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Beware Day Time Armed Robbers


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I live in a village off Kho Noi and last week had a guy walk threw my front gate, (I had left it ajar) he was sculking about when my dog sniffed him and went bazerk, the c### ran off.

Yesterday a nieghbour/mate had a thai guy walk onto his property and ask if he was selling his bike, he said no and the guy pulled a gun (one of those homemade shotgun cartridge types) and demanded his laptop, my mate thinking the gun was fake refused and the thai guy shot at his head, missing by a fraction. My mate lunged at him but the robber fled. The cops wernt that interested. Be warned, they strike night and day.

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Living in a house around Pattaya seems awful, burglary, violent crime, neighbor problems, electric + water meter troubles... Then you have to use a car in the hell traffic or play with your life each time you cross sukhumvit on a motorbike bah.gif

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I think they dont care, they prefer prison, where they have free bed and food

and I am sure that problalmy they dont get to jail if they rob a house

maybe just a notice from cops or something

yes it is disturbing to me too, and many of these crime dont get reported on news, for example this guys friend was almost killed, nobody will know about it, police did not care etc.

There must be 20 times more murders and breakins that reported in newspapers

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I think they dont care, they prefer prison, where they have free bed and food

and I am sure that problalmy they dont get to jail if they rob a house

maybe just a notice from cops or something

yes it is disturbing to me too, and many of these crime dont get reported on news, for example this guys friend was almost killed, nobody will know about it, police did not care etc.

There must be 20 times more murders and breakins that reported in newspapers

Thais do not prefer going to prison for food & bed, Thai jails don't have beds they sleep on concrete floors and the food is terrible. If caught stealing they will go to jail as the vast majority will not have the money to bribe the police to let them go or negotiate a reduced sentence. To put the murder rate of foreigners in perspective last year around 840k UK nationals visited Thailand & the Embassy estimates 50k residing in Thailand. Last year there was two murders of British nationals in Thailand.

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I cannot be the only person that is finding these gun incidents disturbing. I work outside Thailand and use Thai Visa to catch up on the news whilst I am away from my lair in Jomtien.

The other regional forums don't seem to be reporting anything like the same news. You get the dead Farrang stories all over Thaland but the gun crime seems to be fairly localised to Pattaya.

Or is it just me ?

Poverty breeds crime. Grinding poverty breeds violent crime. In the main if any Thai wanted to they can get a job and get a wage. But there seems to be something inate in many of them that opt for an easy way out.

I blame the bloody awful education system. None of which, from what I can see, does not educate them in what can only be right from wrong. Thais grow up knowing that money talks, qualifications can be bought, jobs can be bought, bribery and corruption are accepted as normal.

A police force that pays such a pitiful wage they have the guys on the beat extorting money out of motorist to make a better living.

Is the start of a downward spiral of mad anarchy ? Is this going to be the Chicago of the 20's and 30's New York of the 70's and 80's ?

I sincerely hope not.


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Thais do not prefer going to prison for food & bed, Thai jails don't have beds they sleep on concrete floors and the food is terrible. If caught stealing they will go to jail as the vast majority will not have the money to bribe the police to let them go or negotiate a reduced sentence. To put the murder rate of foreigners in perspective last year around 840k UK nationals visited Thailand & the Embassy estimates 50k residing in Thailand. Last year there was two murders of British nationals in Thailand.

2 murders only but how many "suicides" ? :whistling:

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I think they dont care, they prefer prison, where they have free bed and food

and I am sure that problalmy they dont get to jail if they rob a house

maybe just a notice from cops or something

yes it is disturbing to me too, and many of these crime dont get reported on news, for example this guys friend was almost killed, nobody will know about it, police did not care etc.

There must be 20 times more murders and breakins that reported in newspapers

Thais do not prefer going to prison for food & bed, Thai jails don't have beds they sleep on concrete floors and the food is terrible. If caught stealing they will go to jail as the vast majority will not have the money to bribe the police to let them go or negotiate a reduced sentence. To put the murder rate of foreigners in perspective last year around 840k UK nationals visited Thailand & the Embassy estimates 50k residing in Thailand. Last year there was two murders of British nationals in Thailand.

There were two murders of Brits in one week a couple of months back so doubt that there has only been two all year.

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I think they dont care, they prefer prison, where they have free bed and food

and I am sure that problalmy they dont get to jail if they rob a house

maybe just a notice from cops or something

yes it is disturbing to me too, and many of these crime dont get reported on news, for example this guys friend was almost killed, nobody will know about it, police did not care etc.

