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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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Indeed. An arduous task for anybody in a debate. But if he is as good as I believe him to be, both he and his team will be working hard preparing for him to defend his record and convince the electorate he is the better man and deserves a second term. Which 2 term presidents seem to be the norm these days. Either way I am really looking forward to the this debate. Will be a cracker.

This is where Obama decided to go for his arduous task of preparing for the debate. Of course he flew Air Force One and took all his usual entourage of aides, Secret Service and vehicles there with him. Room rates for the suites are $719 per day.

He could have gone to Camp David for a fraction of what this little vacation is costing the taxpayers but he chose not to do that.

Royalty must be served.


This Is The Vegas Resort Where Obama Will Spend The Next 3 Days Preparing For the Debate

Grace Wyler | Oct. 1, 2012, 7:29 AM | 75,597 | 99

President Barack Obama arrived in Nevada last night to begin three days of debate preparation at the Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort, a luxurious golf community just a few miles from the Las Vegas strip.

According to the White House pool report, the "resort is a strange mix of desert sand pits, green lawns, palm trees and new homes. We passed a replica of the Ponte Vecchio and some luxurious lakeside estates, also unfinished lots and a browning golf course. The president's hotel has a Middle Eastern theme and a view of the lake from the lobby."

Here are some pictures, courtesy of the hotel's website.

Go here for the pictures: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz289qtu0wH

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Why is this called a debate? It is not. Both will offer rehearsed sound bites and trot out their little nuggets that they have memorized by rote. Both candidates are intelligent and good speakers. Mr. Obama's training as a lawyer and his experience as a senator and a community advocate give him an edge of explaining complex subjects to large groups of people. Mr. Romney's experience as venture capital investor and governor give him an edge of focusing in on the key points. Mr. Obama is a master of speaking to large groups, Mr. Romney is a master of speaking to small groups. Mr. Romney may win the local audience in attendance giving the impression of support and that can be infectious. Mr. Obama may win the viewers at large and solidify his support, which is what he needs.

A good lawyer knows how to make a witness go off track, to become confused and to create reasonable doubt. A successful investor knows how to make a case and to stay on message.

Romney is also a Lawyer, having obtained his JD from Harvard Law...as well as an MBA from Harvard at the same time.

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After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

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After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

cant wait to see the planes with windows in them god help us
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After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

cant wait to see the planes with windows in them god help us

considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

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After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

cant wait to see the planes with windows in them god help us

considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

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considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

oh just from my opinion of what i think about the guy, his character, how he interacts with people, things he's already said... that kinda thing.

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So some of the anti President posters think he cant speak or answer questions without a prompter? They said the same versus Macain in 08 and he more than matched his opponent.Perhaps we should be looking for some half decent questions to Romney ,he certainly needs to spell out policy .up to now it.s Tax cuts to solve everything .even the deficit.not good at arithmetic is the ex governor

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

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What's EST compared to Thai time? It's about a 12 hr difference, so tomorrow morn, could watch it stream on the internet. starting 9 a.m.?

The more interesting aspects of the debates will be re; foreign policy and energy policies, so debates 2 and 3 might be more interesting to observers like me. The more Romney is perceived as elitist, the more voters he'll lose.

Both are good debaters, though Romney will be more in attack mode and Obama will project a 'presidential' (representing ALL the people, not just 47%) image. Interesting we don't hear from Ms Palin any more - it's like Republicans have locked her in a padded closet. Between three and four years ago, Republicans were falling over each other - heaping praises on her, convinced she was the saviour of their vericose-veined party. Same for the 'Tea Party' - we hardly even hear that term any more. Funny how quickly Republican banners drop to the floor, as they're forever trying to reinvent themselves with an image that will bring pizzazz with regular folks, and failing faster than the Iranian Rial.

Edited by maidu
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^Yep. Same thing with esteemed 2-term Pres. George W. He wasn't invited to the convention even. Same with former Republican Party Chairman Steele. If they lose this election, I wonder what the new restart campaign will then be?

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Why is this called a debate? It is not. Both will offer rehearsed sound bites and trot out their little nuggets that they have memorized by rote. Both candidates are intelligent and good speakers. Mr. Obama's training as a lawyer and his experience as a senator and a community advocate give him an edge of explaining complex subjects to large groups of people. Mr. Romney's experience as venture capital investor and governor give him an edge of focusing in on the key points. Mr. Obama is a master of speaking to large groups, Mr. Romney is a master of speaking to small groups. Mr. Romney may win the local audience in attendance giving the impression of support and that can be infectious. Mr. Obama may win the viewers at large and solidify his support, which is what he needs.

A good lawyer knows how to make a witness go off track, to become confused and to create reasonable doubt. A successful investor knows how to make a case and to stay on message.

Romney is also a Lawyer, having obtained his JD from Harvard Law...as well as an MBA from Harvard at the same time.

