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Hillary Clinton Due To Step Down As Secretary Of State Within 'days'

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She admitted responsibility and you say it's manufactured by Fox News? That's an oxymoron Jingthing.

No, it's not an oxymoron. She accepted responsibility in a blanket sense, for things that happen relating to the State Dept. It's the mark of a responsible statesman. There's no doubt the event itself was despicable. All this hair-pulling by Republicans are attempts to politicize it. Who was top of the totem pole in regard to CIA special forces at the time? General Petreus. I'm not one to blame the general, if but right-wingers are so driven to lay blame, that's where they should look first.

I didn't see Republicans politicizing 9-11 and blaming it all on Bush and Rice. I didn't see Reps blaming the dozens of US deaths in Lebanon on Reagan and his Sec. of State (was it Baker?). Benghazi is pure politicizing and it's ugly. Find a real issue or get a life. It's ugly to go around with a shitstick for weeks, trying to get it to stick to someone.

I'm a Brit, I couldn't care less if Clinton became President in 4 years, although I seriously doubt she will run for it, however I do know what taking responsibility is all about.

When the report comes out as to who did where, when, what in connection with Benghazi, and you know it will come out, if it turns out that the "Fox story" is anywhere near the truth, Clinton is finished.

Her televised admission of responsibility will be put on a constant loop and she won't recover from it.

Don't bother trying to split hairs about executive responsibility blah, blah........it's not an exclusively American concept. Don't bother trying to implicate Patreaus, he's gone already. Clinton has put herself way out on a limb to protect Obama, and to be honest with you maybe that's the greatest thing she ever did for him.

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The chances of any "Fox Story" being anywhere near the truth are quite remote. Comparing Hillary Clinton's situation to Patreaus is like comparing any two totally unrelated things in the universe.

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The chances of any "Fox Story" being anywhere near the truth are quite remote. Comparing Hillary Clinton's situation to Patreaus is like comparing any two totally unrelated things in the universe.

I didn't compare.

By the way Michelle Obama got an excellent write up in the Times ( of London ) today.........


The chances of any "Fox Story" being anywhere near the truth are quite remote.

Sometimes an on-air personality forgets to read that day's "talking points" memo and messes up by telling thew truth, but that only happens by accident. ;)


The chances of any "Fox Story" being anywhere near the truth are quite remote.

Sometimes an on-air personality forgets to read that day's "talking points" memo and messes up by telling thew truth, but that only happens by accident. wink.png

It's what I call the hymnal. Hillarious how they'll all use the same phrases etc. Even funnier is when they chide the clerics for deviating from the script. (I've seen it done to Rove and Gingrich)

It's especially amusing when you see some of the even lesser-talented goons that are supposed to be conducting hard-hitting interviews, and they are obviously stumbling through some scripted text and don't really know what they are asking.

FN should change formats. With so many animated and CGI-heavy feature films coming out, I think FN should rise to the opportunity and become a 24/7 news station specializing in them. Keep the current crew but fire Ailes.

O'Really can froth at the mouth over the satanistic message of reincarnation in Lion King and other heavy doodoo like that. Hannity can condemn Star Wars as an overly-critical interpretation of The Inquisition.


As Speaker of the House of Representatives she was next in line for the presidency after the Vice President. So if anything had happened to Bush & Cheney, we would have had President Pelosi. Scary.

I like Pelosi, but that's ok, we don't have to agree on her. What's scary was Cheney running the White House for 8 years. Bush stood in front of the mic, and said what he was told to say, but Cheney was the man behind the curtain calling the shots. Perhaps as scary was the prospect of Ryan being a heartbeat away from being Prez. Romney would probably have been ok, in a slick used car salesman sort of way. He's already very rich, so doesn't really need to sell the buffed limousine (with rusty motor, bent frame, and blown shocks - symbollizing his creaky plans to bolster the US economy). But Ryan fits the definition of 'wolf in sheep's clothing.'


Some people here may not know the story of how Dick Cheney became VP under Bush Jr. It's worth noting if, for no other reason, it's gives an insight to how Republicans think:

>>> Preceding the Republican convention of 2000, Bush Jr. needed to have a VP candidate to run with. He picked an old friend of his father's; Dick Cheney to form a committee to 'pick the best candidate possible.' Cheney formed a committee, put himself in charge, and then reported back. The ensuing conversation went something like this:

Bush: "Hello Dick, did you find the best possible candidate to run with me on the presidential ticket?"

Cheney: "Yes we did, sir."

Bush: "Well, come on man, tell me who you decided upon."

Cheney: "Me."


