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Hillary Clinton In Hospital With Blood Clot


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Dr. Gupta has not seen Mrs. Clinton's medical records nor tests. Although anti coagulants are not the usual treatment for concussion related blood clots, they are indeed used for the type of injury sustained by Mrs. Clinton. The state department released a very clear statement;

the Secretary experienced a blood clot “between the brain and the skull behind the right ear.”

Physicians that deal with such injuries see nothing unusual with the treatment;

If the clot occurs in the space between the brain and the skull, says Dr. David Hovda, director of the University of California Los Angeles Brain Injury Research Center, the concern would be ensuring that any clogged vessels are unobstructed so blood that has circulated through the brain and is on its way back to the heart is flowing freely. In older patients, this space is slightly more expansive than that among younger people, since the brain tends to shrink gradually with age.

Schwamm, who has not treated Clinton but has treated patients with concussions and clots, says there are two other, relatively rare scenarios in which the concussion itself might lead to a need for blood thinners. Clinton apparently hit her head after a fall while dehydrated from a stomach virus, and if her head were twisted on impact, small tears, or dissections, might have shredded the arteries that feed blood to the brain, leading to clots. Blockages in these arteries can prevent the brain from receiving the oxygen-rich blood it needs, leading to a stroke, so doctors often use blood thinning drugs to prevent clots from growing. The other possibility, Schwamm says, is that the clot formed in the veins that drain blood from the brain, so the danger of having that flow interrupted and backing up in the brain would also require treatment with anticoagulants.

And this;

In such cases, says , doctors turn to blood thinning medications to ensure that blood flow out of the brain is not interrupted; such obstruction can cause permanent swelling and damage to brain tissue.- Dr. Goeff Manley, professor of neurological surgery at University of California San Francisco

Seriously, can't you give your obsession with a coverup conspiracy a rest?

In short, Dr. Gupta's opinion is to be discounted because he hasn't seen Hillary's medical records or tests, but at the same time we are supposed to believe Dr. Manley and Dr. Hovda even though they probably haven't seen them either.

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In short, Dr. Gupta's opinion is to be discounted because he hasn't seen Hillary's medical records or tests, but at the same time we are supposed to believe Dr. Manley and Dr. Hovda even though they probably haven't seen them either.


Gupta commented in a general way about the use of anti coagulants. Chuckd used that comment as an excuse to claim that it was doubtful that anticoagulants would be used in the treatment of brain trauma clot. The 3 brain injury experts gave specific reasons as to why the anticoagulant medication would be used, because of the specifics of the injury, that were made public. In fairness to Gupta, who has been taken out of context, he was unaware of he clot specifics and was commenting on the subject in general. To date, NOT ONE medical expert has stated that the treatment is in appropriate.

Please show me one brain injury expert that supports the position of the conspiracy contingent.

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In short, Dr. Gupta's opinion is to be discounted because he hasn't seen Hillary's medical records or tests, but at the same time we are supposed to believe Dr. Manley and Dr. Hovda even though they probably haven't seen them either.


Gupta commented in a general way about the use of anti coagulants. Chuckd used that comment as an excuse to claim that it was doubtful that anticoagulants would be used in the treatment of brain trauma clot. The 3 brain injury experts gave specific reasons as to why the anticoagulant medication would be used, because of the specifics of the injury, that were made public. In fairness to Gupta, who has been taken out of context, he was unaware of he clot specifics and was commenting on the subject in general. To date, NOT ONE medical expert has stated that the treatment is in appropriate.

Please show me one brain injury expert that supports the position of the conspiracy contingent.

Would you like to be truthful for a change and tell me where I made this claim...


"Chuckd used that comment as an excuse to claim that it was doubtful that anticoagulants would be used in the treatment of brain trauma clot.


If your reading skills are still operative, you will notice I merely posed a question supported by an NBC new report.

My original post said...


"If the alleged concussion caused a blood clot near her brain, why are they treating it with anti-coagulants (blood thinner)?

Both CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and this article are questioning that?


Gupta was NOT taken out of context by me. Did you hear his comments immediately after the information surfaced that anti-coagulants were being used?

I heard him this morning on the Anderson Cooper show reverse his position, further explaining why he said what he did. Did you, by any chance hear him this time?

Yeah, I thought not!

Stop attacking the messenger. It does you no favors.

Edited by me.

Edited by chuckd
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I don't think she fell or had a concussion ... I think she popped a bleeder in the brain from the stress of the Bengazi fiasco... and they just thought they had it under control - now they don't ... A simple fall - a bump on the head can be forgotten in the political world and not endanger the politician's future... But a brain aneurism - no matter how small can be the end of a political career... so hide it at all cost... and it is all so very convenient relative congressional testimony... But brain aneurisms are funny ... VP Joe Biden had one - fairly serious one... didn't bother him at all - oh yeah it did I think...But old crazy Joe did manage to get elected twice to VP ... could be wrong - maybe it is a path to political success after all...

Ah, yes - scandal rising!

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I hope Hillary recovers, I really do. I did not like her one bit as First Lady. I can understand why Bill would cheat on her. Snaking into a Senate seat in New York where she never lived was typical. BUT...since then I think she has been one of the better statesmen/women we've had. Unlike some, she has put in the time and had years of experience in gov't and was infinitely more deserving for the nomination in 2008.

That said, "naive" is the polite word to describe people who didn't see anything suspicious in her suddenly having an illness and concussion right before she was to testify. A condition so bad she never even needed to go to the hospital? It appears now that maybe she should have gone to the hospital in the first place. That is IF the clot is even connected to the mystery concussion. As someone has already posted, she has traveled one heckuva lot and that could be the real cause. If it is related, her doctors should be out of work by tomorrow morning.

In any case, I wish her well. My brother died from a blood clot last year that had gone undetected. Hillary at least has a better chance.

<A condition so bad she never even needed to go to the hospital?>

Why go to the hospital when she's so rich she can pay for the "hospital" to come to her?

<was infinitely more deserving for the nomination in 2008>

I 100% agree, despite her telling porkies about "landing under fire in a war zone". We'd all be better off if she had won.

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