Yes, Mr. Romney has a JD, but he never practiced law, nor litigated a case. He may know the basics of law, but that's it. President Obama was a practicing attorney and litigated cases. One can go to a trade school, but experience in the field is the differentiating factor. President Obama is used to dealing with heated emotional cases on the front lines. His community based activities gave him the experience of being able to manage angry people. When Mr. Romney was dealing with angry laid off workers, there was a buffer of managers and lawyers between him and the american workers that were angry over having lost their jobs.

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^Yep. Same thing with esteemed 2-term Pres. George W. He wasn't invited to the convention even. Same with former Republican Party Chairman Steele. If they lose this election, I wonder what the new restart campaign will then be?

Demographics and an improving economy may doom the Republicans over the next decade. They have lost the young, the blacks and now the hispanics. Texas will eventually return to being a blue state with only the former bastion of Dixiecrats staying solidly red.

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When did the Republicans have the young and blacks? It must be before I was born and that was quite a while ago. tongue.png

I think a lot of them liked Lincoln and he was a Republican, wasn't he?

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Romney is also a Lawyer, having obtained his JD from Harvard Law...as well as an MBA from Harvard at the same time.

Yes, Mr. Romney has a JD, but he never practiced law, nor litigated a case. He may know the basics of law, but that's it. President Obama was a practicing attorney and litigated cases. One can go to a trade school, but experience in the field is the differentiating factor. President Obama is used to dealing with heated emotional cases on the front lines. His community based activities gave him the experience of being able to manage angry people. When Mr. Romney was dealing with angry laid off workers, there was a buffer of managers and lawyers between him and the american workers that were angry over having lost their jobs.

Now tell me honestly...would you hire a lawyer with this little experience? Four years and 30 cases should have left him plenty of time to play golf.


Obama's law career: An article in Sunday's Section A about Sen. Barack Obama's career as a lawyer said he was hired as a junior lawyer at the firm then known as Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Gallard and now known as Miner, Barnhill & Gallard. The correct spelling of the final surname is Galland.

Senior attorneys at the small firm where he worked say he was a strong writer and researcher, but was involved in relatively few cases -- about 30 -- and spent only four years as a full-time lawyer before entering politics.


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History shows people vote for the top of the ticket. The Ryan-Biden debate is much more about entertainment and Ryan's political future in 2016, if any.

Having said that, I think Palin did a fair amount to hammer the nail into McCain's coffin.

Yes, but I'd wager that was at least partly due to the fact that in many people's minds (mine among them) the choice of her as a suitable Vice President reflected so poorly on McCain

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He gave away his inheritance to charity and went on to earn 250 million dollars.

Heh. That sound's like he voluntarily impoverished himself for the good of others and then went on to make a fortune from scratch. Don't think that's exactly the case, is it?

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Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

Because, like the last Republican president, he will do what ever the Pro-Israel hawks tell him to do.

Please provide some data to back up this ridiculous assertion.

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Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

Because, like the last Republican president, he will do what ever the Pro-Israel hawks tell him to do.

Please provide some data to back up this ridiculous assertion.

I think that is a pretty fair assertion that Bush was controlled by the Neo-con movement and Neo-cons are pro Israel hawks. Romney does appear to be more Neo-con than Obama, but less than Bush. But of course Romney is such an etch a sketch man it's very hard to really know what he is exactly about. Jewish voters, on the other hand, overwhelmingly voted AGAINST Bush, and FOR Obama (and will again).
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Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

Because, like the last Republican president, he will do what ever the Pro-Israel hawks tell him to do.

Please provide some data to back up this ridiculous assertion.

When an Israeli PM openly backs a candidate especially when that candidate backs the country.s rhetoric against another state.and I guess Romney will commit more funds to Israel another military spending pledge

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considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

oh just from my opinion of what i think about the guy, his character, how he interacts with people, things he's already said... that kinda thing.

OK, but calling someone "exceedingly dangerous" would imply that something more formed your opinion other than just what you mention above.

For example, I think Obama is more "exceedingly dangerous" for our country because he has been trying to tear the country apart by pitting Americans against each other with his constant class warfare ala Karl Marx; his spending is out of control, growing the debt by $6 trillion and saying that it isn't a problem; and the weakness he projects to our enemies abroad embolden them.

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Just how is Romney " exceedingly more dangerous"?

Because, like the last Republican president, he will do what ever the Pro-Israel hawks tell him to do.

Please provide some data to back up this ridiculous assertion.

I think that is a pretty fair assertion that Bush was controlled by the Neo-con movement and Neo-cons are pro Israel hawks. Romney does appear to be more Neo-con than Obama, but less than Bush. But of course Romney is such an etch a sketch man it's very hard to really know what he is exactly about. Jewish voters, on the other hand, overwhelmingly voted AGAINST Bush, and FOR Obama (and will again).

It's hard to know what Romney really thinks? What about what Obama and his party really think about Israel? They removed the language in the party platform supporting Israel and wouldn't change it until rich Jewish donors threatened to hold back the money. Stupid on the Jewish donors part. The mask fell off Obama and they got to see how he really felt about Israel (what everyone else already knew) and they STILL want to support him? :rolleyes:

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Obama really is black! Yes, it's true, on the eve of the first debate, a video has been released of an Obama speech from 2007 speaking to an audience in a thick southern black accent. Interesting for a man born and raised in Hawaii and never lived further south than Chicago in the Lower 48. I wonder how many of our non-America friends have heard him talk like this before? Reminds me of the time Hillary tried to use a southern accent in the primaries.


