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Making Friends In Bangkok


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I'm 26 and my girlfriend and i have been in Thailand for about 6 months. We are staying here for at least 2-3 years, and so far things have been great. We are teachers at a private tutoring company and have made friends with people we work with. So far in the time we have been here we have really only made friends with 4 people, who are all great people, but because of our different time schedules, we don't often get to hang out a lot. I have met a whole lot of western people from USA, Canada and the UK, but majority if not all of them seem to be older (like 55+) or just bloody crazy. I'm from Australia and like most Aussies i like a beer whilst watching the footy and love catching up with the boys after work for a few before heading home to the missus. But the Americans and Canadians i have met are all into the whole Hooker and show girls things, whilst the backpackers are all just a bunch of druggies, aren't there any normal laid back people here? I notice that it seems to be from one extreme to the other, either brain numbing boring folks who stay at home and watch TV, to sex crazed hooligans.

Is it just me or does Thailand just seem to attract the crazies and desperate people from around the world?

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you only think they are sex-crazed because you came with your woman.

if you were here alone you'd likely see it differently

Even if i came here alone i wouldn't bother having to pay for it, wheres the fun if there's no chase involved. There are plenty of foreigners as well as english speaking thai girls when you go out to the touristy spots suck as RCA and Khao sarn road. All you gotta do is try, your never going to find a good woman or anything meaningful if you got to pay for someone to be with you, how do you expect to find a proper woman when all you do is chase around the prostitutes. And plus i got nothing against the older folks with girls, i just find it disgusting when some one is with someone that could be their grand daughter or even worst great grand daughter.

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Thailand really doesnt have much to offer besides cheap bargirls....................so naturally those who like that kind of thing gravitate here.

MYSELF included.

I know im generalizing but please read the kind of people op seems to be meeting. Its not rockket science.

Thai i s party central. Youll find very few intellectual types intellectualizing here................lol. Unless theyre horny.

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you only think they are sex-crazed because you came with your woman.

if you were here alone you'd likely see it differently

Even if i came here alone i wouldn't bother having to pay for it, wheres the fun if there's no chase involved. There are plenty of foreigners as well as english speaking thai girls when you go out to the touristy spots suck as RCA and Khao sarn road. All you gotta do is try, your never going to find a good woman or anything meaningful if you got to pay for someone to be with you, how do you expect to find a proper woman when all you do is chase around the prostitutes. And plus i got nothing against the older folks with girls, i just find it disgusting when some one is with someone that could be their grand daughter or even worst great grand daughter.

OK you are a luk krung who has come to Thailand to show off his Western ness. It freaks you out to see so many Thai women obviously enjoying themselves with old men without a care for your Western PCness. Get over it or go home. Thailand has been this way since 1400 AD. wai2.gif

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> majority if not all of them seem to be older (like 55+) or just bloody crazy

> into the whole Hooker and show girls things, whilst the backpackers are all just a bunch of druggies

> aren't there any normal laid back people here

> Is it just me or does Thailand just seem to attract the crazies and desperate people from around the world?

It's not just you, but the old sex addicts and young drug addicts aren't crazy and desperate, we've just found a place to live where the kind hosts have created an environment designed to cater for our needs.

You prefer not to pay for it, some of us would never want the kind of woman who would sleep with us for free.

Plenty of sex workers are actually wonderful people.

No one cares what you personally find disgusting.

Maybe you shouldn't be so dam_n judgmental, live and let live. Then you might have more friends, among the "classes" that don't disgust you so much.

OK you are a luk krung who has come to Thailand to show off his Western ness. It freaks you out to see so many Thai women obviously enjoying themselves with old men without a care for your Western PCness. Get over it or go home. Thailand has been this way since 1400 AD. wai2.gif

So what happened back then?

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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> majority if not all of them seem to be older (like 55+) or just bloody crazy

> into the whole Hooker and show girls things, whilst the backpackers are all just a bunch of druggies

> aren't there any normal laid back people here

> Is it just me or does Thailand just seem to attract the crazies and desperate people from around the world?

It's not just you, but the old sex addicts and young drug addicts aren't crazy and desperate, we've just found a place to live where the kind hosts have created an environment designed to cater for our needs.

You prefer not to pay for it, some of us would never want the kind of woman who would sleep with us for free.

Plenty of sex workers are actually wonderful people.

No one cares what you personally find disgusting.

Maybe you shouldn't be so dam_n judgmental, live and let live. Then you might have more friends, among the "classes" that don't disgust you so much.

OK you are a luk krung who has come to Thailand to show off his Western ness. It freaks you out to see so many Thai women obviously enjoying themselves with old men without a care for your Western PCness. Get over it or go home. Thailand has been this way since 1400 AD. wai2.gif

So what happened back then?

