was in Ikea yesterday and looked at the Thai couples id say 99% percent of those are in similar age groups. So in general even here girls like guys to be in the same age / social group unless money is available.

I won't say that there are no age gap relations where its not about the money. I have seen a few, but they are not the majority that is for sure.

Thing is different age gaps also means different state in life, different interests ect. Its just harder to find a relation there that is real.

Yes also non age gap relations can be fake or fail, just less.

I am a realist, and have seen a few age gap relations work so its not impossible just more improbable.

And i repeat myself if i ever get old and am without a gf id probably do the same but just not kid myself and knowing the score i can make sure i dont fall of a balcony or commit suicide (what the thai police calls suicide).

I was going to respond with a counter argument, but realised how futile it would be. Your attitude towards the oldies is well known on this forum and nothing I or anyone else could say is going to change that.

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Mrs mjj left school at 12.

Probably doesn't know what algebra or zoology is .

But she probably could spell them better than you. :-)

Bit harsh, he has two letters round the wrong way, commonly known as a typo, on one word and the other is just fine, please attack the post if you feel fit, not the spelling or grammar, particularly when only a typo is the focus of your post.

It's OK, he has the need to criticise something, not smart enough to debate the context of my comment.

Right, are you stupid!

Firstly, I was in debate on your side by saying my wife finished school at 12, but you were to blind to see that part.

Secondly, have we really come to the stage in this forum where people cannot laugh at there mistakes? If so, I'm done here.

Pathetic, get a grip and stop taking yourself too seriously!

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im glad my wife is a farmers daughter, i wouldnt get on of them girls who has been to uni to put there arm up a pigs, what sit, to see if there was any piglets there,,lol,

ive said it many times, if you are happy with whatever lady you have, then whats it bloody matter, why cant people just live there lifes,

im not botherd what joe up the road has got or they havnt got, im happy with my lot,

i wish everyone all the happiness they can find, and believe me i do mean that,

lifes to short, be happy while you can, and lets face it at the end of the day thats what most of us came here for, i for one did, after a shity divorce back in uk,


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Oh god....more of the same old BS. This has been done to death. get a life. coffee1.gif

....and furthermore, I strongly suspect your bar was under a rather rickety old bridge 1zgarz5.gif

Yep! same as I thought, just another way of having a Pop at the old fellas with gorgeous young wives or GFs, YaaawwwN.

Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

I might, I tend to ignore what people do for a living and concentrate more on what they are like as human beings.

well said that man,,,, jake

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Mrs mjj left school at 12.

Probably doesn't know what algebra or zoology is .

But she probably could spell them better than you. :-)

Bit harsh, he has two letters round the wrong way, commonly known as a typo, on one word and the other is just fine, please attack the post if you feel fit, not the spelling or grammar, particularly when only a typo is the focus of your post.

It's OK, he has the need to criticise something, not smart enough to debate the context of my comment.

Right, are you stupid!

Firstly, I was in debate on your side by saying my wife finished school at 12, but you were to blind to see that part.

Secondly, have we really come to the stage in this forum where people cannot laugh at there mistakes? If so, I'm done here.

Pathetic, get a grip and stop taking yourself too seriously!

No, I'm not stupid, and I wasn't the only one who took offence. Mossfinn also commented on the criticsm of my inadvertent spelling error. However, if I took it the wrong way, I apologise.

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Many not all but many of the folk you meet here who claim their wives are educated non-bar girls are in fact women they've met in a bar took them back to farang land for a year or two then they return with this almighty my shit don't stink attitude to their family, friends and whoever they come in contact with. I've seen it time and time again. Fake horrible people.

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Me. I'm from very a very working class background. I was the first person in my entire family to go to college let alone university.

At uni my girlfriend was of good stock. Her father was a self made millionaire before 25, his father designed most of The Strand (if i remember correctly) after WWII and one of her ancestors was a famous renaissance painter.

She showed me things I would never get to see from a working class social group and I me some very wealth and powerful people.

I learnt a lot from that relationship, but one thing stuck in my mind. Working classes and the upper classes have much more in common than either do with the middle classes.

Today, I'm the 'educated' one and have more access to the world in the relationship. I can show my wife things she thought she would never experience and take her places she thought she would never go.

Regardless of my standing in either relationship, both were fantastic.

I really don't understand the necessity of finding a partner that has the same education.

Surely, it's more about having an open mind and the ability to have a thought process.

As I've said before, mrs mjj left school at 12, but she can hold her own in a debate, yet other wives I know have a degree, but I wouldn't trust them to put there knickers on the right way round they are so vapid.

Degree does not equate intelligence but it does help to make a pre selection. But someone who has never tried for a degree is not automatic stupid, they could well have made it but just did not have the opportunity.

There are smart people without a degree and stupid ones with one. But in general it does say a bit about the person. But not in all cases such is life.

I just want a woman that is a bit smart and sharp, i need no submissive girl without a brain. Others might like it i don't. But i don't mind if she has been to uni or not.

But i would actually encourage my gf to study on if it was in the cards make her more independent. If an independent woman sticks with you its a good sign. One that is dependent you never know if its the money or you.

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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

Edited by payak
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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

Thanks for the laugh.

