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Bullying Red Shirt Tenants Beat Elderly Landlord


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Sorry take off your blinkers and react in a way that indicates some measure of common sense and openly applied logic. I'm afraid your comments simply serve as a window to your own personal prejudices.

You have no idea that their political sympathies had anything to do with their tenancy; a deposit and references are the more usual formalities. Similarly you have no idea whether or not these allegations hold any water. You are taking allegations, here say & selective quotes obtained from selective questioning and forming these into "facts" to support your rants... not a great start! Should we do the same with the Abhisit case? Is he actually a murderous thug because he has been accused or should we perhaps wait an actual trial and conviction before labelling him such and extending that label to all his peers simply by proxy?

What Mrs Chalee assumed is irrelevant as is what political party the alleged attackers support, their skin colour, their religious leanings and what they ate for breakfast; these points are all similarly and equally irrelevant!

These men were also Thai nationals and devote Buddhists. Would the alleged actions of these men be definitive proof that all Thais and all Buddhists are morally corrupt and violent? Or perhaps because they are men we should take it as definitive proof that all men are violent?! Personally I think one need only read the headline to get a good indication that this incident is being politicised and used as a deliberate propaganda tool... Bullying tenants beat Landlord would have sufficed if the intention wasn't to pervert the incident into a political tool. Pretty shameful really.

Terrible incident and if the allegations are true these guys should be tried, convicted and jailed post haste but I don't see that the responsibility for their actions rests with anyone but themselves as individuals.

It's not like the PTP or Red Shirt's ever politicize anything... i guess its fine for them to do so, but should anyone else dare to try... (double standards!)

Yes, clearly two wrongs doth a right make, let's abandon common sense and logic in favour of making unsubstantiated sweeping generalisations about groups of people based on their nationality, sex, political leanings, religious views... because well someone else has at some point so it's cool! Adolph, is that you?

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Who still thinks the red shirts are good people after this incident? Doesn't give a lot of hope for the country. Lets hope more of thier activities are made known to the public.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

They claimed to be red shirts. That may have just been an intimidation ploy. Regardless. condemning a whole group based on the actions of 3 individuals is unreasonable (in my opinion). If the shooter at the New Years celebration was found to be a democrat would that justify condemning all democrats?

It's pretty simple really. It's the action of the rest of the red shirts that will condemn them over the actions of these 3 individuals. I very much the red shirts will punish these 3 nor expel them from the movement.

Quite right. That is indeed the key.

Any large group, be it a radical political group, or be it a charitable fund raising group, can potentially contain within it members who act badly, who act illegally, or who act violently, and that should not in any way reflect upon the other members of that group or the group itself. There is however one proviso to that... the group can not stay silent on the matter of those bad eggs within their ranks, the group must come out and condemn those members and forthwith totally disassociate themselves from them. If they don't do that, if they remain silent, or if they try and justify the actions of those members, well then at that point, the actions of those "bad" members do reflect on the group as whole and do reflect on all the "good" members.

Sounds similar to the arguments over Khanchit on here - at least these cannot use the serving MP excuse to hide from justice. The correct place to deal with these lowlifes is the criminal courts and, if found guilty, they should be punished accordingly.

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Who still thinks the red shirts are good people after this incident? Doesn't give a lot of hope for the country. Lets hope more of thier activities are made known to the public.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

They claimed to be red shirts. That may have just been an intimidation ploy. Regardless. condemning a whole group based on the actions of 3 individuals is unreasonable (in my opinion). If the shooter at the New Years celebration was found to be a democrat would that justify condemning all democrats?

Claiming to be a red shirt is an act of intimidation? I'd have to agree. Far more frightening than threatening to beat the old guy unconscious for 4 days.

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53 elderly? I think not. 53 is the new 45.

The 'elderly' was used the describe the wife who's 67.

That's not how the fine news article reads. The young man of 53 was beaten, not the wife, yes? Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, clearly two wrongs doth a right make, let's abandon common sense and logic in favour of making unsubstantiated sweeping generalisations about groups of people based on their nationality, sex, political leanings, religious views... because well someone else has at some point so it's cool! Adolph, is that you?

Tell that to the current sitting government (and their band of red thugs) who preach 'reconciliation' but practice the exact opposite!

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53 elderly? I think not. 53 is the new 45.

The 'elderly' was used the describe the wife who's 67.

That's not how the fine news article reads. The young man of 53 was beaten, not the wife, yes?

Now slowly, read my lips while I say this smile.png

"A 53-year-old landlord in Sriracha was badly beaten by a group of tenants after refusing to illegally re-hook the electricity to their rooms. The men claimed to be security officers of the Red Shirts party. The victim’s elderly wife had been bullied into letting the tenants rent the rooms."

