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Priewphan To Join Pheu Thai Monday

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Priewphan to join Pheu Thai Monday

BANGKOK: -- Former police chief Pol Gen Priewphan Damapong will apply for Pheu Thai membership Monday and may become the next party leader, Pheu Thai caretaker spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Sunday.

Prompong said Priewphan called him on Saturday, expressing his wish to join the Pheu Thai.

Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewphan, a brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, into the fold of Pheu Thai.

But since Priewphan has been the police commissionergeneral, he would be qualified to hold any position in the party, even the party leader or a Cabinet member, Prompong said. He added that the party has not yet discussed an appropriate position for Priewphan.

Prompong said Priewphan would register his membership at 1:30 pm at the Pheu Thai head office and caretaker leader Viroj Paoin would receive Priewphan by himself.


-- The Nation 2012-10-14



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This was / is obviously another of Thaksins crafty moves to further secure control of the influencial positions within the PT party and elliminate inparty unrest.


" Prompong said Priewphan called him on Saturday, expressing his wish to join the Pheu Thai."


This will go way back to pre retirement days and beyond and how convenient the party now seek to fill a vacancy for a new spokesman, the timing couldn,t be better, should the exiled one want it to happen.


" Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewphan, a brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, into the fold of Pheu Thai."


Thaksin says and P.Thai obeys....Already a forgone conclusion re his acceptance.

This will have been pencilled in some time ago, it was just a matter of timing and when to make it official.

Now then let,s see who else within the family is available to do my bidding and keep the morale of the underlings in check...Hmmmmmm

I read elsewhere that there are double digit members of his fellow class 10 graduates that are also applying for membership and will accompany Priewphan tomorrow.

AKA officially welcomed into the party of self serving benevolence and unethical practices.

marshbags whistling.gif

Edited by marshbags
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"Former police chief Pol Gen Priewphan Damapong will apply for Pheu Thai membership Monday and may become the next party leader"


"Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewphan, a brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra"

Good grief, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. Is there anyone out there (not counting red shirts, of course) that believes this crap?

Amazing Thailand, indeed.

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"Former police chief Pol Gen Priewphan Damapong will apply for Pheu Thai membership Monday and may become the next party leader"


"Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewphan, a brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra"

Good grief, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. Is there anyone out there (not counting red shirts, of course) that believes this crap?

Amazing Thailand, indeed.

I doubt they need instructing.

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Nepotism and puppetering in the raw.


Thaksin dynasty

The Thaksin Dynasty.

Thaksin Shinawatra – Criminal-on-the-run, De facto P.M. of Thailand.

Yingluck Shinawatra- Youngest sister of Thaksin-acting Prime Minister of Thailand (mostly hamming)

Yaowappa Wongsawat(Shinawatra)-Younger sister of Thaksin (The power behind the throng)

Chinchilla Wongsawat – Daughter of Yaowappa & Somchai

Somchai Wongsawat – Husband of Yaowappa

Payap Shinawatra – Brother of Thaksin

Chaisit Shinawatra – (General) Cousin of Thaksin)

Yaowares Shinawatra – Sister of Thaksin

Potjaman na Pombejra nee Damapong (Thaksin’s ex-wife)

Priewphan Damapong – Brother of Potjaman

All these folks are involved in one way or another in running the PTP (Praise Thaksin Party)

All that remains is for the son and two daughters to climb aboard and they might find their place in history alongside the Borgia and Medici families and the fictional Corleone clan).rolleyes.gif

I wonder if they stick to the old Italian adage of 'no business discussion at the family dinner table'?

No. I doubt it either.

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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

Why Should they ban the retired Police Generals and Army generals from running for elections or being in Politic Perties? Do you mean parties? Is it unconstitutional for them to stand? i don't really know if this is the case, you are obviously well clued up on this. Or are you just a little bit pissed and making it up as you go along? Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt!
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Priewpan and classmates of thaksin to join Pheu Thai today

The Nation


Former police chief Pol General Priewpan Damapong will apply for Pheu Thai mem

BANGKOK: -- Prompong said Priewpan called him on Saturday, expressing his wish to join the party.

Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewpan, a former brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, into the fold.

But given Priewpan had been police commissioner he would be qualified to hold any position, even as party leader or a member of Cabinet, Prompong said. He said the party had yet to discuss an appropriate position for Priewpan.

He said the party did not fear criticism that another member of Thaksin's family.


-- The Nation 2012-10-15

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This is a very serious threat to supposed Thai democracy and the freedom of it,s citizens if this influx of Thaksins kin and his comrades in arms ect. continues and will put him on a level comparable to the situations in Phillipines and Indonesia when they were totally controlled by the families of their respective leaders and dedicated clique in government.

I would hope that the 3 major authorities can stay independent from a take over of the security forces or otherwise I can only see a situation developing that is very dangerous indeed and will end in violence of a scale as of yet unimaginable, even by Thai standards.

Tyranny with absolute power to Thaksin the autocratic ruler and with it the much desired possession of unlimited and unchallengable power it will give him.

This person is like an aggressive cancer of the worst kind and sadly it doesn,t bode well for those who would challenge his authority and most importantly Thailands citizens who are loyal to the country.

Not to the individual...Thaksin Shinwatara

Apart that is for the chosen few who are within his selected / chosen inner circle of self only first, kleptocracy.

I include the majority of his present " low key " supporters, red shirts, UDD and all other banners and descriptions they come under, to be outside the above.

marshbags mellow.png

Edited by marshbags
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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

You think that Generals should be treated like felons with no political rights? There were 12 US Presidents who were previously generals, Washington and Eisenhower having the highest ranks. UK examples not as common, but Cromwell will do for starters.

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Prompong said nobody ordered him to accept Priewphan's application; why does he think that it is necessary to state this? Considering the number of low-life criminal scum PTP has as members, why would they reject him? Have they ever rejected anybody?

After all, the last member of the Shinawatra clan to join not only rocketed to number one on the party list, within a few weeks of joining she was made PM. I expect great from the general, though not necessarily in the interest of his nation.

Edited by OzMick
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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

You think that Generals should be treated like felons with no political rights? There were 12 US Presidents who were previously generals, Washington and Eisenhower having the highest ranks. UK examples not as common, but Cromwell will do for starters.

I think the structure of their education should be destroyed. Who is whos classmate is a joke, isn't it.

There should be more than one police/army academy with some rotation of staff and students.

Than there should be a much slimmer structure with less Generals both in police and army.

People who get caught at some crime should be stripped of rank and fired not moved to an inactive position.

The position of the army inside the the society should be clear.

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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

You think that Generals should be treated like felons with no political rights? There were 12 US Presidents who were previously generals, Washington and Eisenhower having the highest ranks. UK examples not as common, but Cromwell will do for starters.

I think the structure of their education should be destroyed. Who is whos classmate is a joke, isn't it.

There should be more than one police/army academy with some rotation of staff and students.

Than there should be a much slimmer structure with less Generals both in police and army.

People who get caught at some crime should be stripped of rank and fired not moved to an inactive position.

The position of the army inside the the society should be clear.

Have to agree that both are severely top heavy, which is just a waste of resources.

The class support concept has to be looked at to be understood. Military academies can be extremely hard work with emphasis on teamwork. That young men in their formative years form enduring friendships with those that they share those experiences with, and whom they have learned to trust, is to be expected. As is later mutual support and assistance - sometimes not to the betterment of others.

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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

You must be joking this LOS and they start as a police rise up in the rank and become politician and at the end on the run from the law for corruption,


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They should pass a law banning all of these retired Police generals and Army Generals from running for election or being in political perties.

You think that Generals should be treated like felons with no political rights? There were 12 US Presidents who were previously generals, Washington and Eisenhower having the highest ranks. UK examples not as common, but Cromwell will do for starters.

