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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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obama will win florida i think

I don't think so. The elderly tend to vote Republican and so do Cuban Americans.

That's outdated. The percentage of Cuban Latinos in Florida is way down, now only about 30 percent. Younger Cubans now vote more like other Lationos, in other words heavily democratic. Then you've got the 70 percent remainder non-Cuban Latinos. The truth is good debate or not seniors don't like the idea of trashing Medicare even if it's for their children, not them. Edited by Jingthing
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... most likely next week Ryan will clean Biden's clock and that will ad to Romney's momentum.

I'm not sure. No one expected Obama to give such a god-awful performance so the VP debate might also surprise.

Obama will do better in the next debate, but that is not for two precious weeks and he will still have a record that is impossible to defend. It is very likely that Obama will fail yet again.

I never thought Obama was a intelligent as he has been given credit for. One week is not enough for him to learn to speak without a teleprompter, it isn't enough to develop a thick skin for criticism. It might be long enough for him to learn that his opponent won't be as willing to let his lies go unchallenged like a small town radio DJ that just wants to know what hip hop music he listens while doing Pilates while watching The View.

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This is not the first time that Obama has screwed up when asked fair questions about his pathetic record. The same thing happened a few weeks ago when a Spanish station asked him tough questions that he could not answer effectively. If the mainstream media was not providing him cover he would be trailing badly in the polls. He deserves to lose and it is starting to look like he just might.

To clarify for others, that TV station, Univision, is the USA's top watched Spanish-language network based in Florida. Obama obviously thought it a friendly forum since he leads in the polls with Hispanics. Whoops.

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This is not the first time that Obama has screwed up when asked fair questions about his pathetic record. The same thing happened a few weeks ago when a Spanish station asked him tough questions that he could not answer effectively. If the mainstream media was not providing him cover he would be trailing badly in the polls. He deserves to lose and it is starting to look like he just might.

To clarify for others, that TV station, Univision, is the USA's top watched Spanish-language network based in Florida. Obama obviously thought it a friendly forum since he leads in the polls with Hispanics. Whoops.

Oddly Univision is owned by a top Obama supporter.

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This is not the first time that Obama has screwed up when asked fair questions about his pathetic record. The same thing happened a few weeks ago when a Spanish station asked him tough questions that he could not answer effectively. If the mainstream media was not providing him cover he would be trailing badly in the polls. He deserves to lose and it is starting to look like he just might.

To clarify for others, that TV station, Univision, is the USA's top watched Spanish-language network based in Florida. Obama obviously thought it a friendly forum since he leads in the polls with Hispanics. Whoops.

Oddly Univision is owned by a top Obama supporter.

Even more odd...

Obama appoints wife of Univision owner to UN diplomatic post

President Barack Obama appointed Cheryl Saban, wife of the owner of Univision, as U.S. representative to the United Nations, according to reports from various news blogs.

According to the Politico blog, Haim Saban, owner of the television network, backed Hillary Clinton in 2008, but during the summer donated $1 million to groups supporting the campaigns of Democrats. And according to another blog in Spanish of Yahoo, the appointment of Cheryl Saban to the diplomatic post was made last Wednesday, the day before Obama appeared at a forum at the University of Miami hosted by Univision.

Amazing, Obama appoints the owner's wife to a diplomatic post just the day before his appearance on the network and the word apparently didn't trickle down to the host that "the bribe check had cleared" and he was supposed to ask Obama softball questions about salsa music and his favorite Cuban sandwich restaurant on South Beach. Maybe something was lost in translation?

Edited by koheesti
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This big news lots of people thought would go the other way might wipe the grins off the Romney cheerleaders:

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


I'd say it's back to advantage Obama in this match...

Yes, until he has to explain how many people have dropped out of the workforce and have given up looking for a job.

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This big news lots of people thought would go the other way might wipe the grins off the Romney cheerleaders:

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


I'd say it's back to advantage Obama in this match...

