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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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But it takes all sides to agree a recipe that does both, don't you agree?

does anybody yet know what romney's plan for rescuing the economy was? because on the campaign trail all he and ryan talked about was what they wouldn't do and how the current guy was ballsing it up.

spending an extra $2 trillion on defence and cutting taxes by 20% doesn't seem like much of a route to recovery.

Guess you were in the loo everytime Romney discussed his 5 point plan!

He never proposed spending EXTRA money on defence, just not cutting the defence budget, and his tax plan was revenue neutral- it's so boring when people repeat the Obama deceits as though they were gospel.

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I'm a little confused by your post. Are you wondering if I am an anarchist or the Anti-Christ? The Education Department has noting to do with expelling students, but even considering your little faux pas about that...No, I have never been expelled from any school. How about you? Yellowstone is a national park. I don't think anybody is threatening to log or mine in Yellowstone. Care to pass on any rumors about that?

The Congo is doing very well "<deleted>" itself without any help from me.

"Are you an Anachist?" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"Are you wondering if I am an anarchist or the Anti-Christ?" Chuck, I doubt that he even knows the difference!

I am an anti-Christ

I am an anarchist,

Don't know what I want

But I know how to get it.

I wanna destroy the passer by

'Cos I wanna be anarchy,

Ho dogs body

Or so goes the Gospel Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols. Perhaps Tee Partee can be used in an adapted U.S. version.


Isn't it time to close this thread and open up something constructive, like what is going to change in the next four years?

No one has a plan how can it be discussed?

I've already posted; he wants Congress to agree tax cuts to be extended, but not for those earning over $250,000. He feels this will give confidence to small businesses that customers will still have money to spend in January.

He has said this is not a step in isolation, but one that needs doing now.

It's very simple for the House to agree to what seems sensible, and it would be pointless trying to screw him over now as they can't get him voted out.

And if they continue to seem obstructive just to protect the wealthy, the next election will be a butchering.


The tsunami begins:


6,125 Proposed Regulations and Notifications Posted in Last 90 Days--Average 68 per Day

By Penny Starr

November 9, 2012

(CNSNews.com) – It’s Friday morning, and so far today, the Obama administration has posted 165 new regulations and notifications on its reguations.gov website.

In the past 90 days, it has posted 6,125 regulations and notices – an average of 68 a day.

The website allows visitors to find and comment on proposed regulations and related documents published by the U.S. federal government. "Help improve Federal regulations by submitting your comments," the website says.



...and continues...


Floodgates Open on New Health Regs

By Margot Sanger-Katz

November 9, 2012 | 5:10 p.m.

After months of regulatory delays, the floodgates have apparently opened. The Health and Human Services Department delivered two major health reform rules to the Office of Management and Budget on Friday, the first in an anticipated stream of health regulation.

Many sources close to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told National Journal that the administration had a number of important health rules ready to go but was holding them back until after the election to avoid a political backlash. Now that President Obama has been reelected, they predicted those rules would start emerging, and fast. The forecast is about right. We are now three days postelection.



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Let's cut back to the GOP clown-car primaries. Mitt would not commit to a single-<deleted> thing, save how much he loves America and his family (sort of). It was his own side that came up with the Etch-A-Sketch meme.

If he would have stuck a stake in the ground, said "this is what I stand for" he would have at least garnered some respect. Instead he did the slimy-salesman getting-to-yes bs, that sorry smile he wore during the last debate was an encapsulation of his whole approach to the campaign.

It turned out like 2004 and for the same reason: no one really liked the candidate, the only thing he had in his favor was he was not the incumbent.

I am enjoying watching the Fox Noose yoyos acting like parents whose kid finished last in the talent contest despite all the $$ they put into lessons, costume, etc. "Yeah he won but..."

Is there anyone who still buys the 'fair & balanced" con?

Fox's denial on display... Gotta love 'em, they're stupid, but they're entertaining....



