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Is Being Fat A Choice (If There Is No Underlying Medical Reason)


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My opinion of the bloodgroup thing is that its too general saying that a whole group of people is prone to stress while others are not just based on bloodgroup is crazy. My opinion nothing more its similar like saying black people should be athleetes and whites are smarter. I believe much more in individuals.

I did read some comments of medical drs on this diet. They said there was no proof for the evolutiom of blood types as described.

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All I would say is look at what the blood type diet says about your blood type and then make you own conclusions.

As I said I am type A and I think it is generally correct for me.

As to what the mainstream medical community thinks I wouldnt bother with their opinions on this topic as they are bound to rubbish it as it is outside their range of experience.

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Tropo, please don't think I will let you get away with rubbishing Food Combining.

and Robo, don't knock it till you've tried it.

You're a good "statistics" man are you not?

When someone comes up with a list of triggers for migraine for instance, everyone knows that they will not apply to all people equally.

Same with the blood group list. The list could be helpful for someone who who had no idea of what might be the cause of a problem.

This is my opinion - I am not a medic!

Right, to Food Combining

Salivary glands secrete an array of enzymes and substances that aid in digestion and also disinfection.

Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3): The major role of bicarbonate is to neutralize acidity mainly in an attempt to preserve the dentin and tooth enamel and also to neutralize bacterial toxins. Bicarbonate also prevents acid damage to the esophageal lining before food enters the stomach.

Lipid digestion initiates in the mouth. Lingual lipase starts the digestion of the lipids/fats.

Carbohydrate digestion also initiates in the mouth. Amylase produced by the salivary glands breaks complex carbohydrates to smaller chains, or even simple sugars. It is sometimes referred to as ptyalin.

Thus: I believe that Carbs are best taken without protein because they need an alkaline solution in order that the enzymes function properly. Also, carbohydrates only stay in the stomach for up to about one and a half hours.

On the other hand, Protein is digested in the stomach and pepsin enzymes need an acid solution.

Pepsinogen is the main gastric enzyme. It is produced by the stomach cells called "chief cells" in its inactive form pepsinogen, which is a zymogen. Pepsinogen is then activated by the stomach acid into its active form, pepsin. Pepsin breaks down the protein in the food into smaller particles, such as peptide fragments and amino acids. Protein digestion, therefore, first starts in the stomach, unlike carbohydrate and lipids, which start their digestion in the mouth.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl): This is in essence positively charged hydrogen atoms (H), or in lay-terms stomach acid, and is produced by the cells of the stomach called parietal cells. HCl mainly functions to denature the proteins ingested, to destroy any bacteria or virus that remains in the food, and also to activate pepsinogen into pepsin. Meat can stay in the stomach for up to 4 hours before being passed down to the intestines.

Fruit stays in the stomach for about 15 minutes and is then passed on, so fruit should be eaten alone.

The theory of food combining is that when it is done badly, food is not properly digested.

Take the typical Christmas feast.

Possible a starter of soup followed by a large portion of protein and carbs.

Then fat and friut in the form of Christmas pudding. A cheese board with grapes, oranges and nuts to boot. (Hey when do we get the Christmas cake, wheat, eggs, nuts, fruit, alcohol, sugar, spices, marzipan, icing, phew!)

This lot hits the stomach and it doesn't know what the hell to do with it, is it protein, carb or what. Hmmmm, then comes the fruit - great short time after the whole lot gets sent down and you feel bloated and lethargic.

It hasn't been digested properly and so an hour or so later you actually feel hungry again. Incredible, how could that be? However, the carbs were quickly turned to sugar and insulin is released to ensure the calories are not wasted but stored as fat.

So you stuff in some more food and this cycle continues.

Then comes the excess gas due to the bacterial activity in the intestines and colon.

At some point earlier, many people will have reached for the Gaviscon or similar anti acid formula.

Does this sound familiar?

This is an extreme situation but as said in my previous post, we men are possibly less sensitive to our feelings and an extreem example is necessary to get the point across.

So If you accept the spirit of this story, maybe you can see that it can happen, although less severely, in any un-combined meal.

New research is also showing that the effects of antibiotics on gut flora is very damaging and gets worse generation by generation.

Modern methods of food storage no longer rely on fermenting veggies to preserve them. Fermented foods (naturally, not pasturised), contain all the good bacteria, they reduse toxins etc and are a great way to get good gut flora.

