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Rampant & Blatant Drug Use Among Farangs


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As a fairly regular patron of the numerous clubs in and around the more farang-oriented parts of Bangkok, I must say that I'm often shocked at the cavalier, devil-may-care attitude of those who choose to partake in recreational use of drugs. I don't condemn those who use drugs - it's been a part of club culture for ever - but, given the severity of penalties for breaking Thailand's drugs laws, one would think they'd be a little less conspicuous.

I mean, two or more guys disappearing into a cubicle together and Dyson-esque snorting of what I can only assume is "mumble" (cocaine) is a fairly obvious giveaway. I think I could understand if these people were just tourists and, perhaps, less aware of the way things work here but, more often than not, these are people I've seen around the clubs here over nearly 5 years so they've gotta be residents.

Of course, I do appreciate that many clubs have an "understanding" with the BiB vis a vis what goes on behind their doors and they are paid to refrain from pulling or searching punters within a certain distance from the estblishment. Indeed, I know of one or two clubs where bouncers/security peddle the chang and pills their police friends have confiscated elsewhere to clubbers wanting party stimulants but seeing how the evaporation of these "understandings" always occur after a missed tea money envelope, I'm surprised that farangs who actually live here take such huge risks.

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They think they are untouchable HS, they think they are Gorillaz.

It's one of the tricks that drugs play on you, they separate you from reality.

There are plenty of guys at Bkk Hilton that can sing sad songs when they found it they weren't untouchable after all.

You need to be a clown to drugs in Thailand........Land of the Regular Set Up.

Edited by theblether
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They think they are untouchable HS, they think they are Gorillaz.

It's one of the tricks that drugs play on you, they separate you from reality.

There are plenty of guys at Bkk Hilton that can sing sad songs when they found it they weren't untouchable after all.

You need to be a clown to drugs in Thailand........Land of the Regular Set Up.

Or you always wanted to star on the hit show "Banged up Abroad"
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two men in a cubicle is stupid, only a fool would do it, as for the penalties, unless they decide to make an example of you or you are caught dealing, they are primarily monetary.

Monetary?..you certain?...100% certain?
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People overestimate their ability to bribe cops to get out of trouble if they are caught. Might work sometimes, but there are thousands of foreigners in Thai prisons who thought they could do the same. Incredibly foolish in my opinion, chance of getting caught are far too high and the consequences when it happens far too severe.

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I lived in and around Chonburi for years. I witnessed so many ppl shit-faced...happy days!!!thumbsup.gif

Indeed, but why do people want to kill themselves with drugs that do irreparable damage, i.e booze and cigs?

Oh come on; the use of drugs doesn't equate to a death wish for the overwhelming majority of those taking them

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Some people don't mind living dangerously, maybe they've got rich parents to call to help bail them out of trouble, simple possession here you're usually processed pretty quickly and deported rather than serious time.

Sure sometimes innocent users get set up for a dealing rap, but probably greater risk to life and limb getting on the back of a moto taxi for a cross-town trek when traffic's bad, and people do that too.

Personally haven't touched any such for getting on to thirty years now, but it's not because I'm afraid of the law. . .

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What quantifies "rampant"? What numbers are you willing to commit to? Are we talking like five people?

And to me "blatant" would be consuming drugs in public - BTW for some a "cubicle" is a small office - rather than in a bathroom stall.

And why has the phenomenon only recently piqued your interest, after observing it for the past five years?

And what types of clubs are you talking about? Can you name any?

I guess people like to have good time and they make trade-offs re: pleasure and potential legal entanglements. Pretty simple actually.

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What quantifies "rampant"? What numbers are you willing to commit to? Are we talking like five people?

And to me "blatant" would be consuming drugs in public - BTW for some a "cubicle" is a small office - rather than in a bathroom stall.

And why has the phenomenon only recently piqued your interest, after observing it for the past five years?

And what types of clubs are you talking about? Can you name any?

I guess people like to have good time and they make trade-offs re: pleasure and potential legal entanglements. Pretty simple actually.

I got nothing against drugs, hell back in the Netherlands i did xtc and weed. Never had a problem combining that with a normal working life. But here.. i would not touch it as we are extra vulnerable here. Prime targets for extortion, plus currently it does not fit my lifestyle.

Im ok with others doing it as long as they dont do it near me so i cant get implicated.

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What quantifies "rampant"? What numbers are you willing to commit to? Are we talking like five people?

And to me "blatant" would be consuming drugs in public - BTW for some a "cubicle" is a small office - rather than in a bathroom stall.

And why has the phenomenon only recently piqued your interest, after observing it for the past five years?

And what types of clubs are you talking about? Can you name any?

I guess people like to have good time and they make trade-offs re: pleasure and potential legal entanglements. Pretty simple actually.

I don't know what "quantifies" rampant but I can tell you what constitutes it in this context if you ask with a little less attitude.

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All my friends who take illegal drugs are quite discreet about it.

One buys his weed by the brick from the local chief of police upcountry, apparently pretty sweet value too.

The chief gets freebies at his wife's spa massage place too, which doesn't usually give happy endings AFAIK but they probably make an exception in that case 8-)

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As far as I am concerned, drug users and pushers are losers and low-lives whatever their colour or "status".

Do you include those who abuse alcohol and those who sell to obvious alcoholics in this broad sweep of your judgement broom?

At least a half-dozen recent Presidents of the US including JFK?

How about the very high percentage of doctors that are addicted to self-prescribed mood-altering pills?

People taking medically-prescribed marijuana as part of their terminal cancer treatment?

Native people taking naturally-occurring psychoactives as part of their traditional religious practice?

(I'm sure you realize I could go on but. . .)

And if so, do you condemn them all with the same viciousness?

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Up to them .

Seen a few like this over the years. Those that got caught and had money paid and left, those that didn't done time.

Simple really not as if long termers don't understand the risk, but often safety in numbers.He is so shall I .

Personally I wont even stay in the company of such people. Not as I don't like them or disagree, just cant be dealing with the hassle or risk.

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@ BigJohnnyBKK

This is my opinion and I stand by it. I have every right to express my view as you do. And I will say it again, "drug users and pushers are losers and low-lives whatever their colour or "status".

Okay ?

I completely concede your right to your opinion and even that it has some merit. Now can you answer my questions? I'm honestly seeking to explore the issue with your further if you're interested. . .

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