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Britain, Scotland Sign Deal For Independence Referendum


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I kinda thought some of you would be nosey to find out why......oh well. coffee1.gif

If I'd waited for prompting, the rugby league thread would've died years ago. If you want to tell us, tell us. If you don't, then don't bother.

Please, don't feel under any pressure...

Which reminds me, I'll try to get the pictures from Dubai up tomorrow, and tell you about the best value taxi I've had in years


And what's more,Rugby League is far more important.3rd may 1980

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I kinda thought some of you would be nosey to find out why......oh well. coffee1.gif

If I'd waited for prompting, the rugby league thread would've died years ago. If you want to tell us, tell us. If you don't, then don't bother.

Please, don't feel under any pressure...

Which reminds me, I'll try to get the pictures from Dubai up tomorrow, and tell you about the best value taxi I've haYd in years


And what's more,Rugby League is far more important.3rd may 1980

Better not let Smokie hear you say that...

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England used to be an awesome power. I was reading somewhere recently that they have invaded all but 26 countries in the world at some point in history. They owned the high seas and on those boats there was a lot of scurvy. They used lyme to treat the scurvy

Slight historical correction. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Humans (and guinea pigs) are unable to synthesise vitamin C and have to obtain it through their diet. Limes (and the other citrus fruits) have high concentrations of vit. C and it was these that were given to sailors to treat scurvy. Hence the 'lymie' as Nana Cowboy says.

The RN still issued Lime Juice at midday ( Up Limers) on board their ships in the tropics back in the 50's and probably still do today !

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I kinda thought some of you would be nosey to find out why......oh well. coffee1.gif

Well, I've been waiting to find out why....and yes I am nosy!

Thank God.....I thought nobody cared biggrin.png

AS walked in to a meeting in Shanghai, and was met several of my Chinese pals, one of whom had flown in to Chiang Mai to meet me and drag me over to Shanghai in January 2010. Anybody that does business in China knows that "guanxi" ( connection ) is the most important thing. My pal, who is highly comical, ( as a lot of Chinese can be, contrary to opinion ), put on an innocent face and asked AS if he knew me.

To be fair to AS he hardly knows me, so he thought he was getting the " Scotland is so small you must know so and so " routine. So he demurred.....so then my pal said to him....." So you've forgotten about my pal who was with you at .... ... ..... ......, and told you to concentrate on Law and Order? ". He said AS nearly passed out on the spot. He said he left it for the requisite 30 seconds to let the embarrassment sink in, then he and a couple of other guys couldn't hold their laughter in.

It worked out in AS's favour though, they all had a right laugh about it after the meeting and it was pointed out to him that even though China is a big place, it's a small world. It's a particularly small world when you are in Shanghai trying to promote Scottish products such as whisky, a trade I had an interest in at that time.

I must say, I love China....what a place that is. biggrin.png

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


As your professor said, it's a matter for negotiation, not courts. Personally, i don't see how the UK's position could be affected, though the Brits might want to reduce their contribution to Europe when their wealthiest province secedes, while the Europeans might want to cut funding to Scottish projects.


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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Nice one blether another cronies myth put to bed. thumbsup.gif

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Nice one blether another cronies myth put to bed. thumbsup.gif

you'll need to explain to me again how the example of Greenland does not provide a precedent

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Nice one blether another cronies myth put to bed. thumbsup.gif

you'll need to explain to me again how the example of Greenland does not provide a precedent

You've got me there SC I vaguely remember some mention of Greenland at sometime

way back in this thread but in what context my old brain cannot for the life of me recall,

feel free to enlighten me!! smile.png

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Nice one blether another cronies myth put to bed. thumbsup.gif

you'll need to explain to me again how the example of Greenland does not provide a precedent

You've got me there SC I vaguely remember some mention of Greenland at sometime

way back in this thread but in what context my old brain cannot for the life of me recall,

feel free to enlighten me!! smile.png

In their search for liberty from the harsh oppression of foreign subsidies, Greenland withdrew from the EEC in the 1980s. Before we can join the EU , we will need to negotiate our contribution and no doubt a myriad other things - for example our representation. Other countries may resent an increase in the british influence that our independence would bring, according to current practice...


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Nice one blether another cronies myth put to bed. thumbsup.gif

you'll need to explain to me again how the example of Greenland does not provide a precedent

You've got me there SC I vaguely remember some mention of Greenland at sometime

way back in this thread but in what context my old brain cannot for the life of me recall,

feel free to enlighten me!! smile.png

In their search for liberty from the harsh oppression of foreign subsidies, Greenland withdrew from the EEC in the 1980s. Before we can join the EU , we will need to negotiate our contribution and no doubt a myriad other things - for example our representation. Other countries may resent an increase in the british influence that our independence would bring, according to current practice...