Tropo is a rare person to have kefir in his diet and it's goodness is showing in his healtyness as he has posted.

Right, I am now braced for the broadside smile.png

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Small meals eaten with protein and complex carbs will not cause huge blood sugar spikes that is pretty clear isnt it?

The list of things that he mentions for types As is merely pointing out the Type As are more susceptible to these factors than other blood types. Nothing ridiculous about that at all. Type As dont handle stress as well as other blood types simple as that.

Eating small carb meals to limit blood sugar spikes is a useful approach to anyone's diet regardless of blood type.

Why would you recommend a high carb diet to type A's when they are most susceptible to blood sugar disorders?... and then tell them to eat small meals to reduce the risk of blood spikes?

Mixing carbs with protein doesn't prevent blood sugar spikes, only limiting the quantity of carbs can.

I do think it's ridiculous to suggest that Type A's (about 33% of the world's population) don't handle stress as well as the rest (Type 0's, B's and AB's). Where is the evidence for this? It would be impossible to determine. The majority of the population wouldn't have a clue what their blood types are.

Sure it is a theory but when I analysed myself I found it to be close to the mark on most things. And you yourself stated you had IBS and blood sugar issues and these are two areas that type As are very susceptible to. And it doesnt mean that other blood types may not have these problems just that type As are more susceptible.

Why would it be ridiculous to suggest that certain blood types dont handle stress as well as others? I dont have any evidence and I doubt anyone will ever try and do any sort of research on it but that doesnt mean it may not be correct!

BTW Just because the majority of people dont know their blood type doesnt invalidate the theory.

Apparently it is very popular in Japan.

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I don't think that anyone (not even Tropo LOL) would not accept that women are usually well in touch with their bodies and feelings.

Due, largely to their very obvious monthly cycle.

Studies have shown that groups of women spending all day together tend to menstruate at the same time and usually about full moon.

Back in the cave days, full moon was a time for the men to go hunting so the women could afford not to be fertile at that time.

They also spent all day talking to each other so their brains developed more speech centres than men and they needed to multi task.

Men on the other hand rarely needed to speak and when hunting they used hand signals. Their brains developed spacial awareness because they needed to know how to get back to camp. Men developed a general insensitivity to pain so they could complete a kill.

It is for this reason that men are generally not as aware of their own feelings.

Tropo's response to the list of stress factors from Tolley is a clear indication of this to me at least.

Add to that the heavy workouts and muscle building lifestyle, Tropo must have lots of testosterone sloshing around.

Not a bad thing but it does have a tendency to raise the level of aggressiveness and in part, may explain the rather fierce replies that Tropo makes from time to time.

It took me a while to figure this out and I think he's a big softie really smile.png

Just to clear up a few points, I have just had 3 weeks off from the gym.

Last year I had 7 months off. I don't think you'll find my posting style any different during that sabbatical.

You'll find it quite common that people who post a lot on internet forums (especially this one) can become quite aggressive in nature. It starts off as self defense. You only see one side of it here, but believe me, I'm regularly being flamed on other threads.

I disagree that males can tolerate more pain than females. It's a well known fact actually that females have more pain tolerance. Child birth rates a 10 on the pain intensity scale. I certainly don't think I could cope with my wife's menstrual cramps.

Weren't you the one looking for the least painful way to test your blood sugar.smile.png Believe me, it's only a pin prick and should be easy to tolerate, even for a man.biggrin.png

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BTW Just because the majority of people dont know their blood type doesnt invalidate the theory.

Apparently it is very popular in Japan.

It just makes it impossible to prove. I suppose that means we'll be hearing about it for decades to come.

You're dividing the whole population into only 3 categories, and more like only 2 because B type is not as common as O and A.

I don't even have a clue what blood type my wife is. No one usually does until they have to donate blood.

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Tropo, please don't think I will let you get away with rubbishing Food Combining.

I'm aware of the theory of food combining. I practiced it myself for awhile back in the 80's when I was suffering from some digestive disturbances.

The problem is that it sounds great in theory, but in practice the body takes care of combinations of protein, carbs and fats very well indeed. I can eat a big steak with potatoes with absolutely no digestive disturbances at all. I could finish that meal with a generous serving of fruit and have no problems. I'll be hungry and ready for another meal in about 4 hours.

I don't believe the digestive system is that restrictive.

As I said, the theory sound good, but why can I so easily handle combos? There's more going on than we know.

