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President Obama To Visit Thailand November 18


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wondering if he too will be a victim of racism that goes on in thailand against dark skinners sad.png

hope he puts in a speech which the thai understand that all are equal!

I heard he's bringing Tiger Woods as his interpreter and to break the ice with Thais. smile.png


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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

It has always been my understanding that a lot of big business deals where done on the golf courses. Why not political ones?

The election is over. If you followed Romney from the start you would wind up wondering which Romney was going to show up.

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Whites are now officially the minority in California. 75% of all interracial couples are white men with Asian women. The face of America is changing and I can say I did my part. I married an Asian girl, and had my wonderful interracial child. Look at the top celebrities in Thailand--most are half-farang. Obama himself is half white...my point is--whitey is on his way out. In the not too distant future, most Americans will be a mix of something. Thailand will be too with so many women marrying farangs. In that sense, Obama is THE face of the new America. Many white folks don't like it, and they are foaming at the mouth about how "Old America is lost forever!" It sure is, and I hope it stays that way.

I Remember Glen Beck crying on TV about how he missed 50's era Americana. The 50's when black people were not equal, gays got beaten down in the streets, and the economy was booming because of the economic stimulus package called World War II.

I am happy Obama got re-elected, and he is the perfect president for the New America that is taking shape whether people like it or not.

I love to hear sheep speak.

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Thailand mostly certainly have needed the US in the past 60 years and still do. Good trip for Thailand, nearly worthless for the US.

At least it will give Yingluck the chance to practice her English.

I bet she is burning up the phone to Dubai trying to figure out why Obama is going to Burma first.

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For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:


Well I believe Thailand can be a good Asian Base but denyng them a weather moinitering base was not a step in the right direction.

Yes look for more Americans in the years ahead. America has turned the corner and is recovering from the mess that was handed to Obama. They choose to stay the course rather than abandon it. In a few years we will once again see more American tourists. That is provided Burma dosen't start grabbing them. They also have a lot of beautiful country and Temples. Also will probably be cheaper. Keep your eye on them for 5 star resorts at half the price of Thailand.

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"Obama's visit was scheduled before election day in the US, and officials confirmed the US president had insisted on the visit whether he was re-elected or not.

For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:


The guy on the left looks very scary to me. Is he from secret service? bah.gif .

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based on the reputation of the (not so) secret service these days, we can assume they will be having a great time in Soi Cowboy

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Whites are now officially the minority in California. 75% of all interracial couples are white men with Asian women. The face of America is changing and I can say I did my part. I married an Asian girl, and had my wonderful interracial child. Look at the top celebrities in Thailand--most are half-farang. Obama himself is half white...my point is--whitey is on his way out. In the not too distant future, most Americans will be a mix of something. Thailand will be too with so many women marrying farangs. In that sense, Obama is THE face of the new America. Many white folks don't like it, and they are foaming at the mouth about how "Old America is lost forever!" It sure is, and I hope it stays that way.

I Remember Glen Beck crying on TV about how he missed 50's era Americana. The 50's when black people were not equal, gays got beaten down in the streets, and the economy was booming because of the economic stimulus package called World War II.

I am happy Obama got re-elected, and he is the perfect president for the New America that is taking shape whether people like it or not.

I love to hear sheep speak.

Foreplay? whistling.gif

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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Actually, the record is held by Eisenhower, who warned the world about people like Mitt Romney and the military industrial complex. You bigots should at least get some facts straight before making ignorant statements. BTW, I'm not an Obama fan. Just against stupidity.

Actually you are also incorrect.

In the ’50s, Democrats criticized President Eisenhower for his golf hobby while the nation was dealing with the early years of the Cold War. And, even at the rate he’s going, President Obama won’t come close to the surprising 800 rounds of golf Eisenhower played during his eight years in office.

However, the award for most rounds of golf played during a presidency goes to Woodrow Wilson. who, under doctor’s orders, played most days and logged nearly 1,600 rounds of golf during his eight-year run in the White House.


