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Please Help With Visa Refused Australia Subclass 676

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Hi everyone just would like to start off with that this is a great forum and lots of good info n good ppl i just wish i joind before applying :(

OK this is my situation;

Met a girl in pattaya on 15/6/2012 (same day as i got there) spent 2 weeks with her no one else which wasnt the plan but cant stop ur heart im 29 shes 31

Came back to oz mist her like hell from the time i landed back in melb kept in contact since got back email phone cals and nearly everyday skype calls decided could wait anymore and wanted to vist her again on 14/10/2012 so tickets were bookt but not before i decided that itl b good idea to apply for visa while in thailand (didnt work out as i pland)

so i printed all emails about 25 of em us talking me love u miss u wana see u etc

all skype info (heaps 14 pages) and all the phone calls also heaps plus me send her flowers for her bday and finacial suport nid noi

made a Stat Dec stating when we met and how long we spent together and that il suport her when she vists me Have house self imployd last years tax return 55k plus 5k in bank also 6k redraw and that il take out insurance for her so our government has nothing to worry about.

Also stated that while this application is in procces it will b my second vistit to thailand solely to just see her

Got to thailand bangkok applyd got told 10 days plus 2 courier time to get passport

so while in thailand i decided to go to phuket for 2 night with her which was terrible cos of weather got back to pattaya went to see her parrents but not before deciding to get each others names tatoot on one anothers (i know silly cos such a short time but hey my life and thats what i wanted)

Time to go home leave late miss my plane good bad wasnt sure more like good news tho cos more time with her so on friday when visa was ment to get back,nothing so i leave on sunday spend a week checking vfs 4 times a day nothing nothinbg nothing faaark!! monday comes after my woman prayed to buddha and me to my god check vfs pasport courierd back I think great all good start preparing for her vist!!!

and my luck get letter of refusal and it states as follows

1. have stated on ur app that u wish to travel to oz between 25/10-21/2/13 you have stated the reson to travel is to visit ur BF

u stated ur bf will look after u financialy

i consider that u r unemployed. Based on ur app lack of strong employment and saving history evidence i am not satisfied ul leve the country or to obide by visa condition

U have provided a letter of initation and supporting documents from MR XXXXX an oz citizen he stated he will support ur stay in oz.

office coniders carefully blah blah Altho i am satisfied that oz supporters letter is GENUINE i consider it is outweighed by ur personal circamctances

It should b noted that while offers of support (stat DEC) from oz friends relatives Including evidence of nature and duration of relatiomship is taken into account such offers in them selves are ONLY one factor in considering if an app intends a genuine vist. You will appreciate that where persons have not met in person,or only recently met. less weight may b accorded to these offers of suport

Over all for tourist visa it is circumstances of the Applicant them selves,above all, which must b considerd. <deleted>

I cosider that you were unable to SUBSTANTIATE the existance of their claimed relationship with MR xxxxxxxx who provided writen support for the app vist. Based on the lack of evidence the offer of support is ineficent to convince me that app intends to vist oz genuinely <deleted> again!!

So the result is refusal!!!!

ok what r my next options???????

i think reapply with a few pics that i have with her in some im with a mate and his companion. But in 1 its me her and our names tattooed on eachothers chest (i would neva get a tat of someone i no feel serious about that spot was for my mom god bless her soul)

get a letter off her day stating that they r close letter off her saying how much and how close she feels next to me print out etternity when we went to Phuket also maybe get a letter of a person stating that he will employ her once she was back in Thailand ( real amployer in IT Not a lie)

and last of all apply the app through an agent Stuf the money my health is more important then 1k in fees.

What u reacon? realy need some strong advice and i know i Came to the right place cheers in advance if someone can pin this id realy apreciate it

Planing to reapply in 2 weeks if it dosnt work go Bangkok and get maried maybe silly but i feel strong conection

Thanks Mik83

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Bottom line: They don't think she will come back to Thailand, as there is insufficient reason for her to return.

I don't think there is much you can do about it in the short term. In the longer term ... marriage?? (not sure that would even help)

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I think the bottom line is that you've only known her for approx 5 months.

