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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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What the "F" is going on in Florida, if Alaska can declare within a few hours why is it taking Florida days.

You would think things would have changed since the fiasco back in 2000, but obviously seems they still can not even organize a piss up in brewery down there.

Republicans control the election process there. 'Nuff said.
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Romney's Mormon religion repeatedly came under scrutiny implying his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs. On the other hand any scrutiny of Obama's past and his Muslim father was met with howls of derision, the dishonest double standard is there for all to see.

Seriously? Do you really think that stands up?

First of all, I'd genuinely like to see examples of his religion repeatedly coming under scrutiny and examples of implying his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs.

Secondly, it's not even close to comparable:

Brought up by Christians and raised as a Christian. Muslim father having virtually no role.

Brought up by Mormons in a family that was highly laced in the LDS and had been Mormons for generations.

If Obama's father was a Christian, would you suggest that his father's religion was relevant? We both know you wouldn't. Nor should you. On the other hand, a candidates own personal beliefs and the values that guide him are arguably relevant.

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Mormons give 10% of their income to the church, ergo the repeated calls for Romney to publish his tax returns. I know full well Mormons had dirty laundry where it comes to race, which I'm sure played a significant part in the decision of many blacks to vote Democrat and on a high turnout, are you seriously considering Romney's background was never hinted at? It's irrelevant and academic now, but for the life of me I can't imagine what the Republicans were thinking of picking a Mormon in 2012 America and expecting it not to be played, both directly and indirectly. You are missing my point as far as Obama is concerned. He may have been raised a Christian and his Muslim father may well have played no role as you say. But to ask such questions and juxtapose them against the outreach of Obama towards the Muslim world would be a valid comparison to make.

P.S Took me all of 5 minutes to find a link backing up my point.


Are you JOKING? Do you actually think you have made your case?

I never said it was "never hinted at". I asked you to back up your claim that "his religion repeatedly came under scrutiny" and provide examples of implying "his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs".

You've failed to do so at all (one article about one brochure "produced by a coalition of black pastors in the Norfolk area" notwithstanding).

As for your speculation about the President's motives behind his Foreign Policy: 1) I think you'll have a hard time making that case given how many Islamists he's whacked and plenty of perfectly sound reasons why we'd want to manage our relations with Muslim countries more effectively 2) you'd have to show me where this "outreach" was and how it was wrong 3) that's a whole other debate -- and not a point you initially made and 4) that's just conspiracy theory and Islamophobia in a not very good disguise.

I can't see this exchange going anywhere but down from here and I won't sink any further...but I'd be pleased to be wrong about that.

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Romney's Mormon religion repeatedly came under scrutiny implying his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs. On the other hand any scrutiny of Obama's past and his Muslim father was met with howls of derision, the dishonest double standard is there for all to see.

Seriously? Do you really think that stands up?

First of all, I'd genuinely like to see examples of his religion repeatedly coming under scrutiny and examples of implying his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs.

Secondly, it's not even close to comparable:

Brought up by Christians and raised as a Christian. Muslim father having virtually no role.

Brought up by Mormons in a family that was highly laced in the LDS and had been Mormons for generations.

If Obama's father was a Christian, would you suggest that his father's religion was relevant? We both know you wouldn't. Nor should you. On the other hand, a candidates own personal beliefs and the values that guide him are arguably relevant.

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Mormons give 10% of their income to the church, ergo the repeated calls for Romney to publish his tax returns. I know full well Mormons had dirty laundry where it comes to race, which I'm sure played a significant part in the decision of many blacks to vote Democrat and on a high turnout, are you seriously considering Romney's background was never hinted at? It's irrelevant and academic now, but for the life of me I can't imagine what the Republicans were thinking of picking a Mormon in 2012 America and expecting it not to be played, both directly and indirectly. You are missing my point as far as Obama is concerned. He may have been raised a Christian and his Muslim father may well have played no role as you say. But to ask such questions and juxtapose them against the outreach of Obama towards the Muslim world would be a valid comparison to make.

P.S Took me all of 5 minutes to find a link backing up my point.


Are you JOKING? Do you actually think you have made your case?

I never said it was "never hinted at". I asked you to back up your claim that "his religion repeatedly came under scrutiny" and provide examples of implying "his policies would all be based on his religious beliefs".