That is a lot of rounds. I wonder if it caused him to get sick. There was a period of time when he was very sick and rumors were that his wife was sitting in the oval office.

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My respect for the USA and its people was restored by the election results on Nov 6. Not only did they reject the dishonest pandering of the Romney campaign, but they increased the Democratic majority in the Senate by defeating tea party candidates like Mourdock and Akin.

Now if only Thailand could do the same and throw the Pheua Thai out, I might get back a little respect for the Thais as well.

I'm sure many Republicans will put most of the blame for the loss on Romney but, to be fair, it's not so much his fault as the entire Republican party and the refuge for right wing nuts that it has become.


In trying to pander to all of them one would have thought he was schizophrenic.

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How's this...you take your 49% of the voting population, and you can have the bible belt, farm land, mountain ranges, and the South (except Miami), the other 49% can have the inner cities, border towns, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and every other major US city that is not in Texas. The remaining 2% will be shipped off to Thailand on an Obama sponsored sexcare package, where we will be given cheap health care, cheap booze, cheap housing, and cheap women...not as welfare, but as a "relocation program" like Liberia for people who are sick of the crying, fighting, negativity in the USA. I would be on the first plane out.

Edited by KuhnPaen
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"Obama's visit was scheduled before election day in the US, and officials confirmed the US president had insisted on the visit whether he was re-elected or not.

For once, maybe there is justification in Thailand calling itself the "hub" of something. Thailand is the longtime US ally, friend, military pal, etc...Big changes are happening in Burma and China. Thailand makes an excellent base for the US for its SE Asia relations "HQ" so to speak. Keeping China's influence in check at the south, taking advantage of economic opportunities and political opportunities in newly opening Burma, and for other reasons it makes perfect sense.

Look soon for more Americans swarming the streets...cowboy.gif

er..., especially men in black with sunglasses:


The guy on the left looks very scary to me. Is he from secret service? bah.gif .

Send with Chinese tablet

based on the reputation of the (not so) secret service these days, we can assume they will be having a great time in Soi Cowboy

Boys will be boys! I've seen some of these guys at close quarter during the visit of a member of the British royal family to LA several years ago. Believe me, they are very professional when working and take all aspects of the job seriously. They are the standard most equivalent similar organizations apsire too.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Communicated like a true denizen of the Fox News Bubble.

Yes because any criticism of Obama must be from somebody who watched Fox News right? You guys are even worse than the conservatives you snub your noses at.

SOS.The liberals say they believe in freedom of speech. Sure they do as long as everyone agrees with them. Disagree and you are a right wing nut case bigot. Peace brother, peace.

You may be right but you still have freedom of speech. See how long that would last if all the right wing nuts in the Republican party could have their way.

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I realty liked this one.

I do how ever question if it takes into account all the taxes paid. Like all the hidden ones in Gasoline. Which is cheaper in America than many nations where the average income is not even close to the American one.

5. Taxes under Obama are at an all-time high

If you buy this one, congratulations: You've failed not just history, but economics as well. Between the combined burden of federal, state, and local income taxes, Americans are parting with the smallest share of their income since 1958. The Bureau of Economic Analysis says we pay 23.6 percent of what we make, down from an average of about 27 percent during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

What makes you think that any president is responsible for what state and local governments take from you anyway? Never mind that Congress controls the federal purse strings, and never mind that cuts in income tax rates and payroll tax rates have been in effect for several years now. Of course, this could all change come January, unless hyper-divided Washington can somehow find a way to cooperate and avoid taking the economy over the fiscal cliff. But for now, the notion that taxes are gobbling up more of our hard earned income than ever is, to use a word we've heard often during this long and often dishonest campaign, malarkey.

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I hope they have plenty of first-class golf courses! Obama has set a record in rounds-of- golf played during his presidency. I don't think he's going to slow down now.

