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Interest Rates On Bangkok Bank Only 2Time On Year?

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.my girlfriend told me today the Bangkok bank give 2 time one year the interest rates on 25 June and tomorrow 25 July!

She say the interest rates, will be calculated from

The amount you have inside the bank on 25th of dec, when I would put 80000 bath in her acount, on that day it will not calculate monthly, can take out on next day and win 600 bath

Can someone confirm this?

Can I also do this on scb and kasikorn?

Maybe I open a 3. Bank acount on Bangkok bank, coz its the only bank in our area on country side

Can some one explain the rules in detail what I must do acount name type amount and total running time to get 2,75 interest rates put inside so much at one time, to get Maximum profit or 10000 Thb each month for 6 month?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Bangkok Bank gives you interest on your account in the months of June and December. The dates vary but will be on the Friday that is closest to the 15th of said month. Example, this month interest was paid on Friday 14 Dec. Back in June the 15th fell on a Friday so it was paid on that day. In December of 2011 it was paid on Friday the 16th.

Don't know about the "winning" 600 baht after having money in only 1 day. I think that can not be correct. People would do that all the time if that was the case. Also you will get no interest on any money put into an account now until June of 2013.

As for the other banks no idea how they work.

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Yeap, paid twice a year in mid Jun and Dec. I seriously, seriously doubt what the GF says about getting a full month's interest by just depositing some money a few days before the bank pays its semiannual interest. Wouldn't that be sweet...if true I expect every person in Thailand would be lining up at banks to deposit a bunch of money the day before interest is paid. You are still earning interest based on "how long" you have the money in the bank...usually earned/caculated on a monthly basis although at the core level for this monthly calculation they have a formula based on how many days during the month the money was on deposit. However, but, whatever money is earned it's paid out on a semiannual basis. From looking at my Bangkok Bank saving account interest for this year it was paid out on 15 Jun and 14 Dec.

Now if you put money into her account on 25 Dec it will indeed be a Christmas present for her....maybe she'll pay you 600 baht and then keep the principle.

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even for a 2.75% APR interest rate account, the govt. will tax you on the interest income - deducting directly from

the 2.75% rate, so therefore you may only get 2.25% in actual returns unless you have a standard savings account

which yields practically nothing. Also, the interest payout is twice a year maturing on the given dates as the members stated above.

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even for a 2.75% APR interest rate account, the govt. will tax you on the interest income - deducting directly from

the 2.75% rate, so therefore you may only get 2.25% in actual returns unless you have a standard savings account

which yields practically nothing. Also, the interest payout is twice a year maturing on the given dates as the members stated above.

I think for "fixed" savings accounts they are only paid on "maturity" not every six months like a regular savings account. Additionally, some fixed savings account don't even last 6 or 12 months where you would get payment(s) a the 6 month point(s). For example, I had a 11 month fixed savings account and it didnt' pay out until the 11th month...that particular fixed account matured in Aug and they paid the interest in Aug with no other interest payment earlier like at the 6 month point. For fixed accounts you are suppose to keep your money in for the fixed period or lose out on the higher interest and you can actually lose out on all the interest and/or just get the standard savings account interest if withdrawing funds before the end of the fixed period (maturity). I currently have a 5 month fixed savings account and it will pay out on the 5th month which will be Feb 13. In the terms of agreement that come with both of these Bangkok Bank fixed savings account it states, "The bank will pay interest upon on maturity."

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even for a 2.75% APR interest rate account, the govt. will tax you on the interest income - deducting directly from

the 2.75% rate, so therefore you may only get 2.25% in actual returns unless you have a standard savings account

which yields practically nothing. Also, the interest payout is twice a year maturing on the given dates as the members stated above.

dont forget you can claim the tax witheld on fixed accounts that have matured, in the next tax yr.all matured accs.for 2012 your can claim the tax.from 1st jan.2013.plenty of info forum.bank interest rates.
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