You've failed to do so at all (one article about one brochure "produced by a coalition of black pastors in the Norfolk area" notwithstanding).

As for your speculation about the President's motives behind his Foreign Policy: 1) I think you'll have a hard time making that case given how many Islamists he's whacked and plenty of perfectly sound reasons why we'd want to manage our relations with Muslim countries more effectively 2) you'd have to show me where this "outreach" was and how it was wrong 3) that's a whole other debate -- and not a point you initially made and 4) that's just conspiracy theory and Islamophobia in a not very good disguise.

I can't see this exchange going anywhere but down from here and I won't sink any further...but I'd be pleased to be wrong about that.

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If you have quite finished burning your straw man, I pointed out that whoever was put forward by the Republicans would be painted as a demon using whatever convenient diversion came to hand. In the case of Romney I believe it was his Mormon Religion, which is why I mentioned it and equally mentioned Obama's past to illustrate how such scrutiny is a one way street. I note you ignored 90% of my original post which concerned the lack of scrutiny of the economy compared to sundry social issues, though focusing on this is obviously too traumatic for you.

Briefly, the Muslim brotherhood are in control in Egypt and possibly soon Syria too, followed no doubt by Jordan. Obama gave the Muslim brotherhood his backing, portraying them as 'mostly secular' as one Obama aide hilariously stated. Anyway you are right, further discussion of this is futile. Let's just see how Obama's second term pans out for Islamic terrorism, middle east stability and the U.S first amendment.


If you have quite finished burning your straw man, I pointed out that whoever was put forward by the Republicans would be painted as a demon using whatever convenient diversion came to hand. In the case of Romney I believe it was his Mormon Religion, which is why I mentioned it and equally mentioned Obama's past to illustrate how such scrutiny is a one way street.

You do realize that Romney was pilloried by Santorum, Gingrich, Perry and Bachman in the countless primary debates? And that Sheldon Adelson funded the anti-Romney documentary, "When Mitt Romney Came to Town"?

I'd submit any demonizing was self-inflicted.


The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.


One thing is for sure, wall street have made it so that he owes them nothing...

Who do you think help make wall street so rich these last few years?


More Bullshit from Billo and Fox, I tell you "what Stuff" the American people decided. They didnt want a supreme court to overturn Roe vs wade. They ddnt want a President who will go back to trickle down economics and Big Tax breaks for the wealthy .They voted for recovery and a President to move forward for all Americans and not ignore the 47% who someone"wasnt interested in".

Go back to preaching to your base Billo and Fox , you represent the old failed America.

  • Like 1

o'reilly's embarrassed himself there. but then he's pretty good at that.

but his clumsy utterances speak to the heart of the republican party's problem. they are not inclusive and they want membership of their tight-assed golf club to remain the way its always been. until they move away from the right and back towards the centre and are able to positively address the concerns of minorities (or in the case of women, majorities), they won't win another election.

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Yes, our beloved President Obama

This kind of worship on a government employee who has yet to perform really?

If I love a man, I am not afraid to proclaim that love to the world! But really, I'm not that into him.

Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.


Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.

If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card


Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.

If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card

At least in Texas, the Rs seem to have no better fiscal discipline than the Ds. There they manage to dish out a few hundred million dollars for Formula 1 racing, the rich man's equivalent of NASCAR.



I wouldn't be surprised to see an Obama Day national holiday, in the Middle East.

Can you explain that remark? It seems rather odd, but I assume you have your reasons.


The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

There is no "thinking" involved.

Obama said he was going to ask the wealthy to pay more tax. The majority of the electorate voted for him, so you can assume they agree.


More Bullshit from Billo and Fox, I tell you "what Stuff" the American people decided. They didnt want a supreme court to overturn Roe vs wade. They ddnt want a President who will go back to trickle down economics and Big Tax breaks for the wealthy .They voted for recovery and a President to move forward for all Americans and not ignore the 47% who someone"wasnt interested in".

Go back to preaching to your base Billo and Fox , you represent the old failed America.

I don't see where O'Reilly is wrong. He said that people want "things" and they will vote for the candidate that will give them "things". Like people before profits, affordable access to health care, troops out of wars in which they don't belong. I think those are reasonable "things" to want, don't you?


Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections and you are wrong. If the Republican house continues to obstruct and the Senate republican minority filibuster then the voters will punish them in 2 years. You failed Republican

Yes, I'm sorry Obama won, and I hope he has to crawl to the Republicans in the House and grovel to secure his legacy.

