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Australian, 93, Faces Sexual Assault Charges In Thailand

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Before I pass judgement I would have to read and listen to all sides of this very sad story, My worry is that this guy could have been stitched up

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coffee1.gif 93 years of Age! Jeepers creepers, its a wonder he can even get it up at that age!! coffee1.gif

I don't see where he got it up (or got it in)

Better than even odds that he was set up and actually did SFA


this is the land of big BS.

Back home i have a friend who manage a nursing home. Past 85 yo most people are not even able to walk by themselves...

In thailand it seems that they can run quicker than a 5 yo girl and can cross a whole jungle to flee to another country....

absolute BS, some people on this webboard have to be completely stupid to believe this story.

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For those who believe a 93 year old man couldn't possibly have the physical ability to assault a child http://bicycling.com...cycling-record/ (100 year old man breaks 100km cycling record).

And, those who can't believe a 93 year old can "get it up" - Haven't you heard of Viagera?

Plus this ...http://www.metro.co....e-times-a-night (94 year old man is worlds oldest father and has sex 3 times a night)

I don't know whether this man is guilty or not, but I do know that his age doesn't have anything to do with it.


I'm not sure of what this man did but regarding prosecution, some years ago a 101-year-old man ran his car through Farmer's Market in Los Angeles and injured and killed several people. He was not charged with any crime. I'm not even sure that he had a driver's license. Apparently his age was considered a mitigating factor.


For those who believe a 93 year old man couldn't possibly have the physical ability to assault a child http://bicycling.com...cycling-record/

And, those who can't believe a 93 year old can "get it up" - Haven't you heard of Viagera?

Plus this ...http://www.metro.co....e-times-a-night

I don't know whether this man is guilty or not, but I do know that his age doesn't have anything to do with it.

At what age would his age have something to do with it? 110?


coffee1.gif 93 years of Age! Jeepers creepers, its a wonder he can even get it up at that age!! coffee1.gif

What does "getting it up" have to do with taking pictures? You don't have to "get it up" to practice pedophilia.

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It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

You live in Thailand?

Any idea what can be done here?


OK, then stop ranting and use your brains, then maybe wisdom will hit you.

Indeed, this case reeks of money........................

I always get a strange taste in the back of my mouth if I hear or see somebody shouting abuse re cases like this.

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For those who believe a 93 year old man couldn't possibly have the physical ability to assault a child http://bicycling.com...cycling-record/ (100 year old man breaks 100km cycling record).

And, those who can't believe a 93 year old can "get it up" - Haven't you heard of Viagera?

Plus this ...http://www.metro.co....e-times-a-night (94 year old man is worlds oldest father and has sex 3 times a night)

I don't know whether this man is guilty or not, but I do know that his age doesn't have anything to do with it.

Talk about limited thinking. He doesn't have to "get it up" or "get it on" or take Viagra to sexually abuse an underage person. He still has hands, fingers, a mouth and I don't see any mention that he had sexual intercourse. Just having them strip down and taking photos would be enough.


He said in his defense that he was outside of the country during the time of this alleged event.

It should not be that difficult to verify his claim. It might help to determine his guilt or innocence.

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93 years blink.png he would be a pedofile even with a woman of 35-40 years. bah.gif

I say give him Life in Prison! Or 6 Months! Which ever is the longest one! At 93 Years Old no small wonder why they are in a rush to prosecute him. Hell, at his age, he would be a Pedofile chasing women 70 Years Old.


who knows?

but the effort to involve a foreign government on a shake down?

in my limited experience on this planet, i have learned that these things happen for a reason. if he is not entirely guilty of the charges, he is likely not entirely innocent either.

any way you look at it the whole thing is a mess.

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I find quite incredible the people talking about presumption of innocence when you are provably the same ones asking to see the disgraceful photos of the police with the suspects as usually happens here before any verdict whatsoever.

Also funny the people talking about following the case. This man had a previous case of rape, now he enters a country illegally and flies bail. The only source indicating this is a setup is himself, who also claims his health have deteriorated when he had been previously held in a hospital instead of prison or police jail.