Probably less when the application was submitted. It's not stated, but DIAC

usually like to see a 6 month period (at least) as a guideline.

You need to read between the lines in DIAC's decisions sometimes.

They state "You will appreciate that where persons have not met in person,or

only recently met. less weight may b accorded to these offers of suport".

In other words, you haven't known her long enough and add the fact that she's unemployed,

it was a no-brainer really for a refusal.

Getting married won't alleviate the situation. I suggest that you reapply again next year, possibly


If you can fit in another visit, great. Also some employment wouldn't hurt.

Also, probably wouldn't be the smartest thing to show the "matching chest tattoo photo's"biggrin.png

There's a lot of good advice here (and a lot of bad) so research the forum and you will find

most of your answers here.

Good luck.



Edited by Will27
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I think the fact that she appears to wants to have a four month holiday would have rung alarm bells.

You/they she is unemployed, did she provide details of how she supported herself before you came on the scene?

I honestly think you need to take a step back and put yourself in their shoes, what decision would you have honestly made given the facts you have described?

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Yeah true I understand

I think the fact that she appears to wants to have a four month holiday would have rung alarm bells.

You/they she is unemployed, did she provide details of how she supported herself before you came on the scene?

I honestly think you need to take a step back and put yourself in their shoes, what decision would you have honestly made given the facts you have described?

Yeah I Duno how I miss calculated that 1 that's my fup bout 4 month thing

Bout employment she use to have a salon but went pearshaped and now unemployed looking for work dunno how true but lost job 1 month before I came on the seen and yes I can see from they'r point it didn't look like a verry good app :(((

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

An agent won't make any difference. It doesn't make any difference to her circumstances.

A letter from her parents won't make any difference. What could they say that would convince anyone that she would return.

"Prospective" employment, particularly as a secretary would be no reason for her to return

You're stuck with having to visit her.

Sent from my HTC phone.

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Not surprising. They must get loads of applications from lovesick tourists wanting to bring their holiday squeeze into the country.

Visit her again, build up a relationship over an extended period, be sure there is no one else and include a covering letter written in English, not teenage txt speak, and try again.

ok cool i have visited her 2 times and im sure theres no one else all emails r checked all phone calls r checked (i had her phone for 3 weeks while with her) so all is good and bout holiday squize iv been with her 1 and 1/2 month out of 5 so not realy a squieze and bout teenage language i only write here in a funny way cos im a migrant my self and the stat dec was prepared properly

not cracking tha shits but just saying all im here for is the best advice i can get and appreciate everyones opinion :)

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

An agent won't make any difference. It doesn't make any difference to her circumstances.

A letter from her parents won't make any difference. What could they say that would convince anyone that she would return.

"Prospective" employment, particularly as a secretary would be no reason for her to return

You're stuck with having to visit her.

Sent from my HTC phone.

ok well im down with that but if she gets a job lets say in 2 weeks and i visit her late dec when is the earlyest time i could reaply for Tourist visa?
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ok well im down with that but if she gets a job lets say in 2 weeks and i visit her late dec when is the earlyest time i could reaply for Tourist visa?

One issue is the idea that she would get holidays after only a few weeks in the job. She would need a letter from her employer basically allowing her to go on holidays, and the application should indicate that she is only going for a couple of weeks.

Still don't like your chances, but it might be worth a try. What ever you do, don't lie.

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ok well im down with that but if she gets a job lets say in 2 weeks and i visit her late dec when is the earlyest time i could reaply for Tourist visa?

One issue is the idea that she would get holidays after only a few weeks in the job. She would need a letter from her employer basically allowing her to go on holidays, and the application should indicate that she is only going for a couple of weeks.

Still don't like your chances, but it might be worth a try. What ever you do, don't lie.

ok let's say she has a job in early dec and I come to visit for 10 days over Christmas (my second vist since I met her on my first holiday) get a heap of pics done with family different places different clothes.

Then apply for visa in end of jan. I know if I lie and they catch on shel b excluded to travel for 10 years and that's the last thing I need/want.

