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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


I concur with you.

I see nothing for the US other than a higher unemployment rate as the people that would have otherwise opened businesses and employed more people do not under Obama's higher taxes and penalties such as Obamacare.

I also forsee high inflation as quantative easing kicks in, higher taxes on the middle class, rich flight as the super rich move away from the States, more divisivness in society as the lower classes face even higher unemployment, and political gridlock as the House will not pass Obama's tax and spend agenda.

Although it is a case of the American people getting the government they so obviously deserve, it will unfortunately impact on us all, with higher inflation, and a deeper recession than would have been the case under Romney.

God save the US, as no one else will.

BTW, 10 pages already! That's really going for it.

Unfortunately, I missed everything after 1030 am Thai time, as the tv cable channel had it's power cut off without warning by the power company. Gotta love Thailand!

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Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Oh YES I would say that. Obama's so called money wasting is the only way forward to create employment and kick start the economy, not carefully injecting funds into the economy will just stagnate and kill off what little hope of recovery there is, read up on Keynes it will explain it all if you do not already know that.. Romney would maybe have not "wasted" your money but he would have ensured the wealthy and elite continue to steal your money and that from the poor and middle income families. I would rather have someone "wasting" my money on schemes that at least should in the end benefit me and the majority of ordinary folk, than to have money "stolen" from me to keep it exclusively amongst Romney's rich elitist greedy and selfish friends as would have for sure happened..

Great news indeed and give me some faith back in the USA having some common sense and intelligence. Well done US citizens, we can all breath a sigh of relief now for far more chance of US and World stability and safety..

Now we have several years for the American people to form their very OWN non right wing peoples' party of the true centre or even centre left. Neither Socialist nor Capitalist extremists, which surely we have all had enough of by now, but a new political force that is honourable and sensible and that really believes in people as well as investment. It does need those folk in the USA who truly are capable and passionate enough to get such a movement started ASAP as time has a habit of running out of course and we really NEED a new peoples' choice candidate and political party at the next US presidential election, surely that should be obvious to see..

Remember MONEY is there as a tool and to help folk to manage their lives and was invented to prevent the pre-money days of difficult bartering, Money was NEVER intended to be our master as it has become at our peril and just for the benefit of just a few percentage elitist fat cats who want the power to be able to control us all . I believe in true people and not in money which is purely a practical way to help folk live and manage their lives easily and that is why we really NEED a new people's political force truly of the centre / centre left that will not tow the line that the real power rich elitist meglomaniacs fat the very top appear to force on the traditional two parties and all of us.. The World's people need to stand up and be counted and make sure we all know that it is PEOPLE that award power through the ballot box and truly NOT MONEY that only gives dictatorial unelected power to the bully boys and selfish elitists.

So this is surely a great day for common sense and a hope for real ordinary people in the USA and the World too. They said no to the destructive extremist right wing (there is no extremist left wing in the USA remember) and that gives us some real hope of a movement to the true centre. Obama is no saviour though and of course there can be no guarantees he will solve all the problems, in fact most unlikely that he will as we all feel whichever party gets in they will have to tow the line to the <deleted> at the top of the power chain that control us all in the World.. But as I always said at least he is the hugely better and more intelligent sensible choice of the two candidates the USA had to choose from.. But the relief is that Romney rightfully got nowhere near the Whitehouse in the end as that would have indeed truly spelled total disaster for us all. Might even open a bottle of good Whiskey to celebrate Romney's well deserved failure.

< I believe in true people and not in money which is purely a practical way to help folk live and manage their lives easily >

So how much tax are YOU prepared to pay to give the 47% an easier life?

< Obama's so called money wasting is the only way forward to create employment and kick start the economy>

He already tried that and all it got was Solyndra and the Volt 555555555555555555

How about "shovel ready"?

Well the bankers were certainly happy, LOL


Who knows? I am not expecting it, but maybe there is even a chance he can actually EARN that Nobel Peace Prize he won ...

So you would agree that be now, Obama hasn't done much that he really would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

And further you don't even expect him doing something in the future in that direction.

Am i reading your comment right?

Wouldn't that have been a strong reason not to vote for Obama? At least if you a peace loving guy and hate wars like me.


PM Yingluck congratulates President Obama on victory

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Nov 7 - Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra reaffirmed Wednesday that the Thai government is ready to continue working with the United States after President Barack Obama wins re-election.

Ms Yingluck reacted shortly after Mr Obama claimed victory to continue in the Oval Office for his second term as 44th US president. The re-elected president delivered his victory speech in Chicago after he was confirmed to have won 303 electoral votes, compared to 203 for Mitt Romney. The Republican candidate phoned Obama to congratulate him, then admitted defeat before his supporters in Boston.