SC Are you turning cronie? Your speculation and pessimism is depressing. Where do you get " an increase in

British influence " regarding the EU from Scottish Independance, I would have thought a decrease would be

more likely. Incidently we are already in the EU we will not be joining. just re-negotiating our terms of membership

as far as I see it.

Edited by phuketjock
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PJ is correct......

There are some people that believe that it's inevitable that the negotiation in the event of a Yes vote will turn into a bitter divorce. there's no way that will happen, it's in no one's interest for that to happen. Full stop.

In my opinion, and I will not be wrong on this one, as soon as the Yes vote result is read you will see a welcome to the EU offered immediately, the bureaucrats will steam into ensuring that the Treaties are revised and the accession to the EU community is speedy and resolute. It is in no one's interest for this to become a metaphorical blood bath. No one.

I've consistently stated that the negotiation would take place between the Yes vote and Independence Day, and that Scotland would be admitted to the EU on Independence Day. A lot of the issues that some contributors here dwell on are laughably easy to excuse, there will be an agreement for Scottish nationals to have dual citizenship with the UK, that will be the assumptive position on Independence Day, and far from being stripped of British citizenship and having to queue outside the new Scottish National Passport office in Glasgow, we Scots will continue to travel on our UK documents, and will apply for our Scottish passports when it suits us.

A good percentage of us will choose to forgo Scottish passports, and continue to fly under the banner of Britain, many more will take the dual nationality option, and a fair few will travel travel under a Scottish passport alone. That's a matter of personal choice and conscience.

The idea that British Consulates will slam their door in our faces in a fit of pique is a nonsense, a lot of the "worst case scenario" predictions of a certain contingent are more a reflection upon their mind set than reality. This will be a soft separation, and Scotland will have to accept that we can't get everything our own way. One example is the Faslane issue, I do believe that Alex Salmond will accept a 30 year lease proposition leading to the eventual closure of Faslane. It's obvious that the nukes must have a safe home, and he isn't so stupid that he will sacrifice himself on this idealogical alter.

In my opinion, you'll then find that issue being kicked into the long grass, and you'll find a lot of other issues kicked into the long grass too......it's what politicians do, they howl at the moon, then they sniff each others asses.

I thought you knew that. coffee1.gif

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Oh my goodness, whats going to happen when the UK gets a Muslim government as has been forecast, within the next 20 years !

Scotland had better get busy rebuilding Hadrian's Wall.

Sorry that would be a non-starter as Hadrian's Wall no longer delineates the border between Scotland and England, and there's a lot of folks in Northumberland and Cumberland who would probably not fancy being lumped in with the Picts! If by some terrible fluke Salmond wins in 2014 I'm hoping they draw a new boundary along the Tweed, would suit me fine...

PS @Koheesti Given the fact that the Scottish government is planning to add restrictions to the ownership of air guns (see below), on top of the fairly draconian (and rightly so IMHO) gun control laws already in force in the UK, does this qualify as an example of a left wing government disarming its population which will then be followed by the massacre of millions of its citizens as you claimed yesterday?


Edited by folium
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SC Are you turning cronie?

You really should look up the word crony in a dictionary.

Not only will you then be able to spell it, but you will also see that it is not the insult you think it is; indeed it's not an insult at all.

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PJ is correct......

There are some people that believe that it's inevitable that the negotiation in the event of a Yes vote will turn into a bitter divorce. there's no way that will happen, it's in no one's interest for that to happen. Full stop.

In my opinion, and I will not be wrong on this one, as soon as the Yes vote result is read you will see a welcome to the EU offered immediately, the bureaucrats will steam into ensuring that the Treaties are revised and the accession to the EU community is speedy and resolute. It is in no one's interest for this to become a metaphorical blood bath. No one.

I've consistently stated that the negotiation would take place between the Yes vote and Independence Day, and that Scotland would be admitted to the EU on Independence Day. A lot of the issues that some contributors here dwell on are laughably easy to excuse, there will be an agreement for Scottish nationals to have dual citizenship with the UK, that will be the assumptive position on Independence Day, and far from being stripped of British citizenship and having to queue outside the new Scottish National Passport office in Glasgow, we Scots will continue to travel on our UK documents, and will apply for our Scottish passports when it suits us.

A good percentage of us will choose to forgo Scottish passports, and continue to fly under the banner of Britain, many more will take the dual nationality option, and a fair few will travel travel under a Scottish passport alone. That's a matter of personal choice and conscience.

The idea that British Consulates will slam their door in our faces in a fit of pique is a nonsense, a lot of the "worst case scenario" predictions of a certain contingent are more a reflection upon their mind set than reality. This will be a soft separation, and Scotland will have to accept that we can't get everything our own way. One example is the Faslane issue, I do believe that Alex Salmond will accept a 30 year lease proposition leading to the eventual closure of Faslane. It's obvious that the nukes must have a safe home, and he isn't so stupid that he will sacrifice himself on this idealogical alter.

