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Four Killed In Shooting Over Stolen Motorbike: Bangkok


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There's anger and there's psychotic violence: whoever did this has been watching too many death wish movies. I can understand the rage felt at the theft of something special to you, but to kill four people, that's just wrong.

rage at having a bike stolen?

Rage/anger/mild irritation or whatever, still no reason to embark upon a killing spree.

Not to you and me, BUT THIS IS THAILAND.
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I have worked both sides of the Criminal Justice System. As an Investigator, for the prosecution and the defense.

It is difficult for me to view those who have been shot as victims, but again as I have heard here often,

We seldom if ever get the entire story, as those investigating it (the police) would be compromising thier work if any.

We must levy a certain amount of responsibilty on the purported victims as well as the alledged shooter or shooters.

(mitigating circumstances).

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As harsh as this may sound, that will teach the little toe-rags to steal other people's bikes, if that is indeed the case.

whoever owned the bike is a definite candidate for anger management classes...............wink.png

Culling the species, bit dramatic, but I am sure we are all better off without any of them...

Darwin in action!

All you hang em brigade can go <<Snip!!>> yourselves. One of the deceased family are long time customers and the BOY, who was also a client, 17, is now dead. The only child and a good child. He might have hung around with a questionable crowd, but he was NOT involved with the theft of any motorbike.

His father is a very kind and gentle man and now has lost his only son forever. How would you feel if you lost your only child to a atrocious act of violence?

4 dead and we still do not know for what. The police "claim" it was for a stolen motorbike, but they have no suspects. The victims are all dead now and cannot defend themselves to those accusations

Anyone who thinks this level of violence is ok, you deserve ever bad thing that happens to you.

Edited by metisdead
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As harsh as this may sound, that will teach the little toe-rags to steal other people's bikes, if that is indeed the case.

whoever owned the bike is a definite candidate for anger management classes...............wink.png

Culling the species, bit dramatic, but I am sure we are all better off without any of them...

Darwin in action!

All you hang em brigade can go <<Snip!!>> yourselves. One of the deceased family are long time customers and the BOY, who was also a client, 17, is now dead. The only child and a good child. He might have hung around with a questionable crowd, but he was NOT involved with the theft of any motorbike.

His father is a very kind and gentle man and now has lost his only son forever. How would you feel if you lost your only child to a atrocious act of violence?

4 dead and we still do not know for what. The police "claim" it was for a stolen motorbike, but they have no suspects. The victims are all dead now and cannot defend themselves to those accusations

Anyone who thinks this level of violence is ok, you deserve ever bad thing that happens to you.

Sorry to hear about your loss Mike. Please note the comment "if that is indeed the case" in my post.

Nobody should be presumed guilty before it is proven.

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There's anger and there's psychotic violence: whoever did this has been watching too many death wish movies. I can understand the rage felt at the theft of something special to you, but to kill four people, that's just wrong.

rage at having a bike stolen?

Rage/anger/mild irritation or whatever, still no reason to embark upon a killing spree.

If I was walking down the street and was attacked by a stranger without any provocation, I would be happy to kill them, and believe me I would, because scum like that do not deserve to live amongst decent people, and in the two countries I have lived in, the UK and Thailand, the vast majority of people are decent.

Ok defending yourself, I can see that, but that is not the same as gunning down five or six people over a bike.

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Vigilantie Justice

I think too any kids these days watch too many of those awful,'knock em down shoot em up' movies where the hero/s can do anything and shoot anyone they like and get away with it.

And most of those 'games' played on TV screen are shoot em up games...............

what are we teaching our children ???

God not another "Video games are poisoning our society" whiner. Do you self a favor and watch a show called Bullshit! Didn't they say that about movies? What was it before that? and that? and that?

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I had a bike stolen three times in 2 years in Australia. I must say I felt like doing something to the little b.....s but though the police knew exactly who took it did not do anything because they were only 16 year old kids and the court would not even have looked at them.

That's one unlucky bike! wink.png


well actually 2 the insurance replaced them 2 twice...The third was the one I lost my leg on.

Bad! I hope you had a good insurance for the lost leg. (For disability purposes, as a motorbike driver, an investment which could be worth it!)

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So, what happened to the bike in question??? Did someone find 4 dead guys and an old Honda Wave, and thought:"hey, that is a nice bike! The dead guys don't need it anymore, so I will take it!" ??? cheesy.gif

No bike in the world is worth killing/dying for tongue.png

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I bet this wasn't the first bike that had stolen?

Is it me, am I right in thinking that since the present Gov. came into power these types of crime have been increasing? If so could it be because people are not as well off as such are becoming more desperate and committing more crimes in order to live?

I too think that crime is on the increase. I'd guess that an increase in unemployment is probably the cause. The wage hike to baht 300/day making companies think twice before over staffing and many not being rehired after last years floods might be the root cause of the unemployment.

Also don't forget the 30,000 odd given pardons last year,All fine upstanding THIEVES,MURDERERS & RAPISTS released into the community.In our area the Police Inspector came around warning everyone to be aware that criminals released would mean more crime & to be watching out for each other,or call him & take photo's of suspicious persons.

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So, what happened to the bike in question??? Did someone find 4 dead guys and an old Honda Wave, and thought:"hey, that is a nice bike! The dead guys don't need it anymore, so I will take it!" ??? cheesy.gif

No bike in the world is worth killing/dying for tongue.png

Well that is an easy judgement to make when referring to the value of a slightly used Honda Wave. Should however someone decide to steal a truly valuable motorcycle that I have liquified most of my assets to buy, or spent the last ten years restoring, THEY should decide whether it is worth dying for, while I will decide whether it is worth killing for.

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