Some people here may not know the story of how Dick Cheney became VP under Bush Jr. It's worth noting if, for no other reason, it's gives an insight to how Republicans think:

>>> Preceding the Republican convention of 2000, Bush Jr. needed to have a VP candidate to run with. He picked an old friend of his father's; Dick Cheney to form a committee to 'pick the best candidate possible.' Cheney formed a committee, put himself in charge, and then reported back. The ensuing conversation went something like this:

Bush: "Hello Dick, did you find the best possible candidate to run with me on the presidential ticket?"

Cheney: "Yes we did, sir."

Bush: "Well, come on man, tell me who you decided upon."

Cheney: "Me."

Are you getting this imaginary conversation from those voices in your head?blink.png


Some people here may not know the story of how Dick Cheney became VP under Bush Jr. It's worth noting if, for no other reason, it's gives an insight to how Republicans think:

>>> Preceding the Republican convention of 2000, Bush Jr. needed to have a VP candidate to run with. He picked an old friend of his father's; Dick Cheney to form a committee to 'pick the best candidate possible.' Cheney formed a committee, put himself in charge, and then reported back. The ensuing conversation went something like this:

Bush: "Hello Dick, did you find the best possible candidate to run with me on the presidential ticket?"

Cheney: "Yes we did, sir."

Bush: "Well, come on man, tell me who you decided upon."

Cheney: "Me."

Are you getting this imaginary conversation from those voices in your head?blink.png

I was kind of wondering the same thing.


Are you getting this imaginary conversation from those voices in your head?blink.png

You may not have heard but he registered as a Republican & worked on getting Intel from the inside smile.png

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When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif



When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif

It's only relevant in that Romney would also have been a talking head if elected.

How did Ryan actually rate to the American public? I found him quite a smug and superficial little git. Not at all likeable. At least Romney had that quality, even if most of what he said was garbage.

Do you think Ryan will be a 2016 nominee?


It's a well known, true story. Cheney was the head of the VP search committee for Bush and he decided the best choice was himself. Fact.

It is a true and well known fact that Cheney headed the selection committee I'm not aware that it's been confirmed that he decided he was the best choice. Can you confirm it?

I'm even less sure that the conversation occurred as quoted .

EDIT to Add:

I'm sitting here chuckling at an idea: if someone winds up thinking that I am some sort of fan or erstwhile defender of Cheney I may literally bust my guts laughing.



When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif

It's only relevant in that Romney would also have been a talking head if elected.

How did Ryan actually rate to the American public? I found him quite a smug and superficial little git. Not at all likeable. At least Romney had that quality, even if most of what he said was garbage.

Do you think Ryan will be a 2016 nominee?

You tell me. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about US politics.

After all, I'm just an angry old white guy.

  • Like 1

It's a well known, true story. Cheney was the head of the VP search committee for Bush and he decided the best choice was himself. Fact.

It is a true and well known fact that Cheney headed the selection committee I'm not aware that it's been confirmed that he decided he was the best choice. Can you confirm it?

I'm even less sure that the conversation occurred as quoted .

EDIT to Add:

I'm sitting here chuckling at an idea: if someone winds up thinking that I am some sort of fan or erstwhile defender of Cheney I may literally bust my guts laughing.

I never said the specific CONVERSATION happened.
In an interview on NPR's Fresh Air, Washington Post reporter Barton Gellman explains how Vice President Dick Cheney effectively chose himself for the job as the head of Bush's vetting team in 2000.

No other vice president ever in essence picked himself for the position, as Mr. Cheney did as the head of Mr. Bush’s vice-presidential search in the 2000 campaign.


It's a well known, true story. Cheney was the head of the VP search committee for Bush and he decided the best choice was himself. Fact.

It is a true and well known fact that Cheney headed the selection committee I'm not aware that it's been confirmed that he decided he was the best choice. Can you confirm it?

I'm even less sure that the conversation occurred as quoted .

EDIT to Add:

I'm sitting here chuckling at an idea: if someone winds up thinking that I am some sort of fan or erstwhile defender of Cheney I may literally bust my guts laughing.

I never said the specific CONVERSATION happened. What the conversation is about DID happen. That is not in the slightest bit under controversy.

No other vice president ever in essence picked himself for the position, as Mr. Cheney did as the head of Mr. Bush’s vice-presidential search in the 2000 campaign.


No, you didn't say that. And I didn't say you said that. I was saying what my post was about -- that I wondered about the conversation.

Your link says, "in essence". I've seen the NYT say Cheney selected himself. I've also seen it say otherwise. I've seen some other people claim it and still others deny it. I read Bart Gellman's (Pulitaer Prize. NYT, Time magazine) excellent book on Cheney and he said that the "Cheney picked himself" idea isn't quite accurate. He also says that Cheney manipulated the process in some respects especially after his name was under consideration.

So, again, I don't know that it's been confirmed as the fact that you claim it is.


