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Thais don't seem to have a lot of empathy for animal suffering. I see soi dogs that have been run over and dragging themselves pitifully along the ground or hobbling with a broken leg. Also dogs with such bad mange that they a hairless. It breaks my heart as a dog lover to see animals so badly neglected.

Its something i worry about, if one of my 2 dogs gets hurt badly beyond recovery its almost impossible to let them put down. Sad case actually but against their Buddhist beliefs. Might have to find a way to do it myself then. Just hope i never have too.

I tthink Thai vets will sell you Nembutal to allow you to put down your own dog.

Sell you Nembutal? It's a Schedule II controlled drug and I highly doubt that any vet will dare sell it.

Schedule II,

a category of drugs considered to have a strong potential for abuse or addiction but that also have legitimate medical use. Included are opium, morphine, and cocaine.

You obviously know nothing about the sale of Nembutal in Thailand. Do a Google search on the subject.

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You obviously know nothing about the sale of Nembutal in Thailand. Do a Google search on the subject.

I know enough to know that it's a banned substance without a special prescription.

Like all other drugs, I'm sure it can be obtained in Thailand, but a vet selling it to you......no way.


Yes, in western countries we are much more civilized, we gather up all the stray dogs and kill them.

There was a thread a while back full of guys whining about vets not wanting to kill animals. If you love them so much, why don't you kill your own dogs? Why pay someone else to do it for you?

More often them not, people have their animals put down when caring for them get to be too much trouble, too messy or too expensive, the animals never volunteer.

If the animal is suffering that bad, why wouldn't it just run out in the road and end it all? If you really love them that much, and think killing them is the humane thing to do, then man up and kill your own dog.

The reason people in western countries take their animal to the vet to be put down is because a vet can do it painlessly. How do you suggest somebody kill their own animal? Hit it on the head with a hammer, cut it's throat? BTW, the animal is usually suffering after it's run out in the road and been hit by a vehicle. Animals don't commit suicide. Also, in most western countries there are very few stray dogs compared to Thailand, dogs have to be registered and most people have their dogs and cats desexed.

There are few stray dogs in western countries because they are gathered up and killed. I don't have anything against this, it just how it is.

Assuming they don't move from the road, it doesn't take long for the suffering to stop.


Yes, in western countries we are much more civilized, we gather up all the stray dogs and kill them.

There was a thread a while back full of guys whining about vets not wanting to kill animals. If you love them so much, why don't you kill your own dogs? Why pay someone else to do it for you?

More often them not, people have their animals put down when caring for them get to be too much trouble, too messy or too expensive, the animals never volunteer.

If the animal is suffering that bad, why wouldn't it just run out in the road and end it all? If you really love them that much, and think killing them is the humane thing to do, then man up and kill your own dog.

Additional: Calling the police because the neighbors dog is whining all the night because it is lonely...how cruel....

But no problem to eat a lot pork and beef, even now no one can claim anymore that they don't know how the mass production of meat is done. But we don't see it so no problem.


Vegetarian, that's rich.

What experience is required?

Most urban westerners would not feel comfortable killing anything bigger than a cockroach.

I don't know a single farmer that would pay a vet to put down his favorite dog. He may well shed a tear when no one's looking but he'd be ashamed to let anyone else do it.

That kind of experience.


Yes, in western countries we are much more civilized, we gather up all the stray dogs and kill them.

There was a thread a while back full of guys whining about vets not wanting to kill animals. If you love them so much, why don't you kill your own dogs? Why pay someone else to do it for you?

More often them not, people have their animals put down when caring for them get to be too much trouble, too messy or too expensive, the animals never volunteer.

If the animal is suffering that bad, why wouldn't it just run out in the road and end it all? If you really love them that much, and think killing them is the humane thing to do, then man up and kill your own dog.

Additional: Calling the police because the neighbors dog is whining all the night because it is lonely...how cruel....

But no problem to eat a lot pork and beef, even now no one can claim anymore that they don't know how the mass production of meat is done. But we don't see it so no problem.

Get a grip dude, I said nothing about cruelty, I said it is what it is, makes me no nevermind.

I wouldn't call the f'n cops if my neighbors WIFE was whining all night.