Eating a steak by itself just doesn't satisfy. It needs a companion. I'll add either salad, some starchy veges (peas, pumpkin, potatoes) or both.

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OK Tropo, I accept that childbirth is extreme and best that women do that (he he)

I mean the pain in muscles, running after prey for example.

Most of the ladies that I have known quit quicker than men for that.

And why shouldn't I look for the most comfortable way of drawing blood.

I was a blood donor you years until I started on the BP meds.

In 1970, working in Saudi, I jumped off a packing case onto the lid of another that had been removed using a nail extractor.

One of the nails had it's head ripped off and was left sticking up 1/2 of an inch or so and punched through my sandal into my foot.

Weeks later and it did not heal so I took a penknife and a pair of tweezers. Twisted up my foot, cut open the wound, probed with the tweezers, grabbed hold of something and pulled.

It was an inverted cone shaped section of the sandal with skin trying to grow round it.

It hurt quite a bit but it healed very nicely once the foreign object had been removed, no infection either.

As to PMS pain. There are aromatherapy solutions that work very well for that.

If you are interested I can explain/

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Tropo said: Just to clear up a few points, I have just had 3 weeks off from the gym.

Last year I had 7 months off. I don't think you'll find my posting style any different during that sabbatical.

smile.png OK, I'll stop trying to find excuses for you then smile.png

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Its just my opinion of it. I just cant believe anything that general. I have looked at it and i just dont think its right. I read some of the comments on it and just think its not correct.

It works for you so keep doing it. In the end its all about what works for you.

As for Tropo his posting style i had enougj problems with him before. Now that i know him i see through the style. I think many of us get argumentative here. But on this part of the forum im more easy going.

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OK Tropo, I accept that childbirth is extreme and best that women do that (he he)

I mean the pain in muscles, running after prey for example.

Most of the ladies that I have known quit quicker than men for that.

And why shouldn't I look for the most comfortable way of drawing blood.

I was a blood donor you years until I started on the BP meds.

In 1970, working in Saudi, I jumped off a packing case onto the lid of another that had been removed using a nail extractor.

One of the nails had it's head ripped off and was left sticking up 1/2 of an inch or so and punched through my sandal into my foot.

Weeks later and it did not heal so I took a penknife and a pair of tweezers. Twisted up my foot, cut open the wound, probed with the tweezers, grabbed hold of something and pulled.

It was an inverted cone shaped section of the sandal with skin trying to grow round it.

It hurt quite a bit but it healed very nicely once the foreign object had been removed, no infection either.

As to PMS pain. There are aromatherapy solutions that work very well for that.

If you are interested I can explain/

Believe me, the prick to draw a drop of blood for a glucometer is virtually painless. The "pricker" device has 5 settings. If you only use setting 1 and regularly change the needle, you won't feel much. I don't change mine often, so I put the setting higher when it gets blunt - it doesn't bother me.

It's not PMS I'm concerned about. It's the extreme cramps she gets when she is menstruating. She's has an extremely heavy flow, but her mother and sisters have the same problem, so it's a genetic "gift" she inherited.

We've tried many things with little success, including several visits to a gynocologist. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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OK Tropo, I accept that childbirth is extreme and best that women do that (he he)

I mean the pain in muscles, running after prey for example.

Most of the ladies that I have known quit quicker than men for that.

And why shouldn't I look for the most comfortable way of drawing blood.

I was a blood donor you years until I started on the BP meds.

In 1970, working in Saudi, I jumped off a packing case onto the lid of another that had been removed using a nail extractor.

One of the nails had it's head ripped off and was left sticking up 1/2 of an inch or so and punched through my sandal into my foot.

Weeks later and it did not heal so I took a penknife and a pair of tweezers. Twisted up my foot, cut open the wound, probed with the tweezers, grabbed hold of something and pulled.

It was an inverted cone shaped section of the sandal with skin trying to grow round it.

It hurt quite a bit but it healed very nicely once the foreign object had been removed, no infection either.

As to PMS pain. There are aromatherapy solutions that work very well for that.

If you are interested I can explain/

There has been research done and it really stated woman are better at handling pain. Im now on a holiday fishing and sunning no longer in bkk so my typing and replies are shorter as the phone is more for reading.

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Nice topic

So as not to miss anyone out or upset anyone here in advance I want to say. Sorry for spelling mistakes and grammer issues. My opinion is only mine, not wishing to have a forum battle with anyone.