In my opinion, you'll then find that issue being kicked into the long grass, and you'll find a lot of other issues kicked into the long grass too......it's what politicians do, they howl at the moon, then they sniff each others asses.

I thought you knew that. coffee1.gif

One slight little fly in the ointment is that the pro-independence vote is still far from a majority, so lets calm down on the coronation of King Salmon quite yet. Hopefully most Scottish voters will see through the moon howling and other charming behaviour beloved of politicians detailed above...

Any recent polls undertaken?

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Well, you originally said, if memory serves, that Scotland would automatically remain in the EU, which changed over the course of the thread to Scotland will negotiate terms to remain in the EU.

But, here we have a retired judge's view, which differs from that of the EU president and the chairman of the EU commission.

I guess we will have to wait and see who is right; but who will decide? It wont be a retired judge, or Salmond.

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SC Are you turning cronie?

You really should look up the word crony in a dictionary.

Not only will you then be able to spell it, but you will also see that it is not the insult you think it is; indeed it's not an insult at all.

Not intended as an insult 7 just a way of describing a group, like " Gaggle of Geese "

nothing more. biggrin.png cos I know you love smileys.

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Back on track.......here's a link to annoy some of you, Barrosso is wrong according to a senior judge ( retired ).....this will end up in the courts before this referendum, I just know it.

From the BBC............


I also concur with the following quote from the article......

"Sir David's view that negotiations on Scotland's continued European Union membership will take place before independence concurs with the Scottish government's position."

I've been saying that all through this thread.....I just wish some of you would listen sometime. coffee1.gif

Well, you originally said, if memory serves, that Scotland would automatically remain in the EU, which changed over the course of the thread to Scotland will negotiate terms to remain in the EU.

But, here we have a retired judge's view, which differs from that of the EU president and the chairman of the EU commission.

I guess we will have to wait and see who is right; but who will decide? It wont be a retired judge, or Salmond.

I'm right on both counts, we will stay automatically in the EU and we will have to negotiate the Treaties smile.png

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there will be an agreement for Scottish nationals to have dual citizenship with the UK,

Will there?

How do you know that? Wishful thinking?

The only precedent is when Ireland left the UK.

Citizens of Northern Ireland are considered Irish nationals by the Dublin government and can have Irish passports if they wish, but citizens of the Republic are not dual nationals and cannot have a British passport unless they naturalise as British.

it's what politicians do, they howl at the moon, then they sniff each others asses.

You should know; you do seem awfully close to Salmond's.

As your boring anecdote shows.

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I guess we will have to wait and see who is right; but who will decide? It wont be a retired judge, or Salmond.

I'm right on both counts, we will stay automatically in the EU and we will have to negotiate the Treaties smile.png

Wont be you, either.

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SC Are you turning cronie?

You really should look up the word crony in a dictionary.

Not only will you then be able to spell it, but you will also see that it is not the insult you think it is; indeed it's not an insult at all.

Not intended as an insult 7 just a way of describing a group, like " Gaggle of Geese "

nothing more. biggrin.png cos I know you love smileys.

Then what does "SC Are you turning cronie?" mean? Are you asking him if he is joining your side of the argument? Very odd if so, considering the post of his that drew that question from you!

So the "cronies (sic) myth" you referred to earlier; was that one of the myths propounded by one of your cronies?

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I guess we will have to wait and see who is right; but who will decide? It wont be a retired judge, or Salmond.

I'm right on both counts, we will stay automatically in the EU and we will have to negotiate the Treaties smile.png

Wont be you, either.

At least I have a vote. coffee1.gif

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In the referendum; yes.

On Scotland's relationship with the EU post independence; no, you don't.

Unless after the negotiations have concluded the new Scottish government call a referendum on whether the terms are acceptable to the Scottish people.

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SC Are you turning cronie?

You really should look up the word crony in a dictionary.

Not only will you then be able to spell it, but you will also see that it is not the insult you think it is; indeed it's not an insult at all.

Not intended as an insult 7 just a way of describing a group, like " Gaggle of Geese "

nothing more. biggrin.png cos I know you love smileys.

Then what does "SC Are you turning cronie?" mean? Are you asking him if he is joining your side of the argument? Very odd if so, considering the post of his that drew that question from you!

So the "cronies (sic) myth" you referred to earlier; was that one of the myths propounded by one of your cronies?

I am sure you are very well aware of the cronies and myths I was referring to.


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I guess we will have to wait and see who is right; but who will decide? It wont be a retired judge, or Salmond.

I'm right on both counts, we will stay automatically in the EU and we will have to negotiate the Treaties smile.png

Wont be you, either.

At least I have a vote. coffee1.gif

And me. wink.png

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