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Poll Shows 90 Percent Of Europeans Would Vote For Obama


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Poll shows 90 percent of Europeans would vote for Obama < br />

2012-11-01 22:22:17 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON, ENGLAND (BNO NEWS) -- More than 90 percent of Europeans would vote for President Barack Obama if they were able to vote in Tuesday's presidential election in the United States, effectively overshadowing Republican challenger Mitt Romney, British pollster YouGov said on Wednesday.

YouGov said the results are based on a poll conducted between October 19 and October 28 in which more than 7,500 adults from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland and Norway participated. Romney received no more than 10 percent support in any of the countries.

"No doubt many Americans are not overly concerned about who Europeans think they should vote for, but on the other hand history has shown that when a president is unpopular with the people of Europe, it can have far-reaching effect on how those people view the United States," said Joe Twyman, the Director of Political and Social Research at YouGov.

Twyman said that, although Obama's support at home has waned, his popularity in Europe continues to overshadow Romney. The incumbent president charmed many Europeans when he gave a speech ahead of the 2008 presidential election and called for stronger ties between the United States and Europe.

National polls in the United States continue to suggest the race is virtually tied between Obama and Romney among registered voters, though a recent Gallup poll gives Romney a slight lead among likely voters. But state-level polls suggest Obama is doing slightly better in key battleground states that will decide the Electoral College winner, though the results could still end up being extremely close.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-11-01

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The BBC/Globescan have been doing an even more extensive, if somewhat meaningless, poll of foreign preferenced for POTUS.


The only remotely interesting points that arise are that Romney's missionary time in France obviously did not pay off as the French are the biggest supporters of Obama. Bizarrely Mitt is most popular in Kenya, while most Asians (including 75% of Pakistanis) responded "&lt;deleted&gt;?", "who?" or "couldn't give a rusty one".

Similarly valuable useage of license payer money was undertaken in 2008 and 2004. Then non-voters plumped for Kerry by a margin of 70-30 and for Obama in 2008. So the score so far is 1-1, wonder if the foreigners will be right this time.....

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We're talking about people who voted for Bush, not once but twice. I'd put a tenner on 25% of them not even being able to point out various European counties on a map let alone care what we think lol.

You are correct about caring what you think but I have one question. How many US states could most Europeans point to and name?wai.gif

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We're talking about people who voted for Bush, not once but twice. I'd put a tenner on 25% of them not even being able to point out various European counties on a map let alone care what we think lol.

No, we are talking about some Europeans who think that Obama is the man. not once but twice.

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Bizarrely Mitt is most popular in Kenya, while most Asians (including 75% of Pakistanis) responded "&lt;deleted&gt;?", "who?" or "couldn't give a rusty one".

I think in case of Pakistan it is not a "who?" question or ignorance. they know him well in Pakistan, but he isn't that popular there. (drones).

Same goes for Poland, they know him little bit better then rest of Europe and aren't that impressed anymore. ("his uncle liberated the polish concentration camp")

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As an Aussie I have heard of Obama, he came over for a visit and was on the news, but who is this Mitt Character?

You don't want to know. You can't have a beer with him ...

Jt is right, not a nice guy. Sandy-Starved New Yorkers Dumpster Dive


Although maybe not Obama's fault personally maybe just big government in general.

Edit, oh sorry I thought we were talking about Europeans and Obama. Sorry


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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The sentiment expressed by Mexicans and Canadians should be of concern. These are the two energy suppliers to the USA and Canada is the largest and most important trading partner. The animosity Canadians had for the Bush administration bubbled up with resistance to attempts to export more oil to the USA. The latest scuffle over of the building of a new oil pipeline into the USA, which Obama gets blamed for, but was in reality blocked by resistance by the Republican controlled states the pipeline would pass through is an illustration. Now Canada is going ahead with trying to build a pipeline to the west coast and the building of an LNG terminal as well, They intend to sell their energy to Asia. I believe the PM is embarking on a 5 day trade mission to India with the goal of selling energy to an energy starved nation. When President Obama kept tradition by making Canada the first country he visited, crowds came out to cheer him. The USA can't go it alone and is dependent upon Canada to keep its northeast warm and snug this winter with affordable electricity imports and its Texas oil refineries brimming with cheap Canadian oil so Americans can keep driving their gas guzzlers.

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Notice the strong support in both Kenya, where Obama was born, and in Indonesia where his deep rooted Muslim sympathies were washed into his brain, when Obama attended Jemaah Islamiyah Islamist schools from the ages of 6-10. sick.gif

Hopefully your bizarre comment was meant in jest. Because if you are a "birther" you have lost all credibility.

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Notice the strong support in both Kenya, where Obama was born, and in Indonesia where his deep rooted Muslim sympathies were washed into his brain, when Obama attended Jemaah Islamiyah Islamist schools from the ages of 6-10. sick.gif

Hopefully your bizarre comment was meant in jest. Because if you are a "birther" you have lost all credibility.

Of course it was in jest. These absolutely ridiculous claims are just an example of how extreme the far right has gone to discredit Obama.

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Notice the strong support in both Kenya, where Obama was born, and in Indonesia where his deep rooted Muslim sympathies were washed into his brain, when Obama attended Jemaah Islamiyah Islamist schools from the ages of 6-10. sick.gif

Hopefully your bizarre comment was meant in jest. Because if you are a "birther" you have lost all credibility.

