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Obama Re-Election Good News For Thailand


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Someone is in a fantasy world. Housing? Debt?

The only good thing for Thailand is that the dollar will be worth less baht. When the government has all the money there will be less to buy from Thailand through exports. The US is on a huge downhill slide and that's not good for anyone.

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the choice between Obama and Romney was like the choice between McDonalds and BurgerKing. both serve yuckish products.

Much more like a choice between urban, diverse and tolerant Popeye's (Hot and Spicy flava) Fried Chicken (OBAMA) and bland white meat overly processed intolerant right wing Chick-Fil-a (ROMNEY)


The American voters have made our choice and it is delicious, but yes, too greasy. Can't have everything.

The USA: we eat much more SALSA than ketchup these days, but the republicans haven't smelled the salsa yet.

With your focus on "urban" "diverse" "flava" and surpisingly even "Fried chicken (OBAMA)", it seems you, like many others, are focusing more on Obama's race than his policy stances. SAD.

Edited by kblaze
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the choice between Obama and Romney was like the choice between McDonalds and BurgerKing. both serve yuckish products.

Much more like a choice between urban, diverse and tolerant Popeye's (Hot and Spicy flava) Fried Chicken (OBAMA) and bland white meat overly processed intolerant right wing Chick-Fil-a (ROMNEY)


The American voters have made our choice and it is delicious, but yes, too greasy. Can't have everything.

The USA: we eat much more SALSA than ketchup these days, but the republicans haven't smelled the salsa yet.

With your focus on "urban" "diverse" "flava" and surpisingly even "Fried chicken (OBAMA)", it seems you, like many others, are focusing more on Obama's race than his policy stances. SAD.

Chick-fil-a is also fried chicken.

Diverse as in Obama's massively diverse APPEAL vs. Romney's very narrow, yes overwhelmingly white (and male) appeal. The statistics don't lie.

If right wing republicans think they can win the white house ever again with their anti-women's rights, homophobic, anti-science, climate change denialist, immigrants of color phobic policies, bring it on.

Edited by Jingthing
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Don't believe all you read on here. SunSeek's comments do not represent the views of my hard working family and friends in the US who are all very happy that Romney's "can has been kicked down the road" Obama's presidency doesn't mean that America will be less important, it will be less IMPOSING and Obama's nose wont be up Israel's backside.

And there Army will stop attacking foreign nations. That is a big

plus for Iran. Romney would have had them in there with in a year. It is the Republican thing to do.

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Note to The Nation - There is no recovery. More people are out of work than ever before, prices, especially food and gas are at all time highs like we Americans have never seen before. Housing is rising very slightly, probably a cyclical bump. Most people with a an honest job resent most people who voted for Obama. The unions have been given GM (General Motors) illegally stealing money from the bond holders. The unions are exempt from Obama care, the entire Fed workforce is exempt from Obama care. You can liken our budget to a family that makes 60K a year and spends 100K a year for the last 4 years.

Don't believe the mainstream media hype. America is not in great shape financially due to wasted spending, non-competitive regulations, unions chasing jobs off shore, attention to issues which matter hardly at all.

A little bit too much Fox News?

Actually more people are back to work since the Bush recession / job market hit bottom. In other words, more jobs have been created than lost under Obama even though he was handed an economy that was hemorrhaging 100s of thousand of jobs a month.

Housing prices are also dramatically up since the housing bubble that burst under Bush finished bursting at the same time as the employment rate.

Food, gas and just about every other price goes up every year. It is called inflation. From 2004 to 2008 the value of the dollar decrease by 14% while from 2008 to 2012 it decreased 7.5%

You comment about employed people's feelings about Obama voters border on too ridiculous to respond.

It is absolutely false that Federal Employees (including congress) are exempt from ObamaCare. I have never heard the one about autoworkers union but consider all these union members are offered health insurance by their employers ... "if" they were exempt this would just mean they couldn't switch to the government option.

And yes, the government spends more than it takes in and has been doing so for a very long time (minus the last 4-years under Clinton) and currently it is paying off 2 - 10 years war not only not funded by Bush but the opposite was done and tax cuts were given resulting in huge revenue loses during his term while handing off the bill for the wars to Obama along with an economic conditions not matched since the great depression (which by the way took 10-years and a world war to see unemployment numbers get back inline)

US Federal Budget


Year-over-year changes in housing prices


US Unemployment Rate


Actual (not adj. for inflation) Gas Price Avg. - Bush vs Obama


There you go again making sense. Part of the deal to save the auto industries involved making the unions

agree to cut backs. Obama was handed a nightmare two un winnable wars and an economy sinking out of sight in a world wide economy

down turn. He managed to stop the plummet end one war and has definite plans to get out of the other one.

