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Police arrest 12 on Ranong ‘visa run’

RANONG: -- Twelve foreign tourists were pulled off a “visa run” bus just 40 miles from Ranong and confined to a jail cell overnight for overstaying their visas.

The company that arranged the tour claims that the arresting officers, from the Tourist Police and Highway Police, demanded 5,000 baht from each of the overstayed tourists in exchange for letting them go. The police strenuously deny this.

Six officers waved over the well-known “Big Bus” run by Phenpat Co Ltd at about 11 am yesterday morning in Ranong’s Kapoe District. The officers inspected the passports of the 34 foreign passengers and found that 12 had overstayed their visas.

They separated the 12 from the others, who were allowed to continue on to Ranong. The 12 were taken off in a police truck and confined in the local police cells.

Jutarat Payonchart, an emplo yee of Phenpat Co Ltd, told the Gazette from the Ranong courthouse this afternoon that the police had overreacted by incarcerating the visa runners.

“Why did they have to keep them overnight in a cell? These aren’t illegal aliens trying to hide out in the country,” she asked, adding that most were just one- or two-day overstays. The maximum overstay was just 12 days, she added.

K. Jutharat said she was preparing to pay fines for those who had not brought along enough money to cover the unexpected expense – but by 5:30 pm the following day they were still at Ranong Provincial Court trying to pay the fines.

One of those arrested, a 31-year-old Australian man whose 30-day tourist visa expired the day before, told the Gazette: “It was terrible. I am so dirty now – I need to change my clothes. We didn’t have any information.

“It was crap. The pol ice are hospitable in a way, but they don’t give us any information. They say we broke the law and all this stuff.

“In my case, on Tuesday I went to [Phuket] Immigration and said, ‘This is the last day of my visa, it expires tomorrow, what should I do?’ and they said, ‘Go and do a visa run tomorrow and pay a 200 baht overstay.’

“That’s exactly what I [was doing], but then we get pulled over by the Tourist Police and Highway Police and they make a huge problem for us,” he said.

He added that he found it dangerous and embarrassing to be forced to squat in the back of a cramped, hot police truck, which transported the overstayers along the highway with a police escort, sirens blaring.

The unexpected delay had also caused him to missed his flight out of the country, he said.

Pol Maj Songproad Sirikul, the new head of the Ranong Tourist Po lice, told the Gazette that his office had received a report that a business was assisting illegal aliens by bringing them to Burma. He said he ordered his men to check into this and, when they did, it turned out to be true.

“The police arrested them because they broke the law,” he said.

He denied K. Jutarat’s claims that the officers asked for 5,000 baht from each tourist in exchange for letting them go.

“I think that’s impossible. I can guarantee that the Tourist Police officers did not ask for money because we are not in trouble [financially] and I constantly remind them to not do that.

“If the visa runners have any witnesses or other evidence as to which officer asked for money, they should contact me direct,” he said.

Source: The Phuket Gazette 2006-02-09

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“In my case, on Tuesday I went to [Phuket] Immigration and said, ‘This is the last day of my visa, it expires tomorrow, what should I do?’ and they said, ‘Go and do a visa run tomorrow and pay a 200 baht overstay.’

can't see any reason why this might not be true.If it is, you would feel sorry for the bugger. Not all people are as well informed as us here on TV........


Coincidentally, on the other side of Thailand at nearly the same time, a very similar report.... although it's ostensibly to "protect" tourists from unscrupulous tours... but quite believable, in light of the Ranong report, that they could also be screening foreign passports on their way to Cambodia for a visa run.

Tourist Police Security operations stepped-up

7th February 2006

We joined Police Lieutenant Colonel Wootishart, the Chief of Pattaya’s Tourist Police Division who organized this Tourist Security Check Point on the Sukumvit Road near the entrance to Highway 36 which leads to Rayong Province. The purpose of the operation was to randomly check coaches and tourist guides to ensure that the guides had the correct identification badges and the coaches possessed the correct insurance papers should an accident occur and tourists were injured. On this day nothing untoward was found and Lieutenant Colonel Wootishart spoke with us and told us that the Tourist Police will continue ensuring the safety of tourists who come to Pattaya through these checkpoints and regular patrols around Pattaya, both day and night.


clearly shows the perils of over-staying... even 1 day... and even on the way to correcting it. Might be worth considering changing future advice to members when the inevitable and numerous threads start asking, "What about over-stay for 2 days, am I ok?"