The only way anything constructive is going to happen is if David Walker is in charge

The trouble with democracy is it allows people to vote for their own perceived vested interests, it could be a flaw in democracy or even something hard wired into our DNA which dooms all civilizations to eventual collapse. Perhaps a start would be to have a federal reserve that was not appointed to by politicians and whose remit was simply to balance the books, that alone would go a good way towards breaking out of the current vicious circle.


I just found out there is a FoxNewsLatino.com. I fully expect FoxNewsAfricanAmerican.com, FoxNewsGay.com and FoxNewsDemocrat.com by 2016.



I haven't read any anger or bitterness from the Romney supporters in this thread.

Maybe you missed a few hundred messages in the many threads that have accompanied this election. Although in fairness that has been more indignation than bitterness.



More of the after election news:


CAIR Poll: More Than 85% of American Muslims Picked Obama

By Penny Starr

November 9, 2012


-- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released the results of an informal exit poll on Friday that shows more than 85 percent of American Muslim voters picked President Barack Obama in Tuesday's election.

That number is lower than a similar poll conducted in 2008 that showed 89 percent of American Muslims cast a ballot for Obama.

CAIR conducted the informal survey of 650 American Muslim voters, with just 4 percent of respondents stating that they voted for Mitt Romney.



..and, can't inconvenience the sage grouse now, can we...


Interior proposal would limit commercial oil shale development on federal lands in West

By Zack Colman - 11/09/12 02:07 PM ET

The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation.

The move is sure to rankle Republicans, who say President Obama’s grip on fossil fuel drilling in federal lands is too tight.

Interior’s Bureau of Land Management cited environmental concerns for the proposed changes. Among other things, it excised lands with “wilderness characteristics” and areas that conflicted with sage grouse habitats.




I haven't read any anger or bitterness from the Romney supporters in this thread.

Maybe you missed a few hundred messages in the many threads that have accompanied this election. Although in fairness that has been more indignation than bitterness.


Sounds like I missed out. So does this mean that only angry & bitter post by Obama supporters will be allowed?

BTW, what is with the obsession with Fox news?

No one today relies on 1 single source of news. I hardly ever watch Fox but at least with Fox, you know they have a bias. MSNBC is equally as biased but left-wing. Most people aren't aware of it though.


Meet the 'enlightened' Obama supporters. Remember, we've been told that only Republicans have ignorant and intolerant people in their party. Well lets just listen to Obama's core supporters on election night in Chicago.

I don't expect the BBC, CNN, Al Jezzera, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any of the elite media outlets to show this.


Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t



I haven't read any anger or bitterness from the Romney supporters in this thread.

Maybe you missed a few hundred messages in the many threads that have accompanied this election. Although in fairness that has been more indignation than bitterness.


+ disapointment and amazement.

I reckon it's the VHS effect. Beta was the better system, but most people got fooled by the advertising and bought a VHS machine instead.


People are definitely aware of MSNBC bias as well.

Not really. I only hear people complain about Fox news having a bias.

You have no idea how many times I've been 'accused' of watching Fox news for simply criticizing a handful of Obama's policies. It's insane.

Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t


That is just amazing.


Sounds like I missed out. So does this mean that only angry & bitter post by Obama supporters will be allowed?

BTW, what is with the obsession with Fox news?

No one today relies on 1 single source of news. I hardly ever watch Fox but at least with Fox, you know they have a bias. MSNBC is equally as biased but left-wing. Most people aren't aware of it though.

The longer you post here the more you will discover that American conservatives are considered the lowest form of animal life.

As far as certain members obsession with Fox News? I don't understand it either since they seem to be the only ones that are watching it. I haven't had access to Fox in nine years but I do catch news reports from time to time, about as much as I catch MSNBC. I seldom quote them since I know what derision will come from the liberal side by using it. Sometimes I have no choice when, for instance, the main streat media fails to cover current news that might be detrimental to Obama, i.e. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, etc.

In response to your original question whether conservatives can post an opinion...the answer is "yes" but even though it is an honest opinion, it will be attacked.