I think the structure of their education should be destroyed. Who is whos classmate is a joke, isn't it.

There should be more than one police/army academy with some rotation of staff and students.

Than there should be a much slimmer structure with less Generals both in police and army.

People who get caught at some crime should be stripped of rank and fired not moved to an inactive position.

The position of the army inside the the society should be clear.

Have to agree that both are severely top heavy, which is just a waste of resources.

The class support concept has to be looked at to be understood. Military academies can be extremely hard work with emphasis on teamwork. That young men in their formative years form enduring friendships with those that they share those experiences with, and whom they have learned to trust, is to be expected. As is later mutual support and assistance - sometimes not to the betterment of others.

"That young men in their formative years form enduring friendships with those that they share those experiences with, and whom they have learned to trust, is to be expected."

yes from lower ranks. But on the top they must know what is friendship and what is their job and what is good for the country and what are crimes.

Else they aren't mature enough to lead people with guns....

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I suspect that some of the corruption money from the rice pledging scheme has been used to buy (at highly inflated and kickback prices) a whole new set of troughs about 5 times the original size to accommodate the extra snouts.

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It rather says a lot about the top echelons of the police & military that they all join one of the editions of Thaksin's party - and the NAP of Chavalit before that. Does the party offer them a salary, bonuses, golf club membership, options on 'profits', etc,etc?

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"Prompong said no one had instructed the party to accept Priewphan, a brotherinlaw of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, into the fold of Pheu Thai.

But since Priewphan has been the police commissionergeneral, he would be qualified to hold any position in the party, even the party leader or a Cabinet member, Prompong said. He added that the party has not yet discussed an appropriate position for Priewphan."

Why does being a former policeman qualify anyone for a position in a political party or as a cabinet minister?

Since Thaksin had him appointed him to the position of police commissioner based on his family ties, that now qualifies him to be party leader and a cabinet minister without a particularly distinguished track record in the police or any prior experience of politics or public administration. Nice work if you can get it.

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But on the top they must know what is friendship and what is their job and what is good for the country and what are crimes.

Else they aren't mature enough to lead people with guns....

They don't know what is good for the country and what are crimes. They imagine that they are so important that whatever is good for them personally is good for the country.

Ask anyone who has ever had to teach an ethics course in Thailand. Thai students have enormous difficulty passing the simplest ethics tests because they are incalcated with the "me first" and "greed is good" credos at the family dinner table from a young age.

Edited by Arkady
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Nepotism and puppetering in the raw.


Thaksin dynasty

The Thaksin Dynasty.

Thaksin Shinawatra – Criminal-on-the-run, De facto P.M. of Thailand.

Yingluck Shinawatra- Youngest sister of Thaksin-acting Prime Minister of Thailand (mostly hamming)

Yaowappa Wongsawat(Shinawatra)-Younger sister of Thaksin (The power behind the throng)

Chinchilla Wongsawat – Daughter of Yaowappa & Somchai

Somchai Wongsawat – Husband of Yaowappa

Payap Shinawatra – Brother of Thaksin

Chaisit Shinawatra – (General) Cousin of Thaksin)

Yaowares Shinawatra – Sister of Thaksin

Potjaman na Pombejra nee Damapong (Thaksin’s ex-wife)

Priewphan Damapong – Brother of Potjaman

All these folks are involved in one way or another in running the PTP (Praise Thaksin Party)

All that remains is for the son and two daughters to climb aboard and they might find their place in history alongside the Borgia and Medici families and the fictional Corleone clan).rolleyes.gif

And remember there would be five more family members on this list if they had not been baned from politics for five years. Great bunch of leaders for sure.

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It rather says a lot about the top echelons of the police & military that they all join one of the editions of Thaksin's party - and the NAP of Chavalit before that. Does the party offer them a salary, bonuses, golf club membership, options on 'profits', etc,etc?

You betcha! and then some.

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