Ms Yingluck said the Thai government congratulated the winning candidate and that Mr Obama's victory is good for Thailand, and that Thailand is ready to continue its policies.

Deputy Premier/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul commented today that the US election result has no impact on Thailand's policies towards the US as it has been a close ally with Thailand for a long time.

Mr Surapong said Thailand has officially taken a neutral stance in its foreign policy.

The foreign minister added he believes, after the election, the United States will also give even more importance to the Southeast Asian region. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-11-07


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Oh YES I would say that. Obama's so called money wasting is the only way forward to create employment and kick start the economy, not carefully injecting funds into the economy will just stagnate and kill off what little hope of recovery there is, read up on Keynes it will explain it all if you do not already know that.. Romney would maybe have not "wasted" your money but he would have ensured the wealthy and elite continue to steal your money and that from the poor and middle income families. I would rather have someone "wasting" my money on schemes that at least should in the end benefit me and the majority of ordinary folk, than to have money "stolen" from me to keep it exclusively amongst Romney's rich elitist greedy and selfish friends as would have for sure happened..

Great news indeed and give me some faith back in the USA having some common sense and intelligence. Well done US citizens, we can all breath a sigh of relief now for far more chance of US and World stability and safety..

Now we have several years for the American people to form their very OWN non right wing peoples' party of the true centre or even centre left. Neither Socialist nor Capitalist extremists, which surely we have all had enough of by now, but a new political force that is honourable and sensible and that really believes in people as well as investment. It does need those folk in the USA who truly are capable and passionate enough to get such a movement started ASAP as time has a habit of running out of course and we really NEED a new peoples' choice candidate and political party at the next US presidential election, surely that should be obvious to see..

Remember MONEY is there as a tool and to help folk to manage their lives and was invented to prevent the pre-money days of difficult bartering, Money was NEVER intended to be our master as it has become at our peril and just for the benefit of just a few percentage elitist fat cats who want the power to be able to control us all . I believe in true people and not in money which is purely a practical way to help folk live and manage their lives easily and that is why we really NEED a new people's political force truly of the centre / centre left that will not tow the line that the real power rich elitist meglomaniacs fat the very top appear to force on the traditional two parties and all of us.. The World's people need to stand up and be counted and make sure we all know that it is PEOPLE that award power through the ballot box and truly NOT MONEY that only gives dictatorial unelected power to the bully boys and selfish elitists.

So this is surely a great day for common sense and a hope for real ordinary people in the USA and the World too. They said no to the destructive extremist right wing (there is no extremist left wing in the USA remember) and that gives us some real hope of a movement to the true centre. Obama is no saviour though and of course there can be no guarantees he will solve all the problems, in fact most unlikely that he will as we all feel whichever party gets in they will have to tow the line to the &lt;deleted&gt; at the top of the power chain that control us all in the World.. But as I always said at least he is the hugely better and more intelligent sensible choice of the two candidates the USA had to choose from.. But the relief is that Romney rightfully got nowhere near the Whitehouse in the end as that would have indeed truly spelled total disaster for us all. Might even open a bottle of good Whiskey to celebrate Romney's well deserved failure.

Spoken like a true left wing radical who is not interested in the Constitution, growth of American free enterprise or the small business owners who provide the majority of the GDP and taxes in the USA. The constitution was founded and written that the congress writes and passes laws not the president by executive order which Obama does time and time again. I am sure the founding fathers are turning over in their graves at the way Obama uses Executive orders to get his way. This should be the constitution America not a socialist or communist America Obama wants to have. Obama does not follow the constitution it is that simple. Just the facts.

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Well, no matter how bad I and 48% ( or more, depending on the popular vote ) of the US population feel right now, we've got nothing on Dick Morris, who probably just saw his career flushed away.

I am also minded of Sarah Palin's statement when she said that if the Republicans couldn't beat Obama this time, they didn't deserve to be a party anymore. I wouldn't be surprised is she and others don't start a new center right party to contest the 2016 elections.


What to watch now?

Well, the Supreme Court may well have a number of vacancies in the next 4 years.

Antonin Scalia (1939), appointed by Reagan

Anthony Kennedy (1939), appointed by Reagan

Bader Ginzberg (1933) Clinton

Stephen Beyer (1938) Clinton

Given that it will be the Obama administration nominating any replacements, it certainly would put a different complexion on the Court should Scalia or Kennedy leave by choice or cruel happenstance.

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In Obama's victory speech he proposed a meeting with Romney to see how they could work together.

I found that very bizarre.


