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The End Of An Era


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The first time I was in Bkk, Washington Square didn't exist. Dam I'm old!

First time I was in Bkk, was in the late 60's, pretty much nothing existed. smile.png I'm really old.

Edited by khaowong1
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''western men with bad skin''... very funny. Who writes this crap. Why am I reading this crap..

Thanks for telling me it's crap... I'm dutch, all I could figure out he not used a double dutch protection and got a herpes or something like that...

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I walk through WS every morning on my way to my office on Sukhumvit and for those asking - all remaining bars in the square itself are now gone including The Dubliner and the Sportsman. Demolition of both establishments commenced earlier this week. The bars on the Hare & Hound side are also gone.

I'll take a few pics when I get a chance.

The redevelopment will be great for the area so bring it on.

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I was around there about four/five weeks ago, it looked like the end was nigh then.

Thats a shame, I liked the Dubliner, well I liked their Irish breakfast as a treat now and then.

Edited by Cobalt60
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That's it....if I EVER wind up in the condition these guys are in, I will give my heirs explicit instructions to insert a .45 slug in my head...

Anecdote along these lines: In Singapore's "4 Floors of Whores" aka Orchard Towers, I was there last year and witnessed perhaps the most disgusting "old male farang behavior" I've ever seen. In the most popular bar in this complex, there was this guy in probably his 60's ogling over a bleached blonde Thai hooker, who I've seen before in Shanghai as well as Singapore; a real, re-treaded, pin cushion of a pro. This guy was ridiculously taken by her and she played it to the hilt; doing the standard tease with him in between sojurns around the brass pole that was on a nearby platform, while he ogled and was obviously in visible "heat" and desperation.

The "crowning moment" of this poor saps trip to self-degradation was when she was sitting on the barstool next to him and he lifted one of her legs that had a knee-high boot she was wearing and he began LICKING the top and bottom of it...right there in the crowded bar in front of everyone, and her with a big sh_t eating grin from ear to ear...perhaps the most pathetic display I've ever seen.

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I thought for a minute this was an article from the Onion news. Sounds like it would be a great topic for a PBS or BBC documentary. I can see it now. Richard Attenborough could do the narration. smile.png)

What great idea. A BBC - or even a talented-amateur - docu. on the old bars of Bangkok with clips and pictures supplied by us "Old Farts". I am sure there are so many who would contribute really good stuff and make it a really enjoyable watch, with some of the atmospheric Motown backround music. Could even include Grace Coffee Shop (pre the more modern hotel building) and the "old" Thermae. (But forget the smells from the urinals on entering !! yuk.) Great soups though and a Tom Yam Kung with enormous Kungs. Any takers for starting a docu. project ? Come on, there's plenty of creative talent out there --- and how nice it would be to preserve it all on a DVD or similar.

It would indeed make an interesting documentary. Some have had a shot at documenting some of the history already:


hehehehe the good old Thermae and the urin smell... entrance crossing the "kitchen" and always busy till everybody found something... I never enjoyed the new one same like the old one. Sometimes we drove there when Patpong closed to early around 5 in the morning... I liked the SAFARI in Patpong road and the Pussy Galore first floor.... absolutely nice Mama San there always friendly...good old times without the bullies on the doors everywhere, asking for 200 entrance for seeing a show not worth watching anymore

I am sooooo dam_n happy I lived this times... I do not want to be a kid today anymore - NO THANKS smile.png

Safari bar was my regular haunt. I got kicked off the stage there in my underwear once but they still gave me credit on my mekhong cokes because they knew I'd be back the next day. Actually I woke up at 8am in there one morning and had to wait until about 10 before anyone turned up to let me out (true story lol). Mama was butch but such a nice lady. Try and do that these days!

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That's it....if I EVER wind up in the condition these guys are in, I will give my heirs explicit instructions to insert a .45 slug in my head...

Anecdote along these lines: In Singapore's "4 Floors of Whores" aka Orchard Towers, I was there last year and witnessed perhaps the most disgusting "old male farang behavior" I've ever seen. In the most popular bar in this complex, there was this guy in probably his 60's ogling over a bleached blonde Thai hooker, who I've seen before in Shanghai as well as Singapore; a real, re-treaded, pin cushion of a pro. This guy was ridiculously taken by her and she played it to the hilt; doing the standard tease with him in between sojurns around the brass pole that was on a nearby platform, while he ogled and was obviously in visible "heat" and desperation.

