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New Project For Airport On Koh Phangan

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The planned airport is under construction on the east coast,, precisely Than Sadet NAtional Park.

Is this out of your photoshop artwork ? No oficial links and references too back up the position you mention...

This is in addition to that airport, this was taken at the District office at a meeting yesterday using a camera phone where the Bangkok govt were presenting the project, survey starting now, planned for completion within next ten years.

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I mentioned these plans in the other airport topic several months ago.

What do you think is more realistic?

-build an airport on the mainland (don sak) where most of the tourist still have to take a boat to their holiday destination

-build a 2nd airport on Samui only because they were too stupid to choose a destination where the airport could be expanded

-build an airport in the sea near to phangan, the 2nd important tourist destination in this area.

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will never happen, if it does it will sink within the year. They cannot even get swampy right let alone one in the ocean. The gun ho Thai pilots will have a few planes in the ocean trying to land in conditions not suitable.

Edited by marstons
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god forbid, but it makes sense. i highly doubt it would sink , as it straddles the reef that runs right up that coast.

As it is now you can basically walk that reef from Thongsala to haadrin at low tide, and when the tide is low the water inside the reef can be only centimetres deep.

It would be a crushing shame to allow that to happen, though the airport going in on the other coast is tragedy as well.

given the finite amount of coastline on a beach holiday island, it would be sheer idiocy, I thank god that when we were scouting property we decided to stay far and away from that coast despite the fact that i visited there regularly for years for months at a time and it was where (a little further up) i first fell in love with the island (and any number of nubile young backpackers)

that said, it would be great for business on the horny mile.

i really dont want phangan to go the way of pattaya, phuket, or samui. It would break my heart.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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i really dont want phangan to go the way of pattaya, phuket, or samui. It would break my heart.

It is happening right now. And it is breaking my heart, too.

My favorite beach and 2nd favorite will be ruined by the Than Sadet airport.

Depending how the runway will be oriented, the noise will destroy any peace and quiet.

It will be interesting to see how the Than Sadet airport will impact the flight path to Samui. All incoming flights go just off the east coast of KPN.

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The planned airport is under construction on the east coast,, precisely Than Sadet NAtional Park.

Is this out of your photoshop artwork ? No oficial links and references too back up the position you mention...

It was taken at the District Office at a meeting. This is a different project planned to be built off Ban Tai on Koh Phangan. Not Than Sadet, Not Don Sak. Ban Tai pier on Koh Phangan. Considering it will completely destroy the western half of the island's beaches and businesses I don't see locals allowing this cockamamie idea from the Yingluck government to go through.

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i really dont want phangan to go the way of pattaya, phuket, or samui. It would break my heart.

It is happening right now. And it is breaking my heart, too.

My favorite beach and 2nd favorite will be ruined by the Than Sadet airport.

Depending how the runway will be oriented, the noise will destroy any peace and quiet.

It will be interesting to see how the Than Sadet airport will impact the flight path to Samui. All incoming flights go just off the east coast of KPN.

Theres a separate thread for the Than Sadet airport, please post in there. thanks

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the whole suggestion is ridiculous, that coast comprises somewhere in the area of 7km of the islands most easily accessible beach and uninterrupted coral reef.

this old 2002 picture shows the 7km of coast in question.

As i said, thank god we did not chose to settle there.

Chaloklum was one of the better decisions i made on a project undertaken more out of love than common sense.

though a deserted and now defunct little bungalow operation on this coast was the catalyst in 1996 before the road to haadrin.

it would be a travesty


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the whole suggestion is ridiculous, that coast comprises somewhere in the area of 7km of the islands most easily accessible beach and uninterrupted coral reef.

this old 2002 picture shows the 7km of coast in question.

As i said, thank god we did not chose to settle there.

Chaloklum was one of the better decisions i made on a project undertaken more out of love than common sense.

though a deserted and now defunct little bungalow operation on this coast was the catalyst in 1996 before the road to haadrin.

it would be a travesty


Yes this erosion is thanks to that awful pier at Ban Tai, if this ridiculous project from the Govt ever comes to fruition then we might as well just give it all away. We have already lost easily a meter and a half of beach our neighbors chanote line is now actually in the water (she lost probably around 3m or more of beach).

Still, I can't imagine locals allowing this to go through.

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the whole suggestion is ridiculous, that coast comprises somewhere in the area of 7km of the islands most easily accessible beach and uninterrupted coral reef.

this old 2002 picture shows the 7km of coast in question.

As i said, thank god we did not chose to settle there.

Chaloklum was one of the better decisions i made on a project undertaken more out of love than common sense.

though a deserted and now defunct little bungalow operation on this coast was the catalyst in 1996 before the road to haadrin.

it would be a travesty


Yes this erosion is thanks to that awful pier at Ban Tai, if this ridiculous project from the Govt ever comes to fruition then we might as well just give it all away. We have already lost easily a meter and a half of beach our neighbors chanote line is now actually in the water (she lost probably around 3m or more of beach).

Still, I can't imagine locals allowing this to go through.

we used to fish off the reef daily, it is far worse now, this would kill everything

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looks sound to me. we are a business Island now. back packer imiage has gone. time to move on.

genorate more capital and leave the surrounding islands alone as sami can be a bridge to other islands in the gulf.

i welcome that project. i looks clean not taking up land space onlky thing would be the price. to attract more visitors and more money money money!@!@

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the whole suggestion is ridiculous, that coast comprises somewhere in the area of 7km of the islands most easily accessible beach and uninterrupted coral reef.

this old 2002 picture shows the 7km of coast in question.

As i said, thank god we did not chose to settle there.

Chaloklum was one of the better decisions i made on a project undertaken more out of love than common sense.

though a deserted and now defunct little bungalow operation on this coast was the catalyst in 1996 before the road to haadrin.

it would be a travesty


Yes this erosion is thanks to that awful pier at Ban Tai, if this ridiculous project from the Govt ever comes to fruition then we might as well just give it all away. We have already lost easily a meter and a half of beach our neighbors chanote line is now actually in the water (she lost probably around 3m or more of beach).

Still, I can't imagine locals allowing this to go through.

we used to fish off the reef daily, it is far worse now, this would kill everything

you have to take the ruff with the smooth. people like tropical islands but compain when they have lack of resources or local luxuries such as electric power cuts and lack of transportation to other destinations.

Need to keep a balance on things though there again look at singapore that is an island and that ecmony is booming so well up to u as they say

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The funny thing is everyone up in arms about the Oil rigs.An airport ? Are they going to wait till it;s built then protest , or is it because it will benefit local businesses it's OK ?

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You constantly contradict yourself. One moment you want backpacker prices and in the next breath you want all the sterility of Singapore.

Trolling perchance?

You constantly contradict yourself. One moment you want backpacker prices and in the next breath you want all the sterility of Singapore.

Trolling perchance?

Edited by Rooo
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This is what the area in question looks like now (at least roughly the area)...

I still don't see it happening.... it's a bit like the bridge to Samui story.... it ain't going to happen!!!! (IMHO)

One looks at the original "artists conception" and see's what appears to be hotels lining the beach....(not much of a beach along that stretch anyway, as SBK points out, much has changed since the Marina went in).

Who in there right mind would want a view from a hotel looking over an airport? blink.png .... hmmmm!!! ..... I guess FMP people would not notice! .... whistling.gif

Then too, look at the road.... and what about all those coconuts....., where would the fishing boats move too? OMG!!! w00t.gif

Not to forget to mention the cement boat...(picture 3) according to locals, someone had a dream that it would sink... wink.png .... so it was not completed.... rolleyes.gif I think not the only thing that will sink biggrin.png








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