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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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A huge number of off-topic, baiting, bashing posts have been deleted. Please re-read the OP and stick to the topic.

The topic is NOT about Germany, Britain, WWII, etc. The topic is specifically not about the 2nd amendment. Posters who continue to do nothing but baiting and American Bashing without addressing the OP will face the consequences.

Stay on topic, please.

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Bring your gun to work, protect yourselves from the Zombies PC screens....

You never know when one of those computer screens or keyboards are going to turn zombie on you....

Protect yourself, also don't forget to shoot your work colleague if you suspect PC screen biting.... clap2.gifclap2.gif

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Most often it's one of the elite left-wing politicians demanding stronger and more restrictive gun laws for the common citizen while they manage to obtain their "specially issued" permit for concealed carry or have their own armed bodyguards.

The past 100 years of world history gives many examples of left-wing politicians disarming their citizens before killing off their political rivals and imprisoning millions who won't submit. Think it can't happen in America? Just the other day far left wing Harry Belafonte called on Obama to imprison those who oppose him "like a third world dictator". So in light of history and the strengthening of the left wing in the USA, we need the 2nd Amendment more than ever. Do we need the right to have guns in our car in the the parking lot at work? Well, I don't think it's any business of the employer or anyone else what you have in your car. What are they going to do, perform TSA-like searches of every vehicle which comes within a certain distance of the workplace? If so, you know they won't stop at just firearms, they steal and confiscate a wide variety of things just like the TSA officers.

Edited by koheesti
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Bring your gun to work, protect yourselves from the Zombies PC screens....

You never know when one of those computer screens or keyboards are going to turn zombie on you....

Protect yourself, also don't forget to shoot your work colleague if you suspect PC screen biting.... clap2.gifclap2.gif

I believe the issue is about having the gun in your car while you are at work, NOT having it at your side while you are working.

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As stated previously:

A huge number of off-topic, baiting, bashing posts have been deleted. Please re-read the OP and stick to the topic.

The topic is NOT about Germany, Britain, WWII, etc. The topic is specifically not about the 2nd amendment. Posters who continue to do nothing but baiting and American Bashing without addressing the OP will face the consequences.

Stay on topic, please.

More posts have been removed. Stay on topic.

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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

Yes but, the next time there is a shooting in the work place maybe some other employee carrying a gun will kill the shooter before he kills more innocent employees.

Wouldn't it be better if neither of them had a gun? Then no-one would get shot.

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Better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6.

Best to have a gun and not need it ,then to need a gun and not have it.

Now for a shooting and firearms safety training course and background checks a well as a mental evaluation and police auxiliary volunteer work.

Then after 10 years a good person can protect themselves?

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Given what has just happened in CT I think this thread should be closed down and we all just back off gracefully....

Why? Now is the time these issues should be talked about ... more than ever. For the gun extremists, there is never a good time to talk about it. Edited by Jingthing
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Given what has just happened in CT I think this thread should be closed down and we all just back off gracefully....

Why? Now is the time these issues should be talked about ... more than ever. For the gun extremists, there is never a good time to talk about it.


let's just get all the details of the latest outrage. There will be plenty of time for comment later. At the moment it is not exactly clear what has happened but it would appear that there are a large number of fatalities, including over a dozen children. And all this just before Christmas.....

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Given what has just happened in CT I think this thread should be closed down and we all just back off gracefully....

Why? Now is the time these issues should be talked about ... more than ever. For the gun extremists, there is never a good time to talk about it.


let's just get all the details of the latest outrage. There will be plenty of time for comment later. At the moment it is not exactly clear what has happened but it would appear that there are a large number of fatalities, including over a dozen children. And all this just before Christmas.....

Guns were involved. We know that. This is typical. Politically, NEVER is the right time to talk about this. Not when tragedies happen. Not later. Never. Gun "freedom" is like a religion for the majority of Americans and like I said before, it is a cultural sickness.

Jon Stewart discusses this hypocrisy here: (start at 4:00)


Edited by Jingthing
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Given what has just happened in CT I think this thread should be closed down and we all just back off gracefully....

Why? Now is the time these issues should be talked about ... more than ever. For the gun extremists, there is never a good time to talk about it.


let's just get all the details of the latest outrage. There will be plenty of time for comment later. At the moment it is not exactly clear what has happened but it would appear that there are a large number of fatalities, including over a dozen children. And all this just before Christmas.....

