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Surin Man Survives Hanging Ordered By Ex-Boss


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What always gets me reading such articles are the notable absence of any arrests or charges brought against those responsible. We have the name of the victim and a photo, even the name of the hospital that he's recovering in but no names of his ex boss, ex company or the thugs that botched his murder.

So his aggressors know that A. He has told the police who was responsible. B. To expect police attention. C. Where to go to silence the only surviving witness to their attempted murder.

Way to go Thai media and police. You guys are truly amazing. Rather than naming and shaming the victims and witnesses why not name and shame those responsible, plaster their pictures all over the media, publish the addresses where they can be found so that the public can protect themselves by not getting involved with such murderous b@st@rds...

Not sure I agree with this. Right now, the 'boss' is accused on the basis of zero evidence beyond the say-so of one individual. No, I'm not saying that he's making a false accusation, but I am uncomfortable if we starting publishing the names of accused persons when there is no corroborating evidence (yet). That would be something that could be massively abused by people with ill intent. Of course, the police need to do thorough follow up, and if corroborating evidence is found and charges laid, then it will be time to name names....

I agree. The boss and his gang is being "accused" at this stage and there really is only the admitted thief implicating them in his own attempted murder. They should be suspects and persons of interest, but not yet enough to indict. Unlike the Ferrari hit and run cop killing where there is an admission of guilt and evidence of numerous charges against the perpetrator who is still unindicted and not charged officially.

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The boss will either run off to Cambodia for awhile, incognito, or a police brass will pay him a polite visit, some money will get passed to him, and that's the end of it for law enforcement. Little guy can't hurt big guy. As for putting together a well researched case to prosecute perpetrators? .....impossible in Thailand.

The little guy better make himself scarce, or he won't be so lucky next time.

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I see no burn marks on his neck from his nylon noose.

I see no link trauma from being restrained by a chain around his neck.

I see only boredom in his expression.

I see no evidence of a slit jean legs to reveal legs for triage.

Maybe this is a library picture of someone else.

Whatever the truth I trust that the victim will be treated well and compensated for his ordeal.

Edited by indyuk
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After I heard his story , it hard to believe , I have seen some people who has drug addict problem can cause paranoid delusion , even kill his mom , or children . May be the reporter should prove this article before release because creating false fear in the social will cause bad effect in the future .

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He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest
Edited by Nisa
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In case i decide to execute someone, that someone did an offense.

In case the boss decided to kill this man, this man did an offense,

i have no reason to doubt he was stealing from the boss.

A thief should not sleep well

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What always gets me reading such articles are the notable absence of any arrests or charges brought against those responsible. We have the name of the victim and a photo, even the name of the hospital that he's recovering in but no names of his ex boss, ex company or the thugs that botched his murder.

So his aggressors know that A. He has told the police who was responsible. B. To expect police attention. C. Where to go to silence the only surviving witness to their attempted murder.

Way to go Thai media and police. You guys are truly amazing. Rather than naming and shaming the victims and witnesses why not name and shame those responsible, plaster their pictures all over the media, publish the addresses where they can be found so that the public can protect themselves by not getting involved with such murderous b@st@rds...

Not sure I agree with this. Right now, the 'boss' is accused on the basis of zero evidence beyond the say-so of one individual. No, I'm not saying that he's making a false accusation, but I am uncomfortable if we starting publishing the names of accused persons when there is no corroborating evidence (yet). That would be something that could be massively abused by people with ill intent. Of course, the police need to do thorough follow up, and if corroborating evidence is found and charges laid, then it will be time to name names....

I agree. The boss and his gang is being "accused" at this stage and there really is only the admitted thief implicating them in his own attempted murder. They should be suspects and persons of interest, but not yet enough to indict. Unlike the Ferrari hit and run cop killing where there is an admission of guilt and evidence of numerous charges against the perpetrator who is still unindicted and not charged officially.

Where do you get the "admitted thief" from, the article on says accused by his ex boss, therefore not a theif unless proven guilty.

Anyhow this is common here when an employer wants to get rid of someone or the employee leaves for another job.

I am sure the names of the accused perpetrators will come out if there is sufficient evidence/witnesses.

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What always gets me reading such articles are the notable absence of any arrests or charges brought against those responsible. We have the name of the victim and a photo, even the name of the hospital that he's recovering in but no names of his ex boss, ex company or the thugs that botched his murder.

So his aggressors know that A. He has told the police who was responsible. B. To expect police attention. C. Where to go to silence the only surviving witness to their attempted murder.

Way to go Thai media and police. You guys are truly amazing. Rather than naming and shaming the victims and witnesses why not name and shame those responsible, plaster their pictures all over the media, publish the addresses where they can be found so that the public can protect themselves by not getting involved with such murderous b@st@rds...

This is only one side of the story. It should be investigated before handing out names to the press. Good job you're not a judge because you'd be finding everyone guilty without even seeing any evidence.

Yes, one side of the story, that of a man who's been beaten and hung from a bridge, made a lucky escape and given a witness statement to the police. Now his name, his location and his story are plastered all over the media but Thai laws protect the same from happening with his alleged attackers. Not saying they should be found guilty before a fair trial (although feel free to apply whatever leaps of logic you like Dave...) but that victim and witness protection and identity/ location secrecy should come before that of the suspects... crazy stuff.

His witness statement would be enough in virtually every civilised country the world over to obtain an arrest warrant for the suspects. That would be enough substance in most to release a public notice that such and such is wanted for questioning in relation to such and such and public beware that they've been known to act violently and throw people off bridges etc.