Being fat and overweight is a sign of poor lifestyle not just over eating, slim people also that eat and drink too much can run the same risks except their body does not display the problems in the same way. This is a real problem as all appears well.

It is very clear if you read a book on Natraul Hygiene what we should and should not put in our bodies, lots of what we eat our body does not need.

Another thing here to remember is that natures way is that we are happy and healthy and do not need any excess muscle or fat other that that needed to survive in our environment. So if you work in an office every day eat healthy every day and retain a good weight but run 20 miles a day or build muscles to mass in the gym you are also putting your body under very servere stress as that is not what the body is meant to do it is also dangerous to the body and it system.

Being fat for many is a choice and or a habit to to different to addictions or obsessions with food and drink

I have always been big until about six months ago. 5"8 16 stone 9 lb before I lost wieght

I needed to loose wieght as it was slowly killing me as I was getting bigger each year and accepting each year that it was okay to get bigger.

Lost two stone in 3 months and the rest is comming off slowly still. I read two amazing books by an author called Allan Carr it explains how habits to do with food and drink are only ways we have been programmed from birth.

So for me since reading these books my choice has been to eat in a very different way my favourite foods have changed as have my drinking habits and when, where and what I eat.

Still eat all my favourite foods and I am never hungry.

Choice choice - if your have no underlying medical reason to find wieght control a problem and you continued to eat to much and drink to much and on you death bed a doctor said all this can change its your last chance but you will be given the gift of life but you must follow a few simple steps and you shall live a healthier maybe longer life as long as you follow them what would you do - of course you would grab it with both hands

Well fat people have the same chance every day to make the change now dont wait untill you get fat it is very easy to do and if you want the chance to possibly extend your life make the change sooner than later it is very easy.

Anyone want the names of the books message me

Final thought on this, if you consider your body a machine and you feed it with what it needs it will maintaine itself and unless underlying issues are there and will continue to do so for many years. If you had a fine sports car and the manual said only 1L of grade one oil a year, okay the car cost $300000.00 would you do anything other than that, my guess is no. So why do it to your body it is clear the good and bad things we should and should not put on to our bodies so why do it ???

There is a choice for all

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I dont agree on the part of of musle. Saying our bodies are not made for it. It all depends of course what you consider too much. If we are talking pro bodybuilder i agree but the same goes for every pro athlete. Below that i believe muscles are healthy and exercise is good for you if done safely. Muscles help burning fat and as a result of my extra muscle and denser bones im able to walk away from accidents that have broken bones at others.

I do agree about the choice thing we all have it. We all can decide how much we want to do to stay in shape and what we feel important. But it is not up to us to judge others who make other choices. One exception fat people that complain about beeing fat but not willing to givr up things or change.

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Thanks Blackandwhite, what a lovely way of putting it.

You took control of your health and well done.

I agree with you, we should treat our bodies as if they were Temples, with reverence.

I believe that the main problem is that we are being LIED to by the establishment at every level.

The lie because they want to make profit.

They sell Soy products as health food, knowing dam_n well that it is the opposite.

My ex g/f was a veggie and relied heavily on soy, milk, protein etc on a daily basis.

Now, after 30 years of it she now has a thyroid that does not function, no energy etc - all classic results of too much soy.

The current "Food Triangle" is upside down due to bad science in the 70's.

No one will change it because agriculture (and subsidies) have been geared to it.

Remember that not so long ago they all denied that smoking kills?

The blood type discussion on here has no full studies, so what, what's wrong with anecdotal evidence?

I wouldn't trust company scientists further than I could throw them upwards.

Governments add poisons to our drinking water world wide (fluoride), why?

Is it because of the brain damage which makes the masses more compliant?

The American food industry is fighting against food labels because they want to hide the GMO's in food.

Artificial sweeteners promoted as the healthy option, they are poisons and actually induce hunger!


Sorry for the rant!

It's just that "Their" propaganda is so strong, so well advertised that it is very difficult to find the truth.

This is where threads like this come into their own.

Thanks all.

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I dont go as far as you to think everyone is out to get me. But there are powerful groups trying to hide that their product is not healthy. Like corn syrup and soy. And of course big pharma wont investigate stuff that wont make money but i doubt they would really hide cures of stuff to profit.

I also believe there is a lot of outdated info lying around. But would it no be the responsibility of the guy making money of the bloodgroup theory to prove his claims. Else everyone can make claims and let the taxpayet pay for research.