Justice and presumption of innocence here are a joke but I don't see why this decrepit man (yes, I think he's guilty) should have a better treatment (oh yes he's old, then act as such).


It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

That's a really nasty post Blether considering the details of the case and the fact that no Judge has made a decision yet.

Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

Irony warning !!! You do realise you fall in to the 'sick vile human being' category for suggesting such a punishment!

Karl Kraus ... 93, deviant, now an Australian resident .. vonder vot he did from 1939-45

Another offensive post very similar to those that appeared on a previous thread trying to suggest he was probably a Nazi war criminal as well. I was going to report your post and have it removed but better it remains so that people see your true colours.

Not one of TV's finest days today!

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Karl Kraus ... 93, deviant, now an Australian resident .. vonder vot he did from 1939-45

Karl Joseph Kraus, that's a good Aussie name. Born 1919, I presume in Germany and has since been granted an OZ Passport.

If innocent, it wont be hard to prove as he states, the alledged offence or offences took place on Dec 22nd 2009 and he states he was in OZ receiving medical treatment at the time of these offences. Check his Passport and Immigration records for departing and entering Thailand. Check Australian Immigration for his entry and exit there. Check the doctor or hospital records back in Oz. Not brain surgery to work out.


I find quite incredible the people talking about presumption of innocence when you are provably the same ones asking to see the disgraceful photos of the police with the suspects as usually happens here before any verdict whatsoever.

Also funny the people talking about following the case. This man had a previous case of rape, now he enters a country illegally and flies bail. The only source indicating this is a setup is himself, who also claims his health have deteriorated when he had been previously held in a hospital instead of prison or police jail.

Justice and presumption of innocence here are a joke but I don't see why this decrepit man (yes, I think he's guilty) should have a better treatment (oh yes he's old, then act as such).

i didnt know that the guy had a previous case of rape. where did you get that from?

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Response to Gentleman Jim. Agree in toto.

Just on the German heritage part. The Barossa Valley in South Australia, is rich in German heritage. Many still speak with the German "twang" and some of the old blokes fought in the Australian Army in WWII. So yes, agreed, just because he has a German name, and may or may not have been born there means SFA.

Guilty or not guilty, yet to be determined in the court, the official one, not this one.

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I know of a similar case that happened in Krabi about 7 years ago. The expat business owner claimed with tears in his eyes that he was wrongfully accused of performing lewd acts with some of the neighbors' daughters. Looking at him weeping and whining like a toddler, claiming that he was set up by a neighbor who wants to steal the business off him, you'd think "Look at that poor fella, he has been set up"...

Wouldn't think that anymore after the investigators went through his hard drives... Don't know exactly how he did it, but he got away with a suspended sentence and was not deported...

Even though the 93 year old German born (liked the dropped in question about his whereabouts during WWII) Australian's story seems to be somewhat inconclusive, I tend to believe that there is at least a bit of truth in the accusations made. However - every man is innocent until proven guilty it says in the "civilized world" - thus, If he is innocent, I wish him quick recovery from this shocking episode. If not... then justice should be served. Simple as that.


Karl Kraus ... 93, deviant, now an Australian resident .. vonder vot he did from 1939-45

Karl Joseph Kraus, that's a good Aussie name. Born 1919, I presume in Germany and has since been granted an OZ Passport.

If innocent, it wont be hard to prove as he states, the alledged offence or offences took place on Dec 22nd 2009 and he states he was in OZ receiving medical treatment at the time of these offences. Check his Passport and Immigration records for departing and entering Thailand. Check Australian Immigration for his entry and exit there. Check the doctor or hospital records back in Oz. Not brain surgery to work out.

Presumably you are an Aborigine. Otherwise you are nor a native Aussie are you?
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It doesn't matter to the child if the paedophile assailant is 33, 63, or 93.......the child is just as damaged and traumatised.

This guy knew what he was doing, age is no barrier to justice. Also well done to the Thai and Mynamar authorities for pursuing him and bringing him to justice, they need to send out a message loud and clear........the time of predatory paedophiles flying into South East Asia unencumbered is over. The law is waiting for you.

Age is no barrier to being a scumbag, this guy is a 93 year old paedophile scumbag, jail him for the rest of his days. End of.

