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British Police Arrest Second Celebrity In Savile Sex Scandal


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With all this fuss I feel I am very lucky indeed.

At 16 or 18 I wanted to be a rock star so that all the girls would queue at my dressing room door, just so that they could say they had been touched, or preferably more, by me!

How many of these alleged complaints come from infatuated young girls who threw themselves at stars - and now they want to blame the star not themselves?

But equally how many vile paedos - at all levels - are escaping justice? Has UK got a "Hub-style" HiSo system to protect the monied and celebrity paedos?

Current revelations be they real, exaggerated or imagined certainly make one wonder and worry very much.

One of the most unpalatable accusations is that J.Savile duped and sexually molested already disturbed girls at a special residential unit charged with caring for them - absolutely nothing to do with the 'dressing-room' scenario. The victims - with the apparent collusion of staff - were desperate for attention and affection, and he exploited their vulnerability. Re your opening comment - me and my peers wanted to be in music because first and foremost, we loved playing - any attention from girls was just a by-product.

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So I take it then that nobody had a girlfriend when they were a teenager?

You do know the age of consent in the UK is 16, don't you?

That is not "underage".

15 and below is "underage" and sex with someone younger than 16 is a crime.

Are we on the same page now?

  • A boy who has sex with a girl under 16 (17 in NI) is breaking the law. Even if she agrees.
  • If she is 13-15, the boy could go to prison for two years.
  • If she is under 13 he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • A girl age 16 or over who has sex with a boy under 16 can be prosecuted for indecent assault.

Edited by Chicog
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Abuse which can cause a lifetime of mental illness, loneliness, and suicide, is a "minor event" ? Extraordinary language.

Ok I hear you, That is not minor. That sounds serious. It sounds to me as if the person is blaming themself. Which is not right.

The blame and anger and hatred should be directed at the other party who caused the person to feel like this.

If this is the case then nothing I previously said applies.

Look - I am a pretty tough skinned type of person. I have experienced some pretty tough and unpleasant things in my life. Aswell as nasty abuse.

But I am able to not allow it to get to me. Well sure it has/does always get to me but I will not let it <<Snip!>> me up. I will chin up and move on to greener pastures when and if I can. I keep a positive mental attitude. Having a hard life with lots of tough times to get through makes you like this. I know abuse. I have had many many years of abuse. Not sexually but personal abuse by people who had control over me. I had to endure it and how it made me feel.

I don't mean to be blowing my own trumpet here, I'm just saying how it is ... Im not some guy who has had an easy life simply coming along and saying "Man-up why dont you".... I really do know how it is to be abused.

But I refuse to let it affect my entire life. I absolutely refuse.

I will put it behind me and move on to better experiences. And continue to have a positive mental attitude.

This is the only way I can be. And it is the only attitude I can give to people who are not able to be like this.

It is all I know and want to know

I understand and sympathise with the feelings you have mentioned but what am I to say? ... Ok I will try ...

1) Stop blaming yourself - Try hypnosis - Hypnosis is great.

2) Confide and talk with like minded people

3) Seek understanding and caring professional help. Therapy/Councelling.

I am a true believer in hypnosis. Try getting some Mp3s from the internet. Look for Steve G Jones or Meditainment.

Look for Power of positive thinking. I do all this for recreation. It's terrific. Total relaxation and positive thinking. Almost brainwashing - For the best

Edited by metisdead
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It also helps for the victim to forgive the abuser. That is not to say they should go without punishment under law. But even if the abuser is caught and convicted the victim is still usually suffering many years later, usually subconsciously as they bury the memory. But it still effects behaviour, sometimes leading the victim to later become an abuser themselves. It is not easy, but forgiveness alleviates the anger felt towards the agressor. If that anger cannot be vented on the agressor it will find other outlets down the line. Anything that can ease the suffering is good, hypnosis, therapy etc. But to forgive is the most potent in the long term. Imho.

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Abuse which can cause a lifetime of mental illness, loneliness, and suicide, is a "minor event" ? Extraordinary language.

Ok I hear you, That is not minor. That sounds serious. It sounds to me as if the person is blaming themself. Which is not right.

The blame and anger and hatred should be directed at the other party who caused the person to feel like this.

If this is the case then nothing I previously said applies.

Look - I am a pretty tough skinned type of person. I have experienced some pretty tough and unpleasant things in my life. Aswell as nasty abuse.