They say the content of the video is what people are supposed to be concerned about but I think the real reason for releasing this is to highlight Obama's way of talking. So, yeah, I think this is being used racially by the Right.

Although the article goes on to explain that the TRANSCRIPTS of this speech which were released were copies of the prepared remarks, NOT that off-teleprompter remarks that this video shows. Too bad Hillary didn't find this in 2008.

Edited by koheesti
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After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

cant wait to see the planes with windows in them god help us

considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

The thought of him taking the reigns of US foreign policy in todays current climate of hate, war and aggresion is just down right scarey. His careless comments have stirred up already angry Arabs in the Middle East. Him getting elected would be waving the proverbial red rag at a bull. I pray this doesn't happen for the sake of relative world peace.

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The thought of him taking the reigns of US foreign policy in todays current climate of hate, war and aggresion is just down right scarey. His careless comments have stirred up already angry Arabs in the Middle East. Him getting elected would be waving the proverbial red rag at a bull. I pray this doesn't happen for the sake of relative world peace.

Which careless comments by Romney have stirred up the Middle East? When I turn on the TV, I see the mobs burning effigies of Obama, not Romney.


There are plenty of photos on that site which I won't post here for obvious reasons.

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considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

yeah, god help us indeed.

actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

The thought of him taking the reigns of US foreign policy in todays current climate of hate, war and aggresion is just down right scarey. His careless comments have stirred up already angry Arabs in the Middle East. Him getting elected would be waving the proverbial red rag at a bull. I pray this doesn't happen for the sake of relative world peace.

Pray tell us how it can get much worse than the mess Obama has created. The Middle East was a comparative haven of tranquility when Obama took control compared to what it is today.

The foreign policy of the current President has been an unmitigated disaster. Under his watch non-violent nations have become full out civil wars and nations friendly to the US have begun demanding more for their so called friendship.

Obama has proven "leading from behind" isn't much of a foreign policy.

He has turned around one nations President, although it is not in the Middle East...


Hugo Chavez Says He Would Vote for Obama


October 1, 2012

President Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator who once called President George W. Bush "the devil," has endorsed Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race, according to the Associated Press.

"If I were American, I'd vote for Obama," Chavez said in a televised interview Sunday. "And I believe that if Obama was from Caracas, he would vote for Chavez, I am positive."

Like his preferred presidential candidate, Chavez is running for re-election this year in what is expected to be a very tight presidential race for the incumbent. The Venezuelan leader—who called Bush "a drunk" who oversaw a government Chavez saw as the "first enemy" of Venezuela—has warmed towards America with Obama at the helm.


Edited by chuckd
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He has turned around one nations President, although it is not in the Middle East...


Hugo Chavez Says He Would Vote for Obama


October 1, 2012

President Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator who once called President George W. Bush "the devil," has endorsed Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race, according to the Associated Press.


Is there anybody in the USA other than Sean Penn & Danny Glover who would consider an endorsement by Chavez a good thing? Oh, and besides Obama himself of course.

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For example, I think Obama is more "exceedingly dangerous" for our country because he has been trying to tear the country apart by pitting Americans against each other with his constant class warfare ala Karl Marx; his spending is out of control, growing the debt by $6 trillion and saying that it isn't a problem; and the weakness he projects to our enemies abroad embolden them.

He has not been "Growing the debt", the chickens from the previous administration's cash grab have been coming home to roost. For a start, America has spent $3 Trillion on a war that was simply not necessary, and has achieved nothing (in fact it's probably worked against America).

As for his spending, you are just quoting another tired and fabricated old mantra which does not bear scrutiny:

Explaining the results

So why the disconnect between Obama’s image as a big spender and the reality of how much federal spending has actually grown?

First, Obama’s record on debt is a lot less flattering than is his record on federal government spending. During the same time that spending is poised to be increasing by 1.4 percent per year under Obama, the debt will be increasing by 14.6 percent per year. The reason? Year by year, federal revenues haven’t been keeping up with spending, due to the struggling national economy (which has held back tax revenues) and a continuation of tax cuts. And each year there’s an annual deficit, the national debt grows.

Second, federal spending under Obama is higher as a share of gross domestic product than it has been in most of the previous 60 years. That, too is because of the economy, which has simultaneously slowed the growth of GDP and boosted government spending for programs such as food stamps and Medicaid.

Third, the aging of the baby boomers has driven a rise in entitlement spending that is masking cuts Obama and the GOP Congress have made, and have promised to make, in discretionary spending. Using outlays as the unit of measurement, as Nutting and the Facebook post have done, means focusing on money already spent. It does not take into account future spending that’s been committed to but not yet carried out.

And finally, many Americans associate Obama with the high-profile legislative activities of his first year or two, when initiatives such as the stimulus sent spending upward the fastest. Since then, spending has slowed, thanks in part to spending cuts pushed by congressional Republicans.

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