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53 elderly? I think not. 53 is the new 45.

The 'elderly' was used the describe the wife who's 67.

That's not how the fine news article reads. The young man of 53 was beaten, not the wife, yes?

Now slowly, read my lips while I say this smile.png

"A 53-year-old landlord in Sriracha was badly beaten by a group of tenants after refusing to illegally re-hook the electricity to their rooms. The men claimed to be security officers of the Red Shirts party. The victim’s elderly wife had been bullied into letting the tenants rent the rooms."

The headline reads:

Bullying Red Shirt Tenants Beat Elderly Landlord

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Yes, clearly two wrongs doth a right make, let's abandon common sense and logic in favour of making unsubstantiated sweeping generalisations about groups of people based on their nationality, sex, political leanings, religious views... because well someone else has at some point so it's cool! Adolph, is that you?

Tell that to the current sitting government (and their band of red thugs) who preach 'reconciliation' but practice the exact opposite!

Was that an attempt at irony or are you unaware of the hypocrisy of that statement? On TV one never knows...

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That's not how the fine news article reads. The young man of 53 was beaten, not the wife, yes?

Now slowly, read my lips while I say this smile.png

"A 53-year-old landlord in Sriracha was badly beaten by a group of tenants after refusing to illegally re-hook the electricity to their rooms. The men claimed to be security officers of the Red Shirts party. The victim’s elderly wife had been bullied into letting the tenants rent the rooms."

The headline reads:

Bullying Red Shirt Tenants Beat Elderly Landlord

You're right, absolutely right. My excuses.

Now the follow-up. Shall I write a nasty letter to the "pattayadailynews" site or will you do? I mean, with both my parents at 85 at the moment I'm not only used to being descibed as 'youngster' at 57, but even grew to like the idea tongue.png

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whistling.gif I have no proof that they were "Red shirt" supporters or not, I can only go by what the newspaper article said.

But I will say, that IF that is true, I would expect and require that they be expelled or at least disciplined by the leaders of the Red Shirts for their actions.

But, unfortunately, I personally doubt that will happen.

I am prepared, however, to publically thank and praise the Red Shirt leaders IF the reports turn out to be true AND if because of the actions of these alleged Red Shirts members they are expelled from the Red Shirt party.

But. frankly. as I said, I don't believe that will happen .. ever.

We'll just have to wait and see, won't we.

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Who still thinks the red shirts are good people after this incident? Doesn't give a lot of hope for the country. Lets hope more of thier activities are made known to the public.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

I hate the red shirts and all that they stand for but I would not go as far to say that they were responsible for this beating. The thugs concerned may have been members or may not have been - one should wait for the evidence and not condemn the red shirts out of hand for something for which they may not have been responsible. On the other hand, the fact that the gullible landlord and his wife showed respect to these people because they claimed to be red shirts shows just how easily manipulated these country folk are and why the Thaksin movement has so much power. Frightening.

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53 elderly? I think not. 53 is the new 45.

About the red shirt people accused of this crime, I am no fan of the red shirt thing, but it is not fair to paint all red shirt people with the same brush. Some are violent criminals, some are not, like any other grouping of humans.

Maybe in America. But not in Thailand, where 40 is too often the new 65.

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We look forward to the assertion that these guys were 'fake' reds.

On the other hand well within the style boundaries of what was going on in 2010.

Theres no facts to say they were red shirt supporters or not just a headline. But assuming they were does that mean all the other colour party's do not contain THUGS like these scum? Or do you and several other posters on this topic beleive all Red Shirts are tard with the same brush?

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Or do you and several other posters on this topic beleive all Red Shirts are tard with the same brush?


nuff said

I can only speak for myself, but it looks like all red-shirts have seen the light of righteousness, democracy and Thaksin. Does that count as 'tarred with the same brush' or just as 'birds of the same feathers'?

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Sorry take off your blinkers and react in a way that indicates some measure of common sense and openly applied logic. I'm afraid your comments simply serve as a window to your own personal prejudices.

You have no idea that their political sympathies had anything to do with their tenancy; a deposit and references are the more usual formalities. Similarly you have no idea whether or not these allegations hold any water. You are taking allegations, here say & selective quotes obtained from selective questioning and forming these into "facts" to support your rants... not a great start! Should we do the same with the Abhisit case? Is he actually a murderous thug because he has been accused or should we perhaps wait an actual trial and conviction before labelling him such and extending that label to all his peers simply by proxy?

What Mrs Chalee assumed is irrelevant as is what political party the alleged attackers support, their skin colour, their religious leanings and what they ate for breakfast; these points are all similarly and equally irrelevant!