But why did the Aussie that overstayed only 1 day wanted to do a visa run if he anyways has planned to leave the country 2 days later ????

He should have had better information

But why did the Aussie that overstayed only 1 day wanted to do a visa run if he anyways has planned to leave the country 2 days later ????

He should have had better information

When I asked Chiang Mai Immigration the same question 6 months ago (I was returning to NZ and would have a two day overstay on my passport) they told me that I would just have to pay a small fine etc, but they did tell me that for whatever reason that if I was caught overstaying, i would be in doodoo.


I gotta' think that if the Police know that for any given bus load of 34 foreigners, they can "nail" 12 for overstay - and maybe make some dosh off - looking the other way - then it is a given that such "ambushes" will occur from time to time.

For some reason, the situation brought to mind the crocodiles in the Zambezi river, waiting at the fording site for the annual migration of the wildabeasts. They get a GUARANTREED meal. 'Too easy to pass up. Same, same Ranong Police.

It is a big risk trying to make it to a land border with an intention to pay an overstay fine - thsi approach works at the airport, but is not a safe bet by land.





In australia if you overstay your visa you get locked up for years.

There was 1 case were we locked up a overstayer for more then 10 years :o


All major roads to border points are routinely controlled, though until now, they didn't take interest in visa-runners with 1 or 2 days overstay.

I was picked out once with more than a month overstay, but was treated well, they drove me to the border together with about 30 Burmese who were chained together and loaded into the cage on the back of the truck (I sat at the front with the driver sharing a cigarette). They even made me a cup of coffee while waiting for border immigration to open.

The unexpected delay had also caused him to missed his flight out of the country, he said.

??? and why was he on a visa run if he wanted to leave the next day anyways? :o

Police arrest 12 on Ranong ‘visa run’

“I think that’s impossible. I can guarantee that the Tourist Police officers did not ask for money because we are not in trouble [financially] and I constantly remind them to not do that.

He can guarantee that they did not ask for money. Why? Because none of his officers have financial problems, BUT he constantly reminds them not to ask for bribes? Why would he have to remind them not to ask for bribes unless they are?


why he went 1 day before the visa expires there, why not 1 week before?

“In my case, on Tuesday I went to [Phuket] Immigration and said, ‘This is the last day of my visa, it expires tomorrow, what should I do?’ and they said, ‘Go and do a visa run tomorrow and pay a 200 baht overstay.’

can't see any reason why this might not be true.If it is, you would feel sorry for the bugger. Not all people are as well informed as us here on TV........


The unexpected delay had also caused him to missed his flight out of the country, he said.

Yeah Raro, I agree. <deleted>?? It looks like somebody has assimilated into the thai culture..... of logic??.

It's illegal, does need to be more simple than that.

As much as I am with you on that, I still keep asking myself why everyone expects just the foreigners to follow murky laws to the full extent? (and a strange law it is instead. There are rules against overstaying a Visa probably everywhere in the word, but I haven#t yet come upon a country where the consequences of overstaying are like the result of a lottery. Make it clear to everyone that overstaying is an offence that will be dealt with, or soften the regualtion so that an offender can go to an immigration office, pay a fine and get maybe 3 days extension to legally leave the country. Both approaches would make sense to me, but not the current: Go to the nearest border, and try to not get cought!)

Thais themselves don#t care about traffic laws, late drinking regulations, taxes, gambling, you name it. But we foreigners are expected to be the only law abiding group in this country, following all regulations to the full extent?


(Who has a valid 1 Year permission to stay and will keep up with the regualtions for all the time he will stay in Thailand!)


The unexpected delay had also caused him to missed his flight out of the country, he said.

??? and why was he on a visa run if he wanted to leave the next day anyways? :D

Some ppl find the stupidest execuses to talk crap.

That guy should have been kepy behind bars for lying out of his ass.

Is it a dodgy system or a dodgy bus company ?

Maybe they ddnt pay off the thais in time :o


The unexpected delay had also caused him to missed his flight out of the country, he said.

