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Thailand Militants Vow More Attacks On Teachers


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"We have to seriously beef up security for teachers," he said, adding that authorities hoped increased safety measures for some 20,000 teachers in the region would enable schools to reopen on Monday.

​Guess nobody would really wants to be the next target. Look at Yingluck, the clone and her older brother who had messed it up a few years ago. Another sad episode is that this government will never be able to solve the problems. Always the same bla bla.....

I guess Abhisit would have at least a clue what to do in a diplomatic way.--wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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If the trouble in the south was from Pitak Siam there would be tens of thousands of police in the ground

What a totally stupid comment!

This has got nothing whatsoever to do with whoever runs this country.

This "conflict" is boiling for years now, it was boiling under TRT, PT, DEM etc etc etc

It is evidence for the total neglect of the regions of Thailand that are just not "worthy" of attention, in the eyes of those in power!

Whoever THOSE may be!

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Sri Lanka is a great example of cleaning out the Tamil Tigers Terrorist. Army Won.

Not exactly - after 25 years of civil war & 70,000 killed. Murder of civilians (war crimes) both both sides of the conflict. All this suffering has now lead to talks to address exactly what the Tamils wanted in the first place - really smart leadership by the Sri Lanka government eh? i.e. There have been talks between the Sri Lankan government and the biggest Tamil party which may lead to constitutional reforms including substantial regional devolution, which the Tamil party wants given that the north and east are largely Tamil-inhabited.

Edited by simple1
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If the trouble in the south was from Pitak Siam there would be tens of thousands of police in the ground

What a totally stupid comment!

This has got nothing whatsoever to do with whoever runs this country.

This "conflict" is boiling for years now, it was boiling under TRT, PT, DEM etc etc etc

It is evidence for the total neglect of the regions of Thailand that are just not "worthy" of attention, in the eyes of those in power!

Whoever THOSE may be!

Take it easy my friend. I do believe this was satire. Have another Leo and relax.
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In a country where governments are afraid to act because of fear of criticism or accusations of recklessness, heavy handedness and even murder then you can understand why the government is standing idle or just going through the motions of taking responsive action.

The militants are highly organised, motivated, and focused on their objectives which are clearly to claim the southern region as a new Muslim state. Whereas the Thai government are complacent and hoping it will all die down rather than getting serious and weeding out the central offenders and hanging them in the streets so to speak they will allow a status quo and in the meantime a few teachers (even hundreds) are expendable rather than having to face the music and even declaring a martial law down there.

Whilst I would like to think that Thailand will eventually resolve to political peace, it seems poised very dangerously between a war in the south and a civil war elsewhere should the red-shirt/PTP/Thaksin scenario turn ugly one way or another!

Hopefully we will see something shift (a favorable wind-change so to speak) and Thailand eventually become restored to the Land of Smiles and one of the safest and best environments to live in.

Meanwhile I sit and observe and hope for the best for my family here and for other expats and the Thai people!

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They should hire Muslim teachers, then the terrorist can try to justify the necessity to murder their own people.

I doubt that would help.

For a start you need to forget the notion of "muslims" as a huge (700 million I think) grouping of people all under the same beliefs and values. Many muslims are killed by other muslims because it's believed they aren't real muslims because they don't abide by the same values and are often considered to be collaborating with the western enemy as well. These extremists don't just want to practice their religion, they see it as their duty to make everyone in the world do so as well.

In Afghanistan most muslims are killed by the Taliban and in the process many copies of the Qur'an will have also been destroyed. It's the Americans who get the anger for the far fewer deaths caused by the coalition forces.

As for killing babies and children the extremists just see them as necessary deaths in the fight for Islam as they see it.

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To treat Cancer, you have to start where it's originating...and work from there.

To treat Terrosism, you have to start at the training camps.....and work from there....

Send in the drones to find these camps.....or is that already in place?

Procrustination is costing lives.

What about shutting down their Mosques? If the trouble making Muslims are only about 5% of the Thai population, then surely the other 95% can kick ass.
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all I know is if stuff like this were to happen in the America, the National Guard if not the Army or marines would be there in a heartbeat to flush out and squash these senseless idiots in a heartbeat and put an end to these cowardly attacks once and for all...I just can't understand why Thailand remains in a state of denial as well as not taking an incling of action

Simple, the police and army do not want to get shot at, they are basically cowards that have joined up to make money, not protect people or actually take a risk. There is no money in that, they have to protect their own interests.

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If the trouble in the south was from Pitak Siam there would be tens of thousands of police in the ground

What a totally stupid comment!

This has got nothing whatsoever to do with whoever runs this country.

This "conflict" is boiling for years now, it was boiling under TRT, PT, DEM etc etc etc

It is evidence for the total neglect of the regions of Thailand that are just not "worthy" of attention, in the eyes of those in power!

Whoever THOSE may be!

Stupid because you don't like it?

Stupid because you don't agree with it?

It's an opinion and that's what this forum is for.