I celebrate my 10th year as a member of this forum on 11/26/12 and grow more and more disappointed with the rancor and anger that has

overtaken the camaraderie and amity we once had. Sadlly I have joined in the rancor and anger too often lately, a fact that I am not proud of.

However, it is what it is.

Good posts on your part, by the way.

Not really. I only hear people complain about Fox news having a bias.

You have no idea how many times I've been 'accused' of watching Fox news for simply criticizing a handful of Obama's policies. It's insane.

No doubt MSNBC is completely the other way, but they don't seem to have as many angry and outraged presenters as Fox.

I've come to like Fox. Not only do I get pleasant musical interludes instead of adverts, but their hysteria in trying to find snowballs at the left is just wonderful entertainment.

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Well there certainly IS a lot of gloating from the winning side, but I kind of think it is largely well deserved.

The USA remains divided. An election doesn't change that.


But I began to notice, both in media coverage and in social media networks, that Obama supporters were not just thrilled that our guy won—folks were insanely, morbidly happy that all Republicans were miserable.

People are definitely aware of MSNBC bias as well.

Not really. I only hear people complain about Fox news having a bias.

You have no idea how many times I've been 'accused' of watching Fox news for simply criticizing a handful of Obama's policies. It's insane.

Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t


That is just amazing.

Medical marijuana one of them laughed …………….are these people serious………….? And these are the people who expect the other half of the country to work their butt off just to support these ignoramuses.

Like I said before I would be taking my bat and ball home if i were a small business person and sod the lot of them. And America has no hope of growing jobs without entrepreneurial small business people.


People are definitely aware of MSNBC bias as well.

Not really. I only hear people complain about Fox news having a bias.

You have no idea how many times I've been 'accused' of watching Fox news for simply criticizing a handful of Obama's policies. It's insane.

Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t


That is just amazing.

truly mind boggling.


There are many millions of ignorant, low information voters on BOTH sides. That's democracy, baby. The democratic party favors expansion of the voter base while the regressive right wing republicans want to filter out voters they know won't vote for them. Either you like democracy or you don't. If you think too many people are too ignorant, support beefed up EDUCATION (like democrats do as opposed to the radically ANTI-SCIENCE republicans).

If you are arguing that democratic voters are more ignorant and more poorly informed than republican voters, I don't think you can possibly prove it. An inflammatory video aimed to make a point about one side certainly doesn't.

On single issue voters, well I generally don't agree with voting just based on one issue, but again that happens on BOTH sides. Also, I don't see how you blame gay people for not voting for the virulently anti-gay republican party that actively seeks to crush gay civil rights, for example, that would be an act of SELF HATRED. But the truth is most gay democrats also agree with the democrats on MOST issues, so in reality they are not faced with voting on one issue.

I seldom quote them since I know what derision will come from the liberal side by using it.

Maybe it's changed in nine years, but if you watched it now I think you'd understand why most educated people don't take Fox seriously as a news source.

And people like Chris Matthews are definitely just as bad.

The problem is that every pinchful of news they put out is obfuscated by bucketloads of manure.


No doubt MSNBC is completely the other way, but they don't seem to have as many angry and outraged presenters as Fox.

I do not watch any of those programs, don't get them anyway but,

When i lived in the States I did tune in to both to see what they were about.

I think you may be a bit biased in saying MSNBC is not a anger spewing channel as much as any other.

Shows like Hardball were ridiculous. That guy invites folks on just so he could speak over them & I cannot imagine any of them returning.

Not too mention Rachel rolleyes.gif

Although she came off as educated & middle road at times she was just as vehement as any other fan type.

But I will say she was still the least offensive & she did speak well with Ron Paul & did allow him to speak.

There were others like the one that got fired? I have forgotten his name... Kieth?

But in your case I think you are just one eyed when you look at these MSM stations.

If you cannot see they all have agendas to push & do it equally then you have been drinking the kool aide for too long.

