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Donald Trump To Give $5M To Charity If Obama Releases Records


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Yes, the character of Willard M. Romney should indeed be a big issue.

"He is the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics."

- Barney Frank, Congressman, Massachusetts

Today on Real Time Frank doubled down on that quote and said he would now cut out the word: INTELLECTUALLY clap2.gif

Willard M. Romney is so radically and speedily flip floppy that I challenge anyone to come up with any politician that comes close in modern American political history. That is why I think there is a chance that even though Romney will lose on November 6, the term ROMNESIA may enter the American political lexicon permanently to describe that kind of political behavior for others in future.

I just watched Real Time. Barney Frank is an American hero!

It seems Barney Frank's credibility is a bit suspect, too.

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Yes, the character of Willard M. Romney should indeed be a big issue.

"He is the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics."

- Barney Frank, Congressman, Massachusetts

Today on Real Time Frank doubled down on that quote and said he would now cut out the word: INTELLECTUALLY clap2.gif

Willard M. Romney is so radically and speedily flip floppy that I challenge anyone to come up with any politician that comes close in modern American political history. That is why I think there is a chance that even though Romney will lose on November 6, the term ROMNESIA may enter the American political lexicon permanently to describe that kind of political behavior for others in future.

I just watched Real Time. Barney Frank is an American hero!

It seems Barney Frank's credibility is a bit suspect, too.

My brother works in Banking in risk analysis. They had been sending warnings out to the world for a long time but no one wanted to listen. Since the crash he is paid a lot more as people realize they should have been listening.

The warnings were being sent.

Edited by Scott
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I'm not sure if this was posted already, any way here we go.

Donald Trump wants Barack Obama to publish his college and passport records but won't reveal his own


Not only don't I care to see Trump's college and passport records (I'd rather read a phone book if they still had phone books), I don't wish to see that man naked either.


Just saying


The whole latest Trump attention seeking theatrical stunt will have ZERO impact on the election. The birther types he attracts are already going to vote for Romney. Americans may not be the most informed voters, but even that has its limits.


BTW: I hereby offer Donald Trump 100 Thai baht to the charity of his choice so that I do NOT have to read his college and passports records. That 100 Thai baht (optimistically) may represent the proportion of my net financial worth that FIVE MILLION U.S. DOLLARS represents to Trump's (shill gotten) massive wealth.post-4641-1156694572.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

Mitt Romney was born in America and John McCain was born on an American military base which is considered to be American soil. Why would there be any "issues" about them running for president? rolleyes.gif

These ignorant "birther hillbillies" are an embarrassment. My guess is that they don't realize it. wink.png

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The "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" is getting a little tedious. How about Trump showing everyone what's beneith his shredded wheat?

What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is. As Mania says if the people who are electing him into the job can't ask simple questions and have to force people to produce documents the rest of the USA citizens are asked to produce on a daily basis something is seriously messed up.

I also can't understand why at least ten people are running for the job yet you only ever see or hear from these two ?

What's all that about ?

Some people say it is racist to ask a president questions like that or that you cannot ask these questions in case you are wearing a wig.

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You don't defeat a bully by giving in to them, it just provokes them further. I've seen O do this twice: once was the timing of the release of the birth certificate (done while Trump was making a media spectacle of himself about it, which made it appear he was giving in to Trump's goading) and another time when he mentioned Hannity by name (I pictured Hannity lolling around like a swine in it's own excrement saying 'duh, the president said my name!'). While O is most definitely not an idiot he seems to lack in street sense.

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As a matter of interest do either of them suggest a soluition to the Afghanistan problem and the deaths of thousands of Americans for a pointless exercise.

Both Obama and Romney intend to leave Afghanistan so their positions are basically the same. So, yes. LEAVE.
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Yes, the character of Willard M. Romney should indeed be a big issue.

"He is the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics."