Climb back up your tree and descend the evolutionary scale if you wish but please don't try to drag me with you

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To treat Cancer, you have to start where it's originating...and work from there.

To treat Terrosism, you have to start at the training camps.....and work from there....

Send in the drones to find these camps.....or is that already in place?

Procrustination is costing lives.

What about shutting down their Mosques? If the trouble making Muslims are only about 5% of the Thai population, then surely the other 95% can kick ass.

Repressing a religion rarely works. Shutting religious schools and exposing children to non-religious attitudes is much more effective in the long run - which is why the government schools and teachers are being targeted.

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What do these Muslims get out of killing teachers? Are they scared of people being educated?

Quite frankly...Yes.

If that's the case, considering the number of Thai Muslims & Buddhists completing secondary education in the region, don't know why the insurgents bother with targeting schools. i.e. 9.20% of Muslims have completed secondary education (including those who graduated from private Islamic schools), compared to 13.20% of Buddhists. Surely there are deeper reasons?

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Sadly, the minute the Thai security forces actually do anything to these murderers, out will come TV's army of do-gooders and bleeding-hearts to cry foul. (After that, they will go back to somehow blaming Thaksin for the Troubles - along with every other problem in LOS!))

Are we having a bad day?

Here is a tip.

You can always go back and read what you post, and edit it. Not sure if you know that.

Have a great day.

No idea what you're on about, but you found a couple of muppets to cheer you on!thumbsup.gif

Maybe you should take your own advise?

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To treat Cancer, you have to start where it's originating...and work from there.

To treat Terrosism, you have to start at the training camps.....and work from there....

Send in the drones to find these camps.....or is that already in place?

Procrustination is costing lives.

What about shutting down their Mosques? If the trouble making Muslims are only about 5% of the Thai population, then surely the other 95% can kick ass.

I think it's part of the Thai constitution that other religions are accepted in the kingdom. I would suspect that most of the muslims in the region are not the same as the extremists and may well be targeted as well so shutting down mosques would be illegal and stop peaceful muslims practicing.

Also if you shut places of worship due to low percentages then christian churches would possibly be shut down. It makes no difference to me as I don't believe in any of it but I wouldn't want to stop others.

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Sadly, the minute the Thai security forces actually do anything to these murderers, out will come TV's army of do-gooders and bleeding-hearts to cry foul. (After that, they will go back to somehow blaming Thaksin for the Troubles - along with every other problem in LOS!))

We will always remember how Thaksin came out unapologetical after the Thai Bak incident. That and the dismembering of the local Ranger units is a big factor in the a disaster that`s getting worse every month.................yes we`re blaming the little weasel and we always will do thumbsup.gif !!!

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Can I make a suggestion please?

This has been happening since the 80's sorry folks, and nothing has happened... If you think the Muslim dominant south is going to change, (any time soon), then you are probably on a psychodelic drug........ or clueless..... So what is going on? Well let us pretend that these things do not happen in Thailand..... God.... it might hurt the tourism...... or the image...... So let us kill the educators and the children that want to learn, compassion in the name of what???????

Just my humble opinion.... and if you think this only happens in one Nation, then put the blinders on, and you will be fine.....

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, we send our best to those whom have left us, because of what?


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Are you sure you want to stick with that declaration? Islam is what it is, and it is no different than any other religion or government that holds militia and weapons of mass destruction within its palm.

You will never meet any any murdering religious fanatic who owns a nice home, has a nice job, is raising beautiful children who are being educated in quality schools, and has hope burning brightly in their breast when they awake in the morning. People who have a good quality of life do not choose guns and bombs. People who trust their governments do not abandon or forsake their good quality of life that their good government has provided for them.

Religion does not take away good quality of life, but governments do.

Originally people trust those governments, and those people who trust those governments are generally law-abiding citizens, raised from childhood without any terrorist thoughts. But it is in corrupt governments where these innocent babes are raised that they begin to get indoctrinated by disillusioned people; and when these children look around them and view their society, and compare what these disillusioned people and the government are both preaching, they begin to see the lies and deceit. They begin to see that religion preaches that which the government does nothing to contradict. They begin to see that their government does not give the distinction of being protector, provider and care-giver to their subjects.

Religion goes deeper than government. Religion is in the hearts and minds of each who chooses to believe. Government, on the other hand is based upon trust; trust that those given the power to protect, provide and give care do not abandon their responsibilities and hoard.

If you feel that Islam is the most insecure religion in the world, then perhaps it is because the people who embrace Islam are being made to feel insecure by their governments, and being provoked by their Mullahs (however wrongly or with the most heinous agendas) to fight back.

Again, I never met any person from any religion, who had a good quality of life and a healthy trust in his or her government, and then gave it all up for guns and bombs over the former.

government gives you the opportunity to make yourself a comfortable life, it is up to the individual to equip themselves with the skills and then employ them to achieve relative financial comfort. Should an individual's parents choose to have them educated in a religious based school where religion takes predominance over a basic education, then they are ill-equipped and will struggle.