Yeah just jail him for the rest of his life or hang 'em high based on someone somewhere making an accusation against him. False accusations never occur, such as motivated my money, revenge, extortion, who knows what. We heard a story somewhere that some agency was claiming he did this so we all should chant together "Hang him high! Hang him high! Hang him high!"

All together now

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Based on everything I have read ... it would appear this guy is guilty and assuming he is, he is an idiot for just not pleading guilty as it would almost ensure he would have served no time in Thai prison and simply been kicked out of the country. Thailand is not big on locking up 90+ year olds, especially ones who admit their guilt, show remorse and provided some kind of compensation to the victims. However, not sure if an admission of guilt could screw him back home but assume it will or would be the same as a guilty verdict which seems fairly certain he will receive.

So you are a judge - one of many on this forum that pronounces guilt with only the haziest of facts. From what I've seen, we need a lot more information (especially regarding his claim to have been out of Thailand when the alleged offences occurred) before arriving at a (TV) verdict

I can tell you what I am not is somebody who can't understand somebody stating facts as opposed to somebody clearly stating opinions on a forum by using words such as "appears" and "based on" and "assuming he is" ... but for some reason it is okay for you to speculate on his innocence and discount as hazy the allegations from two children, their behavior and fear of leaving the house which prompted their parents to find out what was wrong with them, the maid who saw the child porn, the police who confiscated the child porn from his house which included his posing with naked children as well as the emails he sent back home of child porn, the neigbors reports of his being very agile including driving up until the police came visiting when he became unable to walk on his own, his fleeing the country illegally and entering another country illegally ... not very hazy imo but then again I didn't say he was guilty either as you claim.

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"Central to Mr Kraus's claims of innocence is that he is accused of sexualoffences on December 22, 2009, when he says he was in Australia receiving medical treatment for prostate and bladder cancer."

Even young men that have prostate cancer have problems with with "getting it up" so for a 90 year old it seems highly unlikely. I would say a great majority of men in their 90's have only distant memories of sex. Of course he could still molest children but I would give him the benefit of the doubt until the medical records in Oz are checked. If he was there case closed. I'm inclined to believe it is a set up.

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Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

Yes, If.

Yes, BIG if. It's amazing how many people here jump on this old man, believing everything the so called Thai authorities say, when the same people rant and rave about how corrupt the so called Thai authorities are. HMMMMM.. How many farangs in Thailand get caught up in some swindle to get their money and possesions? I would suspect more than one. coffee1.gif

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Karl Kraus ... 93, deviant, now an Australian resident .. vonder vot he did from 1939-45

Karl Joseph Kraus, that's a good Aussie name. Born 1919, I presume in Germany and has since been granted an OZ Passport.

If innocent, it wont be hard to prove as he states, the alledged offence or offences took place on Dec 22nd 2009 and he states he was in OZ receiving medical treatment at the time of these offences. Check his Passport and Immigration records for departing and entering Thailand. Check Australian Immigration for his entry and exit there. Check the doctor or hospital records back in Oz. Not brain surgery to work out.

Presumably you are an Aborigine. Otherwise you are nor a native Aussie are you?

Well now you ask, I think I must be an Abbo.

Cause I was sitting in the gutter out the front of the Royal Pub the other day

This white fella came out of the pub and I asked him, “any change mate”

He said, “Nah ya still F****ng black”.

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Don`t believe it.

I guess that this poor old man was set up.

An elderly man, probably has life savings and assets, ripe for exploitation.

poor old man? if the charges are true he will have ruined the lifes of those just about to start on what should be a wonderful life. If guilty I'd stick him in stocks in the centre of pattaya until he dies to set an example of what will happen to any other sick vile human being preying on kids.

Yes, If.

Yes, BIG if. It's amazing how many people here jump on this old man, believing everything the so called Thai authorities say, when the same people rant and rave about how corrupt the so called Thai authorities are. HMMMMM.. How many farangs in Thailand get caught up in some swindle to get their money and possesions? I would suspect more than one. coffee1.gif

Makes some sense, but remember TV posters are always right at pr-judging based on their own experierce

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