Wow! I didn't expect to see a post from Sean Hannity on ThaiVisa. Your dying breed gets around.

FYI: Dwight Eisenhower played nearly 800 rounds during his two terms and was even elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame. Yet he was/is considered a good President. Woodrow Wilson doubled that amount during his Presidency. So what was your inane point?

Just get over it. President Obama is the President of the United States for the next four years. After that, in 2016, expect another Clinton to be soundly elected into the White House.

Doesn't that really cheer you up Sean?

Edited by NomadTad
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There has been no comment on the speculation by some that President Obama wanted to see some of Bangkok's Famous nightlife by staying in the JW Marriott which is a stones throw from Nana Plaza on Soi 4. others speculate he will be staying in the Le Meridien next to 'Pat Pong' who is famous for it's shows and “Super Pusy”. more cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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There has been no comment on the speculation by some that President Obama wanted to see some of Bangkok's Famous nightlife by staying in the JW Marriott which is a stones throw from Nana Plaza on Soi 4. others speculate he will be staying in the Le Meridien next to 'Pat Pong' who is famous for it's shows and “Super Pusy”. more cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Former Pres. Clinton has offered to show Obama the Bangkok nightlife, so be on the lookout for boys night out with those two at Nana.

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There has been no comment on the speculation by some that President Obama wanted to see some of Bangkok's Famous nightlife by staying in the JW Marriott which is a stones throw from Nana Plaza on Soi 4. others speculate he will be staying in the Le Meridien next to 'Pat Pong' who is famous for it's shows and “Super Pusy”. more cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Former Pres. Clinton has offered to show Obama the Bangkok nightlife, so be on the lookout for boys night out with those two at Nana.

Well, I'm sure but will his cigar taste of chillies?

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I'm going to take him to get a soapie on me!

who's on top lol

I like Obama and I'm glad he was re-elected, his last term was probably one of the most difficult in recent history

Although I'm not American I'd love to see some changes in the Political landscape concerning "bill approval", at the moment it just seems near impossible for the US President to actually govern the US, there is far too much red tape, he has more power abroad than he does in his own country, the people of the US have given him a mandate to govern lets get the shackles off and let him do that - maybe modeled closer to the UK system of governance

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If there is any part of Bangkok that Barack Hussein Obama would hang out, it would be Sukhumvit soi 3. He seems to be very comfortable around that crowd.

Or he'd be down in Khaosan road to hang out with the NGO & back-packer types to sit around and bash America and learn how America can be more like Europe.

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There has been no comment on the speculation by some that President Obama wanted to see some of Bangkok's Famous nightlife by staying in the JW Marriott which is a stones throw from Nana Plaza on Soi 4. others speculate he will be staying in the Le Meridien next to 'Pat Pong' who is famous for it's shows and “Super Pusy”. more cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Former Pres. Clinton has offered to show Obama the Bangkok nightlife, so be on the lookout for boys night out with those two at Nana.

Well, I'm sure but will his cigar taste of chillies?

Yingluck's office has been scrambling to find the Aquarium on Ratchada, as Obama has sent a message he wants to visit the fishbowls there.

I'll get my coat....

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I'm going to take him to get a soapie on me!

who's on top lol

I like Obama and I'm glad he was re-elected, his last term was probably one of the most difficult in recent history

Although I'm not American I'd love to see some changes in the Political landscape concerning "bill approval", at the moment it just seems near impossible for the US President to actually govern the US, there is far too much red tape, he has more power abroad than he does in his own country, the people of the US have given him a mandate to govern lets get the shackles off and let him do that - maybe modeled closer to the UK system of governance

This lady also likes Obama. I am glad to see my hard earned tax dollars going to such a wonderful program to assist those in need like this lady that are really struggling to make a better life for themselves, working late hours daily, always looking for better ways to improve their life. Of course Ohio went for Obama. I have no idea why.

Edited by Pimay1
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