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Black Treacle


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Only place I've seen a can of (Lyle's?) Treacle was at the Kasem Niminhamin store - of course that was several Christmas shopping seasons ago. But Grandma at the original store would be the one to ask to have it brought in. Kasam also sells a repackage molasses that seems a much better quality then what Yok and Bakermart sells.

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Thanks all, I'll check your leads out - being from the other side of the pond, I had not thought of molasses as the same thing.

BTY, BBQ/grilled pork chops with a brushed on mix of black treacle, soy sauce & garlic is tasty!

For the BBQ recipe above, try using cheap honey if treacle not available.

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I've used sweet soy sauce for cooking, the sweetener traditionally came from palm sugar. It's not unlike mollasses.

One of the sweet soy's, I think it's #9 on the bottle, has a listed 79% molasses in the ingredients. Used it to make a very interesting dark gingerbread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all due respect I think Puen Kraow carries more varieties of product than Yok. I got all my sourdough ingredients from there.


Try YOK on SuperHighway, not far from bus station/arcade. Yok stock all baking products and many imported lines ... more than Rimping.

Black treacle or molasses? I think one and the same thing ...?

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