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Without going off topic - we have a very poor understanding of food nutrition as we have been brainwashed by society to believe the wrong things are god for us.

Smoking now is un sociable and a well known fact that it kills.

Alcohol abuse will be next to be seen a unsociable

But soon we need to start understand more about what we put In our bodies, think of toasted granary seeded bread for toast this has been processed many times before it is eaten.

Grain dried, crushed and milled into a podew, mixed with sugar yeast and salt and water to rehydrate the dried grain then baked in a very hot oven. Then sliced, then toasted, then we put fat on it and yet more processed food, jam. - boiled fruit with masses if sugar or meat such as salami, most people know what heat does to nutrients so it is an example of the damage we do to food before we eat it rendering it useless other that for carb intake most of which we do not need.

Before I understood more about food - granary toast was what I thought to be a good healthy start to the day - now it is a melon or a fresh salad.

So yes it does point towards choice but lots of it comes down to education and discipline this can sway our choices as due to my own admission we have not followed natures simple instructions.

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I dont agree with you fire was why we evolved and could eat mire types of food. Protein in meat and such, sure not everything is healthy but overcoming our limitations is what makes us great.

Just because we could not get something before does not make it bad. Before we started using tools we could not get as much ptotein after we did we became better.

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Without going off topic - we have a very poor understanding of food nutrition as we have been brainwashed by society to believe the wrong things are god for us.

You can take me off that "we" category as being brainwashed.

Quite a number of members on here think outside the box. I constantly question everything I read and experiment. Unfortunately, especially living in Thailand, we can only do the best we can do. I don't have access to or enough money to acquire everything I would like.

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I dont agree with you fire was why we evolved and could eat mire types of food. Protein in meat and such, sure not everything is healthy but overcoming our limitations is what makes us great.

Just because we could not get something before does not make it bad. Before we started using tools we could not get as much ptotein after we did we became better.

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I was born in the early 40's, no fridges, food preserved by fermentation. Sugar on ration.

WWII so the Gov' gave us cod liver oil (Vit D), orange juice and molasses.

It turns out ours is the healthyist group since well forever?

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I dont agree with you fire was why we evolved and could eat mire types of food. Protein in meat and such, sure not everything is healthy but overcoming our limitations is what makes us great.

Just because we could not get something before does not make it bad. Before we started using tools we could not get as much ptotein after we did we became better.

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I was born in the early 40's, no fridges, food preserved by fermentation. Sugar on ration.

WWII so the Gov' gave us cod liver oil (Vit D), orange juice and molasses.

It turns out ours is the healthyist group since well forever?

So your agreeing with me because you are certainly more healthy as cavemen. Just because they ate it does not mean its the best you can get. But just because something is new also does not mean its the best.

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I dont agree with you fire was why we evolved and could eat mire types of food. Protein in meat and such, sure not everything is healthy but overcoming our limitations is what makes us great.

Just because we could not get something before does not make it bad. Before we started using tools we could not get as much ptotein after we did we became better.

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I was born in the early 40's, no fridges, food preserved by fermentation. Sugar on ration.

WWII so the Gov' gave us cod liver oil (Vit D), orange juice and molasses.

It turns out ours is the healthyist group since well forever?

So your agreeing with me because you are certainly more healthy as cavemen. Just because they ate it does not mean its the best you can get. But just because something is new also does not mean its the best.

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As Blackandwhite said "we have not followed natures simple instructions.",

Fire can be good. e.g. carrots lightly cooked release the beta carotinoids better, similar story for tomatoes and other foods.

However, flame grilled meat produces carcinogen's.

As has been said on this thread many times, most things in moderation will not harm you, but that doesn't take away the responsibility to see through the BS (and temptation) and eat healthily.

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Just to clear up a few things I dont think the blood type diet is the answer to everyones problems and in fact I was very sceptical myself when I first stumbled across it.

But when I looked at what they were saying and the foods they were recommending for my blood type I was very surprised how accurate it was.

I dont follow it 100 percent because I eat out too much but I am aware that I do function better on the foods it says I should eat against the foods it says you shouldnt eat.

As I have stated before the best thing you can ever do is to go and see a good naturopath (not a dietician) to get a good appraisal of the sort of problems you have (sub clinical in many cases) and the foods that would be suit you because everyone is different.

If you are really interested you need to read the theory thourougly and then see if you think it fits.