If your neighbors dog id whining all night, what are the cops going to do anyway? I'd just go turn it loose.


Yes, in western countries we are much more civilized, we gather up all the stray dogs and kill them.

There was a thread a while back full of guys whining about vets not wanting to kill animals. If you love them so much, why don't you kill your own dogs? Why pay someone else to do it for you?

More often them not, people have their animals put down when caring for them get to be too much trouble, too messy or too expensive, the animals never volunteer.

If the animal is suffering that bad, why wouldn't it just run out in the road and end it all? If you really love them that much, and think killing them is the humane thing to do, then man up and kill your own dog.

Additional: Calling the police because the neighbors dog is whining all the night because it is lonely...how cruel....

But no problem to eat a lot pork and beef, even now no one can claim anymore that they don't know how the mass production of meat is done. But we don't see it so no problem.

Get a grip dude, I said nothing about cruelty, I said it is what it is, makes me no nevermind.

I wouldn't call the f'n cops if my neighbors WIFE was whining all night.

If your neighbors dog id whining all night, what are the cops going to do anyway? I'd just go turn it loose.

Well in the two of the towns I lived before the neighbors complained about a whining dog in the night (one case was actually more as he also beat the dog, the other case was that the guy had to work in the night and the dog was lonely). In both cases after several complains of several neighbors the police took the dog away and gave it somewhere in care.

While I of course agree that it is the way it should be, as if someone can't take care of an animal he shouldn't have one. It is complete unbalanced with the things that happen out of our sight.

(it is not meant as against your posting, it is more an add....on how hypocrite we are, and I include myself)


Vegetarian, that's rich.

What experience is required?

Most urban westerners would not feel comfortable killing anything bigger than a cockroach.

I don't know a single farmer that would pay a vet to put down his favorite dog. He may well shed a tear when no one's looking but he'd be ashamed to let anyone else do it.

That kind of experience.

Farmers usually have a gun to kill an animal, whether it be a cow or a dog. Most people who live in the city don't, and you still have the problem of disposing of the animal.


Vegetarian, that's rich.

What experience is required?

Most urban westerners would not feel comfortable killing anything bigger than a cockroach.

I don't know a single farmer that would pay a vet to put down his favorite dog. He may well shed a tear when no one's looking but he'd be ashamed to let anyone else do it.

That kind of experience.

Farmers usually have a gun to kill an animal, whether it be a cow or a dog. Most people who live in the city don't, and you still have the problem of disposing of the animal.

I did not say it was convenient.


Thais don't seem to have a lot of empathy for animal suffering. I see soi dogs that have been run over and dragging themselves pitifully along the ground or hobbling with a broken leg. Also dogs with such bad mange that they a hairless. It breaks my heart as a dog lover to see animals so badly neglected.

Its something i worry about, if one of my 2 dogs gets hurt badly beyond recovery its almost impossible to let them put down. Sad case actually but against their Buddhist beliefs. Might have to find a way to do it myself then. Just hope i never have too.

There are a number of Vets who would do it.

Personally i would never do it again and would let them go when they ready, of course will help with pain medication and everything else possible.

Just the other day found a sick cat, could not help myself, but to take him to a vet. Do not recall the proper name for cats disease, but its like pavo in dogs.

First Vet suggested to put it down, but i refused and asked to do what he can to make suffering less, so the baby cat can die on its own.

Cat got antibiotics injection and vitamin booster, pure miracle, little guy is getting better, tomorrow off again for another injection, may be he will pull through :)


I live in a Rural area. The nearest vets is 30 km away, and only opens a few hours per evening. Really hard when you have an emergency with your pet.


I think lots of people everyplace treat their little rat on a string type dogs like babies...up to them.

We are on a farm and often get hobo dogs come around and get fed ( if our dogs don't drive it off first).

We have one dog ( one of those striped dogs..cute and intelligent) which was given to us by a relly...stayed around a while but was always fighting with our the alpha male already here..

...anyways we have a junior school about 2k away and he spends every term living there...recent school holiday he came back home and soon as school opened again he goes back ( how the f does he know?) .Guess the custodian or the kids feed him well as he always looks happy and healthy.