But I am able to not allow it to get to me. Well sure it has/does always get to me but I will not let it &lt;deleted&gt; me up. I will chin up and move on to greener pastures when and if I can. I keep a positive mental attitude. Having a hard life with lots of tough times to get through makes you like this. I know abuse. I have had many many years of abuse. Not sexually but personal abuse by people who had control over me. I had to endure it and how it made me feel.

I don't mean to be blowing my own trumpet here, I'm just saying how it is ... Im not some guy who has had an easy life simply coming along and saying "Man-up why dont you".... I really do know how it is to be abused.

But I refuse to let it affect my entire life. I absolutely refuse.

I will put it behind me and move on to better experiences. And continue to have a positive mental attitude.

This is the only way I can be. And it is the only attitude I can give to people who are not able to be like this.

It is all I know and want to know

I understand and sympathise with the feelings you have mentioned but what am I to say? ... Ok I will try ...

1) Stop blaming yourself - Try hypnosis - Hypnosis is great.

2) Confide and talk with like minded people

3) Seek understanding and caring professional help. Therapy/Councelling.

I am a true believer in hypnosis. Try getting some Mp3s from the internet. Look for Steve G Jones or Meditainment.

Look for Power of positive thinking. I do all this for recreation. It's terrific. Total relaxation and positive thinking. Almost brainwashing - For the best

In your previous posts here you claim to be a woman, but you are not are you? Why do posters on here do this? We have had a few on TV, who claim to be female and then make the slip up (normally late at night after they have been to the pub), then they disappear and find a new name. It is stupid and pointless.

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In your previous posts here you claim to be a woman, but you are not are you? Why do posters on here do this? We have had a few on TV, who claim to be female and then make the slip up (normally late at night after they have been to the pub), then they disappear and find a new name. It is stupid and pointless.

w00t.gif I think you are some what confused. I dont know what on earth you are talking about.

I am definately not, nor do I ever claim to be a woman giggle.gif

Looks like it's you who should be avoiding pubs laugh.png

Edited by HappyWanderer
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In your previous posts here you claim to be a woman, but you are not are you? Why do posters on here do this? We have had a few on TV, who claim to be female and then make the slip up (normally late at night after they have been to the pub), then they disappear and find a new name. It is stupid and pointless.

w00t.gif I think you are some what confused. I dont know what on earth you are talking about.

I am definately not, nor do I ever claim to be a woman giggle.gif

Looks like it's you who should be avoiding pubs laugh.png

I apologise, I must be confusing you with somebody else. The chance to find a pub where I live would be a good thing!

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In your previous posts here you claim to be a woman, but you are not are you? Why do posters on here do this? We have had a few on TV, who claim to be female and then make the slip up (normally late at night after they have been to the pub), then they disappear and find a new name. It is stupid and pointless.

w00t.gif I think you are some what confused. I dont know what on earth you are talking about.

I am definately not, nor do I ever claim to be a woman giggle.gif

Looks like it's you who should be avoiding pubs laugh.png

I apologise, I must be confusing you with somebody else. The chance to find a pub where I live would be a good thing!

really, why is that? where do you live? sahara?

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In your previous posts here you claim to be a woman, but you are not are you? Why do posters on here do this? We have had a few on TV, who claim to be female and then make the slip up (normally late at night after they have been to the pub), then they disappear and find a new name. It is stupid and pointless.

w00t.gif I think you are some what confused. I dont know what on earth you are talking about.

I am definately not, nor do I ever claim to be a woman giggle.gif

Looks like it's you who should be avoiding pubs laugh.png

Strange town you live in, eh?

When I was younger I would often get my bum grabbed or squeezed or or pinched while walking through a dark disco or nightclub or busy town center.
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The 60's 70's and even the 80's had a different work ethic - moralistic values and even laws have changed, how many of the older folk here saw the cute office girl go through the ranks and had the thought - whodid she ---- to get that job

Things were vastly different back then, what was possibly acceptble behavior then would definetly not be today, there have been laws put in place to protect vunerable people in society and in employment and also to protect minors, we are more aware now through education and the media as to what is acceptable behavior and what is not, I see some of what is going on now surrounding these cases as people trying to apply the moralsistic standards laws etc of today to a different era.