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Just to clear up a few things I dont think the blood type diet is the answer to everyones problems and in fact I was very sceptical myself when I first stumbled across it.

But when I looked at what they were saying and the foods they were recommending for my blood type I was very surprised how accurate it was.

I dont follow it 100 percent because I eat out too much but I am aware that I do function better on the foods it says I should eat against the foods it says you shouldnt eat.

As I have stated before the best thing you can ever do is to go and see a good naturopath (not a dietician) to get a good appraisal of the sort of problems you have (sub clinical in many cases) and the foods that would be suit you because everyone is different.

If you are really interested you need to read the theory thourougly and then see if you think it fits.

You know what is part of the problem, there are so many different views floating around its hard to know what is right. I just try to take a bit from all of them to see what works but the sheer volume of them all makes it hard. So you just have to make a pre selection yourself.

Not too long ago bodybuilders thought that 6 meals would be better as 3 and increase your mbr. Now there is proof its not true but it was proven by research. I am the first to admit that research can be perverted to get certain outcomes

I just wish there was more independent research in this field. I did read some nice research from the us military about the starving reflex and that it takes a lot more to get in that state then many of us think.

I also don't pretend i know it all. Im sitting now in front of 2 rods in au nang at a fishing resort so i don't type as much and make more errors. But using the iPad instead of my phone like yesterday so its a bit better.

I also have experimented with t3 and clenbuterol, both were seen as great stuff, but i never noticed much. It would give you a 5% extra burn. Clenbuterol i stopped quite fast as the cramps are bad. I did the ECA stack too and found it nice but no easy to get and with the war on drugs dangerous. There is one other i tried and it worked the best and by a big margin but is controversial stuff and not suited for long use, more as a breaker of plateau's.

In this year where i lost up to 23-24 kg fat and gained a 5 kg muscle i learned a lot and the thing i hated the most were the plateau's. combine this with how hard it is to really gauge progress, loosing weight is a tough process and one you should take your time for. This is easier said as done, as I'm like everyone else wanting to go there fast.

Even now when I'm real close to my ultimate goal i still would like to go there fast and almost hate it that I'm on a Holliday. Almost... Because i love the islands in the south and snorkeling with my dad and gf. But i did bring my scales to make sure i could at least check if i was not overeating (small obsession) but just don't want to give up progress made this year.

I like the views of everyone here, and feel that everyone should do it in a way they like and can sustain. That is more important than speed.

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As Rob says, too much information and especially misinformation out there.

If you like documentaries, watch this:

If you thought Slavery had been abolished, watch this:

Big Sugar from slave days to present and nothing has changed!

Big sugar behaves like Big Tobacco and should be treated like Big Tobacco!

Totally shocking.

See the whole article here


Edited by laislica
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As Rob says, too much information and especially misinformation out there.

If you like documentaries, watch this:

If you thought Slavery had been abolished, watch this:

Big Sugar from slave days to present and nothing has changed!

Big sugar behaves like Big Tobacco and should be treated like Big Tobacco!

Totally shocking.

See the whole article here


LOL. You're getting the Mercola newsletters too. Yesterday's Mercola mail.

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. But i did bring my scales to make sure i could at least check if i was not overeating (small obsession) but just don't want to give up progress made this year.

Bathroom or kitchen scales?

Bathroom, kitchen would be useless as I'm not cooking.

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As Rob says, too much information and especially misinformation out there.

If you like documentaries, watch this:

If you thought Slavery had been abolished, watch this:

Big Sugar from slave days to present and nothing has changed!

Big sugar behaves like Big Tobacco and should be treated like Big Tobacco!

Totally shocking.

See the whole article here


LOL. You're getting the Mercola newsletters too. Yesterday's Mercola mail.

Yes I have been for ages.

He is great and gives info away for free that I have previously paid to get!!!

The big trick is to have the time to read/watch it lol

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Sometimes this thread gets a bit heavy so if you don't mind a slight off topic diversion,

I would like to share a personal experience with my friends in this thread about drinking and driving.

As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from an occasional social session over the years.

A couple of nights ago, I was out for an evening with friends and had a couple of cocktails and some rather nice red wine.

Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before ~ I took a cab home.

Sure enough, I passed a police road block but, since it was a cab, they waved it past.

I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise;

as I have never driven a cab before and am not sure where I got it or what to do with it now that it's in my garage.

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