There must be 20 times more murders and breakins that reported in newspapers

Thais do not prefer going to prison for food & bed, Thai jails don't have beds they sleep on concrete floors and the food is terrible. If caught stealing they will go to jail as the vast majority will not have the money to bribe the police to let them go or negotiate a reduced sentence. To put the murder rate of foreigners in perspective last year around 840k UK nationals visited Thailand & the Embassy estimates 50k residing in Thailand. Last year there was two murders of British nationals in Thailand.

There were two murders of Brits in one week a couple of months back so doubt that there has only been two all year.

Number of murders provided by British Embassy, so assume from 2011

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Living in a house around Pattaya seems awful, burglary, violent crime, neighbor problems, electric + water meter troubles... Then you have to use a car in the hell traffic or play with your life each time you cross sukhumvit on a motorbike bah.gif

Bangkok have none of the above?

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Living in a house around Pattaya seems awful, burglary, violent crime, neighbor problems, electric + water meter troubles... Then you have to use a car in the hell traffic or play with your life each time you cross sukhumvit on a motorbike bah.gif

and never any of the fairy queens are visiting houses. they are all busy consoling the little boys who live in condos because they can't afford a house.

living in a house is quite terrible but i find worst of all is crossing Sukhumvit on a motorcycle daily a dozen times. hold on... i don't have a motorcycle.

I read somewhere on TV about 2000 baht rooms, where do you find such cheap rooms ?


Edited by Naam
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I think they dont care, they prefer prison, where they have free bed and food

and I am sure that problalmy they dont get to jail if they rob a house

maybe just a notice from cops or something

yes it is disturbing to me too, and many of these crime dont get reported on news, for example this guys friend was almost killed, nobody will know about it, police did not care etc.

There must be 20 times more murders and breakins that reported in newspapers

Thais do not prefer going to prison for food & bed, Thai jails don't have beds they sleep on concrete floors and the food is terrible. If caught stealing they will go to jail as the vast majority will not have the money to bribe the police to let them go or negotiate a reduced sentence. To put the murder rate of foreigners in perspective last year around 840k UK nationals visited Thailand & the Embassy estimates 50k residing in Thailand. Last year there was two murders of British nationals in Thailand.

There were two murders of Brits in one week a couple of months back so doubt that there has only been two all year.

Number of murders provided by British Embassy, so assume from 2011

I don't care what the source is, I don't believe the statistics, as a percentage of either the resident British expat base and/or as a percentage of UK visitors, two murders doesn't seem to be a credible number - I'll do some digging.

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Try this:

"The number of deaths of British nationals' in Pattaya is hard to ascertain – though some sources claim that it is up to four every week, neither the FCO nor the Thai authorities have any data they are prepared to release. However, what can be speculated with some confidence is that of the 226 average annual deaths of British citizens in Thailand recorded by the FCO, a large percentage are in Pattaya. (The FCO refuse to list causes of deaths, so we must also speculate as to the reasons for this morbid hotspot. Anecdotal evidence suggests straightforward causes of death for some, such as road accidents and health problems; then there are the suspicious-sounding "suicides" – jumping from balconies seems to be a favoured method.)"

and this, which seems to nail things more closely:

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate. (There are thought to be about 50,000 British resident in the country at present.) "To create the kind of advice needed on murder rates would require a greater statistical base and more research," he says."


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Try this:

"The number of deaths of British nationals' in Pattaya is hard to ascertain – though some sources claim that it is up to four every week, neither the FCO nor the Thai authorities have any data they are prepared to release. However, what can be speculated with some confidence is that of the 226 average annual deaths of British citizens in Thailand recorded by the FCO, a large percentage are in Pattaya. (The FCO refuse to list causes of deaths, so we must also speculate as to the reasons for this morbid hotspot. Anecdotal evidence suggests straightforward causes of death for some, such as road accidents and health problems; then there are the suspicious-sounding "suicides" – jumping from balconies seems to be a favoured method.)"

and this, which seems to nail things more closely:

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate. (There are thought to be about 50,000 British resident in the country at present.) "To create the kind of advice needed on murder rates would require a greater statistical base and more research," he says."


The two murders in 2011 were actually provided by Andy Pearce during an expat briefing in Pattaya as a indication of the number & type of incidents that required assistance by Consular Services. He also mentioned that 23 UK nationals required assistance due to rape & sexual assaults - again assuming he was referring to 2011

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Try this:

"The number of deaths of British nationals' in Pattaya is hard to ascertain – though some sources claim that it is up to four every week, neither the FCO nor the Thai authorities have any data they are prepared to release. However, what can be speculated with some confidence is that of the 226 average annual deaths of British citizens in Thailand recorded by the FCO, a large percentage are in Pattaya. (The FCO refuse to list causes of deaths, so we must also speculate as to the reasons for this morbid hotspot. Anecdotal evidence suggests straightforward causes of death for some, such as road accidents and health problems; then there are the suspicious-sounding "suicides" – jumping from balconies seems to be a favoured method.)"

and this, which seems to nail things more closely:

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate. (There are thought to be about 50,000 British resident in the country at present.) "To create the kind of advice needed on murder rates would require a greater statistical base and more research," he says."