Hey, if the economy were really turning the corner, and people were getting hired all over the place then it would be GREAT news. But adding 114,000 jobs in September and the rate drops from 8.1 to 7.8? Is that supposed to get someone excited?

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This big news lots of people thought would go the other way might wipe the grins off the Romney cheerleaders:

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


I'd say it's back to advantage Obama in this match...

Hey, if the economy were really turning the corner, and people were getting hired all over the place then it would be GREAT news. But adding 114,000 jobs in September and the rate drops from 8.1 to 7.8? Is that supposed to get someone excited?

It's all about last minute impressions at this point. Romney scored a knockdown punch in the debate but that is quickly forgotten when this jobs report gets spun by the Obama campaign. Which do you think counts for more in voters' minds?

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Put Florida Virginia & Pennsylvania in the win column for Romney.

Ohio is the jump ball & the decider.

Cha cha, cha cha - you do not yet know about the just detected Rep- voter -fraud in Palm Beach, Florida - as usual tongue.png .

A German magazin reports about manipulations with registration cards by Strategic Allied Consulting, engaged by the Reps.

It's now a wake-up call for the other swing states.

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This big news lots of people thought would go the other way might wipe the grins off the Romney cheerleaders:

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


I'd say it's back to advantage Obama in this match...

Hey, if the economy were really turning the corner, and people were getting hired all over the place then it would be GREAT news. But adding 114,000 jobs in September and the rate drops from 8.1 to 7.8? Is that supposed to get someone excited?

It's all about last minute impressions at this point. Romney scored a knockdown punch in the debate but that is quickly forgotten when this jobs report gets spun by the Obama campaign. Which do you think counts for more in voters' minds?

The truth, look at some of the comments at the end of the articles, a lot of people aren't being fooled.

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This big news lots of people thought would go the other way might wipe the grins off the Romney cheerleaders:

US jobless rate falls to 7.8 pct., 44-month low


I'd say it's back to advantage Obama in this match...

Hey, if the economy were really turning the corner, and people were getting hired all over the place then it would be GREAT news. But adding 114,000 jobs in September and the rate drops from 8.1 to 7.8? Is that supposed to get someone excited?

It's all about last minute impressions at this point. Romney scored a knockdown punch in the debate but that is quickly forgotten when this jobs report gets spun by the Obama campaign. Which do you think counts for more in voters' minds?

I agree, but voters are real people, not numbers coming from the Dept of Labor. If they don't "feel" the recovery, then the numbers won't mean much to them come election day.

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In Virginia, Ohio and Florida - the most important swing states - The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll calls it a virtual tie and they were the most accurate polsters in the last two presidential elections. The nationwide poll is also a virtual tie. I'm really looking forward to the Vice Presidential debate next week.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. I love Jack and nice try, but:

(To be fair, not all GOP members felt something underhanded was going on. As former Bush White House aide Tony Fratto put it, " BLS is not manipulating data. Evidence of such would be a scandal of enormous proportions & loss of credibility.")

http://GOP Jobs Report Manipulation Claims Dismissed

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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. I love Jack and nice try, but:

(To be fair, not all GOP members felt something underhanded was going on. As former Bush White House aide Tony Fratto put it, " BLS is not manipulating data. Evidence of such would be a scandal of enormous proportions & loss of credibility.")

http://GOP Jobs Repo...laims Dismissed

I think the process itself ( jobs/employment reporting ) is flawed & has been for a very long time.

As such it is not a very good indicator

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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. )

Personally, I don't think that they are cooking the books and, so far, the mainstream media seem to be fairly reporting that the new figure may be a fluke and that it is not really very positive. Yes, of course the Obama campaign will try to spin it, but they have done that so often and been so wrong, that few voters will buy it.

Still, September's report was considered relatively weak. So far, the economy has recovered only 2.1 million of the 8.6 million jobs lost since the recession began. And economists often say the economy needs to add at least 150,000 jobs a month just to keep pace with population growth.

