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Girls With Poor English


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If your knowledge of what makes women tick had any grounding in social practices that have been prevalent in the last, oh, 50 years, you'd know that many women actually prefer straight-up honesty from a man and when they get it, they treat you differently.

I'm not convinced that 'honesty' is considered important by many Thais (male or female), either in the last 50 years or at any other period in history. If you were 'straight-up honest' with Thai ladies, I suspect they might think you a little strange, and not in a good way.

Not that I think badly of you for this simple mistake, many western guys totally fail to deal (and fit in) with the strangeness that is Thailand.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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If your knowledge of what makes women tick had any grounding in social practices that have been prevalent in the last, oh, 50 years, you'd know that many women actually prefer straight-up honesty from a man and when they get it, they treat you differently.

I'm not convinced that 'honesty' is considered important by many Thais (male or female), either in the last 50 years or at any other period in history. If you were 'straight-up honest' with Thai ladies, I suspect they might think you a little strange, and not in a good way.

Not that I think badly of you for this simple mistake, many western guys totally fail to deal (and fit in) with the strangeness that is Thailand.

Thai women will laugh at the same things as a Western man, they may even have things in common with a Western man. However there is and always will be a huge difference in the way we think about morals.

Thai women really are different but for me there are far more positives than negatives. Honesty though is definitely a negative.

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If your knowledge of what makes women tick had any grounding in social practices that have been prevalent in the last, oh, 50 years, you'd know that many women actually prefer straight-up honesty from a man and when they get it, they treat you differently.

I'm not convinced that 'honesty' is considered important by many Thais (male or female), either in the last 50 years or at any other period in history. If you were 'straight-up honest' with Thai ladies, I suspect they might think you a little strange, and not in a good way.

Not that I think badly of you for this simple mistake, many western guys totally fail to deal (and fit in) with the strangeness that is Thailand.

Maybe the second rate gusset you've grown used to in your little corner of the kingdom might regard a man being honest about the prospects for anything more than a casual relationship as being strange but here in the big city, where there are social circles in which many women actually know that London is in England, that Obama is the US president and that using a condom can prevent pregnancy, my honesty has been and continues to be warmly received. Bullshit is not required when one isn't desperate for a girlfriend/wife so open your eyes - the world has evidently moved on without you.

I deal with the "strangeness" that is Thailand perfectly well, thank you hence you won't find me on this forum intimating that every Thai woman is a mercenary and slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society, their morals or their culture. I don't rail against the way things are here like you do because, frankly, I'm happy with what I've got, the Thai people I choose to associate with and how i conduct my relationships with women.

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I deal with the "strangeness" that is Thailand perfectly well, thank you hence you won't find me on this forum intimating that every Thai woman is a mercenary and slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society, their morals or their culture. I don't rail against the way things are here like you do because, frankly, I'm happy with what I've got, the Thai people I choose to associate with and how i conduct my relationships with women.

You are too judgmental!

And you judge everything by Christian Victorian morality. Saying things are different in Thailand isn't 'slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society', but acknowledging that difference. Morality is different, lying is not bad, having multiple partners is not bad, etc. You don't seem to understand anything about Thailand, it must be really hard here for you, bet you are looking forward to leaving. I feel sorry for you.

Alpha-males usually aren't scared of having relationships with the opposite sex.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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You are too judgmental!

And you judge everything by Christian Victorian morality. Saying things are different in Thailand isn't 'slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society', but acknowledging that difference. Morality is different, lying is not bad, having multiple partners is not bad, etc. You don't seem to understand anything about Thailand, it must be really hard here for you, bet you are looking forward to leaving. I feel sorry for you.

Strange then that it is me who feels sorry for you.

A man adrift with no independence save a pension the value of which he inflates or deflates depending on the topic of discussion; a man who's thrown his lot in with the far younger woman who could turf him out of his lodgings onto the kerb at the merest shred of interest from a younger, fitter man.

