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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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Debates very rarely determine elections.

The debate did not determine the election, but it changed the momentum in a big way. Perhaps more importantly, Romney showed the public that he is not the figure that the main stream media and millions of dollars in negative ads have painted him as. He was way ahead of Obama and came across as pleasant, caring, positive and presidential.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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God, that debate was boring. No sparks flew at all.

I fell asleep.sad.png

Nice touch when Romney looked at old man Lehrer, the loveable PBS guy and said he'd stop federal funding of PBS. That's not going to go over well with the blue haired set that love their Downton Abbey. w00t.gif

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I doubt people will change their minds about whether Romney is a caring person or not now at this late stage based on one event, but it did put a sharp contrast on the two men, and Romney appeared much more confident than Obama in most ways. If Obama loses, I wonder how historians will compare this election to the Reagan-Carter election, and the Carter legacy. During those debates, Reagan used sound bites to defeat Carter in the debate, but tonight, Romney was more substantive in every way.

In the second debate of 1980, Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan cut into then-President Jimmy Carter's long-winded response to a question on health care with a simple "There you go again." In four words and just three seconds, Reagan suggested that Carter didn't know what he was talking about

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/political/president-barack-obama-mitt-romney-denver-debate-live-video-live-blog-two-minute-political-drill#ixzz28Iddephf

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I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

Why ?

Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

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I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

Why ?

Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

You may be right..............I really don't envy American voters.

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I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

Why ?

Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

Yes but hold on a minute I don't think the sons have quite graduated to the extent that the gravity of their lies deserve their own website


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I doubt people will change their minds about whether Romney is a caring person or not now at this late stage based on one event, but it did put a sharp contrast on the two men, and Romney appeared much more confident than Obama in most ways. If Obama loses, I wonder how historians will compare this election to the Reagan-Carter election, and the Carter legacy. During those debates, Reagan used sound bites to defeat Carter in the debate, but tonight, Romney was more substantive in every way.

In the second debate of 1980, Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan cut into then-President Jimmy Carter's long-winded response to a question on health care with a simple "There you go again." In four words and just three seconds, Reagan suggested that Carter didn't know what he was talking about

Read more: http://www.abcaction...l#ixzz28Iddephf

Yes, but there were no such moments in this debate. It was pretty drab.

Sort of reminded me of Hagler vs Leonard: Style won over substance.

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I sure wish this election was over already and we could all be wondering what dress Michelle will be wearing to the ball.

Hopefully the one that does not make her ass look too big.


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I sure wish this election was over already and we could all be wondering what dress Michelle will be wearing to the ball.

Hopefully the one that does not make her ass look too big.

In African American culture, big badonkadonk is a good thing.
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According to CNN’s instant polling, 67 percent of viewers say that Romney won the debate, compared to the lonely 25 percent who say that Obama had the advantage. Overall, viewers gave Romney a win on everything, from the economy and health care to taxes, the deficit, and views of government.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

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I sure wish this election was over already and we could all be wondering what dress Michelle will be wearing to the ball.

Hopefully the one that does not make her ass look too big.

In African American culture, big badonkadonk is a good thing.

Too right, look what it's done for Oprah.

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I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

Why ?

Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

You may be right..............I really don't envy American voters.

If I were American, I doubt I would even bother to vote on the strength of that debate.

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Remarkable panic in the liberal corner though. Look at this analysis, it's quite funny, while also true. At the end he's screaming out of frustration and dissappointment.. Very entertaining: http://dailycaller.c...nto-panic-mode/

Entertaining yes, I keep thinking about Bill Maher sitting at home now toking hard on a big spliff cursing under his breath at his $1 million dollar contribution. But, again, I wouldn't get too excited if I were a Republican - see JT's comments above.

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You are the same guy who just said that he lost the debate and pretty much everyone concedes that Romney won. Somehow, I do not buy that spin.

I'd be interested to see any data from any credible historian or political analyst who says that debates typically have a significant impact, and I doubt any exists. Got some?

This is a positive for Romney -- at least to some arguable degree -- at a time he needed one. On it's own, is it enough? Obviously not.

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I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

Why ?

Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

You may be right..............I really don't envy American voters.

If I were American, I doubt I would even bother to vote on the strength of that debate.

Err...mehtinks there's a lot more reasons to vote than whether a debate was impressive or not.

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Err...mehtinks there's a lot more reasons to vote than whether a debate was impressive or not.

I think he means neither candidate was up to much before the debate and having the debate just showed the truth that neither candidate is up to much..............but IMO Romney won the debate by streets, whatever that counts for.

Edited by uptheos
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Err...mehtinks there's a lot more reasons to vote than whether a debate was impressive or not.

I think he means neither candidate was up to much before the debate and having the debate just showed the truth that neither candidate is up to much..............but IMO Romney won the debate by streets, whatever that counts for.

Ah, I see. Well, if so, point taken. Nonetheless I don't think not voting helps anything or is a responsible choice. In this instance, a choice of the perceived lesser evil is better than no choice at all.

I think Romney won too. I suspect it may count for something, but on its own? Not enough to alter the ultimate outcome --whatever that may be.

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Obama could of course still step down and let Hilary run, for the good of the country. laugh.pngwink.png

Hmm...probably won't happen. But I'd take that choice, if we had it. I'd bet a lot of folks would (even some people who currently plan to vote for Romney).

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