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Halloween! What Are You Guys Doing?


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I'm avoiding it like the plague......Scottish kids kick your front door in and steal your telly. Used to be the case that an apple and a bag of monkey nuts kept them happy, not any more, little bastids.

Anyway, a lot of people don't know the origins of Halloween. it's of Irish and Scottish origin, though as per usual success has many fathers......without getting too far into it the idea is that on this eve the gates of Hell crank open and the demons come out to play, the purpose of getting dressed up was to fool the demons that your house was already being haunted.

You see, we figured out that the demons were quite thick, after all the Irish were involved eh? smile.png

I'll get my coat

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had a great time in the village, it isn't a Thai nor Aussie tradition, but the wife loves a good excuse for a party, the kids love a great excuse to eat lollies, what can go wrong?

Had three large trays of three types of spaghetti, Seafood, chicken and beef , lollies, drinks and about 20 kids came and had a wild time running amok, last game being, "Find the Monster" which is me hiding in the dark upstairs dressed as a monster while kids search room to room, upon being found, chase the kids yelling.

Great though tiring fun.

Obviously can't do door to door, so it's come to our place and have fun, parents get the same food and love spag bog / red wine courtesy of the wife.





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