However, let's wait and see who's winning in 2 years time.

  • Like 1

The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

There is no "thinking" involved.

Obama said he was going to ask the wealthy to pay more tax. The majority of the electorate voted for him, so you can assume they agree.

What the 47% don't seem to realise is that no matter how much they tax the 1% it's not going to give them the "stuff" they want. The US is broke. 16 trillion $ in the red and counting.

All that will happen if they raise taxes too high on the 1% is that they will leave the country and take their money elsewhere.

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What a great quote:

"Gov. Romney spent over $1 Billion and ended up not being president.

I've spent absolutely nothing and ended up not being president.

Who's the better businessman?"


  • Like 2

The voters want higher taxes from those that can afford it. Deal with it.

biggrin.png that is so entitled thinking

Actually so is the Obama Care once folks realize what it will actually cost them.

Or is that also paid for everyone by "those that can afford it"?

What the heck happened to the USA that this kind of thinking talk is so prevalent.

There is no "thinking" involved.

Obama said he was going to ask the wealthy to pay more tax. The majority of the electorate voted for him, so you can assume they agree.

What the 47% don't seem to realise is that no matter how much they tax the 1% it's not going to give them the "stuff" they want. The US is broke. 16 trillion $ in the red and counting.

All that will happen if they raise taxes too high on the 1% is that they will leave the country and take their money elsewhere.

Don't make me laugh. Lots of people already have enough money in the Caymans and Switzerland, remember? Including.....


This is positive news though, let's hope both sides can work together for the benefit of *everyone*.

Boehner pivots on taxes after President Obama’s reelection

By Russell Berman and Erik Wasson - 11/08/12 05:00 AM ET

In the wake of the GOP’s disappointing election, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday signaled a willingness to accept higher tax revenues as part of a deficit cutting deal.


Sadly you still have intransigent muppets like this ready to try and throw a spanner in the works:

The right wing of the Republican Party was already girding for battle to prevent any compromise. The conservative Heritage Action released a video announcing the beginning of a “war” with the reelected Obama.

“Conservatives and Tea Partiers are just sick and tired of Republican leaders compromising on the state and national level with Democrats that grow the size of government,” said Richard Viguerie, a top activist and chairman of ConservativeHQ.com. “We are going to hold their feet to the fire.”


What the 47% don't seem to realise is that no matter how much they tax the 1% it's not going to give them the "stuff" they want. The US is broke. 16 trillion $ in the red and counting.

All that will happen if they raise taxes too high on the 1% is that they will leave the country and take their money elsewhere.

I think a lot of people just want everyone to pay their fair share. I've never understood why people who make their living in the "two and twenty" world don't have to pay income tax on money that was clearly derived from work and hence "income"?

Of course I understand how they do it, just not sure how we fell asleep and let them get away with it.

And those who talk about lowering the Corporate Tax rate, say from the current 35% figure to 20% crack me up. A 20% rate would be huge increase in what is paid today.

Between 2008 and 2010, a dozen major US corporations—including General Electric, ExxonMobil, and Verizon—paid a negative tax rate, despite collectively recording $171 billion in pretax US profits, according to an analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice. Taken together, these companies' tax burden was -$2.5 billion, and ten of the companies recorded at least one no-tax year between 2008 and 2010.

When George Romney (Mitt's father) ran for the Republican Presidential primary in 1968 he released twelve years of income tax records, and in 1967 I think he paid ~ 43%. Mitt clears what, 150 million each year and pays about a third of the rate his father did.

Look I understand everyone wants to minimize their tax burden but changing the rules in your favor, which is essentially what has occurred over the last ~ 30 years isn't fair to everyone else. And where else in the world do you have the opportunities to be so successful?


Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections and you are wrong. If the Republican house continues to obstruct and the Senate republican minority filibuster then the voters will punish them in 2 years. You failed Republican

Yes, I'm sorry Obama won, and I hope he has to crawl to the Republicans in the House and grovel to secure his legacy.

However, let's wait and see who's winning in 2 years time.

You can be dam_n sure the President wont crawl to anyone, least of all the "Do nothing Boehner House" .and listen to Harry reid in the Senate, They wont let Republican loony House Bills get anywhere

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