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220V X10 Hardware (Home Automation)

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i'm about to get another house and plan to get it sort of "automated"

i prefer X-10 hardware since they can be controlled by hardware (straight forward) and/or via PC (indigo software)

but i failed to find a place anywhere in thailand where this hardware can be bought ..

anyone know where to get this sort of things ?

there are a few homeautomation dealers but the most of them sell extremly overpriced and also quite useless hardware.


I'll move this to the Technology forum for better geek coverage.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I would research via Google building a wishlist of brand names, and then get a Thai to help see if you can find online sources within the Kingdom.

Have you asked around Pantip and Fortune Town? Shouldn't take more than a day walking around. . .

Otherwise you'll have to get components shipped in from overseas.


I have been a user of X10 here at my home in Thailand for the last 10 years. I too first tried to get 220volt x10 products but I found that they were VERY expensive. What I do is bring all my x10 needs from the U.S.A.. You can use small transformers. There is one catch though; the X10 signal will not pass thru a transformer unless you add a capacitor to bridge from one side to the other ( although I have found some transformers DO pass the signal ).

It has been a VERY long time since I have done this. If you need to know how to do this I will go into all my old archives and dig out the info.

I have the Eagal Eye MS 14a motion detector mounted out by my front gate and have X10 RF transceiver inside and also have a Remote Chime Model SC 546a

I also use the X10 appliance module and The Lamp module to control my lamps and fans I also have my draperies connected to Model 80 Universal motor drapery and vertical blind with X10 ADD-A – motors

I control everything with Model HR 12a Remote.

My advice is to buy everything online in the U.S. and have a friend send it to you so you don’t pay for customs. If you spend some time online you can find this stuff really cheap.

Just as a point of interest I have had all my 220v X10 stuff go belly up while the good old 120v keeps going.



I think you will struggle to get hold of any meaningful X10 technology here so will likely have to import (which is generally a whole load of fun). X10 relies on powerline technology so here in Thailand you will have to make sure that your electrical install is entirely up to scratch else you'll be pulling your hair wondering why it isn't working consistently.

Most European installations use EIB/KNX nowadays so most of the hardware you will find out there is 110v, X10 feels Archaic compared to KNX and the reliability on good electrical wiring is a real issue here in Thailand, any reason you favour it?


any reason you favour it?

No, no reason at all :)

I just want it to be self operating inbasic functionality, and have some power of it using indigo software for the rest, also i would like to be able to use additional sensors and things.

X-10 turned out to provide all of this at a normal price.

Thats all my reason.

Most other systems are exteemly expensive, and not open to anyting else.

Okay z-wave would be a better option (actually i prefer that more over x10) but z-wave may even harder to get arround here.

My initial plan is just some lightning (dimmed and switched), 2 movement sensors, and a electric garage door.

And a few hidden switches, for some other things. Everything traight forward i guess.

I just allergic to thisisland systems not compatible to anything, x10 turned out to be at least somehow compatible and with the indigo software it becomes extremly powerfoul as well.


I would not even need a real remote, just 3-4 of the control switches,

Rest goes with the iphone and the software, well thats my idea.

Since i do not live alone, there is some need of some "old shool" so a universal remote would make things too complicated i guess :)

As for me i want to gate open if i arrive, hot water, lights on and to be able to control all that from anywhere,

If it where my house, there where no switches anywhere at all :)

Additnally the house is in the middle of nowhere,

So i was thinking of x10 because i can have the movement sensor if iam not at home use to notify me if someone sneaking arround, and do some action.

As example, if home, switch the driveway light,

But if not i want all halogen-beamers on ... And me getting a push message about it.

With indigo software and alittle bit of scripting phantasy. Can then even have it send me a shoot of the cam to the phone.

Total control so to say at abery small cost.

Sasly the cool systems they sell arround here cant do anything like this and cost a fortune.

Would be also great to get a samsung ezon lock to alk with x10...

Still ry to work that out somehow.


Tried X10 in my home a couple of years ago with lights and a sockets. I struggled quite a lot because the electrical system was not up to scratch as is usually the case here in Thailand. I put the problems down to borrowed neutrals and twisted taped connections in the ceiling affecting the signal pass through.

As my requirement was only lights and sockets, I ditched the X10 and used simple timers for the sockets and found some electronic light switches that could be programmed.

I have 3 or 4 X10 screw-in light fittings (from UK) lying around if you want to take them off my hands for a reasonable price :)

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