But you're totally right Dave, protecting the rights of the alleged murderers is of paramount importance and the rights of victims, witnesses and the public as a whole are insignificant in comparison...coffee1.gif

While your sarcasm is witty and even amusing to me, don't you make the same leap of logic and couldn't he too maybe have been doing something similar? Just saying, I liked you argument until the last line, as this is not what Dave was insinuating to me, just like you weren't saying these guys shouldn't have a trial, they should just be killed.

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He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest

What is the motivation for saying this victim contrived or even embellished the entire story. The police found a rope dangling off the bridge. Why would this guy tie rope on overpass and jump onto road with heavy traffic breaking his leg? Why would police or official lie about evidence of being beat up? How many bodies or necks have you examined after a person was hanged, but rope broke? Would you not agree that an accurate examination, assessment and diagnosis of someone's injuries should be made in person than in a small photo posted on the Internet? Seems as if you are implying the victim, the cops and the medical personal all lack veracity and are a part of some conspiracy to create what, an interesting news story. I would certainly hope they have more constructive uses for their time.

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thai rak thai ,incredible ! ............ we know thais are proud to be who they are ,and are very patriotic etc but as a boss you are far more worthy OF COURSE, if this can happen at the drop of a hat to a fellow thai , what are they capable of doing to a farang that has wronged them ?.......FRIGHTENING !

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He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest

What is the motivation for saying this victim contrived or even embellished the entire story. The police found a rope dangling off the bridge. Why would this guy tie rope on overpass and jump onto road with heavy traffic breaking his leg? Why would police or official lie about evidence of being beat up? How many bodies or necks have you examined after a person was hanged, but rope broke? Would you not agree that an accurate examination, assessment and diagnosis of someone's injuries should be made in person than in a small photo posted on the Internet? Seems as if you are implying the victim, the cops and the medical personal all lack veracity and are a part of some conspiracy to create what, an interesting news story. I would certainly hope they have more constructive uses for their time.

I didn't imply anything -- that is your own mind playing tricks on you. I did however, make a typo and said "these guys account" when I meant to write "this guys account". The reasons are limitless why you can rarely ever believe one side of a story or why somebody tries to kill or harm themselves or why they choose to run in circles they do and I don't feel like entertaining the numerous reasons why his story may not be accurate or complete but I was being generous towards him when I gave it 50/50 odds.

As for being dragged around by a chain to your neck and then being hung from a nylon rope by your neck to the point the nylon rope breaks ... well, I don't think you need to be a doctor let alone more than 12-years old to know this should almost certainly leave marks. Obviously the comments are based on one photo but since this is all we have and the photo shows a complete lack of injuries to visible areas where one would believe there should be injuries based on his story ... we would need to be being burying our heads in the sand to not point this obvious discrepancy out. As I stated, I implied nothing but simply stated an opinion that I give it 50% odds this account is accurate or complete.

Even as for him breaking a leg ... he may have simply broken some part of his foot. This would make a bit clearer as to his running around after the break and his pants appearing perfectly intact in the photo. There is a Thai word for leg (ขา) that simply refers to lower extremities and the translation may not be clear in the story as is common. So, I even give it a 50/50 shot he broke his leg as opposed to a lesser bone somewhere below his waist but he certainly could have broken his leg and somehow was running around on adrenaline and the medics put him in the transport without examining the broken leg.

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He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest

What is the motivation for saying this victim contrived or even embellished the entire story. The police found a rope dangling off the bridge. Why would this guy tie rope on overpass and jump onto road with heavy traffic breaking his leg? Why would police or official lie about evidence of being beat up? How many bodies or necks have you examined after a person was hanged, but rope broke? Would you not agree that an accurate examination, assessment and diagnosis of someone's injuries should be made in person than in a small photo posted on the Internet? Seems as if you are implying the victim, the cops and the medical personal all lack veracity and are a part of some conspiracy to create what, an interesting news story. I would certainly hope they have more constructive uses for their time.

I didn't imply anything -- that is your own mind playing tricks on you. I did however, make a typo and said "these guys account" when I meant to write "this guys account". The reasons are limitless why you can rarely ever believe one side of a story or why somebody tries to kill or harm themselves or why they choose to run in circles they do and I don't feel like entertaining the numerous reasons why his story may not be accurate or complete but I was being generous towards him when I gave it 50/50 odds.

As for being dragged around by a chain to your neck and then being hung from a nylon rope by your neck to the point the nylon rope breaks ... well, I don't think you need to be a doctor let alone more than 12-years old to know this should almost certainly leave marks. Obviously the comments are based on one photo but since this is all we have and the photo shows a complete lack of injuries to visible areas where one would believe there should be injuries based on his story ... we would need to be being burying our heads in the sand to not point this obvious discrepancy out. As I stated, I implied nothing but simply stated an opinion that I give it 50% odds this account is accurate or complete.

Even as for him breaking a leg ... he may have simply broken some part of his foot. This would make a bit clearer as to his running around after the break and his pants appearing perfectly intact in the photo. There is a Thai word for leg (ขา) that simply refers to lower extremities and the translation may not be clear in the story as is common. So, I even give it a 50/50 shot he broke his leg as opposed to a lesser bone somewhere below his waist but he certainly could have broken his leg and somehow was running around on adrenaline and the medics put him in the transport without examining the broken leg.

Lol, about my mind playing tricks on me. Judging by the above post, you live in Fantasy Land located in Conjecture World. Wow.

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