The "crowning moment" of this poor saps trip to self-degradation was when she was sitting on the barstool next to him and he lifted one of her legs that had a knee-high boot she was wearing and he began LICKING the top and bottom of it...right there in the crowded bar in front of everyone, and her with a big sh_t eating grin from ear to ear...perhaps the most pathetic display I've ever seen.

Guess who was having the most fun? :D

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Wow, I went there for the first time a few months ago with a client.

The place looked like absolute crap, I mean I still enjoyed myself as I can anywhere, but yeah it looked like it was about to all fall down anyways.

Anyone got pictures?

Wow u must mix in some pretty high circles

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I think the first time I visited WS was to go to the cinema there, would have been around 81/82. Then I found Bourbon street and ate there quite a lot in the later 80's. Probably the last time I really visited the place was to go to Meow bradleys bar after she quit the Old China Hand in Soi Cowboy.

I did wander through a couple of years ago after trying to eat the monster breakfast at the Dubliner, I really wondered why it was still standing and hadnt become another mall or Condo....which i guess is what is about to happen.

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That's it....if I EVER wind up in the condition these guys are in, I will give my heirs explicit instructions to insert a .45 slug in my head...

Anecdote along these lines: In Singapore's "4 Floors of Whores" aka Orchard Towers, I was there last year and witnessed perhaps the most disgusting "old male farang behavior" I've ever seen. In the most popular bar in this complex, there was this guy in probably his 60's ogling over a bleached blonde Thai hooker, who I've seen before in Shanghai as well as Singapore; a real, re-treaded, pin cushion of a pro. This guy was ridiculously taken by her and she played it to the hilt; doing the standard tease with him in between sojurns around the brass pole that was on a nearby platform, while he ogled and was obviously in visible "heat" and desperation.

The "crowning moment" of this poor saps trip to self-degradation was when she was sitting on the barstool next to him and he lifted one of her legs that had a knee-high boot she was wearing and he began LICKING the top and bottom of it...right there in the crowded bar in front of everyone, and her with a big sh_t eating grin from ear to ear...perhaps the most pathetic display I've ever seen.

Guess who was having the most fun? biggrin.png

It sure didn't look like it was the poor old sod; he looked a pitiful sight of smitten and desperation...but if he managed to make the "right" offer, I'm quite certain she obliged, was gone and back in the bar within an hour or so...
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As an American who grew up and came of age in the city I have to say whoever wrote this is a XXXXXXXX. Even though I would've never been caught dead in those parts (i'm sure someone could counter) there is no way I would disrespect the older generations as this article has. Look, one day you will be old, a little slower, and hopefully still doing what you do. How are you going to feel when they are laughing at your ass because your favorite haunt got bulldozed? Time stops for no man which anyone with a lick of common sense understands. Yet, every single person on this earth pines for a sense of permanence and to deny that means you're a XXXXXXXX. Pretty much.

To laugh at a man in loss, however trivial, is sad. Obviously your job isn't keeping you busy enough. Come hang out in the oilfield for a while so you can gain a bit of perspective. OBVIOUSLY, anyone who would slight the elderly like this article did needs it!

Yes, we should'nt be joking about this kind of thing. Its not right to make fun of old sexpats. We should keep it..... respectable... er

Edited by eek
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Anecdote along these lines: In Singapore's "4 Floors of Whores" aka Orchard Towers, I was there last year and witnessed perhaps the most disgusting "old male farang behavior" I've ever seen. In the most popular bar in this complex, there was this guy in probably his 60's ogling over a bleached blonde Thai hooker, who I've seen before in Shanghai as well as Singapore; a real, re-treaded, pin cushion of a pro. This guy was ridiculously taken by her and she played it to the hilt; doing the standard tease with him in between sojurns around the brass pole that was on a nearby platform, while he ogled and was obviously in visible "heat" and desperation.

The "crowning moment" of this poor saps trip to self-degradation was when she was sitting on the barstool next to him and he lifted one of her legs that had a knee-high boot she was wearing and he began LICKING the top and bottom of it...right there in the crowded bar in front of everyone, and her with a big sh_t eating grin from ear to ear...perhaps the most pathetic display I've ever seen.