To put it more bluntly, learning to quote slabs of the Koran in Arabic, and being unable to read and write the national language, will almost surely guarantee economic failure.

I don't really understand the thesis of your statement. The Thai government gives what? Being able to equip with what, and having what kind of needed knowledge to choose what?

To put it more bluntly, learning to quote slabs of the Thai nationalistic propaganda in Thai, and being unable to read and write the national language, has created a racist nation suffering economic failure and alienating itself from the rest of the world in the process.

To bluntly add, history shows that an aggressive approach to this new form of retaliation to unrest (called terrorism by the self-appointed killers holding power in corporate-driven government) brings only further and increased violence. Being punitive to the terrorists only solidifies their resolve and breeds more terrorists who suffer loss of life, liberty and freedom from a corrupt government.

I say no! I say that if you want to undo the damage that is done, it will take a great amount of time; generations; and this solution emphatically must involve the general population because this is where these terrorists are coming from.

Terrorism is the anti-thesis to corporate murder. Terrorism is the new allergic reaction by the common folk against corrupt world government. You want to talk about globalization, then you have to accept that corporate driven globalization is creating a reaction from the poor and destitute who are being crushed under the corporate Michelin's in their murderous and greedy search for energy resources.

Tell me; how does a poor man fight back when his government has given nothing. How does he fight back when, without raising a finger he has suddenly been targeted as a terrorist and sees his family, friends and loved ones blown to bits by Obama's drones, or Israeli missiles as they clear the way for a New World Order?

Again I say that terrorism is an allergic reaction to Corporate Murder, Inc. You can call them anything you wish, but to me you cannot eliminate this allergic reaction, as it is the same as shooting yourself in the foot; you are killing the very people whom only a blind person fails to see are being cheated, swindled, extorted, blackmailed, murdered and hypocritically accused in light of the ones doing it.

So you say, "But there are really bad terrorists who deserve death."? I agree, but then you would have to put to death former terrorists, among whom one is a member of British Parliament, and another is a former Prime Minister of Israel, and so forth and so on. And what is Obama? He still is sending in drones in Pakistan and murdering people by the dozens and hundreds with reasons that I care not to go into because they are unjustified in my estimate.

The world is fuc_ked up, but I think the reason is not terrorists. I think the reason is governments who have turned against the will of the people and only represent themselves, and they will be damned if they let the people dictate to them what is best for the people. Government comes from those with the money bags. They have absolutely nothing in common with you, myself, or any one else in the general population. Their present behavior suggests that. Terrorists, on the other hand, come from the little sheep herder or taxi-driver who saw his children blasted to bits or have their little heads blown apart by those with the money bags who want more oil, or to build 3,000 new condo units, or whatever reason that has nothing to do with any interest in the newly labeled victim of corporate greed.

Any time something new begins, it is usually headed up by virulent ingredients. It is usually a direct and opposite reaction to some thing. If the thing that causes this reaction does not change, then that thing that has begun will spread and reach a point where you will not have need for the virulent ingredients because that reaction will survive to perpetuate itself.

What I mean is, terrorism, perhaps is a virulent, initial reaction to corrupt, self-seeking governments by the poor and downtrodden; to fight back against evil things that have gone on too long, yet have not been brought to your or my attention. Do you think they give a dam_n that you don't know about their child or mother or wife being blown to bits? Do you think they are going to ask for your approval before they do the only thing their ignorant minds can achieve? If I treated my kids like animals and kicked them all the time, I should not be surprised if one day they hack me to pieces as I sleep. Why should governments be any different?

I could, I suppose go on, but the point here is that governments are the problem, because they are backed by corporations, and those corporations enlist the media and mercenary murderers to get what they want, while keeping the sheep stupid and fat and happy, yet fearful. The ones on the outside of greed are always the terrorists, or the enemy-non-combatants, a.k.a. soon to be terrorists. Islam is no different when you get to the top of its ladder. It is run by a bunch of wealthy money bags who use a strong human conviction as a means to push an agenda... much the same as the good ole' USA, China, Israel, Britain, Thailand and the rest.

I feel certain, that as time goes on, and corporate greed and Murder Inc continue their greedy, gluttonous ways, that other common folk will be hard pressed to choose between being on one side of the fence or another. They will have to decide if they want to be identified with the money-bags or the people who have more in common with them in terms of simply wanting a decent, human quality of life and being able to enjoy it, guilt free, without watching the news and seeing others like them being murdered so that their quality of life can be had.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Sadly, I believe part of the reason that the government does little more than use the southern insurgency for red government photo opportunities is that it gives their soldiers exposure to a live war zone, bearing in mind its neighbors bith being Cambodia and Burma, two countries which have not seen eye to eye. Technology alone does not win wars, experience plays perhaps an even greater role.

I am a strong supporter of the use of drone use in the south, perhaps even at a weapons deployment level. Something more needs to be done, you cannot figt an unconventional war with a conventional army.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

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