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Having her travel to Hong Kong/Singapore/Malaysia is not possible not that many funds:(

While its still fresh in my mind on next app should I not mention Pattaya at all (unless she gets a job there) and say we met on such n such day and since then my last 2 trips (my next trip will b in dec and reapply in jan) iv been going to issan to visit her where she's staying with her family

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Also what options I have to satisfy DIAC that she will return to Thailand other then employment.

I mean can't a Thai national get a tourist visa if they have no job? If so that's a bit of a weird policy

Also can't I put into a stat dec that I will GUARANTEE that she will return cos I'd like her to visit oz (melb) in winter time and it ain't too nice here if u know what I mean, and that she dosnt return that most defenatly jeopardize any feuture visa apps?

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You personally are unable to guarantee your GF's return to Thailand. Unfortunately some Thai women illegally overstay to work in the sex industry in Australia which is one of the reasons DIAC need to be satisfied there is sufficient reason for her to return to Thailand. DIAC would be fully aware that unemployed Thais have minimal access to social security and this would raise a red flag as to the intent to return to Thailand. You mentioned she had a business, does she have any assets in Thailand, mortgage etc?

When you re-submit the application, not a good idea to submit pages upon pages of emails, Skype records etc The evaluation officer will only have a limited amount of time for the visa assessment. The officer will not be interested in your declarations of love, they would have heard the same story hundreds of times for tourist visa applications, so be succinct and provide the reasons why your GF will depart Australia at the end of her stay and return to Thailand.

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Also what options I have to satisfy DIAC that she will return to Thailand other then employment.

I mean can't a Thai national get a tourist visa if they have no job? If so that's a bit of a weird policy

Also can't I put into a stat dec that I will GUARANTEE that she will return cos I'd like her to visit oz (melb) in winter time and it ain't too nice here if u know what I mean, and that she dosnt return that most defenatly jeopardize any feuture visa apps?

It's not only about having a job. Maybe it is property or children. A guarantee from you that she will leave is usually not enough since there is nothing stopping her from leaving you and going to live with friends in Sydney.

She's not really going to care about future visits if she manages to stay there permanently anyway.

It has nothing to do with what she would do, but has more to do with what she could do.

Apply again when you're here, but don't be surprised if it is rejected again. Get more of a history and you'll have more chance in the future.

Sent from my HTC phone.

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You personally are unable to guarantee your GF's return to Thailand. Unfortunately some Thai women illegally overstay to work in the sex industry in Australia which is one of the reasons DIAC need to be satisfied there is sufficient reason for her to return to Thailand. DIAC would be fully aware that unemployed Thais have minimal access to social security and this would raise a red flag as to the intent to return to Thailand. You mentioned she had a business, does she have any assets in Thailand, mortgage etc?

When you re-submit the application, not a good idea to submit pages upon pages of emails, Skype records etc The evaluation officer will only have a limited amount of time for the visa assessment. The officer will not be interested in your declarations of love, they would have heard the same story hundreds of times for tourist visa applications, so be succinct and provide the reasons why your GF will depart Australia at the end of her stay and return to Thailand.

no no assets had a salon for 6 month but wasn't successful business would a house book or something help? Also what other way I can convince she will return? The reason for emails n Skype to show that we have a genuine relationship but they still weren't satisfied. So now just Gona push her to get a job the reason why she didn't apply for 1 is cos she thought visa would b granted. And Gona go visit her and do as many pics to show that we r in genuine relationship.

But Maine question how to convince them that she will return???? In a bit of a pickle here I think :(

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You personally are unable to guarantee your GF's return to Thailand. Unfortunately some Thai women illegally overstay to work in the sex industry in Australia which is one of the reasons DIAC need to be satisfied there is sufficient reason for her to return to Thailand. DIAC would be fully aware that unemployed Thais have minimal access to social security and this would raise a red flag as to the intent to return to Thailand. You mentioned she had a business, does she have any assets in Thailand, mortgage etc?