I'm sure there has never been a VP selection process in history where the HEAD of the selection process ends up being VP other than Cheney. People can split legalistic hairs and play semantic games all you like. It's obvious Cheney FIXED this pick in his favor and I am sure history will record the truth of that. It is true Bush didn't have to play along, but that's another matter.



When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif

It's only relevant in that Romney would also have been a talking head if elected.

How did Ryan actually rate to the American public? I found him quite a smug and superficial little git. Not at all likeable. At least Romney had that quality, even if most of what he said was garbage.

Do you think Ryan will be a 2016 nominee?

You tell me. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about US politics.

After all, I'm just an angry old white guy.

What are you angry about?



When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif

It's only relevant in that Romney would also have been a talking head if elected.

How did Ryan actually rate to the American public? I found him quite a smug and superficial little git. Not at all likeable. At least Romney had that quality, even if most of what he said was garbage.

Do you think Ryan will be a 2016 nominee?

You tell me. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about US politics.

After all, I'm just an angry old white guy.

What are you angry about?

Feeling obligated to answer dumb questions.cheesy.gif

  • Like 2

I'm sure there has never been a VP selection process in history where the HEAD of the selection process ends up being VP other than Cheney. People can split legalistic hairs and play semantic games all you like. It's obvious Cheney FIXED this pick in his favor and I am sure history will record the truth of that. It is true Bush didn't have to play along, but that's another matter.

I'm sure there has never been a VP selection process in history where the HEAD of the selection process ends up being VP other than Cheney.

You can be safely sure since it's a matter of historical record. That's the only thing i your post that is.

I'm not playing semantic games or splitting legalistic hairs and I don't think Bart Gellman was either. Interesting that what's OBVIOUS to you wasn't to him, but no doubt you are in a better position to make such an absolute declaration. As for your knowledge of what will happen in the future telling of history, I admit I myself don't have ability to see such things.


Feeling obligated to answer dumb questions.cheesy.gif

Shame you call it dumb. You put of lot of effort into telling us how Romney was sneaking ahead in the polls. Here's some names to choose from for next time.

Do GOP caucuses force turn to right?

On the Republican side, Paul Ryan tops the GOP 2016 wish list in Iowa. But virtually no one in Iowa leaves Rubio out of his or her top three.

The eventual field could offer a mix of new and familiar faces. Rick Santorum, a Christian conservative who won the 2012 Iowa caucuses in a photo finish, has been maneuvering to keep his Iowa network alive. He called U.S. Rep. Steve King’s personal cellphone to congratulate him on election night, and did an interview with WHO Radio’s Simon Conway on Thursday.

Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has made repeated trips to Iowa this year, including for a National Rifle Association rally and for a bus tour urging a “no” vote on judicial retention.

Rubio should be favourite, Angry old white men and angry old latinos could get you the popular vote.



JIngthing: Somehow I missed that you linked Youtube recording of an NPR show (maybe becasue my PC is dying and very slow). Did you listen to that interview? What Gellman said does NOT match what the caption says.


BTW, Gellman is very critical of Cheney. I'd be surprised and amused if anyone wanted to suggest he was biased in favor of Cheney or unwilling to say something negative about him.


I thought you said the office of VP was a meaningless joke, anyway...why care what Cheney did? :)



When did that allegedly happen? Oh, now I remember...12 years ago. Do you folks have any news from this decade?

You guys are Johnny on the spot with all this late breaking stuff.clap2.gif

Ok, it's not breaking news, sorry. But I though the item about Cheney picking himself was kinda funny. Sorry if you didn't. I mean, Cheney's committee could have picked any one of millions of interesting choices (how many Republicans are smart and able enough to be a VP to Bush Jr?) , yet the committee he headed looked to him for a decision, and he picked himself. A little while later we were in a war in Iraq under false pretenses that Cheney himself (as much as any one person) insisted were true. Cheney also had deep investments/involvements in several companies which made a lot of money from servicing US troops overseas. Coincidence? You decide.

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OK, I guess John Kerry won't replace Hillary at state. That would open up a probability of republican Scott Brown taking his senate seat away. Not acceptable and not worth it. I think Kerry is underrated though but I'm biased because I experienced his leadership personally in his Vietnam war protest days. Oh well.

Scott Brown couldn't get elected Dog Catcher now. Rice to State, Kerry to Defense, Duval Patrick would likely win any special election.


OK, I guess John Kerry won't replace Hillary at state. That would open up a probability of republican Scott Brown taking his senate seat away. Not acceptable and not worth it. I think Kerry is underrated though but I'm biased because I experienced his leadership personally in his Vietnam war protest days. Oh well.

Scott Brown couldn't get elected Dog Catcher now. Rice to State, Kerry to Defense, Duval Patrick would likely win any special election.

Not so sure Brown wouldn't be a threat but assuming the risk is worth it, when is a MAN going to get a chance at State? I like Kerry!

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