Every time we drive past the school he waves...lol

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We went to a friend;s house the other week. The dog came and plonked his head on my knee. I told the dog to sit. Everyone started laughing. I asked my wife why, and she said they want to know if you think the dog understands. I asked don't Thais teach their dogs how to behave. She said no they don't.


We went to a friend;s house the other week. The dog came and plonked his head on my knee. I told the dog to sit. Everyone started laughing. I asked my wife why, and she said they want to know if you think the dog understands. I asked don't Thais teach their dogs how to behave. She said no they don't.

My wife is Thai and has taught our pup to sit before entering the house or getting a treat. All the Thai ladies with those funny looking little dogs dress them up and teach them cute things to do. Mine is a Soi dog and understands basic commands. Name, good, bad and sit and come and go. Of course when I point at the door screaming at the top of my lungs, "go now" in Thai it might be the tone she understands as opposed to the actual words. Also she may think her name is, "don't bite."


Thais don't seem to have a lot of empathy for animal suffering. I see soi dogs that have been run over and dragging themselves pitifully along the ground or hobbling with a broken leg. Also dogs with such bad mange that they a hairless. It breaks my heart as a dog lover to see animals so badly neglected.

Its something i worry about, if one of my 2 dogs gets hurt badly beyond recovery its almost impossible to let them put down. Sad case actually but against their Buddhist beliefs. Might have to find a way to do it myself then. Just hope i never have too.

I tthink Thai vets will sell you Nembutal to allow you to put down your own dog.

Sell you Nembutal? It's a Schedule II controlled drug and I highly doubt that any vet will dare sell it.

Schedule II,

a category of drugs considered to have a strong potential for abuse or addiction but that also have legitimate medical use. Included are opium, morphine, and cocaine.

My last reply, including a link, was removed. So once again, do a Google search before you make any comments on Nembutal.


Vegetarian, that's rich.

What experience is required?

Most urban westerners would not feel comfortable killing anything bigger than a cockroach.

I don't know a single farmer that would pay a vet to put down his favorite dog. He may well shed a tear when no one's looking but he'd be ashamed to let anyone else do it.

That kind of experience.

Farmers usually have a gun to kill an animal, whether it be a cow or a dog. Most people who live in the city don't, and you still have the problem of disposing of the animal.

I did not say it was convenient.

Neither convenient or practical. I don't know by what means you suggest that people can kill their own dog, rather than taking it to a vet.


Some people just refuse to accept the facts.

Skepticism is probably a good default policy here, hard to tell who actually knows what they're talking about sometimes until you've hung out for a while.

But you're right not even bothering to google before spouting off with total certainty stuff you know nothing about is pretty silly. . .


Neither convenient or practical. I don't know by what means you suggest that people can kill their own dog, rather than taking it to a vet.

Seems to me he thinks putting animals down is actually uncivilized, maybe not a westerner.


Neither convenient or practical. I don't know by what means you suggest that people can kill their own dog, rather than taking it to a vet.

Seems to me he thinks putting animals down is actually uncivilized, maybe not a westerner.

What's uncivilized is allowing an animal (or a human being for that matter) to suffer unecessarily. Who said "you can judge a nation by the way they treat their women and their animals"?

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Neither convenient or practical. I don't know by what means you suggest that people can kill their own dog, rather than taking it to a vet.

Seems to me he thinks putting animals down is actually uncivilized, maybe not a westerner.

What's uncivilized is allowing an animal (or a human being for that matter) to suffer unecessarily. Who said "you can judge a nation by the way they treat their women and their animals"?

I take it your pro euthanasia on humans too ? I know i am but think we are in the wrong country for that. Back home they do give that service, and on fox news (USA) they say we kill off all the old people (screwed image not true). If i ever get something terminal id hope to be put out of my misery.


I take it your pro euthanasia on humans too ? I know i am but think we are in the wrong country for that. Back home they do give that service, and on fox news (USA) they say we kill off all the old people (screwed image not true). If i ever get something terminal id hope to be put out of my misery.

I'll do it!!!


To the original question:

The traditional context of dogs in society is different in Thailand compared to the west. Here, village dogs wandering around freely with a close relationship to people but unowned has been the cultural norm. They have also been called community dogs and have the role of cleaning up scraps and providing a communal security alert. Although unowned, they are not actually “stray”.