- Barney Frank, Congressman, Massachusetts

Today on Real Time Frank doubled down on that quote and said he would now cut out the word: INTELLECTUALLY clap2.gif

Willard M. Romney is so radically and speedily flip floppy that I challenge anyone to come up with any politician that comes close in modern American political history. That is why I think there is a chance that even though Romney will lose on November 6, the term ROMNESIA may enter the American political lexicon permanently to describe that kind of political behavior for others in future.

I just watched Real Time. Barney Frank is an American hero!

Barney Frank more than any one is responsible for the Freddie & Fannie fiasco. Some hero.

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Let's cut to the chaste here. If Obama was white this would not be talked about. That is the real issue.

If Obama were white, no way in hell would he, as an inexperienced community organizer whose only political experience was a non-voting stint in a state legislature, and 100 days as a US Senator get nominated let alone elected President. It's even sadder that Sarah Palin had a lot more executive experience than he did.

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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

an American military base which is considered to be American soil.

But it isn't http://www.justanswer.com/military-law/1hdk8-us-airforce-bases-foreign-countries-considered-us-soil.html

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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

an American military base which is considered to be American soil.

But it isn't http://www.justanswe...ed-us-soil.html

Can someone clarify, definitively, the US constitutional position re children of US nationals born abroad?

Usually, to my knowledge, if a child is born on foreign soil while the parents are on government business (incl. military postings) then the birth is not counted as an expatriate one. In fact, in my country, the same would apply to children born abroad of parents who are missionaries. (In any case, being born abroad is no impediment in Australia unless one has two nationalities, in which case, to be a member of parliament, for example, one must have cancelled the other nationality prior to registering as a candidate.)

It would seem bizarre to me if the US asks its military or government employees to serve abroad and then discriminates against their children, even allowing that not many of them are likely to campaign for the presidency.

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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

an American military base which is considered to be American soil.

But it isn't http://www.justanswe...ed-us-soil.html

Can someone clarify, definitively, the US constitutional position re children of US nationals born abroad?

Usually, to my knowledge, if a child is born on foreign soil while the parents are on government business (incl. military postings) then the birth is not counted as an expatriate one. In fact, in my country, the same would apply to children born abroad of parents who are missionaries. (In any case, being born abroad is no impediment in Australia unless one has two nationalities, in which case, to be a member of parliament, for example, one must have cancelled the other nationality prior to registering as a candidate.)

It would seem bizarre to me if the US asks its military or government employees to serve abroad and then discriminates against their children, even allowing that not many of them are likely to campaign for the presidency.

For some people it would probably depend on what colour they were!
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Obama has other issues that riled up the reactionary right wing nativists like Trump, the King of the Birthers. Not only his color, but his African last name, his Muslim middle name, his foreign sounding first name, his childhood in Indonesia where he did indeed eat dog, his growing up in Hawaii way far out islands perhaps correctly seen as not quite mainstream America, his cosmopolitan bohemian-intellectual expat living Mommy, and of course his Kenyan baby Daddy. Given all that, it is a wonderful thing that he was elected in the first place.

Important to note, potential president Williard Mitt Romney STILL associates himself with Trump.


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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

an American military base which is considered to be American soil.

But it isn't http://www.justanswe...ed-us-soil.html

and the discussion continues...


"The former unincorporated territory of the Panama Canal Zone and its related military facilities were not regarded as United States territory at the time,[92] but 8 U.S.C. § 1403, which became law in 1937, retroactively conferred citizenship on individuals born within the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and on individuals born in the Republic of Panama on or after that date who had at least one U.S. citizen parent employed by the U.S. government or the Panama Railway Company; 8 U.S.C. § 1403 was cited in Judge William Alsup's 2008 ruling, described below. A March 2008 paper by former Solicitor General Ted Olson and Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe opined that McCain was eligible for the Presidency.[93] In April 2008, the U.S. Senate approved a non-binding resolution recognizing McCain's status as a natural-born citizen.[94] In September 2008, U.S. District Judge William Alsup stated obiter in his ruling that it is "highly probable" that McCain is a natural-born citizen from birth by virtue of 8 U.S.C. § 1401, although he acknowledged the alternative possibility that McCain became a natural-born citizen retroactively, by way of 8 U.S.C. § 1403.[95]"


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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

an American military base which is considered to be American soil.

