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Israeli Who Murdered Ex-Wife In Thailand Pardoned


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Wow ...This is really totally but totally beyond anything acceptable ... it is totally disgusting and I hope her family exposes this Thai absolute rubbish all over the world the same way the Dutch Father is doing now about his daughter ... Make a video and spread this because this is just tooooooooooooooooooo F.....g Much!!!

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here is what we have:

Man who murdered ex-wife in Thailand pardoned

Israeli man convicted of murdering and dismembering ex-wife released from prison, slated to return to Israel in six months. Victim's mother accuses Minister Eli Yishai of involvement in Cohen's release

Aviel Magnezi Latest Update: 11.13.12, 11:52 / Israel News

Eli Cohen, who was convicted of murdering his ex-wife Carol Cohen, dismembering her body and dumping the parts in a suitcase in a Bangkok river in 2004, will be released from a Thai prison in six months, Foreign Ministry officials confirmed on Monday.

Having been originally sentenced to life in prison, Cohen has recently received a clemency from the Kingof Thailand. He cannot be put on trial again as he has already been tried and convicted of murder.

Carol's family said in response that they would do everything in their power to prevent Cohen's return to Israel. "I'd rather die than see the person who cut my daughter in pieces and threw her into the river," Carol's mother Rivkah Amsalem said. She called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take the matter into his hands.

"(Eli) never expressed regret, never said he was sorry," Rivkah said. "He murdered once, he will murder again."

The couple decided to end their marriage over Cohen's desire to move to Australia. Several months after leaving Israel, he invited his ex-wife to meet him in Thailand and the two met there in February 2004.

Three days after her departure from Israel, Carol's body was found.

Carol's mother said that the two were married for 10 years and had separated on good terms. "He invited her to Thailand but on the plane she discovered she had a one-way ticket. We arranged a return flight but less than 24 hours he had already slaughtered her."

Following the murder, Cohen contacted the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok and reported his ex-wife missing. A short while later, local police arrived at his hotel room only to discover what was later described as a "slaughter house."

Some of the remains of the body have yet to be found.

A Thai court convicted Cohen of murder and sentenced him to life in prison. He did not receive the maximum penalty of a death sentence as he managed to convince the judges he did not plan the murder which he claimed happened "in the heat of the moment."

Thailand is known for its flexible clemency policy, especially around the king and queen's birthdays, due to a shortage of space in Thai prisons.

'Yishai involved in Cohen's release'

Cohen had twice appealed for a pardon. On his first attempt, his sentence was commuted to three years. After his second pardon was accepted his sentence was reduced by half making him eligible for release in May.

Carol's aunt said: "Let me ask the King of Thailand, if someone would have murdered your daughter so brutally then released from prison nine years later, how would you feel?"

The victim's family is accusing Interior Minister Eli Yishai of being involved in efforts for Cohen's release but the minister is firmly denying the allegations. "The minister has no connection to the murderer's release," a statement on behalf of Yishai said. "The minister is of the opinion that a murderer, any murderer, must spend the rest of his days behind bars."

But this has not convinced Carol's mother. "I don't believe him," she said. "Some religious people are crooks and Eli Yishai will be held accountable in the afterlife. When I kill myself I'll leave a note saying he's guilty so he expresses some remorse."

She further added, "There are Israeli drug dealers in Thailand that are still in prison after 15 years but suddenly a savage murderer is released with no outside help? I don't believe that."

"Eli Yishai should have talked to us – the victim's family - and not just the murderer's family before he became involved. The murderer has Australian citizenship. At the very least they should have made sure he will be sent to Australia and doesn't set foot in Israel

that is taken from ha aretz newspaper...l cant seem to put the stuff in quotes.... nor get the link to link...

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Sounds like this guy was pretty smart. In Thailand it is not uncommon for a life sentence to equate to 10 years or less if you behave yourself while in jail. Had he taken the option to transfer back to Israel to do his time, I don't think he would have received any pardon and under the transfer treaty for prisoners it is only Thailand who can reduce or provide a pardon. In other words, Israel would have no ability to reduce his sentence and I doubt Thailand would care too much about him once he was out of sight and out of mind outside of Thailand. Yes, no doubt harder time to do in Thailand but 8 years certainly beats 20-years or life.

What I do think sucks for him is that they made this public 6-months in advance. Not always a good thing when in prison for everyone to know you went from being a lifer to getting out in a couple months.

Don't know what kind of guy he is or the circumstances behind the murder but hopefully he considers himself the luckiest man on the face of the planet and does something good with his life when he gets out because he has a lifetime to try and make up for something that can never be made right.

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And who says he can't go on trial again? Israel is very clever and I think if they wanted to, they could find a way to prosecute him back home ... maybe not for murder since it didn't happen there but maybe something along the lines of human smuggling or something in terms of getting a citizen to leave the country or cross the border for illegal purposes. However, it is my guess Israel played a hand in getting him this pardon and they are known for getting their citizens out of jail and problems in foreign countries ... not prosecuting them when they return home.

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I can only surmise that there must be some very very wealthy, co-operative Cohen's about !!

That may very well be the case but as I understand it, this really isn't all that uncommon for a life sentence here in Thailand even for an average Thai person if they do all the right things while behind bars. I could be wrong but so many Thai people have told me, in the past when discussing cases, that it is common for people to not do more than 10-years in jail regardless of the sentence if they behave themselves and cooperate while in prison.