As with so much Thai history it is really not a good idea to post it. But one may find it if you look. Thais have a tendency to think things were straight laced years ago but in reality the Thais have always been a fun loving people not bothered by many Western up tight ideals like ladies wearing shirts and things like that.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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As with so much Thai history it is really not a good idea to post it. But one may find it if you look. Thais have a tendency to think things were straight laced years ago but in reality the Thais have always been a fun loving people not bothered by many Western up tight ideals like ladies wearing shirts and things like that.

Cultural anthropology doesn't show a correlation between showing breasts and sexual mores outside of the sphere of judeo-christian and islamic influence.

And the latter is what brought a very anomalous degree of "straight lace", so the more relaxed attitudes you speak of are more likely 99% universal to human experience, the monotheistic mores are very much the exception to almost every other cultural pattern, nothing to do with any particular time or location.

Regarding 1400, I've looked and can't find anything relevant on or close to that date, and truly doubt anything well documented that long ago would still be actively suppressed here, how about a link if it works from here the Thai government has chosen to not block it and it should be OK.

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Although I do not share the OP's views, I can understand where he's coming from.

But I would cautiously advise him against falling into the trap of blaming others for not being interested in what he is into. After all, you might be perfectly on the money. Or you might not have a clue. And then...?

You'll never know, because you've have fallen into the trap of wanting one's environment to suit them. But environments don't like to do that; as the gentleman above pointing to 1400 AD already pointed out.

For whatever it's worth, it's entirely possible you're both on the money and clueless, simultaneously. Thailand does not present itself as it is, but as it wishes to be perceived. Perception is a complex game of illusions and trickery and levels on top of levels of implausible representation. Sometimes power shrinks very tiny to represent being small, which might puff out its chest and flex its non-existent muscles in an attempt to fool...themselves? Maybe. Maybe that's just power doing its thing again. You're never really sure what's going on until you're Sure. You will Know for Sure then, and only then.

But in Thailand, you might be quite certain at every point leading up to then.

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no one wants to admit woman cant stand them, or anything about them other then there wallet, hard to face such a dam_n simple truth.

In my case there's no scamming going on, in fact much lower levels of deception we see in every other aspect of modern life, not least of which mainstream "romantic" rituals.

I know many fine upstanding sex workers that won't go with guys they don't like even if offered ten times their normal price.

Of course I don't fool myself that such a gorgeous skilled athletic creature would spend time with me for any other reason.

So what was the problem again?

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There are just many guys here mainly for the girls. There are much more loosers here as back home. It's safe to say Thailand does not get the best of the best but more the guys that cant fit in back home or cant find a girl.

Not everyone of course but many, i find my friends not in bars but at fishing lakes or in gyms. There at least i find like minded people. If you go to the bar scene its only logical that you will find a diferent type of guys.

I have made a few friends and they are nice guys. I don't need loads of friends just a few is enough. I can also keep myself busy.

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no one wants to admit woman cant stand them, or anything about them other then there wallet, hard to face such a dam_n simple truth.

this site is hilarious, more bs then the young thai woman scamming them.

No.... your wrong.. all those old guys and ugly guys and shy guys and whoever else could not get a girl back home magically transforms in a handsome stud here that can get girls half his age.

Why don't you understand that.. that is why its called magical Thailand.

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As with so much Thai history it is really not a good idea to post it. But one may find it if you look. Thais have a tendency to think things were straight laced years ago but in reality the Thais have always been a fun loving people not bothered by many Western up tight ideals like ladies wearing shirts and things like that.

Cultural anthropology doesn't show a correlation between showing breasts and sexual mores outside of the sphere of judeo-christian and islamic influence.

And the latter is what brought a very anomalous degree of "straight lace", so the more relaxed attitudes you speak of are more likely 99% universal to human experience, the monotheistic mores are very much the exception to almost every other cultural pattern, nothing to do with any particular time or location.

Regarding 1400, I've looked and can't find anything relevant on or close to that date, and truly doubt anything well documented that long ago would still be actively suppressed here, how about a link if it works from here the Thai government has chosen to not block it and it should be OK.

OK forget about the breasts. I was using it as a metaphor for sexy. A long time ago more than a couple of hundred years Thailand had an active P4P and P4Free, have a lot of fun and drink a lot, smoke dope and start useless wars kind of culture.

Look you'll find it. I am not into teaching sex today. Oh and I have seen enough old paintings removed from posts to know that old paintings get removed from posts.

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common sense, girls just love guys 40 years old who can barely walk, who cant get it up without a blue pill.

who have nothing really in common, its all the rage here.

nothing they want more then a fat wrinkly old sweaty man panting all over them.

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