"It's hard to get too excited even about the positive news," said Tig Gilliam, president of the North American unit of job placement firm Adecco. "In the long-term we're still treading water. No one is hiring unless they absolutely have to."


We believe part of the drop in the unemployment rate over the last two months is a statistical quirk (the household data show an increase in employment of 873,000 in September, which is completely implausible and likely a result of sampling volatility).


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. I love Jack and nice try, but:

(To be fair, not all GOP members felt something underhanded was going on. As former Bush White House aide Tony Fratto put it, " BLS is not manipulating data. Evidence of such would be a scandal of enormous proportions & loss of credibility.")

http://GOP Jobs Repo...laims Dismissed

I can't open your link for some reason but let me proceed without reading it.

Doesn';t it make you curious that last months jobs report claimed something like 130,000 new jobs and it only dropped from 8.2% to 8.1%, yet this month's report showed 114,000 jobs but the drop was from 8.1% to 7.8%?

What happened to the monthly influx of newly eligible job seekers for one thing...and from where did this mysterious 780,000 newly found workers suddenly materialize?

This whole thing is bogus and was released to coordinate with the opening of early voting.

Next month they are scheduled to release another jobs report and I expect the rate to drop to the low 4%. Maybe they are going to begin claiming all those on SS Disability and unemployment have suddenly been found to be government workers.

What a farce this administration is becoming!

Edited by chuckd
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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. I love Jack and nice try, but:

(To be fair, not all GOP members felt something underhanded was going on. As former Bush White House aide Tony Fratto put it, " BLS is not manipulating data. Evidence of such would be a scandal of enormous proportions & loss of credibility.")

http://GOP Jobs Repo...laims Dismissed

I can't open your link for some reason but let me proceed without reading it.

Doesn';t it make you curious that last months jobs report claimed something like 130,000 new jobs and it only dropped from 8.2% to 8.1%, yet this month's report showed 114,000 jobs but the drop was from 8.1% to 7.8%?

What happened to the monthly influx of newly eligible job seekers for one thing...and from where did this mysterious 780,000 newly found workers suddenly materialize?

This whole thing is bogus and was released to coordinate with the opening of early voting.

Next month they are scheduled to release another jobs report and I expect the rate to drop to the low 4%. Maybe they are going to begin claiming all those on SS Disability and unemployment have suddenly been found to be government workers.

What a farce this administration is becoming!

Let's just say if you are right, and uncovered, would be the biggest conspiracy, coverup and scandal since Watergate I think. Anything is possible, but I think highly unlikely here.


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I can't open your link for some reason but let me proceed without reading it.

You can read it here


But as always it is peppered with mumbo jumbo IMO

Things like this for instance,

In September, 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.

Or this which is somehow counted as a positive,

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.
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You can read it here


But as always it is peppered with mumbo jumbo IMO

Things like this for instance,

In September, 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.

Or this which is somehow counted as a positive,

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.

Thanks. The newly found 600,000 part timers explains where they got the numbers to include this month.

This wasn't just a coincidence, folks.

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Business legend (former GE CEO Jack Welch) says the Obama admin cooked the books to make the jobs report look good. I love Jack and nice try, but:

(To be fair, not all GOP members felt something underhanded was going on. As former Bush White House aide Tony Fratto put it, " BLS is not manipulating data. Evidence of such would be a scandal of enormous proportions & loss of credibility.")

http://GOP Jobs Repo...laims Dismissed

I think the process itself ( jobs/employment reporting ) is flawed & has been for a very long time.

As such it is not a very good indicator

One pattern that is obvious is the media's take on the jobs report depending on the party of the president in the White House at the time. Under Bush 43 every job report with positive numbers included something like yeah, but 300,000 new jobs are needed just to keep up with the population. I had never heard about that in the Clinton years, and I don't hear it much nowadays under Obama (expect by right wingers on blogs and forums).

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