??? and why was he on a visa run if he wanted to leave the next day anyways? :D

Some ppl find the stupidest execuses to talk crap.

That guy should have been kepy behind bars for lying out of his ass.

Is it a dodgy system or a dodgy bus company ?

Maybe they ddnt pay off the thais in time :o

Obviously both me and you do not know what really happpened. Just remember I went to Pattaya immigration (on a 30 day stamp then more than 2 Years ago, with a similar question (I had a flight out to Cambodia, but 3 days after my 30 day ended. They first also told me to just pay the fine at the airport. I was a reader of Thaivisa back then and insisted on applying for an extension, which only then was given to me.


It's illegal, does need to be more simple than that.

I am really quite humbled and in awe to read this from someone who obviously obeys all laws 100 of the time. :o

Som Nam Na! :o

What the f*** is that ? Pathetic attempt to make a point in English speaking forum using thai phrase as sort of latin words of wisdom ?

Poshol ty na huy, dolboyob!


Police arrest 12 on Ranong ‘visa run’

“I think that’s impossible. I can guarantee that the Tourist Police officers did not ask for money because we are not in trouble [financially] and I constantly remind them to not do that.

He can guarantee that they did not ask for money. Why? Because none of his officers have financial problems, BUT he constantly reminds them not to ask for bribes? Why would he have to remind them not to ask for bribes unless they are?

I suppose it's a bit like telling a neighbours dog not bark at other dogs.You know it's going to happen, but you feel better by saying "no rover, bad dog" :o

It's illegal, does need to be more simple than that.

Hello why do people take the immigration laws of Thailand so loosely, people need to wake up and always remember the Law is the Law...very silly people who think they can play a gme with immigration no matter what the local immigration officers s say...its simple DON'T overstay, i don't i i never have a problem


Bad advice given in my opinion here. Firstly do not overstay. If you do then exit via the airport. If you are not stopped and make it to immigration then its a simple process; pay 200 Baht a day for every day that you have overstayed with a max fine of 20000 Baht.

HOWEVER should you be stopped going to the airport or before then thats when the problems start :o Firstly if it is on a Friday YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF IN JAIL ALL WEEKEND AT BEST. Then once you have appeared before the authorities and they reach a decision you pay your fine and PROVE that you have a ticket to leave the country. If you missed your flight that ticket is not valid. Ensure that you have a good friend that will help you out should this happen. Until you show this ticket they will not release you :D Viscious circle then starts, no ticket, no release no release, how do you get a ticket?? :D Hence the need for a good "friend" to get you ticket :D

My advice is do not do it if you do, then use the airport and hope for the best never attempt to pay the overstay fine on a visa run using land border crossings. This is very bad advice avoid land crossings if you have overstayed.

. . . the Law is the Law...very silly people . . .

Such a silly thing to say!!! :o The law is NOT the law! How naive! If "The Law is the Law", then people would not debate it here 24/7, 365 days per year! There would not be huge libraries needed to contain the millions and millions of pages of case law. There would not be tens of thousands of lawyers driving BMW's and sending their kids to ivy league schools; paid outrageous sums of money to explain the law, to interpret it, to advise about it, and to use it to advance their client's interests. There would not be vast systems courts to continually argue, debate, define and redefine the law.

Hardly anyone has any problems as a result minor overstays. It is understandable that the 12 busted in Rayong would be upset about it and resent that the law seemed to be capriciously, indiscriminately and arbitrarily applied in this situation. "Should" these guys have been more careful? Well you can should in one hand and shit in the other, and then see which hand is more full of it!




But why did the Aussie that overstayed only 1 day wanted to do a visa run if he anyways has planned to leave the country 2 days later ????

He should have had better information

When I asked Chiang Mai Immigration the same question 6 months ago (I was returning to NZ and would have a two day overstay on my passport) they told me that I would just have to pay a small fine etc, but they did tell me that for whatever reason that if I was caught overstaying, i would be in doodoo.

Same me, I didn't know overstay was so dangerous, once waiting for my work permit I had to renew my non Immigrant visa and I went to Singapore with 6 days overstay, they just charged me 1,200 baht, but they didn't say a word about being illegal or the problems I could have... they should.

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