Yes, disgusting display of misconduct. For boot licking a newbie hooker is the only way to go.

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I have inside info that these older sexpats are now having better luck in banks, supermarkets, and KFC than they had at Washington Square.

The closure of Washington Square is also rumored to be the work of the Democratic party as there were no voters of that type in the area.clap2.gif

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I have inside info that these older sexpats are now having better luck in banks, supermarkets, and KFC than they had at Washington Square.

The closure of Washington Square is also rumored to be the work of the Democratic party as there were no voters of that type in the area.clap2.gif

Hopefully one of them will open a thread entitled, "My life after Washington Square".

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You were there for me when I needed you, I touched you deep inside... R.I.P., Washington Square, R.I.P.

get real,..its a square full of old hookers , ....im sure these guys will find othere watering holes in bkk , i know of a few in thr middle of the action where you can get a big beer for 60b and look at so much talent for hours,.......get a grip <deleted> !

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I am going to own up to this one. Truth is stranger than fiction, the classic old bars with their colorful characters are being replaced by High Dollar Yuppie Palaces. After 13 years in the Town of Subic, Philippines, I can tell you that many a retired sailor/marine/merchantman became "outdated" as the few hangout bars were taken over by the more ORGANIZED businessmen from Angeles City. We used to refer to some of these hangouts as "God's Waiting Room"...as notices would be posted of the dead and dying, almost on a daily basis. I have not been to Washington Square, but I sympathize.

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Anecdote along these lines: In Singapore's "4 Floors of Whores" aka Orchard Towers, I was there last year and witnessed perhaps the most disgusting "old male farang behavior" I've ever seen. In the most popular bar in this complex, there was this guy in probably his 60's ogling over a bleached blonde Thai hooker, who I've seen before in Shanghai as well as Singapore; a real, re-treaded, pin cushion of a pro. This guy was ridiculously taken by her and she played it to the hilt; doing the standard tease with him in between sojurns around the brass pole that was on a nearby platform, while he ogled and was obviously in visible "heat" and desperation.

The "crowning moment" of this poor saps trip to self-degradation was when she was sitting on the barstool next to him and he lifted one of her legs that had a knee-high boot she was wearing and he began LICKING the top and bottom of it...right there in the crowded bar in front of everyone, and her with a big sh_t eating grin from ear to ear...perhaps the most pathetic display I've ever seen.

Yes, disgusting display of misconduct. For boot licking a newbie hooker is the only way to go.

Heyyyyy, that was me. Must admit it tasted way better than a Chokchai steak. :(

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A brilliant study with all the variables and demographics, progress, human nature, irony and time warps. Imagine if all immigrants here were of the taking and not giving variety, we could hold this country in the past, or we can get our heads outta our asses and help in the future and changes that our first world experiences have ingrained in us. We can think long term and invest ourselves in the country and raise a family here and cause growth and not stagnation via selfish vices.

Too bad these losers didn't focus on one good woman and respect her and love her and her way of life , they would not be lonely outcasts with a meaningless pathetic existence that only perpetuates negative dark human fodder.

I see so many good farangs here now, that are working or using their retirement to help people and the land and wildlife issues. Nurturers who seek ripe new lands, not escaping a world they can't exploit. These idiot men never grew up from selfish children. I love this country, but for the right reasons,and to see the status quo of things that are scum magnets disappearing from the map is refreshing and gives hope.

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I'm just waiting for someone to say that this is "good satire" again. Made my day yesterday......

This is good satire!

There you go, your day made. Wish everything was so easy. Any time you just have to ask smile.png

I never liked WS, only been there a handful of times, so to me it won't make any difference if it's gone, but I understand that regulars will miss it, as we all do when something that has been part of our lives vanishes.

Nice thread.

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Aww where can they all go to reminisce now? Maybe this thread?

Then they can be amongst like-minded company and they can all console each other when they bemoan about the degeneration of life as they knew it..

"oh..its all changed nowadays. When i was a lad, bread was sliced thicker and the hookers were cheaper, and they didnt use them pesky mobile phones. All this new fangled technology has brought the rif-raf in and you cant keep an eye on yir regular girl anymore. And these young-uns that come te bar now, just no respect fir their elders. You know, i used to go out with just a bob or two, have a beer, pay for a girl, and still come home wif change. Ahhh...them were the days alright.."

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