The ideal of dogs as pets is a largely imported concept that has become confused with free-ranging village dogs, which partly explains why so many here in Thailand think it’s okay to let their pet dogs roam and why too many think that abandoning their pet to the streets is not cruel.

Pets and village dogs are not the same but the distinction has become increasingly blurred and to most foreigners with our preconceived ideas it never even existed.

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I take it your pro euthanasia on humans too ? I know i am but think we are in the wrong country for that. Back home they do give that service, and on fox news (USA) they say we kill off all the old people (screwed image not true). If i ever get something terminal id hope to be put out of my misery.

I'll do it!!!

Its good to know im well liked biggrin.png


And letting large concentrations of "village" dogs build up in the larger population centers obviously makes no sense at all.

What really gets me is how the Buddhist "no harm" principle extends to letting your elderly crippled pet that keeps getting run over by passing vehicles suffer endlessly because you don't have the money for proper treatment and your "principles" are against even the most obvious mercy killing.

Starts to push up against even my fervent "not wrong just different" POV.


To the original question:

The traditional context of dogs in society is different in Thailand compared to the west. Here, village dogs wandering around freely with a close relationship to people but unowned has been the cultural norm. They have also been called community dogs and have the role of cleaning up scraps and providing a communal security alert. Although unowned, they are not actually “stray”.

The ideal of dogs as pets is a largely imported concept that has become confused with free-ranging village dogs, which partly explains why so many here in Thailand think it’s okay to let their pet dogs roam and why too many think that abandoning their pet to the streets is not cruel.

Pets and village dogs are not the same but the distinction has become increasingly blurred and to most foreigners with our preconceived ideas it never even existed.

Good post.


If i ever get something terminal id hope to be put out of my misery.

Then don't stay here into the later stages.

In a more enlightened legal environment, you can come pretty close to getting exactly what you want in this regard, it just requires a bit of forward planning.

Back home all my family elders have professionally drafted "living wills" explicitly spelling out what sorts of treatment they are and aren't willing to tolerate to extend their lives in the event of their incapacitation to communicate, and exactly who is make the plug-pulling decision,with trusted articulate and influential professionals authorized with medical power of attorney to override distraught family members in order to ensure the written instructions are carried out.

These documents needs to be kept up to date, new doctors and hospitals informed etc but once you know the appropriate mechanisms in your jurisdiction quite do-able.

My Aussie nurse wife used to talk about hospital staff looking the other way when a clear-case patient wants to keep pressing the button on their morphine machine a little too frequently, used to have pretty enlightened policies in those days not sure about now.

Actually now that I think about it, the same can probably be accomplished here where there's a will and enough money, but of course the danger is the wrong person making the decision for you earlier than you'd prefer 8-)


Neither convenient or practical. I don't know by what means you suggest that people can kill their own dog, rather than taking it to a vet.

Seems to me he thinks putting animals down is actually uncivilized, maybe not a westerner.

I have nothing against putting animals down, if you want to kill your dog, or pay someone to kill it for you, go ahead. I just don’t understand all the whining about vets not wanting to do it, just do it yourself.

Just give it an overdose of sedative, put it in the oven and gas it, hit it with a bat, or grow some hair on your ass and drown it. I could probably list a hundred ways, but what difference does it make?

As far as getting rid of the carcass, Do you have any Koreans in the building? (just kidding). What would you do with it if you came out and found it dead on the kitchen floor? When my dog dies (she’s 12 now) I think I’ll just have a little service with the wife and kid and bury her in the yard. If I didn’t have a yard, I would find someplace else to bury her. If digging is too much work, why not take it to the vet, and tell them you think it’s in a coma, and then after they tell you it’s dead, just pay them to throw it away for you? Or better, just tell them you have to go out to the car and get a blanket and just take off.

I understand completely how much more convenient it to have someone else kill and dispose of the pet you love so much, but unfortunately, it is generally against the religious beliefs of the vets in Thailand, I respect that, many people do not, so be it.

Hey, why not just take it up on one of the walkways over Sukumvit and throw it off in front of a bus? You can kill it and get rid of the carcass at the same time? It just does not seem that complex to me.

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