In all fairness it was Bush who started the pull out in Iraq. As he should have being he was the one who got them in there for no reason.

Any reason he had could be applied to a half dozen other countries that he ignored.

With Obama they have a proven leader who could share his tax returns with his fellow Americans as he had never used off shore accounts to avoid them.

A man with proven job creating abilities. That is unlike the opposition who had proven abilities to ship jobs out of the country.

They can continue with there proven recovery. Not a fast one but it is going the rite way.

No worry about spending more money than needed for a army ill equipped for war in this modern age.

No VP who had a former employer handed multi million contracts with out bidding on them.

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I received this quote from a friend this morning that goes along with your comment.

"Remember, I told you why all non-Americans like Obama - it's because they know the more we have Obama, the less important the USA will be!!!"

Says it all doesn't it?

I've never heard this before, and I think it says very little. I think non-American's like Obama because he is seen less as a greedy self-serving rich kid and more of a man with a greater interest in all Americans, and the globe.

Obama has fooled many.

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Note to The Nation - There is no recovery. More people are out of work than ever before, prices, especially food and gas are at all time highs like we Americans have never seen before. Housing is rising very slightly, probably a cyclical bump. Most people with a an honest job resent most people who voted for Obama. The unions have been given GM (General Motors) illegally stealing money from the bond holders. The unions are exempt from Obama care, the entire Fed workforce is exempt from Obama care. You can liken our budget to a family that makes 60K a year and spends 100K a year for the last 4 years.

Don't believe the mainstream media hype. America is not in great shape financially due to wasted spending, non-competitive regulations, unions chasing jobs off shore, attention to issues which matter hardly at all.

A little bit too much Fox News?

Actually more people are back to work since the Bush recession / job market hit bottom. In other words, more jobs have been created than lost under Obama even though he was handed an economy that was hemorrhaging 100s of thousand of jobs a month.

Housing prices are also dramatically up since the housing bubble that burst under Bush finished bursting at the same time as the employment rate.

Food, gas and just about every other price goes up every year. It is called inflation. From 2004 to 2008 the value of the dollar decrease by 14% while from 2008 to 2012 it decreased 7.5%

You comment about employed people's feelings about Obama voters border on too ridiculous to respond.

It is absolutely false that Federal Employees (including congress) are exempt from ObamaCare. I have never heard the one about autoworkers union but consider all these union members are offered health insurance by their employers ... "if" they were exempt this would just mean they couldn't switch to the government option.

And yes, the government spends more than it takes in and has been doing so for a very long time (minus the last 4-years under Clinton) and currently it is paying off 2 - 10 years war not only not funded by Bush but the opposite was done and tax cuts were given resulting in huge revenue loses during his term while handing off the bill for the wars to Obama along with an economic conditions not matched since the great depression (which by the way took 10-years and a world war to see unemployment numbers get back inline)

US Federal Budget


Year-over-year changes in housing prices


US Unemployment Rate


Actual (not adj. for inflation) Gas Price Avg. - Bush vs Obama


There you go again making sense. Part of the deal to save the auto industries involved making the unions

agree to cut backs. Obama was handed a nightmare two un winnable wars and an economy sinking out of sight in a world wide economy

down turn. He managed to stop the plummet end one war and has definite plans to get out of the other one.

In all fairness it was Bush who started the pull out in Iraq. As he should have being he was the one who got them in there for no reason.

Any reason he had could be applied to a half dozen other countries that he ignored.

With Obama they have a proven leader who could share his tax returns with his fellow Americans as he had never used off shore accounts to avoid them.

A man with proven job creating abilities. That is unlike the opposition who had proven abilities to ship jobs out of the country.

They can continue with there proven recovery. Not a fast one but it is going the rite way.

No worry about spending more money than needed for a army ill equipped for war in this modern age.

No VP who had a former employer handed multi million contracts with out bidding on them.

The real unemployment is very much higher than the charts point to because of data that gets pushed aside.

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