Maybe Obama needs an extra first footman or Butler at the White House? Romney does have that look. laugh.png


get in there, fantastic news for america and for the rest of the world*.

* now please stop bombing the shit out of poor countries with drones.

Obama will not stop the drones. Shame on those who support him to continue.

Like it or not...drones are here to stay. The US Air Force spends more on drones now than fighter planes. China, Iran, and many other countries make their own drones too. It is the future. It ain't going back to bows and arrows any time soon.

The is a difference between developing drones or having a well a equipped army for defense or being an aggressor and occupying other countries and bomb them. The later doesn't have much advanced since the old bows and arrows time.


get in there, fantastic news for america and for the rest of the world*.

* now please stop bombing the shit out of poor countries with drones.

Obama will not stop the drones. Shame on those who support him to continue.

Like it or not...drones are here to stay. The US Air Force spends more on drones now than fighter planes. China, Iran, and many other countries make their own drones too. It is the future. It ain't going back to bows and arrows any time soon.

The Terminator movies may have been an indication of what is to come. Wars fought by computers with massive extermination of humans that don't have deep bomb shelters. Not a happy thought.


Great,... now there'll be no stopping him rolling out the compulsory RFID chipping into all Americans under Obama Care which has already passed as law and gets actualized as of March 26th 2013.

This is a compulsory requirement of the Obama Care law and for anyone thinking of objecting or creating a civil commotion about it don't worry they have the FEMA camps all ready for action.

This is where veiled socialism morphs into extreme Naziism and mass control and oppression on a scale never before seen in history!

If your living in the USA at present I reckon any time now would be good to get out or be prepared for the calamity that will befall you and all others that refuse to take the mark of the beast!

All governments are evil but there's not a one on the planet IMHO that could match the insidious and covert manipulation of the US govt which with Obama at the helm makes it worse still. An evil liar who under the pretense of being a good Christian is actually a Muslim hell bent on destroying the freedoms that patriot Americans and the Americam forefathers fought fiercly and without reservation for,

Not sure who's worse, GW Bush or Obama. In an olympic event they could have been buddies on the batton relay team!


I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks.

Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?


get in there, fantastic news for america and for the rest of the world*.

* now please stop bombing the shit out of poor countries with drones.

Obama will not stop the drones. Shame on those who support him to continue.

No president wil stop the drones as the guys who build them own the f####g country. Any president wandering astray of the NWO crusade agenda is as good as dead (or will be found by CNN reporters drugged up and unconscious in some motel room lying next to a naked 13 year old school girl who hands them a sperm sample)... Wake up, people!!!!!

And... why is it fantastic news for The US of A and the rest of the world if a notorious liar string puppet wins a manipulated election????


Starting to sink in and hurt a little bit now, isn't it Chuck?

Actually I am already over it.

Even though I AM an American, unlike many of our more vocal members, I have learned after many, many presidential elections that the best man doesn't always win.

Apologies, I didn't realise the concept of free speech and having opinion was restricted to citizens of the greatest country in the world TM . But, that is beside the point. I have American clients, so America's success is kind of mine as well.

Dont be a snarky bi$*%. Saying "there are more vocal members" isn't the same as saying "only americans have free speech."


There also seems to be a sore winner around here as well.

The election is over and Obama has won. Are we going to hear yet another four years of Obama and his supporters blaming Bush?

I just wonder who you will blame for the next four years.

Oh wait, I just realized who will be blamed. FOX NEWS!!!!!coffee1.gif

Starting to sink in and hurt a little bit now, isn't it Chuck?

Actually I am already over it.

Even though I AM an American, unlike many of our more vocal members, I have learned after many, many presidential elections that the best man doesn't always win.

So true. George W., Reagan, Nixon ... definitely the best man doesn't always win.


So true, but given the state of US politics, is it any wonder that decent people don't go anywhere near it?

Post modified to allow posting.


You're welcome Mr. President. wub.png

4 more years of this dancing monkey / Communist. Good luck to the world

Communist. Funny one.

Dancing monkey - not so.

I saw a gif posted on TVF, showing Obama dancing. posted by one of his TVF fans.

And calling the POTUS a monkey is allowed since Bush was in office. So i see no problem here,

Great,... now there'll be no stopping him rolling out the compulsory RFID chipping into all Americans under Obama Care which has already passed as law and gets actualized as of March 26th 2013. This is a compulsory requirement of the Obama Care law and for anyone thinking of objecting or creating a civil commotion about it don't worry they have the FEMA camps all ready for action. This is where veiled socialism morphs into extreme Naziism and mass control and oppression on a scale never before seen in history! If your living in the USA at present I reckon any time now would be good to get out or be prepared for the calamity that will befall you and all others that refuse to take the mark of the beast! All governments are evil but there's not a one on the planet IMHO that could match the insidious and covert manipulation of the US govt which with Obama at the helm makes it worse still. An evil liar who under the pretense of being a good Christian is actually a Muslim hell bent on destroying the freedoms that patriot Americans and the Americam forefathers fought fiercly and without reservation for, Not sure who's worse, GW Bush or Obama. In an olympic event they could have been buddies on the batton relay team!

