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Taste Of India Restaurant


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If it is the one that I am thinking of, it is closer to the Nignt Market area on Thapae Road. It is not close to Thapae Gate.

Isn't that one called Spice? Was going to go there the other day but frankly it looked rather dirty and I kept on walking.

Their veggie kofta is excellent.

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If it is the one that I am thinking of, it is closer to the Nignt Market area on Thapae Road. It is not close to Thapae Gate.

Isn't that one called Spice? Was going to go there the other day but frankly it looked rather dirty and I kept on walking.

I'm not sure, but I was told that it used to be across the street from the Imperial Mae Ping hotel. I ate there once and it seemed decent enough, but I pretty much expect Indian restaurants to be run down looking.

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As far as Indian food is concerned, I guess there is "Not enough passing trade" at any where in CM as Thai don't know a lot about Indian food.

I spoke with the owner just before he closed.He was looking for a new shop on Loi Khro or around Thaphae gate.

Not enough passing trade at old shop.

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If it is the one that I am thinking of, it is closer to the Nignt Market area on Thapae Road. It is not close to Thapae Gate.

Isn't that one called Spice? Was going to go there the other day but frankly it looked rather dirty and I kept on walking.

We have eaten at Le Spice for years and have only ever enjoyed the food. My favourite is their Goan Fish Curry but there are many interesting ones to choose from & they are certainly not of the greasy/oily type using packaged curry spices as they make their own. I am happy to take my overseas guests there as it is a tasty and enjoyable place in a part of town that I prefer to avoid but my visitors like because of the Night Market.

It is certainly not dirty and although the decor is a bit basic it is certainly well above the average. Being a Muslim restaurant close to the mosque it does not serve alcohol but the bars opposite are happy to bring a cold beer and a chilled glass to your table.

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If it is the one that I am thinking of, it is closer to the Nignt Market area on Thapae Road. It is not close to Thapae Gate.

Isn't that one called Spice? Was going to go there the other day but frankly it looked rather dirty and I kept on walking.

We have eaten at Le Spice for years and have only ever enjoyed the food. My favourite is their Goan Fish Curry but there are many interesting ones to choose from & they are certainly not of the greasy/oily type using packaged curry spices as they make their own. I am happy to take my overseas guests there as it is a tasty and enjoyable place in a part of town that I prefer to avoid but my visitors like because of the Night Market.

It is certainly not dirty and although the decor is a bit basic it is certainly well above the average. Being a Muslim restaurant close to the mosque it does not serve alcohol but the bars opposite are happy to bring a cold beer and a chilled glass to your table.

Not the place I am talking about.

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Yep Le Spice is tasty-----the one by end of night bazaar/tae pae road-"Spice" always empty when i drive by and as a chef people do NOT like to throw food out--always eat with high turnover/people

I like Kebab House--i 1st met the owner doing the chix pita at sunday walkingstreet--hes open late next to zoe/bkpkr bars...still tasty chix pits-50 baht----veggie samosa-20--and kick ass potato balls/30

get all that for 100 and im set---shammi is his name work there with bother-family--nice guy-looks tired

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As far as Indian food is concerned, I guess there is "Not enough passing trade" at any where in CM as Thai don't know a lot about Indian food.

Sad to say but they are not open minded enough to learn more about it. They will give Miguels a try (or Mexican places in BKK) and almost always end up enjoying it -- spicy, fresh vegetables and all, but when suggesting Indian food they will almost always make a derogatory remark and rule it out without giving it a chance.

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The place the OP is talking about is on the Kampangdin Rd, it's buried in the middle of some massage shops, very easy to miss. I had a faze of eating there, thought it was the bees knees at first then I found all the different curries were too alike and I kind of went off it.

Still, let us know where it they pop up again, I'll go check out their new place

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Hopefully went back to India. Don't understand why anybody would want to eat that sh*t, thought it was just for pissed English.

Well thank you for your time and effort in replying to this post, really helpful and informative.

Always glad to help.

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We at Sausage king do a range of quality Indian chicken curries to eat in or take away at our place 6 days a week 9am-4pm and large quality portion 350g+ for only 99 baht incl rice or half rice half fries/chips



Facebook: http://www.facebook....one?ref=tn_tnmn

SK Mobile: 085-7060105

Office: 053-127585

GPS: http://maps.google.c...1bf33a3508769c6



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Not relevant really, but i just have to say what an outstanding map that is in the post above! Impossible to get lost, not that i've tried it yet. I don't eat sausages, but i do eat indian food. Perhaps i should pop along just to reward the map graphics, and to see if the proof is in the pudding...!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know the place the OP is talking about. Great Indian restaurant, best in town I'd say, and cheap, but it was hidden away down kampaengdin rd. We asked the massage place next door who gave us a flyer for a different place called the Taj Mahal. Was excited as I thought it was this one that had moved, but it wasn't the same people running it or the same menu, and the food was okay but not as good!