Guns were involved. We know that. This is typical. Politically, NEVER is the right time to talk about this. Not when tragedies happens. Not later. Never. Gun "freedom" is like a religion for the majority of Americans and like I said before, it is a cultural sickness.

Jon Stewart discusses this hypocrisy here:


I quite agree and it was only yesterday that i wrote:

"People whine about nanny state in the UK, but having lived in both the UK and USA, the ludicrous attitude to civilian ownership of weapons in the latter is a tragically, oft-repeated, disaster waiting to happen."

Ironically I was in Hungerford today where Michael Ryan killed 16 people in 1987. He ended his rampage by breaking into the senior school but luckily it was the summer vacation, and the only additional fatality was the sad git himself who took his own life. This outrage, plus the subsequent Dunblane mass killing, led to the banning of the ownership of all handguns and semi-automatic weapons in the UK.

Sadly it will be a cool day in hell before a similar line is taken in the USA.

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Given what has just happened in CT I think this thread should be closed down and we all just back off gracefully....

Why? Now is the time these issues should be talked about ... more than ever. For the gun extremists, there is never a good time to talk about it.

yes now is exactly the time gun extremists would NOT like to talk about the consequences of a "Gun for ever nut case" NRA policies.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.
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Unfortunately, as much as I sympathize with the young lady in the video for her loss, she shot herself in the foot by saying guns were for protection against the government. The man that killed per parents and others was obviously deranged and had no connection with the government unless, of course, he was some kind of government employee. The second amendment, IMHO, was devised because at the time of the writing, the US was a small country, mostly on the eastern seaboard of the continent, surrounded by many enemies hoping to take over, thus arms were needed to make sure that did not happen. (Not to mention hostile natives and thieves). I doubt very much the framers of the constitution envisioned conditions and individual lunatics as they are today.

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Unfortunately, as much as I sympathize with the young lady in the video for her loss, she shot herself in the foot by saying guns were for protection against the government. The man that killed per parents and others was obviously deranged and had no connection with the government unless, of course, he was some kind of government employee. The second amendment, IMHO, was devised because at the time of the writing, the US was a small country, mostly on the eastern seaboard of the continent, surrounded by many enemies hoping to take over, thus arms were needed to make sure that did not happen. (Not to mention hostile natives and thieves). I doubt very much the framers of the constitution envisioned conditions and individual lunatics as they are today.

One only has to look back to 1938.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

Or the reverse. They might round up an unarmed minority and do something bad to them. I don't think history is without a precedent.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys. It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

And after reading the two comments above, we have found at least two people that would have willingly boarded the train to their assigned "Arbeit macht frei" camp!

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

  • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
  • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
  • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
  • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
  • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

You gotta watch out for dem dear. Luckily my 7 year is proficient with his Bushmaster so can take those crazy deer out. dam_n deer pert near attacked him in the parking lot of his job at 7-11 other day, but deer knew Bushmater was in car and took off.

Why the hell did a women kindergarten teacher need a Bushmaster and a full arsenal, especially with an autistic mentally disturbed 20 year-old around? I guess she needed the Sig to back up the Glok in case things got of hand in Danbury when 1 murder in 10 years. Well her self protection necessary for such a dangerous place results in 27 dead.

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Not only is it strange that this woman appeared to think that she needed to keep a Sig, Glock, Bushmaster and apparently various other rifles in her house but they were obviously accessible, plus the ammunition, to her son.

The only good news in this appalling tragedy is that the toerag seemed to have left the Bushmaster in the car, god knows how many more people he would have killed if he had that as well as the 2 pistols.

My personal opinion is that civilians should never have direct, unlimited access to weaponry, especially automatic, semi-automatic or military grade items. But then heaven forbid that might get in the way of selling such items to Mexican narco gangs or terrorists such as the IRA. Can't get in the way of the blessed Second Amendment fan club, clinging to their guns and religion, the odd school massacre is but a small price to pay for the ability to defy/bring down an overbearing central government.

I love the USA but this pathetic obsession with gun ownership comes at a terrible price. Do nothing and we will see another school massacre, and another, and another....Simple isn't it?

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