The two murders in 2011 were actually provided by Andy Pearce during an expat briefing in Pattaya as a indication of the number & type of incidents that required assistance by Consular Services. He also mentioned that 23 UK nationals required assistance due to rape & sexual assaults - again assuming he was referring to 2011

One suspects that FCO staff have two versions of their stories to tell, one to the town meeting of ovrseas expats and one back home to the newspapers, understandable, musn't say bad things about the host country nor scare resident expats.

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Try this:

"The number of deaths of British nationals' in Pattaya is hard to ascertain – though some sources claim that it is up to four every week, neither the FCO nor the Thai authorities have any data they are prepared to release. However, what can be speculated with some confidence is that of the 226 average annual deaths of British citizens in Thailand recorded by the FCO, a large percentage are in Pattaya. (The FCO refuse to list causes of deaths, so we must also speculate as to the reasons for this morbid hotspot. Anecdotal evidence suggests straightforward causes of death for some, such as road accidents and health problems; then there are the suspicious-sounding "suicides" – jumping from balconies seems to be a favoured method.)"

and this, which seems to nail things more closely:

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate. (There are thought to be about 50,000 British resident in the country at present.) "To create the kind of advice needed on murder rates would require a greater statistical base and more research," he says."


The two murders in 2011 were actually provided by Andy Pearce during an expat briefing in Pattaya as a indication of the number & type of incidents that required assistance by Consular Services. He also mentioned that 23 UK nationals required assistance due to rape & sexual assaults - again assuming he was referring to 2011

One suspects that FCO staff have two versions of their stories to tell, one to the town meeting of ovrseas expats and one back home to the newspapers, understandable, musn't say bad things about the host country nor scare resident expats.

Your starting to sound like an American conspiracy theorist regards government. UK Embassy had held meetings with Thai government (covered by the media) saying the level of scams & violence is unacceptable. FCO duty of care to keep UK nationals visiting/residing in Thailand informed of risks/threats e.g. the level of rape & sexual assaults that as far as I am aware has not been publicised.

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I know I have posted this in the past but same happened to us in Chatkeow 2 way back around 2004...........

Geezer waving a gun in the drive after climbing Gates.....Its a tuesday and when we EVENTUALLY manage to get hold of Plod we are told they can send someone on Thursday............

Total Farce......

House is sold and would NEVER return to live in Pattaya.......

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Try this:

"The number of deaths of British nationals' in Pattaya is hard to ascertain – though some sources claim that it is up to four every week, neither the FCO nor the Thai authorities have any data they are prepared to release. However, what can be speculated with some confidence is that of the 226 average annual deaths of British citizens in Thailand recorded by the FCO, a large percentage are in Pattaya. (The FCO refuse to list causes of deaths, so we must also speculate as to the reasons for this morbid hotspot. Anecdotal evidence suggests straightforward causes of death for some, such as road accidents and health problems; then there are the suspicious-sounding "suicides" – jumping from balconies seems to be a favoured method.)"

and this, which seems to nail things more closely:

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate. (There are thought to be about 50,000 British resident in the country at present.) "To create the kind of advice needed on murder rates would require a greater statistical base and more research," he says."


The two murders in 2011 were actually provided by Andy Pearce during an expat briefing in Pattaya as a indication of the number & type of incidents that required assistance by Consular Services. He also mentioned that 23 UK nationals required assistance due to rape & sexual assaults - again assuming he was referring to 2011

One suspects that FCO staff have two versions of their stories to tell, one to the town meeting of ovrseas expats and one back home to the newspapers, understandable, musn't say bad things about the host country nor scare resident expats.

Your starting to sound like an American conspiracy theorist regards government. UK Embassy had held meetings with Thai government (covered by the media) saying the level of scams & violence is unacceptable. FCO duty of care to keep UK nationals visiting/residing in Thailand informed of risks/threats e.g. the level of rape & sexual assaults that as far as I am aware has not been publicised.

Scams and violence is one thing, murder pushes things into an entirely different league, I suspect that's the difference in all of this. The other porint that's importan to make is that a verdict on any death is the sole responsibility of the authorities in the host country, the FCO et al doesn't have any say in that verdict although it can do as mentioned earlier and make candid reports/statements to the UK press, on home ground.

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I don't care what the source is, I don't believe the statistics, as a percentage of either the resident British expat base and/or as a percentage of UK visitors, two murders doesn't seem to be a credible number - I'll do some digging.

I did some digging, found two more in 2011. One of them occured in England, though. Crazy shit, this one.


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