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How do you know he is a decent guy, you met him for 5 minutes. Maybe at home he's an asshol_e, violent, strays regularly, emotionally abusive, etc.

Perhaps you could keep in your mind that plenty of Thai women,all women, get treated poorly by their men.

I've come across / heard stories about many farang men, with Thai wives, regardless of where / how they met their wives, who continue to regularly frequent go go bars, arrange dates with other women, etc.

A couple of years back I rented my house in Pattaya:

- Lease in the name of a farang who has a business in Pattaya (for many years), and he lives with his farang wife, but not in the house he rented from me.

- Thai gf installed in my house.

- Farang visited gf every day and when gf went home to home province he brought other girls to the house regularly.

Another friend in Pattaya has a farang tenant:

- Farang wife and 3 children still in Europe.

- Farang has a Thai wife in Bangkok with one child to the same farang (they have a Thai marriage certificate).

- Farang tells the Thai wife in Bkk he goes to Singapore for business but in fact he is visiting the Thai GF in Pattaya.

A Thai man I know from my work has a wife and several children, he seldom goes anywhere with his wife and kids, he socialises with a group of Thai men, mostly married, they deliberately drink at restaurants / venues where there are 'Chang / Leo etc beer girls' and it's basically a competition of who can get the most 'beer girls' into bed.

Edited by scorecard
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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

Thanks for the laugh.

any time old timer

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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

Thanks for the laugh.

any time old timer

I don't mind being called old timer, as long as you're happy with young wanke_r.

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

Congrats, you've trumped the OP with the dumbest question.

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

Congrats, you've trumped the OP with the dumbest question.

What he said: How does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

Preferably explained in simple terms so that someone who lacks your upbringing and education can understand it, without first having to become a bigot

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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

Thanks for the laugh.

any time old timer

I don't mind being called old timer, as long as you're happy with young wanke_r.

as i said before, truth is hard to find here, i beat off regularly, at least i admit it.

you must remember however i said there are real relationships with the old boys and the young girls, I know you read it.

I said most a BS not all, so to get a little touchy about must put you in the BS catagory, If your one who has a loving relationship dont worry, nothing to get upset about, dont misunderstand i really am refering to the ones being fooled.

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A Thai man I know from my work has a wife and several children, he seldom goes anywhere with his wife and kids, he socialises with a group of Thai men, mostly married, they deliberately drink at restaurants / venues where there are 'Chang / Leo etc beer girls' and it's basically a competition of who can get the most 'beer girls' into bed.

Sounds fantastic

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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

clap2.gifcheesy.gif Is that a picture of you in your avatar?

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someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

clap2.gifcheesy.gif Is that a picture of you in your avatar?

should have thought before you posted, i had the balls to put my pic there, now that your laughing lets see you put yours up, will not do it will you.

you will hide behind some excuse like "oh no i dont love myself like you i will not do that".

lets see the laughing mans profile, lets see what you look like, i challenge you to post it, your the one laughing at pics, back it up big man.

watch everyone as he will not do it.

yes that handsome fit muscular man in the pic is me.

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I think the OP needs to set about doing some wider research - perhaps investigating the incidence of expats cheating on their darling 'Thai Girls'.

One young woman married to an old guy putting it out there pales, I suspect, into insignificance, compared to expats making detours on the way back from their golf (for example).

Didn't know you were a golfer GH. thumbsup.gif

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should have thought before you posted, i had the balls to put my pic there, now that your laughing lets see you put yours up, will not do it will you. you will hide behind some excuse like "oh no i dont love myself like you i will not do that".

It's an anonymous forum, I know English isn't your first language, but you you understand the concept of 'anonymous'? I certainly wouldn't show you my picture, you might just be as crazy as your posts suggest. Not that I'm claiming any sensible levels of sanity. But IMHO 'outing' yourself is just a bit daft.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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should have thought before you posted, i had the balls to put my pic there, now that your laughing lets see you put yours up, will not do it will you. you will hide behind some excuse like "oh no i dont love myself like you i will not do that".

It's an anonymous forum, I know English isn't your first language, but you you understand the concept of 'anonymous'? I certainly wouldn't show you my picture, you might just be as crazy as your posts suggest. Not that I'm claiming any sensible levels of sanity. But IMHO 'outing' yourself is just a bit daft.

outing myself is daft if im paranoid and fearful, otherwise...

I also would not laugh at other if i was not willing to post a pic, seems weak somewhat.

some fat old ugly dude, not you, the other perhaps, laughing at a pic, probably looks like fat bastard in that spy movie, whatever its called, cant remember.

Edited by payak
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And I would like to add, that I have found quite a number of young men, who get scammed beyond belief here, because ( I think) they are so SURE, they are young, good looking, no girl would be with them for money ...and it always seems to be a case of an older b/g with a bit of a younger guy ...like Robblok's story above ...I know many of these stories. At least the older guys seem to have a basic awareness so seem a bit more on guard ...but that is just a general observation ...I am no expert.

I think you've got a point. This is one of the true myths in Thailand, that the young farangs think they've deciphered the "code" when it comes to Thai girls. But I agree that in the getting scammed department, the young farangs are just as likely as the older chaps. It may not be as much money, because most of these young guys don't have much. But most farang/Thai couples are pretty much in the same boat, regardless of the age difference. Unless you both can speak the same language fluently.

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