Time and again, you've demonstrated your complete and utter ineptitude with women - both here and back home - and yet, you have the audacity to lecture me? Your credibility - what little remains of it - is stretched wafer thin; rather like the sheet of ice you've constructed your life in this country on.

Sure, I'm willing to accept that you probably know more about Thailand than I do but you know sweet FA about women.

Thai women will laugh at the same things as a Western man, they may even have things in common with a Western man. However there is and always will be a huge difference in the way we think about morals.

Thai women really are different but for me there are far more positives than negatives. Honesty though is definitely a negative.

Look, I'm not saying I divulge my net worth, how much money I pull down every month or tell her that yes, her arse does look big in that dress; I'm simply straight when I say any liaison is unlikely to develop further when communication beyond a certain level is made difficult by not sharing a common language.

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Time and again, you've demonstrated your complete and utter ineptitude with women - both here and back home - and yet, you have the audacity to lecture me? Your credibility - what little remains of it - is stretched wafer thin; rather like the sheet of ice you've constructed your life in this country on.

I may be inept with women, yet I have one and you don't.

Just for you HS

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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.......... from a younger, fitter man.

Time and again, you've demonstrated your complete and utter ineptitude with women - both here and back home - and yet, you have the audacity to lecture me? Your credibility - what little remains of it - is stretched wafer thin; rather like the sheet of ice you've constructed your life in this country on.

Sure, I'm willing to accept that you probably know more about Thailand than I do but you know sweet FA about women.


Look, I'm not saying I divulge my net worth, how much money I pull down every month or tell her that yes, her arse does look big in that dress; I'm simply straight when I say any liaison is unlikely to develop further when communication beyond a certain level is made difficult by not sharing a common language.

1. I am actually quite fit, you don't last long on a farm without being fit.

2. I may be inept with women, yet I have one and you don't.

3. My woman doesn't have a big arse, but if that's the way you like 'em aha aha ...........

Given the epic failures you've had with women, mightn't it not be better that you didn't have one.

I didn't come to Thailand hoping to drown my sorrows and find a wife so having a girlfriend is hardly a pressing issue for me.

Self-reliance and independence makes for the kind of freedom that frightens people like you so I suppose it's not surprising that you took what is little more than a placeholder position at your wife's farm. Don't you feel as though your life is somewhat precariously balanced knowing that if your wife possesses any of the "attributes" you ascribe to the vast majority of Thai women, you could easily end up on your arse . . . AGAIN?

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Given the epic failures you've had with women, mightn't it not be better that you didn't have one.

Better to have loved and lost ..........

One relationship 27+ years, one relationship 5 years and counting.

Do you consider that failure? (I don't)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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You are too judgmental!

And you judge everything by Christian Victorian morality. Saying things are different in Thailand isn't 'slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society', but acknowledging that difference. Morality is different, lying is not bad, having multiple partners is not bad, etc. You don't seem to understand anything about Thailand, it must be really hard here for you, bet you are looking forward to leaving. I feel sorry for you.

Strange then that it is me who feels sorry for you.

Mate, I've read your stuff and you sounds like a really good bloke.

But you is said yourself that you is 45 and single and you ain't got no bird and you ain't even got no kids and you ain't never even been married.

So this Tomas Physics teacher bloke is one up on you. Innit.

And he's probably some posh geezer with a well good brain and a good bird and kids. Know what I mean?

But you ain't got shit. Same as me. Know what I mean?

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Given the epic failures you've had with women, mightn't it not be better that you didn't have one.

Better to have loved and lost ..........

One relationship 27+ years, one relationship 5 years and counting.

Do you consider that failure? (I don't)

But that's just it, isn't it? You have loved and lost . . . to the tune of £600,000.

I, too, have had long relationships - one of 12 years - but hey, unlike you I didn't come out of it without the shirt on my back and a jaded, cynical attitude towards women.