These men were also Thai nationals and devote Buddhists. Would the alleged actions of these men be definitive proof that all Thais and all Buddhists are morally corrupt and violent? Or perhaps because they are men we should take it as definitive proof that all men are violent?! Personally I think one need only read the headline to get a good indication that this incident is being politicised and used as a deliberate propaganda tool... Bullying tenants beat Landlord would have sufficed if the intention wasn't to pervert the incident into a political tool. Pretty shameful really.

Terrible incident and if the allegations are true these guys should be tried, convicted and jailed post haste but I don't see that the responsibility for their actions rests with anyone but themselves as individuals.

Here we go again, let bring out that old chestnut. But what about Ahibist? What the hell does he have to do with this post. Try sticking to the topic for a change. This constant misdirection is a poor defence and illistrates the lack of credability of your arguement.

Wow, selective reading to go with your selective reasoning!

IMHO my entire post was well on topic and while I don't believe it's your or my place to monitor whether it is or isn't, I do feel your reaction falls a tad short. Rather than responding to the one line in my post that drew a comparison to the Abhisit case, in a deliberate effort to appeal to rational thought even in your evidently biased mind, try responding to the actual content!!!

If your logic was sound I could write off every group of people under the sun as violent thugs in one post, with supporting evidence! Women, men, Christians, Muslims, entire races and creeds will be brushed aside by my cunning use of Waza's "Bad Apple" Logic... or we could just use some modicum of common sense thumbsup.gif

Well I have to admit you are right Ferangled, how can I argue against such insightful logic as yours. Of course they couldn't have been red-shirts, must have been fake red-shirts who are influence by that murderous thug Abihist. After all a true red-shirt believer wouldn't dare to cast a shadow upon such a highly respected organisation as the red-shirts and their demi-god Thaksin. But if they are true believers then that yellow shirt propaganda rag has misreported again and these poor chap were in reality being taken advantage of by their evil landlord and he deserved a jolly good thumping by the 4 of them.

Edited by waza
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I'm sure the red shirt sympathizers wil lbe along in a minute to defend the actions of these thugs and somehow lay blame on the landlord...

Oh, looks like i might be a little late with that comment... "smear tactic"

How about we wait until the identity of the attacker is confirmed?

How many times have we seen claims made in some media outlets, only to have the stories modified?

I claim to be the prince of Moonbatislavia. Do you believe me?And even if the Redshirt link is true, do you actually believe this sort of illegality would be condoned by the UDD? I put it to you that if this man is linked to the UDD and has embarassed the group, he will not be protected.

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I'm sure the red shirt sympathizers wil lbe along in a minute to defend the actions of these thugs and somehow lay blame on the landlord...

Oh, looks like i might be a little late with that comment... "smear tactic"

How about we wait until the identity of the attacker is confirmed?

How many times have we seen claims made in some media outlets, only to have the stories modified?

I claim to be the prince of Moonbatislavia. Do you believe me?And even if the Redshirt link is true, do you actually believe this sort of illegality would be condoned by the UDD? I put it to you that if this man is linked to the UDD and has embarassed the group, he will not be protected.

Uh, you're not from the Moon blink.png

'not be condoned by the UDD' and 'he will not be protected' sounds just like you're actually contradicting yourself. Peacefully, within the law, of courserolleyes.gif

Edited by rubl
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I'm sure the red shirt sympathizers wil lbe along in a minute to defend the actions of these thugs and somehow lay blame on the landlord...

Oh, looks like i might be a little late with that comment... "smear tactic"

How about we wait until the identity of the attacker is confirmed?

How many times have we seen claims made in some media outlets, only to have the stories modified?

I claim to be the prince of Moonbatislavia. Do you believe me?And even if the Redshirt link is true, do you actually believe this sort of illegality would be condoned by the UDD? I put it to you that if this man is linked to the UDD and has embarassed the group, he will not be protected.

At last some common sense, well said GK

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Or do you and several other posters on this topic beleive all Red Shirts are tard with the same brush?


nuff said

I can only speak for myself, but it looks like all red-shirts have seen the light of righteousness, democracy and Thaksin. Does that count as 'tarred with the same brush' or just as 'birds of the same feathers'?

No I see alot of xenophobia over a headline

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I put it to you that if this man is linked to the UDD and has embarassed the group, he will not be protected.

The likes of Jatuporn and Arisman, to name but a few, haven't embarrassed the group?

That a naughty question, totally off topic, and only shows your total disrespect for the popular mandate. Two months in one of the red schools should teach you to see things in the proper light wink.png

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Or do you and several other posters on this topic beleive all Red Shirts are tard with the same brush?


nuff said

I can only speak for myself, but it looks like all red-shirts have seen the light of righteousness, democracy and Thaksin. Does that count as 'tarred with the same brush' or just as 'birds of the same feathers'?

When a post combines "red shirts" and "tarred" and "feathers", it brings a smile to my face.

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