When you re-submit the application, not a good idea to submit pages upon pages of emails, Skype records etc The evaluation officer will only have a limited amount of time for the visa assessment. The officer will not be interested in your declarations of love, they would have heard the same story hundreds of times for tourist visa applications, so be succinct and provide the reasons why your GF will depart Australia at the end of her stay and return to Thailand.

no no assets had a salon for 6 month but wasn't successful business would a house book or something help? Also what other way I can convince she will return? The reason for emails n Skype to show that we have a genuine relationship but they still weren't satisfied. So now just Gona push her to get a job the reason why she didn't apply for 1 is cos she thought visa would b granted. And Gona go visit her and do as many pics to show that we r in genuine relationship.

But Maine question how to convince them that she will return???? In a bit of a pickle here I think sad.png

Sorry emails and Skype records do not prove a genuine relationship, only how long you have been communicating together. The Blue House Book is only proof of residence, not ownership. Ownership is documented in the "Chanote" that is registered at the relevant Land Office in Thailand. Maybe another TV member can provide viable wording for reasons to return to Thailand.

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no no assets had a salon for 6 month but wasn't successful business would a house book or something help? Also what other way I can convince she will return? The reason for emails n Skype to show that we have a genuine relationship but they still weren't satisfied. So now just Gona push her to get a job the reason why she didn't apply for 1 is cos she thought visa would b granted. And Gona go visit her and do as many pics to show that we r in genuine relationship.

But Maine question how to convince them that she will return???? In a bit of a pickle here I think sad.png

Sorry emails and Skype records do not prove a genuine relationship, only how long you have been communicating together. The Blue House Book is only proof of residence, not ownership. Ownership is documented in the "Chanote" that is registered at the relevant Land Office in Thailand. Maybe another TV member can provide viable wording for reasons to return to Thailand.

I don't think "wording" will help. No matter how you look at it, there is no reason for her to return to Thailand. I'm not saying she won't, but the Aus government won't take that into account.

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So using an agent and Geting letters from her n her parents and maybe a prospective employer as a secretary won't help the sitio? I can fit in 1 more visit during Christmas time and get a few pics in with me her family

An agent won't make any difference. It doesn't make any difference to her circumstances.

A letter from her parents won't make any difference. What could they say that would convince anyone that she would return.

"Prospective" employment, particularly as a secretary would be no reason for her to return

You're stuck with having to visit her.

Sent from my HTC phone.

How do you know an agent wouldnt make any difference?.....are you an agent?

Id say perhaps an agent would. Not all of us do enough research and homework and find visa apps relatively easy. Perhaps the op could use some professional advice from an agent....cant hurt.

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How do you know an agent wouldnt make any difference?.....are you an agent?

Id say perhaps an agent would. Not all of us do enough research and homework and find visa apps relatively easy. Perhaps the op could use some professional advice from an agent....cant hurt.

"How do you know an agent wouldnt make any difference?"

Because an agent can't change the facts.

Doing a tourist visa application for Australia is a simple process. I know plenty of people that have done them. I have talked to embassy staff that process them.

The main thing that the embassy takes into consideration is "Reason to Return". The OP's girl friend doesn't have one.

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OP: before contacting an agent for assistance have a read of the info at:


That appears to be for "migration". I'm not sure if it applies for tourist visas. Also, it talks about agents "in Australia".

Just remember:

A registered migration agent cannot influence the outcome of your application, nor can they fast-track the processing of your visa application.

All an agent can really do is help you fill out the forms. They could offer suggestions for extra information to supply, and for non-tourist visas they might be valuable, but IMHO I think the OP has done everything he can.

That doesn't mean that she won't ever get a visa. She hasn't been black marked or anything. Maybe an application early next year will be successful.

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Mate dont take what folks say on here as gospel truth.

Not everyone is an expert and even those that are arent always right.

Ring an agent and talk to them. Its their job.

You can say that againwhistling.gif

Given the circumstances of the OP's girlfriend, what would you advise. There are agents in Pattaya where the OP's GF lives, any suggestions/recommendations? I was at the BKK Embassy last week & an Australia was asking Consular services what to do to get a refund as the agent had stated he could obtain a tourist visa and the application was denied. Staff said go to the policesmile.png

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