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Was the man’s wife an Israeli citizen and of the Jewish religion?

Because I am wondering why a high ranking Israeli government official would go to the efforts of trying to apply influence for having this crazed maniac released? And it could be possible that the Israelis would view this crime with more severity if the victim were a Jew rather than a non-Jew.

I am not accusing the Israelis of playing the partiality game, but would like to look at this case from all angles and the reasons why the suffering and the brutal murder of this tragic woman appears to be of little significance to them? As I am sure there will be others asking the same questions and that I believe is something that should be addressed.

Otherwise the only other reasons regarding why this monster has been released, is that his family have or know people in high places with the funds to back it up.

Sorry, but I`m not convinced about the story that he was released just to make room for more inmates in the over crowded prisons. If that was the case, why could he not serve the rest of his sentence in Israel, Australia or whatever other country he claims to be a citizen of?

If this creep does have Australian citizenship, than surely it would be better to send him back to Australia where I am sure this vermin would not be given the same sympathies as from the Israelis.

And before anyone starts to accuse me of anti semitism, my mother was of English Jewish ancestry and my father an America Catholic. But I do believe in justice and what has happened in this case is one of the worst injustices and manipulations of the legal systems that i have ever seen. Outragious.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The statement He cannot be put on trial again as he has already been tried and convicted of murder.is incomplete. Mr. Cohen can indeed face criminal and civil charges in Israel. A conviction by a foreign court does not preclude charges being brought by the national's home country. Appreciably, in this case, there is a chance that the Thai government proceeded with the pardon after discussions with Israel. There may have been legitimate reasons for the pardon, particularly if the Israelis were of the view that a continuing incarceration would serve no purpose.

As no one here has any inkling of Mr. Cohen's mental or physical health. If the man is now a mental basket case or has a physical ailment, the pardon may be the most appropriate decision.

On the other hand, with the extent of corruption in Israel, it would not surprise me to see impropriety on the part of the implicated Israeli cabinet minister. If the cabinet minister is dirty, the Israeli press will get him though. They always seem to be able to nail their politicians.

You can not be put on trail again for the same crime. That is a fundamental principle of law.

For anther crime, connected with this crime, maybe but not likely. But not for murder.

The fact that the crime wasn't committed in Israel is not an issue. Often countries have laws giving them jurisdiction in cases where one of their citizen is either the one committing serious offence or the victim of a serious offence.

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Was the man’s wife an Israeli citizen and of the Jewish religion?

Because I am wondering why a high ranking Israeli government official would go to the efforts of trying to apply influence for having this crazed maniac released? And it could be possible that the Israelis would view this crime with more severity if the victim were a Jew rather than a non-Jew.

I am not accusing the Israelis of playing the partiality game, but would like to look at this case from all angles and the reasons why the suffering and the brutal murder of this tragic woman appears to be of little significance to them? As I am sure there will be others asking the same questions and that I believe is something that should be addressed.

Otherwise the only other reasons regarding why this monster has been released, is that his family have or know people in high places with the funds to back it up.

Sorry, but I`m not convinced about the story that he was released just to make room for more inmates in the over crowded prisons. If that was the case, why could he not serve the rest of his sentence in Israel, Australia or whatever other country he claims to be a citizen of?

If this creep does have Australian citizenship, than surely it would be better to send him back to Australia where I am sure this vermin would not be given the same sympathies as from the Israelis.

And before anyone starts to accuse me of anti semitism, my mother was of English Jewish ancestry and my father an America Catholic. But I do believe in justice and what has happened in this case is one of the worst injustices and manipulations of the legal systems that i have ever seen. Outragious.

Gentleman Jim said :

"I can only surmise that there must be some very very wealthy, co-operative Cohen's about !! "

And I say =

He is a Mossad agent ! And his wife knew too much and had to be eliminated.... and well there you go...! Solved !

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Was the man’s wife an Israeli citizen and of the Jewish religion?

Because I am wondering why a high ranking Israeli government official would go to the efforts of trying to apply influence for having this crazed maniac released? And it could be possible that the Israelis would view this crime with more severity if the victim were a Jew rather than a non-Jew.

I am not accusing the Israelis of playing the partiality game, but would like to look at this case from all angles and the reasons why the suffering and the brutal murder of this tragic woman appears to be of little significance to them? As I am sure there will be others asking the same questions and that I believe is something that should be addressed.

Otherwise the only other reasons regarding why this monster has been released, is that his family have or know people in high places with the funds to back it up.

Sorry, but I`m not convinced about the story that he was released just to make room for more inmates in the over crowded prisons. If that was the case, why could he not serve the rest of his sentence in Israel, Australia or whatever other country he claims to be a citizen of?

If this creep does have Australian citizenship, than surely it would be better to send him back to Australia where I am sure this vermin would not be given the same sympathies as from the Israelis.

And before anyone starts to accuse me of anti semitism, my mother was of English Jewish ancestry and my father an America Catholic. But I do believe in justice and what has happened in this case is one of the worst injustices and manipulations of the legal systems that i have ever seen. Outragious.

Gentleman Jim said :

"I can only surmise that there must be some very very wealthy, co-operative Cohen's about !! "

And I say =

He is a Mossad agent ! And his wife knew too much and had to be eliminated.... and well there you go...! Solved !

Anything is possible in this crazy world and who knows? Many a true words said in jest.

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