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Promoting Pattaya


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I see on our local tv station that pattaya is to be promoted through the media and the rotary club as the city of peace, seem's to me like holding a red flag to a bull, They might as well say come here and blow us up.

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I see on our local tv station that pattaya is to be promoted through the media and the rotary club as the city of peace, seem's to me like holding a red flag to a bull, They might as well say come here and blow us up.

"City of Peace" I guess the people that came up with that idea haven't been watching the local news programs lately.

It has been loosely suggested that the risk to Pattaya from certain radical elements is minimal, as there is a large contingent of their bretheren here that would immediately become an endangered species.

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I don't live in Pattaya so I don't really know the in's and out's of the place, but from what I've read in the papers and here on TV it's hardly a city of peace....am I wrong?

NO, you are correct :o Promoting it as a Cowboy town would be nearer the truth :D

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Peace, brothers and sisters.................

Flower power, hippies and pass the pot.

Make sex not war...

That's what Pattaya is famous for mate :o

Are you sure?

I thought people came for the beach

Was'nt it Churchill who said, "we fight em on the beaches" ? :D

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It`s really all down to each individual`s concept of peace.......now sitting at a bar on Beach Rd with the sun on yer back and drinking a glass of the most delicious libation.... whilst viewing the most gorgeous.......and then there`s the sweet music in the background......all embellished with the magnificent aromatic aromas of Asian culinary delights.....and the beeep! beeep! beeep! of the lively baht.....oh dear, back to reality :o

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now sitting at a bar on Beach Rd with the sun on yer back and drinking a glass of the most delicious libation.

I'm just wondering about your choice of "libation...with the sun on yer back."

I hope it is a pot of tea.

It's only when the moon is "on yer back" that hard liquor should be poured down one's throat. :o

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now sitting at a bar on Beach Rd with the sun on yer back and drinking a glass of the most delicious libation.

I'm just wondering about your choice of "libation...with the sun on yer back."

I hope it is a pot of tea.

It's only when the moon is "on yer back" that hard liquor should be poured down one's throat. :o

That`s obviously the difference between Mice and Men :D .........your mates sitting at the end of the Roo bar with their backs to Walking Street enjoying the warmth of the sun would definitely not restrain their drinking habits to the nocturnal hours of the day :D

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yes your comment's are true but it seem's crazy to promote a city of peace when all you ever see in the paper's and tv is murder murder murder.

This is not completely true, you also see, robbery, scams, fightings and not forget the way are idolized the local authorities (chief from immigration, chief of police) and all the other crooks by the journalists, the real shame is that some of these journalists are farangs, that's the real shame, a*s kissers if you'd ask me... :o

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yes your comment's are true but it seem's crazy to promote a city of peace when all you ever see in the paper's and tv is murder murder murder.

This is not completely true, you also see, robbery, scams, fightings and not forget the way are idolized the local authorities (chief from immigration, chief of police) and all the other crooks by the journalists, the real shame is that some of these journalists are farangs, that's the real shame, a*s kissers if you'd ask me... :o

I assume alexth that you won`t be attending the annual press ball then? :D

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Fox, is there any contest for target practicing at journalists? :D :D :D

The only reason Dick Cheney shot the lawyer is because there weren't any journalists around to take aim at ! :o

Invite Dick "The Rifleman" Cheney to a target shoot at the Pattaya Shooting Club. Then invite the local media. Problem solved :D

The good part is, you won't have to get Dick all liquored up beforehand, because he'll probably do that on his own.

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Fox, is there any contest for target practicing at journalists? :D :D :D

The only reason Dick Cheney shot the lawyer is because there weren't any journalists around to take aim at ! :o

Invite Dick "The Rifleman" Cheney to a target shoot at the Pattaya Shooting Club. Then invite the local media. Problem solved :D

The good part is, you won't have to get Dick all liquored up beforehand, because he'll probably do that on his own.

Maybe it's time for a new Dick Chaney to reborn :D:D:D:D

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now sitting at a bar on Beach Rd with the sun on yer back and drinking a glass of the most delicious libation.

I'm just wondering about your choice of "libation...with the sun on yer back."

I hope it is a pot of tea.

It's only when the moon is "on yer back" that hard liquor should be poured down one's throat. :o

That`s obviously the difference between Mice and Men :D .........your mates sitting at the end of the Roo bar with their backs to Walking Street enjoying the warmth of the sun would definitely not restrain their drinking habits to the nocturnal hours of the day :D

I definately dont have my back to Walking Street when I drink there......I would miss too much...!!! :D

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now sitting at a bar on Beach Rd with the sun on yer back and drinking a glass of the most delicious libation.

I'm just wondering about your choice of "libation...with the sun on yer back."

I hope it is a pot of tea.

It's only when the moon is "on yer back" that hard liquor should be poured down one's throat. :o

That`s obviously the difference between Mice and Men :D .........your mates sitting at the end of the Roo bar with their backs to Walking Street enjoying the warmth of the sun would definitely not restrain their drinking habits to the nocturnal hours of the day :D

I definately dont have my back to Walking Street when I drink there......I would miss too much...!!! :D

you`re right mate...definitely more skins to see in the street than the old roo skin on the ceiling :D

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Pattaya, City of Piece (or "Pieces", 30,000 + Pieces).

If you can't find it in Pattaya, you don't want it.

Pattaya City

You wanna see sin of the wickedest kind?

Here it is!

You wanna see virtue left behind?

Here it is!

Sodom was vice

And visa-versa

You wanna say where the vice is worser?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

You wanna live life in the rottenest way?

Here it is!

Women and whiskey, night and day?

Here it is!

You wanna embrace the golden calf?

Ankle, and thigh, and upper half?

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

The Lord don't like it here

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Your reckoning day is near

Pattaya City

Pattaya City

Here's what he's gonna do

Gobble up this town

And swallow it down

And goodbye to you

Will you go to heaven?

Will you go to hel_l?

Either repent, or fare thee well

Gotta take care of Pattaya City

Comes the end, and it won't be pretty

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here it is!

Here it is!

I mean, here - it - is!

Aaaaaa men!

(swiped and amended from the musical "Paint Your Wagon", starring....... Clint Eastwood !)

Edited by Kerryd
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