But it isn't http://www.justanswe...ed-us-soil.html

Can someone clarify, definitively, the US constitutional position re children of US nationals born abroad?

Usually, to my knowledge, if a child is born on foreign soil while the parents are on government business (incl. military postings) then the birth is not counted as an expatriate one. In fact, in my country, the same would apply to children born abroad of parents who are missionaries. (In any case, being born abroad is no impediment in Australia unless one has two nationalities, in which case, to be a member of parliament, for example, one must have cancelled the other nationality prior to registering as a candidate.)

It would seem bizarre to me if the US asks its military or government employees to serve abroad and then discriminates against their children, even allowing that not many of them are likely to campaign for the presidency.

Check out the link I just provided. It is a fairly comprehensive article on "natural born". The real truth is nobody really knows.


Edit in: Another interesting article about "natural born".


Edited by chuckd
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....his foreign sounding first name....

His foreign sounding is, indeed, foreign, being Swahili derived from an Arabic word meaning "blessed".

"The President's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:"


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Check out the link I just provided. It is a fairly comprehensive article on "natural born". The real truth is nobody really knows.


Edit in: Another interesting article about "natural born".


Thanks, Chuckd. It certainly is a massive distractor from the substance of the campaign. It seems odd that Arnold Schwartzenegger, a naturalized citizen can be Governor of California, but people are challenging Barak Obama's eligibility, even when conceded that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

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Check out the link I just provided. It is a fairly comprehensive article on "natural born". The real truth is nobody really knows.


Edit in: Another interesting article about "natural born".


Thanks, Chuckd. It certainly is a massive distractor from the substance of the campaign. It seems odd that Arnold Schwartzenegger, a naturalized citizen can be Governor of California, but people are challenging Barak Obama's eligibility, even when conceded that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

It's not that odd about the Arnold as the California constitution doesn't require governors to be native born.
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Check out the link I just provided. It is a fairly comprehensive article on "natural born". The real truth is nobody really knows.


Edit in: Another interesting article about "natural born".


Thanks, Chuckd. It certainly is a massive distractor from the substance of the campaign. It seems odd that Arnold Schwartzenegger, a naturalized citizen can be Governor of California, but people are challenging Barak Obama's eligibility, even when conceded that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

It's not that odd about the Arnold as the California constitution doesn't require governors to be native born.

Ah yes, I was forgetting about federalism and states' rights.

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Check out the link I just provided. It is a fairly comprehensive article on "natural born". The real truth is nobody really knows.


Edit in: Another interesting article about "natural born".


Thanks, Chuckd. It certainly is a massive distractor from the substance of the campaign. It seems odd that Arnold Schwartzenegger, a naturalized citizen can be Governor of California, but people are challenging Barak Obama's eligibility, even when conceded that he was in fact born in Hawaii.

It's not that odd about the Arnold as the California constitution doesn't require governors to be native born.

Ah yes, I was forgetting about federalism and states' rights.

True, though I daresay the Governator would't try running for any office at this point in time as he's had a somewhat embarrassing recent incident.

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....his foreign sounding first name....

His foreign sounding is, indeed, foreign, being Swahili derived from an Arabic word meaning "blessed".

"The President's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:"


By your logic, politicians with Hebrew names such as Adam, Joseph, Sarah, Ruth, Zachariah, Nathaniel, Jacob etc. should all be villified. Should all the hispanics with the variation of the name Jesus aka Joshua aka Yeshua be labeled jews? I had a classmate named Israel. He was Mexican and about as Israeli as Piers Morgan.

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All super wealthy people will be MUCH better off under Romney by definition. I don't begrudge super wealthy people advocating for their self interest this way but would hope for higher ethics from some of them, which indeed, certainly occurs.

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