Marvelous, just bloody marvelous. clap2.gif I've seen my Unicorn for the day w00t.gif


Great,... now there'll be no stopping him rolling out the compulsory RFID chipping into all Americans under Obama Care which has already passed as law and gets actualized as of March 26th 2013.

This is a compulsory requirement of the Obama Care law and for anyone thinking of objecting or creating a civil commotion about it don't worry they have the FEMA camps all ready for action.

This is where veiled socialism morphs into extreme Naziism and mass control and oppression on a scale never before seen in history!

If your living in the USA at present I reckon any time now would be good to get out or be prepared for the calamity that will befall you and all others that refuse to take the mark of the beast!

All governments are evil but there's not a one on the planet IMHO that could match the insidious and covert manipulation of the US govt which with Obama at the helm makes it worse still. An evil liar who under the pretense of being a good Christian is actually a Muslim hell bent on destroying the freedoms that patriot Americans and the Americam forefathers fought fiercly and without reservation for,

Not sure who's worse, GW Bush or Obama. In an olympic event they could have been buddies on the batton relay team!

Tune in to Alex Jones, he's got some great Apocalypse specials on water purifiers and MREs.


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I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks.

Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

Thank God you aren't either. You forgot Brits in your list. Now to answer your question; Because the USA has had the biggest impact on the world for the past 200 years both good and bad.


Who knows? I am not expecting it, but maybe there is even a chance he can actually EARN that Nobel Peace Prize he won ...

So you would agree that be now, Obama hasn't done much that he really would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

And further you don't even expect him doing something in the future in that direction.

Am i reading your comment right?

Wouldn't that have been a strong reason not to vote for Obama? At least if you a peace loving guy and hate wars like me.

Yeah, and the Nobel Price will be gold plated after he managed to get the Israelis starting the war with Iran for the US of A to intervene and play HERO and world police again, bombing the $hite out of Iran until all concessions for the oil wells are under US control. "Uuuuh, I love the smell of Napalm in the morning!" F##### all that and wake up, people, pleeeeaaaaase!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be no peace, no backing up and no prisoners taken until the US of A owns all of the world's oil. Obama is just the perfect puppet to make all following invasions of mid east and asian countries look legit.

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I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt. That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology. This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.

StevieH, you are way off base and you need to review your civics lessons. Congress is also "democratically" elected. And the representatives of the House of Representatives are specifically elected to represent the people of the United States. Senators are (now) elected to represent the states. I recommend you review something that became known as the "Connecticut Compromise". Article Two of our Constitution would be good also.

  • Like 1

I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks.

Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

Because whatever they do in their country, it doesn't affect the rest of the world, like the US does. In other words, countries other than the US, Euro, Russia and China are pretty irrelevant when it comes to global politics.

We did get "it" during the Russian elections, and are getting "it" about the Chinese ones now.


RT @MichelleObama: More than anything, I want to thank you all for everything. I am so grateful to every one of you for your support and your prayers. –mo

Prayers helped Michelle's husband to win? Jesus.


I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt. That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology. This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.

StevieH, you are way off base and you need to review your civics lessons. Congress is also "democratically" elected. And the representatives of the House of Representatives are specifically elected to represent the people of the United States. Senators are (now) elected to represent the states. I recommend you review something that became known as the "Connecticut Compromise". Article Two of our Constitution would be good also.

LOL StevieH, this is all you need to remember; "Of the people, by the people, for the people"...not "president"

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I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt.

That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology.

This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.


So why bother with Congress, just make Obama Dictator, LOL.

You need to read the Constitution.

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Starting to sink in and hurt a little bit now, isn't it Chuck?

Actually I am already over it.

Even though I AM an American, unlike many of our more vocal members, I have learned after many, many presidential elections that the best man doesn't always win.

Apologies, I didn't realise the concept of free speech and having opinion was restricted to citizens of the greatest country in the world TM . But, that is beside the point. I have American clients, so America's success is kind of mine as well.

Dont be a snarky bi$*%. Saying "there are more vocal members" isn't the same as saying "only americans have free speech."

Yas sar massa.

I'll make sure I don't get too uppity in future.

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