That stuff will rot more than your teeth smile.png


Fox DID create a BUBBLE, or a massive BS Mountain as coined by John Stewart.

I watched a lot of BOTH Fox and Msnbc approaching the election.

Fox watchers who got sucked in heard endless predictions of how Romney was going to win. Msnbc was much more realistic and balanced, there was serious fear Obama could lose. So the shock of the right wing now in the big loss was CREATED by Fox and Romney. They have themselves to blame for that.

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There are many millions of ignorant, low information voters on BOTH sides. That's democracy, baby. The democratic party favors expansion of the voter base while the regressive right wing republicans want to filter out voters they know won't vote for them. Either you like democracy or you don't. If you think too many people are too ignorant, support beefed up EDUCATION (like democrats do as opposed to the radically ANTI-SCIENCE republicans).

If you are arguing that democratic voters are more ignorant and more poorly informed than republican voters, I don't think you can possibly prove it. An inflammatory video aimed to make a point about one side certainly doesn't.

On single issue voters, well I generally don't agree with voting just based on one issue, but again that happens on BOTH sides. Also, I don't see how you blame gay people for not voting for the virulently anti-gay republican party that actively seeks to crush gay civil rights, for example, that would be an act of SELF HATRED. But the truth is most gay democrats also agree with the democrats on MOST issues, so in reality they are not faced with voting on one issue.

You must be one of the few who are interpreting it that way. There is no doubt that there would be politically uninformed people on both sides of course.

But there is nothing inflammatory about a video which highlights the expectations of these people. You must have seen for yourself when they were asked about important issues they laughed about medical marijuana, women's rights and totally irrelevant stuff.

Not one of them made any reference whatsoever to the serious financial situation in which America now finds itself or any recognition whatsoever that serious fiscal discipline is now needed. These people were students but they are all in cuckoo land and totally out of touch.


No doubt MSNBC is completely the other way, but they don't seem to have as many angry and outraged presenters as Fox.

I do not watch any of those programs, don't get them anyway but,

When i lived in the States I did tune in to both to see what they were about.

I think you may be a bit biased in saying MSNBC is not a anger spewing channel as much as any other.

Shows like Hardball were ridiculous. That guy invites folks on just so he could speak over them & I cannot imagine any of them returning.

Not too mention Rachel rolleyes.gif

Although she came off as educated & middle road at times she was just as vehement as any other fan type.

But I will say she was still the least offensive & she did speak well with Ron Paul & did allow him to speak.

There were others like the one that got fired? I have forgotten his name.

But in your case I think you are just one eyed when you look at these MSM stations.

If you cannot see they all have agendas to push & do it equally then you have been drinking the kool aide for too long.

That stuff will rot more than your teeth smile.png

I think you are reading things that are not there. Both channels are guilty of broadcasting hours of opinion badly disguised as news, but I'd say Fox probably is about 50% ahead in the amount of their content designed for this purpose.

Both channels indulged in ridiculous vendettas over irrelevant tat during this election, they should be ashamed of themselves.But having said that, they wouldn't be making money if there wasn't an audience for it.

I seldom quote them since I know what derision will come from the liberal side by using it.

Maybe it's changed in nine years, but if you watched it now I think you'd understand why most educated people don't take Fox seriously as a news source.

And people like Chris Matthews are definitely just as bad.

The problem is that every pinchful of news they put out is obfuscated by bucketloads of manure.

Thank you for calling me uneducated.

I seldom quote them since I know what derision will come from the liberal side by using it.

Maybe it's changed in nine years, but if you watched it now I think you'd understand why most educated people don't take Fox seriously as a news source.

And people like Chris Matthews are definitely just as bad.

The problem is that every pinchful of news they put out is obfuscated by bucketloads of manure.

Thank you for calling me uneducated.

Where did I do that then?


Anyway, I have great hopes for President Obama's second term!

We know he is going for legacy and has the ego to try to be a GREAT president. Now he has the chance.


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