Obviously, I don't know the details of your relationships with women but judging by your comments, I'd hazard a guess that one or two of your utter gems including "it's all about the money" or rather, the programming that underpins that archaic belief were probably the chief contributors to the disintegration of your marriage.

I'm expecting them to feature prominently in your next separation.

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I, too, have had long relationships - one of 12 years - but hey, unlike you I didn't come out of it without the shirt on my back and a jaded, cynical attitude towards women.

Luckily I had a few spare shirts tucked away.

Yeah but they don't cover as much of you these days, do they?

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I, too, have had long relationships - one of 12 years - but hey, unlike you I didn't come out of it without the shirt on my back and a jaded, cynical attitude towards women.

Luckily I had a few spare shirts tucked away.

Yeah but they don't cover as much of you these days, do they?

I'm actually the fittest I have ever been, 32" waist at the moment.

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so the majority of you agree, it does not matter if you can understand each other.

ok then,lol.

Not me but maybe most guys just want some to shag and clean the house and not bother them otherwise. To each his or her own.

You forgot 'produce babies' and 'supply the house'

supply the house, for you maybe, but i'm guessing thats not the case for most, the girls are getting houses, at the expense of the fools.

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How can a Thai girl who has a boyfriend who cant speak thai and lives in her country be happy with that???

They realise that many farang are handicapped in this area and accept it.

Can you imagine a girl in your country dating or marrying a man with a similar outlook. If she didn't teach him ENGLISH or he reused to learn, they'd be laughed at.

Here other Thais realise that many farang are too stupid or arrogant to learn a language.

My reply was sarcasm to a stupid Topic

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oh yes, if you find my spelling or grammer annoying, your wives must be doing your head in.

kind of proved my point, thankyou.

That's the whole problem with your OP , you knock the language skills of some peoples wives or girlfriends and can barely write the language yourself, my current girlfriend would probably beat you in an English test

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How can a Thai girl who has a boyfriend who cant speak thai and lives in her country be happy with that???

They realise that many farang are handicapped in this area and accept it.

Can you imagine a girl in your country dating or marrying a man with a similar outlook. If she didn't teach him ENGLISH or he reused to learn, they'd be laughed at.

Here other Thais realise that many farang are too stupid or arrogant to learn a language.

My reply was sarcasm to a stupid Topic

and yet here you are, by the way most of my time is spent in Australia, I don't recall saying I lived in Thailand.

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so it seems conversation with the partners is not a high priority here.

yes there are ways to communicate, point at things, etc etc, but what about good conversation with a partner.

Sorry, I can't talk right now. My mouth's full, LOL. Just messin' with ya man. No foul intended. :)

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You are too judgmental!

And you judge everything by Christian Victorian morality. Saying things are different in Thailand isn't 'slagging off nigh on every aspect of Thai society', but acknowledging that difference. Morality is different, lying is not bad, having multiple partners is not bad, etc. You don't seem to understand anything about Thailand, it must be really hard here for you, bet you are looking forward to leaving. I feel sorry for you.

Strange then that it is me who feels sorry for you.

Mate, I've read your stuff and you sounds like a really good bloke.

But you is said yourself that you is 45 and single and you ain't got no bird and you ain't even got no kids and you ain't never even been married.

So this Tomas Physics teacher bloke is one up on you. Innit.

And he's probably some posh geezer with a well good brain and a good bird and kids. Know what I mean?

But you ain't got shit. Same as me. Know what I mean?

<you is 45 and single and you ain't got no bird and you ain't even got no kids and you ain't never even been married.>

Sensible bloke then, especially with the kids, or lack thereof. He probably has a happier life than most men.

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Sorry if repeating too many posts to filter. BG English is recognizable by the poor or lazy grammar or constant insertion of swear words or slang, likewise someone that has actually studied the language will have correct or better grammar. My wife speaks no English, how could we communicate? Ah...how about in Thai which I can speak? Silly post.

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