(if you want to try it, it's better than le spice! go down Rachadamnoen rd until you get to wawee coffee. if you're coming from tha phae gate, make a left at wawee and about 50m down it's there on the right. avoid the tandoori chicken but the other stuff was good)

But it's no replacement to Taste of India - if anyone does find it please let us know! Thank you!

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Yep Le Spice is tasty-----the one by end of night bazaar/tae pae road-"Spice" always empty when i drive by and as a chef people do NOT like to throw food out--always eat with high turnover/people

I like Kebab House--i 1st met the owner doing the chix pita at sunday walkingstreet--hes open late next to zoe/bkpkr bars...still tasty chix pits-50 baht----veggie samosa-20--and kick ass potato balls/30

get all that for 100 and im set---shammi is his name work there with bother-family--nice guy-looks tired

yes can seconded that,been eating there for a good few years and no complaints,,service very good,
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Yep Le Spice is tasty-----the one by end of night bazaar/tae pae road-"Spice" always empty when i drive by and as a chef people do NOT like to throw food out--always eat with high turnover/people

I like Kebab House--i 1st met the owner doing the chix pita at sunday walkingstreet--hes open late next to zoe/bkpkr bars...still tasty chix pits-50 baht----veggie samosa-20--and kick ass potato balls/30

get all that for 100 and im set---shammi is his name work there with bother-family--nice guy-looks tired

yes can seconded that,been eating there for a good few years and no complaints,,service very good,

Kabab House

wife and I ate there tonight

we each had the chicken kabob with the fries and coke for 99 baht. It was plenty, real good.

we like to go there maybe once a week or two

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw the owner of Taste of India the other day at the Night Bazaar. He told me that he closed the restaurant because business was bad. A real shame! :-( best food but bad location I guess. He is now selling t-shirts at the NB. I told him to reconsider!! He said there's a possibility he'll try again in 6 months.

So it's confirmed - it didn't move, it closed down :-(

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If it is the one that I am thinking of, it is closer to the Nignt Market area on Thapae Road. It is not close to Thapae Gate.

Isn't that one called Spice? Was going to go there the other day but frankly it looked rather dirty and I kept on walking.

Their veggie kofta is excellent.

Spice (not to be confused with Le Spice) doesn't look much but the food is better than you'd think. The garlic nan was good, but the veg pakora i didn't think much of, and the veggie kofta I actually found to be reallyyyyyyy oily (but tasted good).

Anyone else got any replacements for Taste of India? I tried the big yellow one opposite shangrila, overpriced and bland IMO!

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I adore Indian food,mostly I make myself,buy nans at Rimping

the New Delhi,is the best Indian I have found in Chiang Mai so

far, many years ago there use to be a great Indian Restaurant,

well I think the owner was Pakistani, it was in the Night Market

I would like to try the Rajdarbar Restaurant but first would like

some recommendations for and against,before I try it.

regards Worgeordie

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I adore Indian food,mostly I make myself,buy nans at Rimping

the New Delhi,is the best Indian I have found in Chiang Mai so

far, many years ago there use to be a great Indian Restaurant,

well I think the owner was Pakistani, it was in the Night Market

I would like to try the Rajdarbar Restaurant but first would like

some recommendations for and against,before I try it.

regards Worgeordie

Rajdarbar is OK but the different dishes do seem to be the same!! It's a shame the Taste of India has closed as I thought it was the best curry outside of Yorkshire.

I do like to cook my own now and at least I know whats gone into it, not up to standard as yet but practice ,hopefully, makes perfect.

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I adore Indian food,mostly I make myself,buy nans at Rimping

the New Delhi,is the best Indian I have found in Chiang Mai so

far, many years ago there use to be a great Indian Restaurant,

well I think the owner was Pakistani, it was in the Night Market

I would like to try the Rajdarbar Restaurant but first would like

some recommendations for and against,before I try it.

regards Worgeordie

Rajdarbar is OK but the different dishes do seem to be the same!! It's a shame the Taste of India has closed as I thought it was the best curry outside of Yorkshire.

I do like to cook my own now and at least I know whats gone into it, not up to standard as yet but practice ,hopefully, makes perfect.

Yes lots of curry houses seem to have a big pot of mother curry which all their curries are made from, by adding different ingredients

more spices. If you find anything good please post. now what i would not give to have a King Prawn Baji, large prawn,little curry on top of a Puri

regards Worgeordie

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