Of course it was in jest. These absolutely ridiculous claims are just an example of how extreme the far right has gone to discredit Obama.

Your credibility is now restored ;)

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As an Aussie I have heard of Obama, he came over for a visit and was on the news, but who is this Mitt Character?

You don't want to know. You can't have a beer with him ...

I have heard of Mitt, he is the guy that the Australian Deputy P.M/Tresurer Wayne Swan (with the backing of the Australian P.M) called called a Crank and Crazy.

Swan fronted up to a business audience with this claim in a prepared written speech: ''Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are [sic] the cranks and crazies that have taken over part of the Republican Party.''

I Guess the Senior Australian Politicians would vote for Obama also if they had to.

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Personally I think if you are asking people outside the U.S who they would vote for, is the same as asking the novice punter who they will be betting on in the Melbourne Cup. Most have no idea about Obama or Mitt as they have no idea about horse racing. I will put my money on XXXXX as it is a nice name and has nice colours.

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As an Aussie I have heard of Obama, he came over for a visit and was on the news, but who is this Mitt Character?

You don't want to know. You can't have a beer with him ...

I have heard of Mitt, he is the guy that the Australian Deputy P.M/Tresurer Wayne Swan (with the backing of the Australian P.M) called called a Crank and Crazy.

Swan fronted up to a business audience with this claim in a prepared written speech: ''Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are [sic] the cranks and crazies that have taken over part of the Republican Party.''

I Guess the Senior Australian Politicians would vote for Obama also if they had to.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said Mr Swan's speech was "extraordinary".

"They would be quite entitled to retort that the cranks and crazies are the people in charge of economic policy in Australia, giving this great country a completely unnecessary carbon tax and saddling generations of Australians yet unborn with the consequences of a $120 billion black hole of spending that Wayne Swan has promised."

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Notice the strong support in both Kenya, where Obama was born, and in Indonesia where his deep rooted Muslim sympathies were washed into his brain, when Obama attended Jemaah Islamiyah Islamist schools from the ages of 6-10. sick.gif

cracker of a line. Sounds like something Obama would have used himself in a self depriciating moment.

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As an Aussie I have heard of Obama, he came over for a visit and was on the news, but who is this Mitt Character?

You don't want to know. You can't have a beer with him ...

I have heard of Mitt, he is the guy that the Australian Deputy P.M/Tresurer Wayne Swan (with the backing of the Australian P.M) called called a Crank and Crazy.

Swan fronted up to a business audience with this claim in a prepared written speech: ''Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are [sic] the cranks and crazies that have taken over part of the Republican Party.''

I Guess the Senior Australian Politicians would vote for Obama also if they had to.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said Mr Swan's speech was "extraordinary".

"They would be quite entitled to retort that the cranks and crazies are the people in charge of economic policy in Australia, giving this great country a completely unnecessary carbon tax and saddling generations of Australians yet unborn with the consequences of a $120 billion black hole of spending that Wayne Swan has promised."

That's a little harsh, he has after all been crowned the worlds best treasurer. wink.png Yes you are quite correct thumbsup.gif

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I would have thought Mitt would have polled better in Mexico given his roots there - his father was born there.

A young Mitt to his father, "Dad, why do I have so many grandmothers?

Did Romney shun his Mormon relatives in Mexico?

Edgar Muñoz | GlobalPost.com | Oct 30, 2012

CASAS GRANDES, CHIHUAHUA, Mexico — Mitt Romney’s father was born in Mexico, but the Republican candidate seldom speaks of his family’s time there. It turns out that some of his extended clan still live south of the border. The Romneys of Mexico reside in the hills of Casas Grandes (meaning “big houses”) in Chihuahua, about 190 miles from Texas. The town is home to some 8,000 people. As many as 50 of them claim to be related to the man in a tight race with Barack Obama to be America’s next president. Of those relatives, many of the men have Anglo names and speak fluent English. They are taller and have fairer hair and complexion than most of their Mexican neighbors. Some bear a striking resemblance to the former Massachusetts governor. They are members of Mexico's Mormon community, whose roots can be traced to pioneers who ventured from Arizona and Utah in the late 1800s.

And they are by no means humble “campesinos.”They worship at a temple made of marble, whose lavish gold-trim interior nobody but Mormons is allowed to enter. Their homes are mansions by Mexican standards — featuring three floors, many rooms and manicured yards with French-style fountains.


Edited by lomatopo
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We're talking about people who voted for Bush, not once but twice. I'd put a tenner on 25% of them not even being able to point out various European counties on a map let alone care what we think lol.

How many US states could most Europeans point to and name?wai.gif

How may 'European countries' could most USAmericans point to and name?

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We're talking about people who voted for Bush, not once but twice. I'd put a tenner on 25% of them not even being able to point out various European counties on a map let alone care what we think lol.

How many US states could most Europeans point to and name?wai.gif

How may 'European countries' could most USAmericans point to and name?

Congratulations. You have just turned this conversation into a circle jerk.coffee1.gif

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I can point out all 51 and I even know the Declaration of Independence off by heart. :-p I digress...

I think Obama deserves another crack. The damage Bush done was too deep to fix in just 1 term.

I would be very impressed if you could point out 51 states in the USA....

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