Now I am not saying that Mr Saville and all those who will be investigated and arrested going forwards are innocent - far from it, my own belief is that JS was a nasty piece of work who used his position and fame to abuse minors and not just him, the people I'd be targeting in the BBC and perhaps other connected organisations are those who failed to act when allegations were made at the time, this could include senior BBC officials, the police etc etc

As already stated above I'm not sure how an investigation like this can be progressed, unless there is more than circumstantial evidence or solid reliable witnesses I fail to see how anyone is going to be procecuted in court.

Were they guilty of crimes at the time ? well most likely yes they were, were there mechanisims in place to report investigate and convict such people back then ? probably not, so who is really guilty ? the perpetrators of these acts or society in general (all of us) for not having the will or the mechanisims to protect these vuneralble people, I don't know but it is certaintly different now

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This story is rapidly moving on from a few rock stars having sex with underage groupies and celebrities groping young ladies at the BBC, as yesterdays events in the UK Parliament showed. A can of worms has been opened which, if investigated properly with no cover up as before, will bring down the whole British establishment. Not before time either, the so called 'untouchables' have been getting away with this monstrous behaviour for too long.

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The 60's 70's and even the 80's had a different work ethic - moralistic values and even laws have changed, how many of the older folk here saw the cute office girl go through the ranks and had the thought - whodid she ---- to get that job

Things were vastly different back then, what was possibly acceptble behavior then would definetly not be today, there have been laws put in place to protect vunerable people in society and in employment and also to protect minors, we are more aware now through education and the media as to what is acceptable behavior and what is not, I see some of what is going on now surrounding these cases as people trying to apply the moralsistic standards laws etc of today to a different era.

Now I am not saying that Mr Saville and all those who will be investigated and arrested going forwards are innocent - far from it, my own belief is that JS was a nasty piece of work who used his position and fame to abuse minors and not just him, the people I'd be targeting in the BBC and perhaps other connected organisations are those who failed to act when allegations were made at the time, this could include senior BBC officials, the police etc etc

As already stated above I'm not sure how an investigation like this can be progressed, unless there is more than circumstantial evidence or solid reliable witnesses I fail to see how anyone is going to be procecuted in court.

Were they guilty of crimes at the time ? well most likely yes they were, were there mechanisims in place to report investigate and convict such people back then ? probably not, so who is really guilty ? the perpetrators of these acts or society in general (all of us) for not having the will or the mechanisims to protect these vuneralble people, I don't know but it is certaintly different now

A former BBC producer in his 70s is bailed after being arrested in connection with the investigation into abuse claims against Jimmy Savile.

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Did you know that Sir Jim S was pulled in for questioning during the ''Yorkshire Ripper'' case. huh.png

I was stopped at 3 am on my way home from work at that time. Should I worry?

Not unless you did something you should be worried about.

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It's a shame this wasn't investigated when he was alive, and there were rumours going around. It makes me think there may be some jumping on the band wagon going on. As for the comments about it being a long time ago, a different mindset. Really? I can remember being warned in the 60's by mum, "Stay away from (Insert name of local pervert) He likes small boys."

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It's a shame this wasn't investigated when he was alive, and there were rumours going around. It makes me think there may be some jumping on the band wagon going on. As for the comments about it being a long time ago, a different mindset. Really? I can remember being warned in the 60's by mum, "Stay away from (Insert name of local pervert) He likes small boys."

Understand one thing, I am in no way saying these men have any excuse or justification for what they got up too, I do however blame the authorities of the time and perhaps the management of organisations for basically ignoring what went on especially with celebraties.

If we were to now arrest and convict every person that drove a car while intoxicated in the 70's 80's and 90's we'd all be in prison including me, and I'm not comparing drink driving to sexual assault - just using the example of how things have changed over the years and our society developes over time, these men abused their positions of fame and popularity, they probably regarded themselves as untouchable, I wonder how many more would be uncovered if people really did speak out, I think there would be some very worried people among the past rich and famous and political scene.

I'd say it still goes on to an extent but the authorities are now duty bound to investigate rather than brush it under the carpet and ignore it

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So how will this work in court then? "So mr Travis, can you tell us your whereabouts between January 7th and March 10th 1974, in particular Feb 5th where you may recall having dinner with a young lady by the name of Miss X, do you remember the meal and what you ordered? be careful how you answer Mr Travis as any false statements will result in you being in contempt of court"

Ok I admit to being a little facetious, however my point is that 30-40 years ago is just expecting a little too much in terms of accurate recall from witnesses, and already ANY evidence is straight in to the realms of 'reasonable doubt".

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